Ikaros still held the watermelon, but she spread one of her wings to cover Amanozaki and block the sun for him.

The expressionless girl held an old popsicle worth 50 cents in her mouth and looked around aimlessly.

Amanozaki also held an old popsicle in his mouth, with a satisfied light in his eyes.

He was rich now, and the heavy gold and banknotes and checks made his waist ache. Ikaros used her "Strategic Universal Angel" monitoring method to collect gold prices from the gold futures market, plus various checks and fragmentary gems. Now it is estimated that Amanozaki's assets have exceeded four million.

It is enough for him to buy two fully decorated second-hand houses in the second ring of Yushan.

"Is this the feeling of achieving financial freedom?"

Amanozaki nibbled the old popsicle leisurely, and finally had a feeling of "being happy here and not wanting to leave".

In this world, he had wealth that he might not have been able to save in his lifetime before crossing over, and there was a film and television that was about to be filmed to spread the two-dimensional culture.

Amanozaki looked up at Ikaros, who was constantly emitting cold air like an ice machine under the sun, pushing away the scorching air, and thought to himself that he had a legal harem girlfriend.

He also became a knight and had the power to stand up.

Very satisfied, very satisfied, so satisfied that it made him want to sing.

So he said to Ikaros: "Ikaros, I remember you have the [Universal Card], right? I went out without headphones, can you give me a pair with the card?"

Ikaros's green eyes flickered a few times, and he calmly refused:

"In this world, I can't contact Synaps of "Heaven's Lost Property", and I can't use the [Universal Card] to take out any items from it."

Then a stream of data emerged from her hand, and a six-barreled Gatling heavy machine gun was held by the girl in one hand. Ikaros asked in a harmless tone: "Except for the external energy card, the conventional weapons I carry can be used normally, Nozaki, do you need any help?"

"No need." Amanozaki shrugged and rejected Ikaros's attempt to use arms to help him get a pair of headphones, "I thought you could Like Yubaba, you can get anything easily. "

Ikaros continued to answer: "In theory, I can get anything in this world by physical means, but Nozaki does not allow it. Yubaba's method is witchcraft, which essentially uses the supernatural power of this world to activate, and my [Universal Card] is a transmission device that obtains props from Synapses, which can realize people's wishes, but the premise is that I can contact Synapses. "

The girl pointed at herself, her calm face seemed like a certain three-nothing: "My current popularity is too low, and I can't summon Synapses in this world, so the [Universal Card] as a transmission device is just a decoration. "

"I understand. "

After listening to Ikaros's rambling, Amanozaki slapped his thigh and cheered up.

Ikaros also has desires, she wants to improve her popularity.

Amanozaki grabbed the tablet and rubbed an emerald the size of the tip of her little finger in her hand, slowly injected magic power, and prepared to draw some pictures for Ikaros in the morning.

He raised one foot to sell the air conditioning circle made by Ikaros, but suddenly took it back and looked at the girl suspiciously:

"I say, you want to increase your popularity, don't you want to give yourself a whole watermelon pet that will not deteriorate?"

The three-no girl turned her head away and didn't look at Amanozaki.

"Hey! Look into my eyes, Ikaros."

"Nozaki, you talk too much."

"Ikaros, you are thinking about the watermelon instead of me. As your boyfriend, I am very hurt." Amanozaki covered his chest and felt heartbroken.

Ikaros puffed up his face like a hamster and said nothing.

"Look at me, Ikaros! Why are you just standing there!?"


In the end, Amanozaki couldn't overcome the status of watermelon in Ikaros' heart.

He could only succumb to Ikaros's threat to turn off the air conditioning, assemble the gem filled with magic and the tablet pen, use magic to control the tablet pen to create, and wander around the construction site like a stray dog ​​under the inexplicable gaze of the workers.

Outside the cordon in the distance, a group of reporters were holding up cameras to take pictures of this scene, and they were shouting and complaining to the police who blocked the road.

Seeing their anxious and unwilling appearance under the scorching sun, Amanozaki, who felt that he had suffered psychological trauma, suddenly felt much better.

