The Star Knight

Chapter 102

"Destination, Light Arc Galaxy, Countdown to Transition, Three..."

The silver light of the dragon rays illuminated the universe, and the moment when the transition started was reached in front of Opal. The silver giant twirled, grabbed the coffin of the phantom, pressed it into his chest, and then rushed in. The layer of Islam in Iszul.

However, the gluttonous came faster than it, and immediately hit the dragon dragon from the side, interrupting its jump!

"Teacher!" Opal struggled in the sea of ​​time. He saw Rector through the cabin window, and everything around him glowed with red light. As the dragon ray continued to deepen, the temperature gradually increased, and the dragon ray's shell went dark. Red gradually became crimson, and then the sight of the eyes was infinite gold.

"Countdown to the transition..."

"Damn," Rector said angrily: "Forcibly jumping!"

Long Ray's voice said: "Rector, you must fight him, otherwise I will disintegrate on the way to the transition, and you and Opal will both die."

Opal thrashed the coffin fiercely, trying to get out of the alloy cage. The power of faith around him was like a sea of ​​anger. That was the craziest time he had seen in his life.

His handsome eyebrows were sweaty, and his eyes were full of pain and suffering, and he continued to penetrate into the core of Iszul, fighting the gluttonous in the blazing light and heat.

The gluttonously followed behind the dragon rays.

"Warning." The gluttonous and dragon rays issued a warning sound at the same time: "Coming soon to the thermonuclear center area, the energy furnace reaction will be disturbed."

"Drink—" Rector roared, and the two Taikoo fighters collided, bursting out a shock wave of space and sweeping out. Iszul felt trembling as if he felt this uneasy fluctuation!

The black iron giant punched the belly of the silver mech, and the shock wave was transmitted through the dragon's shell to the operation room. In the loud noise, the alloy cage flew out of the dragon's body!

Rector knows that if he does not resolve Caroline today, he will inevitably be unable to save Opal. He will have to abandon the prison he flew away, rushing to fight with gluttons again!The two ancient gods rushed into the light bait area in the blink of an eye, and then burst out from the other side with a flame that rushed for thousands of miles.

In the vast space, the dragon rays suddenly turned into countless rotating lights and swords, penetrating the Iszul in an instant, chasing behind behind the gluttonous!

The two mechas hovered in Iszul’s high-temperature stellar wind, and the dragon rays turned into a virtual image and withdrew, but the gluttonous reappeared in front of the black prison like a guess of the enemy’s next move, fighting together. , The shock set off a heat wave on the star, and the mech was again lifted by the impact!

After the second defeat, Long Ray no longer hurriedly attacked, silently holding the shield, and holding hands with the gluttonous.

Colleen was almost lonely in the dark space. I don't know how long after that, Rector said: "Give me the opal, he is useless to you."

Caroline: "You can't take him away, the cage that holds him is part of the gluttonous."

Rector shouted: "Do not surrender him, let us die in Iszul today! Let your galaxy be buried with us! Caroline!"

The silver rays flickered behind the dragon rays and began to gather energy.

"Preparation for self-destructive mode." Long Ray said: "Farewell, Rector."

The high temperature surrounds the dragon rays, just like a new star blooming in the universe, and the light continues to rise.

Caroline immediately said: "Teacher! Change the way! This makes no sense!"

Rector said: "It's too late, Caroline."

"No-!" Opal shouted: "Teacher!"

Caroline said: "No matter what the result of the competition, I will give him freedom! Opal! Listen! Now you are free!"

Rector's eyes were full of sorrow, and the light around the mech gradually dimmed.

"Self-destructive mode is lifted." Long Ray's voice did not have any emotion.

Rector said: "Opal, the teacher apologizes to you, let go of those pasts. You no longer need to do anything for the Holy Star Church, for me. From today on, your soul belongs to yourself."

Colleen stared quietly at Rector in space, which was like a shining star under the light of Iszul.

Colleen said: "Then let's start, teacher, fight in the field of faith."

The sound didn't fall, and the world seemed to have changed a scene. It was a vast world and a lonely sea. On the beach were thousands of dark cliffs and lava flowing lava.

