Lin Shuyu's eyes swept across Amanozaki's mermaid line, and then he turned sideways to avoid suspicion as if he suddenly realized: "Then what is her status today?"

Amanozaki shook his head while buttoning his buttons: "I don't know."

"Don't know?" Lin Shuyu stared and looked at Amanozaki in disbelief: "You don't know your superpower?"

"Please, Miss Lin." Amanozaki started to put on his shoes, "My power is intelligent. Before I met her, I really didn't know her identity."

"By the way, where is the bathroom? I want to wash my face, but my eyes are blurred by the shit in my eyes."

Amanozaki looked at the hand that was wearing the shoe, hesitated for a while, and finally gave up the action that might cause eye infection. He regretted not rubbing his eyes first, and could only look at Lin Shuyu with a grimace and pleading.

Lin Shuyu pointed to the mobile toilet at the foot of the hillside speechlessly. She looked at Amanozaki who squinted his eyes and rushed down the mountain. The young man's shirt was wet in the mist, and his powerful muscle lines were outlined, revealing something that seemed to be... The seemingly invisible white looks quite attractive.

Lin Shuyu finally understood why men on the Internet always reacted so strongly to wearing stockings, especially flesh-colored stocking legs.

Amanozaki continued to run towards him, and the golden light dyed him with a golden edge, making him look dazzling. Lin Shuyu held the tablet and just stared at it, feeling that all thoughts were gone.

"Ah~ I appreciate the beauty of the world." She murmured in a low voice. At this time, a shirtless knight, covered in wet mud and obviously sleeping on the ground for half the night, came over:

"Miss, may I ask where the bathroom is? We brothers would like to use some water."

This colloquial language made Lin Shuyu frown. She had never heard the unscrupulous talk of "letting water", "peeing" and "shitting" between old men before. In addition, she was appreciating the energetic scenes of handsome men running in the sun. After getting mixed up, his mood became even worse. He just snorted "I don't know" and went down the mountain.

After taking two steps, she turned back, checked the bedside table and bed, and took everything away.

She still has a lot of work to do and can't rest now.

"Hey, that's weird!" The knight who was left behind scratched his unshaven chin and said to his friends next to him, "This girl just pointed out the location of the toilet to that guy, why didn't you tell me?"

"Who do you think you are? You don't even take a pee and look in the mirror, you're like a bear!" The friend shouted without hesitation, "I told you that if I were to replace you, I would definitely get the girl's contact information. You It’s better to be ugly than to be aware of it.”


The bathroom was not clean, the floor was full of muddy water and dusty shoe prints.

These are the traces left by the construction team who worked overtime at night. Amanozaki smelled the smell of urea and ammonia in the air and wiped his face quickly to wash away the eye mucus.

"If I had known I wouldn't have eaten so many oysters last night, it would have made me angry." Amanozaki muttered and pushed open the toilet door, rubbed his eyes and walked out, bumping into the shoulder of a passerby.

He took two steps to the left, continued walking, and bumped into someone's shoulder again.

"No, what's going on? The road faces the sky and you go on both sides. Bro, what are you doing with these pillar-like pestles here? Don't you work?"

Amanozaki complained as he rubbed his eyes.

The hit passer-by pointed to the sky and shouted in Shuyu dialect in amazement: "Alas Wori! Look at the angels coming!"

"This is China, and the angels are from the West. We in China won't eat that...fuck!"

Amanozaki opened his eyes and complained at first, but after seeing the figure slowly descending in the sky, he didn't hold back and screamed out.

With a wingspan of 3 meters, it is as white as snow. Her long pink hair was tied into two long braids by a red rotating ribbon, her green eyes were natural and pure, her silver-toned dress had black patterns, and her pleated skirt was so gentle that it covered her thighs. Her private parts were blocked, and her light blue knee-high socks were mostly covered by white leg armor. The girl's arms also wore arm armor of the same style.

As the wings flapped gently, countless white feathers fell down and disappeared after landing.

The sun shines all over the girl's body, making her look sacred and noble.

