Amanosaki was completely confused.

Li Junzi spread his hands, indicating that he was also confused.

"Are you all ready? Let's go."

Lin Shuyu, who had changed into a functional style that was spacious and easy to move around in, with tactical pockets all over her body, walked out slowly in sneakers.

Lin Shuyu, who had previously dressed like a capable professional backbone, suddenly became an active outdoor sports enthusiast.

This loose functional jacket swayed gently in the breeze, making Lin Shuyu's vague belly line look even more slender, reminiscent of willow branches sprouting in early spring.

She saw everyone's puzzled eyes, so she stretched out her hand in fingerless gloves, and her fingers plucked out from the brown sewn deerskin, like onion roots in the soil. She pointed to the slender and flat patrol boat of the water police moored on the shore and explained:

"The extermination order issued by the central government is executed by Sanjiang Hall, and Sanjiang Hall itself has no registered knights. It has been recruiting personnel from the major branches and consortiums in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Therefore, this mission is essentially a joint plan by the government, the Qunxiashan branch and the consortium that radiate hundreds of millions of people in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River."

"We are just the starting point. Going down the Yangtze River, each branch and security company will send knights and employees to participate. The coordination plan of various places is very simple. We will push it all the way, slay the demons and force the four-clawed scale fish activity area to the estuary, and use warships and the heroes guarding the magic city to annihilate the trapped beasts of Baojiaozi in one fell swoop."

Amanozaki nodded: "I see."

His doubts were resolved, so he waited for the arrangements with peace of mind. He believed that the government would do a good job of coordination when the plan was clear.

Someone in the crowd raised his hand: "I have a question."

Amanozaki turned his head and saw a thin man with a bright yellow chicken coop hair raising his hand and winking at Amanozaki.

It was the yellow-haired man who had led him before.

He straightened his throat and asked a question that surprised Amanozaki: "Most of us can use our superpowers in the water, so we were selected, I understand. But the Demon Capital is the financial center of the Far East, with countless companies and securities and stock transactions. Will there be risks in choosing the final battlefield?"

'Is this what the sloppy guy who wants to retreat and return to his hometown to kill fish will care about? 'Amanozaki stared, thinking that he thought the yellow-haired man would ask about the possible post-war rewards and promotions.

After all, this is what he seemed to care about most in his previous image.

Lin Shuyu greeted everyone to board the ship while answering questions:

"Because the Magic City is the financial center of the Far East, the quality and quantity of the heroes in the Magic City branch far exceed those in other provincial capitals. The guards for the past six months are the heroes of the headquarters level [Calabash Brothers] Lao Wu."

"Calabash Brothers Lao Wu..." Amanozaki chewed on the name of the hero of the animation character that seemed to have emerged from the Shanghai Fine Arts Film Studio on Earth, and he didn't know where to start.

Should it be the influence of the will of the universe, or the name is really earthy and stupid?

Unlike Amanozaki's stunned reaction, Huangmao and Li Junzi and others heard the news, but they breathed a sigh of relief, as if they were settled.

"Hey, who is the hero called Lao Wu?" Amanozaki bumped Li Junzi's waist with his arm - he could only bump Li Junzi's waist with his height, and asked aloud.

Li Junzi now knows the details of Amanosaki. He knows that his cheap elder brother didn't pay much attention to live broadcasts and knight movies before, and only mingled with the low-key apprentice knights, so he explained to him directly: "[Calabash Brothers] is the name of seven heroes, five of whom are at the branch level and two are at the main level. The old fifth hero is the main level hero."

"He has the ability to swallow and spit out large amounts of water. His stomach can store a special space for eight rivers. Whether it is acid or a raging flood, he can swallow it with his mouth open."

"You mean if the strange fish and the queen fish want to run away, this old fifth hero will just drink up the river water and prevent them from getting away?"

Li Junzi nodded: "Not only that, the old fifth hero can also control the amount of water sprayed. Just think about it, what is the thin stream of turbid river water sprayed under the water pressure of eight rivers?"

Amanosaki was slightly distracted.

"Water knife." The strategic angel Ikaros next to him immediately pointed out the meaning of Li Junzi's words.

"Yes! Water knife!" Li Junzi nodded excitedly, "The water knife of the old hero can cut through a tank at a distance of one thousand meters! Even the sword master scabies claimed that he could not guarantee to defeat him at a distance of fifty meters!"

"One thousand meters!" Amanozaki exclaimed, this is more than just a water knife! It is simply the other world version of the Bankai Zanpakuto's divine spear!