‘Hehe, even if they are all propaganda mouthpieces, I am still different as a privileged class.’ Amanozaki, who regarded himself as a proletarian yesterday, immediately became arrogant after seeing people who were more miserable than himself.

It can only be said that gloating is natural.

Amanozaki continued to visit the construction site, and soon he found that the construction site in this world was quite different from that on Earth.

Although there are large machines, such as excavators, pile drivers, cement mixers, forklifts and other mechanical tools. But because of the proliferation of superpowers, in large-scale projects with thousands or even tens of thousands of people, it is inevitable that a group of people with superpowers will appear but are unwilling or unqualified to become knights to eliminate violence and protect the good, and instead combine their superpowers with work.

Because of their special abilities, these people can often master their work faster than other workers and excel in their work.

If we have to compare, it is probably the level of the eighth-level workers in the old state-owned factories in China on Earth.

As a front-line worker, he mastered the core technology, and even the factory manager had to serve tea and cigarettes, and the workshop director bowed and scraped.

Amanosaki saw with his own eyes a middle-aged worker with a weak water control ability, whistling and carrying a bowl-sized water pipe, directly flushing water into the wooden plywood filled with cement ash.

This kind of illegal operation, in this major project that the country pays attention to, would be a brass peanut on Earth.

But here, everyone is accustomed to it.

The middle-aged man skillfully used his thumb to turn the metal valve to control the water output, and his other hand directly reached into the unmixed block cement. A vortex was seen with his hand as the center, and those ash blocks with wet surfaces and dry centers were quickly broken up by the vortex and turned into cement that was just uniform.

Quite a clever water control skill. Because of his weak superpowers, this plasterer has summed up a set of simple and efficient superpower construction skills in more than ten years of labor. This kind of fine technique is something that most knights with water control abilities cannot do.

Watching his construction process is like watching performance art that the public can understand.

Amanozaki believes that this should be attributed to the art of the construction site, which brings strength and life to people.

There is no doubt that he alone is equivalent to a cement truck and several operators. The water pipe in his hand is also very different from that of other workers, and it looks like it is specially made.

And this kind of personalized device is not uncommon on the construction site. These workers with superpowers are the cornerstone of the smooth and efficient operation of this construction site where there are far fewer large-scale machines than on the same scale of construction sites on Earth, and even the crane tower has not been installed before the construction started.

Ikaros held a watermelon and looked at the plasterer brother, saying "Awesome."

She was also amazed by the operation of controlling the details in place.

'If I can do this, then every bullet can kill an enemy! ’

Ikaros couldn’t help but imagine himself soaring with his wings spread out, the super Gatling gun in his hand spraying at a speed of 4,000 rounds per minute, and accurately killing at a speed of 4,000 lives per minute.

“No, no, that’s not necessary. We don’t need to compete in such a place.” Amanozaki quickly stopped Ikaros’s wild thoughts.

The plasterer thumbed up his helmet, showing a mouthful of neat teeth and a bright smile, as if saying something encouraging like ‘Come on, girl, I’m rooting for you’.

‘So don’t encourage her, she’s not a construction site angel, but a real killing machine. ’

Amanozaki, who was silently complaining, looked at the relaxed plasterer and had a vague idea in his mind. He subconsciously recorded this scene on the tablet.

At this time, a technician wearing a red helmet rolled up the manual into a trumpet shape and shouted to all around: "Hey! The surveyor fell into the foundation hole! Someone come to help!"

Amanozaki put away the tablet without saying a word and ran over there. Ikaros bowed to the old man with special abilities, whispered a thank you "Your skills are very superb, I benefited a lot", and then spread his wings to follow.

The folded skirt was pressed against the skin by the wind of Ikaros's flight, outlining the beautiful curve of the girl's hips and waist. It attracted the attention of the hard-working workers, some of whom whistled loudly and often sighed: "So I said long ago that our construction site is too masculine, and we need such pretty girls to cheer everyone up. Otherwise, after staying for a long time, I think men are pretty."