It's like a divine revelation.

If this were in the West, countless people would have knelt down to worship, right? Amanozaki thought so.

But this is China.

Moreover, the people near the ruins were either knights or government officials, so everyone's vigilance and awareness were quite high.

So after the initial shock and surprise, everyone became furious, and many knights even pulled out their weapons. Their brows and eyes were full of anger, their eyes were hanging, and their pale teeth were exposed as they shouted and cursed:

"This is China! How dare you, a birdman, to intrude into the interior of China!? Get out of here!"

The angel looked at the noisy crowd below with pure eyes. She slowly descended. Only then did everyone see clearly that the angel was holding a round thing in her arms, protecting it with great care.

It was a watermelon, a very beautiful watermelon.

certainly delicious.

Seeing this, Amanozaki was shocked. He raised his hands, strengthened his vocal cords with magic, and shouted like a lion: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding! It's all a misunderstanding!"

He trotted into the crowd and said with an apologetic smile to the knights sharpening their swords: "This is my girlfriend!"

The surveillance cameras inserted around the camp captured this scene and uploaded it to the monitoring centers of various branches and consortiums. Since the Yushan Branch had the most data on Amanosaki, it responded the fastest. The Intelligence Department quickly transferred Amanosaki's information. Comparing the paintings uploaded in the Fenghuaxueyue section, the corresponding vertical painting was found in a few seconds.

The vertical painting is called "Icarus". It shows a girl holding a watermelon with a "Nidaime" sticker on it. Her eyes are full of confusion. Her clothes are more sexual than combat uniforms, as if they are some kind of sexy costume.

If Amanozaki had been present at the Information Section, he would have nodded in deep understanding. Roufan is not very interesting.

But if

The Yushan Sub-rudder Intelligence Section passed the information confirmed by the sub-rudder to other organizations, and the alarm was lifted.

"What? You scared us, you thought you were a foreign spy."

The knights murmured, and Amanozaki saw regretful looks on their faces. Instead of being frightened, they were clearly disappointed!

These guys are eager for foreign spies to fall into their hands, so that they can take advantage of the opportunity to make meritorious deeds and be trending!

If they can get the excuse of foreign spies, these people might secretly use the slogan "The hatred of nine generations can still be restored" and lurk in foreign countries!

"What a bunch of war madmen! Have you gone to this extent just for the sake of your heroic reputation?"

Amanozaki felt like he was sweating profusely as he looked at these camps that had returned to their lazy appearance and were full of construction traces and materials like dormitories at a construction site.

For the first time, he had a clear understanding of "a chivalrous person who breaks the law with force".

I'm afraid these people are like some generals in the army in peacetime, who "happy to hear war", right? Only with war can one's lifelong learning be put to use; only with war can one have military exploits; only with war can one become famous. No one cares about generals in peacetime, but people still talk about generals in wars thousands of years later.

Amanozaki had unprecedented awe for the top management of the group.

What kind of heroes are the management who can suppress these war-crazy people!

"Nozaki, I'm scared."

The voice of the girl holding the watermelon sounded here, and it seemed to be far away in the sky. The ethereal voice was not mixed with a trace of emotion.

Amanozaki wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at the girl close at hand.

Icarus, the heroine in the anime "Skyfall", likes to refer to the male protagonist as the "protagonist" and calls herself the 'universal angel for entertainment'. In fact, she is the 'universal angel for strategy' and was created by 'God' A war weapon that even the gods themselves cannot control, nicknamed the 'Queen of the Sky'.

Possessing the ability to grant all wishes, which is comparable to the "Universal Wishing Machine" - the Universal Card, possessing the weapon 'Apollo' which can destroy a country with one strike after complete liberation, and the 'Uranus System' which can destroy the atmosphere at will with normal attacks. '...

Thinking of this, Amanozaki pressed his forehead worriedly.

There is no doubt that Ikaros' true strength far exceeds that of the sub-rudder level, and it is also difficult to find an opponent at the general helm level, that is, at the national level.

No! It should be said that her strength during the full victory period is world-class!