Lin Shuyu clapped his hands, signaling the knights in the discussion to keep quiet: "In addition to the Magic City, Songshan Branch, Nandu Branch, Fengdu Branch, Wudang Branch will send out their main forces. In addition, Chaohu, Poyang, Tianzhu Mountain, Taibai Tower, Taohua Island, Jiujiang, West Lake and many other branches will also send reinforcements after clearing the fish monsters in the tributaries. There are also large domestic companies such as Yanlong Financial Group, Tianwen Group, Jiuxingshan Real Estate, Zhuge Bagua Village, Ant Group Finance, Dajiang Water Affairs Bureau, etc. will send their hired security companies to provide support."

As the names of Amanozaki's branches and institutions, which are either plausible or unheard of, appear one by one, the morale of the entire ship rises steadily.

"The final decisive battle was chosen in the Magic City to let the people of the country and the whole world see China's determination and strength. We have the ability to complete the complete annihilation of the four-clawed monster fish in the territory while ensuring the safety of the Far East Financial Center. Mission! So all the nominal sub-rudders have issued death orders. No matter what, we must exert our momentum at Sanjiangtang! We are the first to set off within the scope of the Extermination Order!"

"We will fight on the ground, we will fight on the river, we will fight underwater, and we will sweep every tributary of the river and every body of water! We will never give up until the last four-clawed fish's blood is shed. !”

"This is the instruction of the extermination order!"

The mainstream and tributaries are in full-scale war. Iron and blood will spread on the ground and underwater, and blood will sway in every body of water.

Amanozaki can already smell blood and water from this series of comparisons.

Lin Shuyu started the patrol boat and announced loudly amidst the roar of the engine: "Gentlemen! Everyone's eyes are on us! Make a name for yourself today!"

"Just today!"

The knights raised their fists and shouted loudly.

Amanozaki blinked, the new trend was surging, but he suppressed his emotions and observed carefully, while Icarus raised his hand and said "Oh" along with everyone else expressionlessly.

"Set off!"

Lin Shuyu pulled down the thrust handle, and the roar of the engine running at full power pushed the powerful sound of water from the Dajiang Reservoir out of the patrol boat. Amidst the furious roar of the engine, the patrol boat pulled out a smooth arc and pushed forward with all its strength downstream.

In the distant, cold, silent and empty space dotted with stars, several positioning and communication satellites belonging to China adjusted their lenses to faithfully record the ship's journey.

Chapter 71: The Authority of Angels

It was obviously morning, and soon after leaving the Sanjiang Reservoir, the weather became visibly gloomy.

The clouds gradually accumulated, turning from light and fluffy into thick, thick and deep leaden clouds.

The knights who had been on guard around the patrol boat were keenly aware of the changes in the weather, and the relaxation caused by standing guard for a long time became tense again.

Amanozaki, Ikaros, and Li Junzi stood on the top of the patrol boat. As the three strongest people on the ship, their mission was to provide reinforcements as soon as possible after the knights on the deck blocked the attacking monster fish.

Yes, Amanozaki discovered his magic potential through the battle with Guishuiin, and after a series of medicinal baths, his own strength also grew to the level of the public.

If there is anything that Amanozaki can learn from the trainees on the deck, it is probably the familiarity of the body structure of the four-clawed fish and the indifference in killing.

At this moment, as one of the people's hopes, he was holding the stainless steel railing of the top deck, squinting his eyes covered with magic circuits, and scanning the waters around the patrol boat back and forth.

Li Junzi, who was replaced by him to rest his eyes, carefully read the patrol boat's operation manual and read the patrol boat parameters aloud:

"The Barracuda, a marine police patrol boat, has a dead weight of 300 tons, a maximum speed of 38 knots, and a total of three floors including the bridge... That's awesome. Are all current marine police patrol boats this high?"

"Turn around and see for yourself. Aren't the knights you met in other places along the way riding patrol boats of this tonnage?"

Amanozaki held the railing and pointed back. Several patrol boats cutting through the blue waves followed sparsely. Knights in modern or classical costumes stood on the deck with weapons. Looking around, there were about three boats.

This means that the three sub-rudders have allocated their own strength in their busy schedules to support the extinction of the main stream of the river.

Amanozaki blinked his dry eyes against the wind. He glanced at the cloudy sky worriedly and said to Mr. Li, "Hey! Stop playing. Get up and help look under the water. I feel something is wrong."

Lin Shuyu, who was driving a patrol boat, bit into the chocolates filled in the pockets of his functional assault jacket and interrupted the conversation:

"Of course they can't all be large patrol boats like this, but the basic configuration of the expedition team is of this tonnage. In fact, these patrol boats have almost emptied the Dajiang Water Bureau, Yanlong Consortium and local governments. family property."


"Of course we are preparing for war," Lin Shu said.

