Chapter 8: Reaction

In fact, there is no need for Amanozaki to steal the spotlight from Oriental Leaf Man.

All the audience's eyes were focused on him.

After all, compared to the Oriental Leaf Man, who everyone has heard of and has a hooked nose plus an extended version, this newcomer who appeared out of nowhere has a more attractive and catchy appearance.

Moreover, it is rare to witness with your own eyes the scene where a person awakens to become an innate alien, immediately becomes a knight, and then raises his hand to smash several evil spirits.

It's like capturing the earth's fast-paced and cool stories to life.

"Too fast, too fast."

"It's so cool, so cool."

This is the barrage that hit the screen before. Densely packed, like gushing emotions, ebbing in excitement.

These emotions poured into the screen. I don’t know how they worked, but they poured into the body of the young man on the martial arts field.

The progress bar rises silently.

It wasn't until the bloody falling rain and the explosive soft boxing came to an end that everyone's brains, dominated by adrenaline and hormones, returned to their senses and began to analyze the situation.

Suddenly, there were fewer barrages flooding the screen, and there were more legitimate customers.

Someone who analyzed Amanozaki’s ability:

"This guy calls himself a messenger. Does that mean that the girl behind him who punches a child is the master? What does this mean? The body is a passer-by of the soul?"

"It's a substitute! I heard it, but I don't know what it means."

"Upstairs, according to what you said, I think this knight is a gender-impaired person. Once he awakens to his true self, he breaks out of the clay sculpture and has the power to reorganize his body and become a girl?"

"How can there be such an outrageous superpower? Didn't you see that the substitute still protects the body? I suspect that the relationship between them is the id and superego. The gender may reflect the sexual orientation of this young man. He must have been single for too long. , young people have great desires, thus shaping their abilities into a mixture of perfect self-expectation and partner’s desire.”

In a world where supernatural powers are prevalent, more than a billion people across the country are participating and watching, the theory has never ceased to be derived, and the live broadcast continues day and night. Although most of these viewers have no special powers, they all have developed a pair of sophisticated eyes. Amanozaki is just making his debut, but these experienced people see through half of the truth.

Just like the old house that promotes many V and female anchors at the same time, you can tell at a glance whether the anchor is beautiful in photos, and you can guess the anchor's true height, bust size and even whether he is single through the clues revealed in the live broadcast.

They are all heroes in the live broadcast room.

Unfortunately, the information on the Internet is complex, and non-experienced netizens cannot discuss or criticize the target through the chaotic barrage across the barrage.

Therefore, these discussions were quickly washed away, and everyone's thoughts were disrupted by other sudden things, and they could no longer explore the truth.

Immediately after Hyuga Hinata was mentioned in the barrage, some oil guys generously donated money. Amidst the praises of the "boss is grand" and "the boss is good", several "fairy swords" with a unit price of 10,000 flew past the live broadcast room. Inscribed with the instructions of the benefactor:

"All shots, focus on that woman."

In addition to the enthusiastic response to Amanozaki from the barrage, the project team responsible for the live broadcast in the branch building deployed several cameras to follow Amanozaki and Hinata Hinata.

So Hinata was completely on camera for the first time.

Her beauty, her figure, the size of her brows and the gentleness of Nadeshiko are all clearly revealed.

The barrage exploded as a matter of course:

"What kind of superpower is this? Does it also include a wife?!"

"Isn't she too pretty? This guy used to care about sex, so he spent all his time having sex!"

"This figure... must be easy to give birth to."

"I have a bold idea, and regarding my idea, there is currently no relevant treatment method in criminal law around the world..."

"That makes sense upstairs. Those created by supernatural powers are not considered human beings!"

"Look again, aren't you afraid that the sausage will turn into meat sauce?"

An obviously confused barrage passed by. At this time, the screen was showing Hinata Hinata tapping the back of the lizard man's neck. The softness and chakra shattered his neck. Those who can block the steering level of the Eastern Leaf Man The knight's scales struck him, and he was defeated in front of this fledgling 'woman with supernatural powers'.