He must not let Qunxiashan know what potential his wife has today, otherwise...

He recalled in his mind those knights whose anger was mixed with excitement and fanatical gazes, and he shuddered in his heart.

There must be hawks among the heroes in the mountains. If they know that Icarus has the combat power to destroy a small country with one blow, then he has reason to believe that even if she made so many arrangements for herself yesterday, those crazy hawks will definitely Try your best to increase your visibility!

It is conceivable that the [ideal type] who got the template of [Icarus] also inherited the naturalness and cuteness of Icarus. She is easier to bluff than yesterday's Yubaba who was good at meditating and dancing!

As long as the hawks are willing, they can easily find a reason to separate themselves and Icarus, and then use "your man has been kidnapped by a foreign country" as an excuse to trick Icarus into launching a war!

"Gan! I never thought I would be so afraid of fame!"

Amanozaki scratched his hair, sweating even more.

The thought of what he might call the trigger for the end of the world made him feel like he was carrying an unbearable weight.

"Damn it, the [ideal type] won't become Unit 2 in EVA tomorrow, right? I remember that in the anime, Unit 2 merged with Shinji Yodo's mother, and Unit 2 also became a female... If that's really the case, I’m afraid I can’t hide it anymore.”

Amanozaki was thinking wildly, and his sleepiness had long been shattered by the huge concepts of national affairs, world peace, etc., and he was sweating like rain.

A cold little hand pressed on his face that was hot due to overthinking. It was so cool that he couldn't help but rub it.

"Nozaki, I feel very confused. You can tell Icarus."

A pair of huge wings surrounded Amanozaki, and the girl who was one head taller than Amanozaki was suspended, holding Amanozaki in her arms.

Amanozaki's face was covered with two plump balls, and the soft and cool "justice" made Amanozaki indulge in it for a while.

Those important family and national affairs, worries about whether the earth could see the sun tomorrow were all squeezed away by his straight chest. Amanozaki shook his head unconsciously, burying his head deeper and deeper.

"If you have any worries, let Icarus share them. I will never leave Nozaki." The girl's chin rested on Amanozaki's head, rubbing it gently.

Amanozaki then remembered that Icarus, who always liked to be called "Master" in the anime, never called him that, but called him by his first name.

She is indeed different from the anime. Although the Ikaros in front of her has become natural, she is still his girlfriend. She is the Hyuga Hinata who beats the evil heretic, the degrading Seria, and the The A-strength Tohsaka Rin is the Yubaba full of wisdom and foresight.

It is his unique [ideal type].

"I must protect her!" Amanozaki, who was buried in softness, secretly made up his mind.

Chapter 66: Collecting Folk Songs

[Reserve Identity: Yubaba (Current Popularity: 98% Well-Known)]

Amanozaki took Ikaros's hand and walked into the big tent with the word "xia" tattooed on it.

Lin Shuyu, who was sitting in front of a row of monitors, tapped the keyboard with her fingers, her eyes flashing with supernatural light, and gently raised her chin:

"How arrogant! You just left without caring about so much money?"

Amanozaki then noticed that there were several bags piled on the table. He picked them up with one hand, and the faint golden light made him dizzy.


Amanozaki turned his head to look at Ikaros who was holding a watermelon.

Ikaros still looked innocent: "I collected the bathing fee yesterday. I wanted to save some money for Nozaki yesterday to buy a good set of painting tools and a house."

Amanozaki rubbed his eyes with emotion.

What a good woman!

Lin Shuyu frowned as she watched the two people getting closer and closer, about to kiss each other. She sharply illustrated: "You said yesterday, what about now?"

Ikaros looked at Lin Shuyu. She knew clearly that this capable and beautiful girl in front of her liked Amanozaki, but somehow, Ikaros, who was hostile to her yesterday, now had no resentment in her heart.

It should be said that except for Amanozaki and the round and cute watermelon in her arms that was decaying every moment, she didn't care about anyone.

So the frank Ikaros answered every question:

"I want to buy a field and plant watermelons with Amanozaki."

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