Caroline's black robe fluttered wildly in the wind, the sky was divided into strange and distinct colors, the side belonging to Rector was overwhelmed by the haze, the thunder and lightning rolled in the clouds, and the side of the sky that enveloped Caroline appeared magnificent Blood red, the glory of Iszul broke through the clouds, and spilled down!

It seems that the whole world is cut off with the power of this faith!

Rector's seawater field rolled up a huge wave against Caroline, and Colleen's pupil reflected a tsunami-like tsunami, and then turned into a black fire drifting in the wild wind.

Half of the sea water, half of the flame.

Caroline spread with five fingers, the lava rolled, the fire that burned everything was against the sea, and the sky dome collapsed!

The sea water is everywhere, it roars, rolls, and runs towards the earth endlessly, gathering into a vortex, but in the next loud noise, the fire barrier rising flat in the center of the vortex is closed, like a meteor The flame turned into a bright light, which penetrated the zenith in a flash!

Rector’s faith was expelled and suppressed, the seawater evaporated, and the lava engulfed the entire spiritual world.

[I still lost, Caroline. In exchange for his freedom, I gave up all the rights that are hostile to you.

Opal: [No!not yet!teacher!Don't admit defeat!

At the next moment, the spiritual realm was shaken, and the strong were invaded by the third force of faith in the battle!

Colleen was shocked, and the sky swept away when he looked up, showing a clear night. In the dark universe, the stars flickered on the other side of the Milky Way.

Opal's small figure floated in the solution, bent his knees, closed his eyes, slightly divided his fingers with both hands, against the transparent hatch, and the black capsule rolled in the heat wave, gradually entering the heat of Iszul.

The countless white spots of the universe at the same time lit up the dazzling light at the same time, just like the moment of creation, hundreds of billions of stars sang in unison, the white light in the sky was overbearing, and the night sky was reflected like the daylight, and even a moment could not tell where In the real universe, where is the world of thoughts, numerous white lines burst out from the vast stars and roared.

The zenith group of meteors dragged the blood-red tail flames, and in just one second, ten million meteorites fell to the earth with a rumbling noise.The lava is rolling, and Collorin’s spiritual world is struggling to fight, but he can’t resist the heavy blows from the infinite universe. Every meteorite crit brings a loud noise, covering the entire sky, the earth, and the ocean. In the baptism of all anger.

"Ahhhh--" Opal's voice resounded in the minds of the two. His spirit nearly collapsed, and the three major areas collapsed and collapsed.Inside, the oppressive roar of opal is out of control and the collapsed consciousness is bound.

The sea and lava flew to the sky, and at that moment blue light covered him, followed by orange-red fire.

There was a loud noise in Opal’s mind, the eyes were dark, and he suddenly lost his consciousness. A force he could not control almost broke through his body. He has no doubt that his soul will be completely crushed and scattered in the next moment. Into the distant space.

Rector: "Opal!"

[Opal?!Collorin's voice trembled.

The sea and the field of faith of the lava came together at the same time, and then turned into indigo and crimson tornadoes and rushed to the sky.Opal's belief collapsed before the moment of collapse, the star's belief was fleeting, like a flash of flash, and everyone returned to the real universe.

Both sides withdrew their power of faith.

The gluttonous mecha turned into a swept black feather, wrapping the black space capsule flying from afar. Opal was incorporated into the body of the glutton. Colleen no longer looked at the lone dragon in the empty universe and turned to fly to the grip of the light. .

It landed in the sky courtyard, while Opal was awake and was thrown out of the liquid compartment. A burst of metal sounded and the robot wreckage fell to the ground.

The garden was wet, and he coughed on his knees, as if he wanted to cough up the grief and helplessness buried in the deepest part of his soul.Hugging him with one hand, Colleen knelt on one knee and carefully covered the cloth on his lips and face, wiping the water from him.

"I have a few words to tell you, Opal." Colleen said.

"I'm leaving here." Opal said: "I don't want to see you anymore..."

Opal struggled to push away Caroline, hugged his robot, and ran to the edge of the platform staggeringly. Caroline shouted: "Opel!"

He just raised his hand, and the power of faith captured Opal back.

"Let me go--" Opal shouted almost collapsed.