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room was stagnant, and then, a barrage of five colors flew across the screen:

"Sister steps on me!"

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, some praised Yujie for being wonderful, some were surprised that Hinata could easily do things that others couldn't do, and some yelled, "Get out of the letter circle, ah, am I an M now? Except me."

There are also a large number of fantasies about the appearance of the beautiful girl in the live broadcast wearing various beautiful clothes, such as "This girl has a gentle and plain expression, she will definitely be a good wife when she takes her home."

"I've even thought of a name for the child!"

"Good guy, I want all the information about this stand-in within 5 seconds. I, Liu Dabiao, will be his half-brother from today on. His superpower is my wife!"

"Let the war begin! She is my wife!"

"Okay, okay, okay, you marry her and I will be your neighbor, okay? By the way, my surname is Wang."

"Tauren, get out of here! This is a pure love event!"

"Kill, kill, kill! There are evil heretics who can't be killed, and pure loving dogs who can't be slaughtered!"

"Hey! Brothers, I seem to have found this girl's name. It's Hinata Hinata, but it's a painting by a master scholar on the Jianghu Forum. He said it was a vertical painting, and the link is..."

The number of onlookers also began to soar. The last message also attracted the attention of many people, and many people jumped in along the link.


The changes in the martial arts arena and the sudden surge of large-scale negative emotions in the city were quickly detected by the detection system.

The red warning lights and buzzers were buzzing, and people were running fast with documents in their arms, looking nervous.

Many people in this world have superpowers, but not everyone is qualified to be a knight.

[Qunxia Mountain] has set up branches and halls all over the country. Every place needs a matching master to sit in, and naturally, these buildings cannot be built just for a few knights.

More of them are for the logistics department.

A small half of these logistics personnel and white-collar workers who are rushing back and forth have non-combat superpowers, and the remaining ordinary people, together with the superpower owners, support the [Qunxia Mountain] across the country.

Originally, the Yushan branch should have three branch-level heroes sitting in, but because the dispute over the name of the hero will gather a large number of masters from the five counties outside the main city of Yushan, the evil demons may take advantage of the opportunity to enter, so two branch-level heroes have left the main city to sweep the surrounding areas.

In the main city area today, besides Dongfang Leaf Man, there is only one long-established branch-level hero.

"Where is Lord Amber? Why is there no one in his meditation room?!" The captain of the guard team rushed into the building and asked Lord Amber's secretary in a stern voice, "More than a dozen innocent people have died outside. It seems that Dongfang Leaf Man is being held back by a heretic named He Dao Ren. One person will die every minute every night!"

Lord Amber's assistant Zhang Tianfang stood in front of the conference room in a straight suit, gently pushing his glasses. The black and white suit and the lenses that reflected the sunlight revealed a refusal everywhere.

"Lord Amber is talking to the distinguished guests from the headquarters. According to Lord Amber's own intention, no one and nothing should disturb him.

"Even if it concerns the safety of the people? ! "The captain of the security team had flames on his body, and they formed two fire monsters on his shoulders. His empty eye sockets and strangely smiling mouth were particularly eerie.

Zhang Tianfang faced the captain's fierce eyes with the ability of the hall, and did not blink: "Yes, even if it concerns the safety of the people."


The captain's curse was stuck in his throat, and his fist was raised, but was hugged by his team members again. In a series of "Captain, forget it." "It's just work." "We just go to rescue it." "That's the secretary of Amber Lord", the angry captain was taken away.

"Sorry, Secretary Zhang, the captain is just irritable, don't take it to heart."

"No." Zhang Tianfang pushed the frame again and shook his head calmly.

Inside the thick soundproof oak door, an old man with white hair and beard, long hair and beard, a Zhongshan suit, and a wrinkled face laughed and slapped his thigh:

"Stinky boy, you are roasting the little guy on the fire! ”

The scolded man sat opposite the old man, his whole body was dark orange, and his transparent skin and organs were like some kind of adhesive tape, and you could see the pale bones at a glance.

This was clearly a piece of amber stuck on a skeleton, carved into a human figure, and wearing clothes!