"Fuck, you see men also react? Are you gay?" The driver who operated the crusher heard it and immediately stuck his head out and shouted, while covering his butt with one hand, "I sleep on the upper bunk, brother, I am very uneasy when you say that!"

"Get out! If you keep talking, I will use the crusher to relieve your constipation tonight!"

Amanozaki didn't hear the workers' ridicule, and even if he heard it, he wouldn't say much. Ikaros's clothes are imitation straitjackets. They look very exposed in the anime, but in fact, like straitjackets, there are zippers all over the body. As long as these zippers are pulled, the exposed shoulders, chests and navels will be tightly wrapped.

So they can't see anything.

"Do you need help to rescue people? I'm a knight from Qunxia Mountain. I can go into the water to save people!"

Amanozaki supported himself on the horizontal concrete pile and jumped over the one-person-wide pile. When others saw him, they continued their work.

The technician with the loudspeaker looked puzzled. He pointed to the foundation hole with yellow water:

"What are you talking about? Our water ghosts would have gone down long ago for such a small matter as saving people."

"The problem now is that the surveyor is not here, and the surveying work cannot be carried out normally, so someone who knows how to survey needs to take over the shift. Hey, can you do it? If not, get out of the way and replace someone else, so as not to delay the construction period."

When Amanozaki heard about the surveying work, the vague ideas in his mind suddenly became clear.

His task is to record the righteous deeds of the knights for propaganda purposes. Now the crusade team has not set out yet, but who says that only eradicating evil and heretics is righteous?

Isn't it also a righteous act to help the masses solve their difficulties?

So Amanozaki called the flying Ikaros and pointed at the bewildered girl and introduced her:

"Big brother, I am an ordinary knight, but this one, this one is even more important. It will be no problem to give the measurement work to her!"

The technician looked at the girl in front of him suspiciously. The girl's image and clothes seemed to have nothing to do with technology. She looked more like a fresh meat actor who came out for a fashion show.

"Is she okay?"

Ikaros' eyes looked at the rolled-up booklet in the hands of the technician. In his green eyes, there were circles of structures like a focuser turning silently, and numbers invisible to the naked eye kept rolling in his eyes.

Chapter 68: Construction site, so amazing!

Her skin was as white as sheep fat, and the brilliant light showed a little pink on the girl's face.

The angel on earth spread her wings, and the feathers symbolizing holiness and purity fluttered. The girl with a yellow safety helmet circled and rose. Amid the workers' exclamations of "Oh~", the construction site angel was flying freely like a white dove.

The legend of angels is widely circulated at home and abroad. Even in China, where theology is not prominent, adults with a little common sense understand its meaning.

Angel, God's messenger on earth, the existence second only to the only God in the legend of Western monotheism.

Now it is flying in the Sanjiang construction site in China.

The reporters who were stopped by the police outside the line looked at the flying of this foreign symbol of existence, and immediately raised their cameras, and the sound of clicks rang out.

Amanozaki, with his hands on the pergola, watched the expressionless girl measuring the terrain of the entire construction site from a high altitude under the glaring sun.

"This guy... is still carrying a watermelon."

There were circles of dark red focus in the emerald eyes, and a large amount of geographical and topographical data flashed through her eyes. Every time the girl flapped her wings, there was wind pressure.

The gravel and cement dust were blown up by the wind and rolled everywhere.

But in such a strong wind, everyone on the construction site showed a comfortable smile.

In the hot weather of Yushan, such coolness in the construction site without any green plants is really rare.

But what attracted the cheerful laughter inside and outside the construction site was the watermelon on the girl's head.

Ikaros wrapped her hands around her favorite "pet watermelon", like a girl holding a tray in Africa, holding a watermelon, and flying in the air.

What's more interesting is that it was an angel who made such a funny move, and the angel's face still had that cold expression.

This contrast is hard not to make people laugh.

"Nozaki, the measurement is complete."

Ikaros landed without warning, creating a shallow pit on the hard mud that had been crushed by the machine, and the cool breeze made the workers groan.

In front of the cold air under the scorching sun, even the toughest man would show tenderness.

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