Caroline threw him to the gate of the palace, Opal got up and fled, Collolin captured him back with the power of faith, Opal ran away again, Colleen ran again, and after two times, Opal was quiet.

Surrounded by warm flame power, as if burning in the soul of Opal, his cold heart gradually recovered, he leaned tiredly in the corner and closed his eyes.

Caroline didn't say a word, and the two sat so quietly.

Opal: "I will kill you someday."

Colleen looked at Opal as if he didn't know it, and said after a long time: "Opal, my patience with you is approaching the limit. I really want to leave you alone and let yourself die."

Opal looked up at him and mocked: "If you had chosen this way from the beginning, it wouldn't be so much trouble now."

Caroline unleashes the power of his conviction, and Opal moves in his heart to read his truest thoughts-Caroline just wanted to stay in Iszul for a period of time, not to let him stay there forever, A few months later, when Opal reflection is over, he will be released.

Caroline put the necklace on the armrest of the throne and said, "Forget it, at least one other person knows how to make a replicator besides Kyle. He is now a loyal ally of the Meteorite Empire. I think if I ask for it, To get the technology in his hands, I want to resurrect it for you."

"Using these technologies, I can really do it, because your lover’s genes are derived from the teacher, so now I give him a new life, use the robot in your hands and my own genes to create a new Raymond, and then use The power of faith, extract all the memory backup of this magic blue fluorite core to instill in him. Then your lover can be resurrected."

At that moment, Opal's mind was blank.

"Do you need it?" Colleen said lightly. "But in exchange, you have to help me and do something for me. I promise you will not be too embarrassing for you."

Opal shivered and didn't speak.

"You can't do this." Opal said: "Would you like to copy yourself?!"

Caroline said again: "It's just the body and his own memory that is copied, it has its own soul, I think I can barely accept it, as long as you take him out of my eyes and promise not to pretend to be a meteor Wang, what are you going to do?"

Opal said: "I will not kill Rector."

Colleen frowned: "You don't need you to do this kind of thing, what do you think of me?"

Opal frowned: "No, I don't want to agree to your terms, nor do I want to do anything in exchange. The teacher is right. Raymond is dead or dead. Pursuing these will only make my belief fall into darkness. "

Colleen said: "Idiot, they are the ones who really fall into the dark. Do you know why Ledgerson hates him? You also feel their disagreement? Ledgerson does not recognize Rector, neither does Rector Like Ledgerson. Because Ledgerson’s father is a replicator, and Rector killed the replicator who was lurking in the human world in order to protect humanity, ruining the happiness of Ledgerson."

Opal said: "It's different because he is human."

"Yes." Caroline said approvingly: "We are all human beings, and I have another identity. I am the leader of the light grip. I am also your teacher. I found you very sensitive, Opal. I I changed my mind again. I plan to send you a copy of myself without charge, and instill in him the backup memory in the necklace. What do you think?"

Opal said: "I won't ask for it, no, teacher, I tell you clearly, no."

Colleen said: "After that, I will keep myself playing."

Opal said: "You don't have this right! Give me the necklace back!"

Caroline: "When your lover is pitiful, there is obviously a chance of resurrection, but you have to die again because of your stupid principles."

Opal said: "I don't need this kind of mercy, neither does Raymond."

Colleen was silent for a moment, and then said: "I give you the right to choose, but these two options are specially tailored for you and cannot be modified, just like the teacher’s training of you and the clothes you made, and Meticulous care. One: accept Raymond, let him return to your side, and leave the grip of the light. Two: do not resurrect Raymond, continue to follow me. I believe that if you choose Second, you will not betray me again. Choose it, Opal."

Opal: "..."

Opal didn't understand why Caroline gave such an option. At the last moment, they were still bearing blood and hatred against each other, and Caroline lightly wrote a few words, as if to change everything, and listen to his tone, continue to stay, When he was an apprentice, it was his mercy that opened the net.

It was impossible for Opal to continue to follow Caroline. He hadn't exited, and Caroline felt it.

Colleen got up and said: "I already know your answer. I think I have to send someone first to the base of the ship to ask Pope Drumon what it means. Poor Rector and Ledgerson thought Pope Drummond is on their side, and the pope should copy me the technical chip."

Opal looked at Caroline cautiously.