It was the master who was on duty today at the [Yushan Branch] and had been at the branch level for a long time, Amber Lord!

Amber Lord swallowed the boiling hot tea, feeling the amber that made up his body melt slightly under the high temperature, and then it swayed with his thoughts, and quickly differentiated a few strands of beard, combed it gently, and said with a smile:

"Mr. Scabies, how could I frame him? I can't wait to see him, how could I frame him."

Amber Lord drank the tea and found that his lips were stuck together, and it was difficult to control for a while, so his ribs poked the amber, pulling out a gap, and the amber opened and closed, and surprisingly there was another mouth:

"After all, I am on duty today, so it is not easy to directly order the live broadcast team to turn the camera, which would be suspected of slapping the face of the Eastern Leaf Man. Although she is a little exaggerated, she is still a branch-level warrior. "

"Mr. Jie has been practicing swordsmanship for 30 years, and his swordsmanship is superb. I would like to ask Mr. Du to see if the woman summoned by this child's supernatural power has a different flavor."

When Mr. Jie heard what Mr. Amber said, he narrowed his eyes and looked at the specially focused picture. After watching it for a few seconds, he was amazed.

The Amanosaki in the picture said something to Hinata Hyuga, and then jumped down from Hinata's arms, completely freeing Hinata's hands.

So the secrets of the Hyuga clan's physical skills began to be fully displayed.

Eight trigrams empty palm.

In Hinata's white eyes, as the habit of day and night training made her step on the buckle swing step, her muscles accumulated power, and chakra accumulated faintly in her palm.

The invisible eight trigrams spread out with her as the center, and life and death, injury, were already determined.

Most of the evil demons surrounded Hinata and attacked her. They were kicked by He Daoren, who crippled Amanosaki. Amanosaki was just one person before and after, and the extra one was nothing more than a Hyuga Hinata, so they instinctively wanted to destroy his supernatural power.

Only two people with slightly flexible brains gave up besieging Hinata and tried to stop Amanosaki instead.

It was when these two turned around and bumped into other evil demons that the flaw in the siege was revealed.

Hinata, with her eyes open, raised her lips and took a big step forward. The Bagua that covered the attack range of both palms, or the effective attack range in Hinata's judgment, expanded rapidly.

Bagua empty palm!

The chakra condensed in the palm exploded into various shock waves on the target according to the soft power of the palm. Hinata used her Byakugan and no longer cared about the chakra, playing with the demeanor of an elite ninja who had experienced multiple disasters such as the invasion of Orochimaru, the invasion of Pain, and the Ninja World War.

Hinata suppressed all the demons by herself. The blue chakra as big as a ping-pong ball in her hand was like a brilliant fire from heaven, breaking through the hard or flexible skin of the demons. The shock waves collided in the body, causing all the demons to have their intestines pierced and their mouths to bleed.

Scabies watched this scene, his eyelids twitched, and he pursed his lips to signal Amber Public Relations to remove the barrage.

Amber Public, who was watching the barrage with relish, did so reluctantly.

Hinata suddenly suppressed them at the same time.

Amanozaki took this opportunity to jump off the stands again, took out alcohol from the medical box that had fallen to the ground to wipe his arm, injected a shot of adrenaline, and then unscrewed the glucose infusion and started to use it.

Hinata's chakra was his account. He believed that he was not Jotaro Kujo, and he was not sure that he could withstand the consumption of chakra on his physical energy, so he quickly replenished it.

Then he didn't have time to bandage it, so he took out a steel bar, inserted it into the rocks, and began to search.

"My Stand [Ideal Type] is a Stand with independent consciousness. I can't use the gameplay of Star Platinum in the anime. I should make good use of this advantage and find other ways to help."

Yes, Amanozaki used one of the methods that humans have used since the Stone Age when facing large beasts and prey.

Shake people.

King Kong Train Man Sun Chun and Iron Man He Wanli were buried underground. Amanozaki felt that even if He Wanli would die, Sun Chun, who was wearing a train skin, would definitely be alive!

Amanozaki was covered in sweat, mixed with the dust, and looked particularly embarrassed.

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