At this time, the patrol boat had penetrated into the center of the clouds. She turned off the engine, pulled up the zipper, and began to tie herself to the railing. At the same time, she said: "The four-clawed fish is not big in size, but there are many in it, and it is best at water fighting. Especially the king fish, as a demon, is huge, and when the king fish is with a school of fish, it has the ability to change the local climate. "

"So we need a ship that is large enough and flexible enough to allow knights to have space to maneuver around the ship."

Amanozaki shrank his eyes and silently tightened his grip on the railing.

The Barracuda yacht lost power and slid across the water for a distance like an ice skate before slowly stopping.

The other ships behind him also stopped, and their voices of inquiry rang through the communication channel.

"The smell of blood." Lin Shuyu conveyed the message to other patrol boats, "I smell the smell of blood."

[Heaven and Human Appearance] can strengthen the user's thinking and five senses. As the only person on the ship who has long-term activation of supernatural powers, she was the first to notice the abnormality.

Li Junzi stood up, his nose deformed, he took a few deep breaths and added: "The smell of a lot of fish and a small amount of human blood."

The sky seemed to be about to rain, and all the birds had returned to their nests. The chirping of cicadas was rarely heard on both sides of the river. Although the weather in this section of the river was not a natural phenomenon, all living creatures followed their instincts to avoid the rain that would not fall.


Scarlet bubbles rose more than ten meters away from the Sobi Yu, making a muffled sound on the river surface. The knights on the boat shifted their eyes and took in the red.

This seemed to be some kind of signal. Dozens of bubbles rose to the surface of the water one after another, staining the river surface with red spots.

As time passed, more and more red blood groups surged to the surface of the river, leaving mottled traces on the emerald green river water.

Amanozaki smelled the iron smell in the air, and the hairs on his back stood up. The river surface now looked like the Xiangjiang River that was dyed red by the blood and tears of Xiang Fei in the legend. From hundreds of meters high, it seemed to be crying silently.

He nodded to Ikaros, and the girl spread her wings, without flapping, and rose vertically to the sky.

"Turn on the sonar, everyone. The guests have been waiting for a long time under the water."

Lin Shuyu adjusted the instrument full of buttons, and her eyes emitted a faint light. She had already turned on her supernatural power.

All patrol boats turned on their sonars, and a huge shadow formed by dense dots occupied all positions under the river.

The four patrol boats on the river were like four desserts held by a "dinner plate" made of shadows.

The dense sonar scanning feedback sound never stopped, which meant that all positions in front, behind, left and right were occupied by "things" that were big enough to be captured.

The feedback sounded like a drumbeat, and everyone was tense.

The sound of splashing water sounded around the patrol boats, and the yellow-haired man on the first deck looked down and met a dozen pairs of dead fish eyes like discs.

"Fuck." He muttered.

They were surrounded.

Lin Shuyu held the chocolate in his mouth, pulled the waterproof hood over his head, and said to Tian Yeqi: "I leave it to you."


The four-clawed scale fish, half of its body floating out of the water, screamed sharply and unpleasantly like a baby crying, and then a steel ball smashed its eyes, crushed its brain and fell down. The dark red blood was pressed out of the eye socket by the heart, adding a new scarlet to the river.

The calm river instantly stirred up countless whirlpools, and the four-clawed scale fish floated up one after another, filling this section of the river!

The four-clawed scale fish climbed directly onto the body of its own kind, and under the push of its underwater companions, it did not pounce, but jumped high like a trainer in the aquarium who was knocked away by a dolphin!

This is a tactic that has never appeared in the Sanjiang Reservoir or even in the previous encirclement and suppression! All the knights standing on the outside of the deck retreated. Fortunately, the Barrowfish was large enough, so the knights retreated directly into the interior of the first floor, using the solid metal walls of the patrol boat to cut off the monster's attack like a tide. At the door and window, two or three people formed a group to kill the strange fish that tried to get into the cabin.

Relying on the terrain, they formed a multi-to-one advantage.

"Here they come!"

Li Junzi's body was covered with a layer of chitin exoskeleton, and his hands turned into a pair of huge sickles, standing with a big horse and a golden sword. He chopped off the head of the strange fish that jumped the highest and tried to attack Lin Shuyu with a knife. The body fell on the deck and was still twitching.

"The Fengdu branch has received our coordinates! Reinforcements will arrive in ten minutes! The rocket vehicle of Fengdu Province is calibrating the coordinates! Rain-inducing missiles will be launched in two minutes! After the rainstorm, it will be sunny, and we have a chance!"

"The four-clawed scale fish hides during the day and comes out at night. It likes dark environments. After the reinforcements arrive, if there is a chance, find the queenfish and kill it while it is sunny!"

In the heavy waves stirred up by the strange fish, Lin Shuyu, who was fixed on the boat, shouted with all his might.

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