"Raymond only lives in my past. I would rather miss him." Opal said: "Don't try to use this to make me succumb."

"Your mouth is not right, Opal." Collolin said lightly: "There was no me in the past, no Rector, and no Raymond. You forgot how the teacher taught you? The past is uncertain, and the future is not. The only thing that is certain is the present."

Opal was going crazy, and he laughed like crazy, Colleen said: "Go back to the rest first, I believe you will not refuse this gift."

Opal said: "You killed me!"

Caroline returned to the throne, silenced for a long time, and then said: "Now I seriously ask you, Opal, why don't you want to believe? You are as stubborn as Rector, I think I will only do bad things, yes Not?"

Opal coldly said: "You are playing me, what reason do you want to give me? Because your copy is in love with me? So you plan to complete us? I think this is not like your style."

Caroline said: "Why not? I have also blessed Caesar's love and used the entire female star as his gift. It is not difficult for me to make a copy. I just want to use him to make You understand some things. Go back to sleep, you are sleepy, opal, remember to think clearly after waking up, don’t be so stubborn."

Caroline raised his hand and smoothed it over. Opal still had much to say, but he couldn't resist the sudden drowsiness. His eyelids gradually became heavy, and he fell to the ground in the hall and fell asleep.

He fell asleep for a long time, and woke up feeling like he was dying.

[Yes, you slept for a full week.Colleen Road: [Now go to dinner, fill your stomach, and then come to the 700th floor, the last time I made a genetically adjusted room.

Opal got up hard, and the little robot brought food. His primitive survival instinct was inspired. He grabbed the food and stuffed it in his mouth. It didn't feel better until he ate a lot of food.

With a little strength, he immediately ran to the elevator and went to the highest level of the Meteor Star Building. After opening the door, he saw Colleen standing in front of the console. There were two nutritional cabins in the room. The one on the left was empty. Now, the logo below shows that it is from the gene company ACU, which is a life-cultivation module.

The other nutritional cabin was transported from the No. 2 testing ground!Opal recognized its shell.

The semi-formed replicator is now suspended in the solution in the nutrient compartment, and Colleen holds the necklace in his hand.

Opal recognized the robot, its body was covered with muscle tissue and new skin, and the face showed the outline of Colleen, exactly the same...

Opal said: "You... you are crazy."

Colleen glanced at Opal and replied: "You lack the minimum respect for me, Opal. Call me teacher."

Opal shivered, he didn't know what to say, Colleen said: "It has not been turned on, but the brain is complete. Now, let me teach you how to use the phantom star's conscious wave to transfer memory. "

Opal said: "No, I don't... don't do this..."

"Look." Caroline grabbed Opal's collar and couldn't help but hold him in front of him. Opal shouted, "Let me go!"

Colleen whispered in his ear: "This is what you want deep down, don't deceive yourself, opal, you have to watch the whole process, so as not to doubt that I am moving in your lover's memory. I’m not Legerson. I’m sure your teacher will say it, you understand?"

Colleen's hypnotic voice enveloped Opal's entire body. His body lost control, and his hands and feet no longer seemed to be his own. With Colleen's tempting voice, he made a series of actions.

"Did you see this? This is the small world in the illusion blue fluorite." Caroling murmured.

Opal's thoughts were taken into the necklace by Collorin, which was full of Raymond's past and the joys and sorrows they had experienced together, as well as those days on the star.

"Pull it out with the power of faith." Colleen said: "Raymond's memory is now blank, pushing all the content into this blank world."

Opal's heart thumped, and Caroline's conviction was like countless glowing tentacles in the darkness, carrying fragments of memory from all directions into the blank world of soul and filling it in.

After the memory transfer was over, Caroline let go of Opal and looked at the unreplicated replica with a blank expression.

The hatch showed a childlike face of Opal, and he stared blankly at Raymond.

"It hasn't been turned on yet," Collorin said. "Atomic furnace energy is needed. Look here, apprentice."

Opal’s gaze followed Colleen’s expectations. He knew this atomic furnace. Collolin said: "I made a new atomic furnace for it. As soon as the energy is full, it will automatically turn on. At this time, his Consciousness will stay in the last second before death, maybe it will cause a little damage, you have to think about how to explain what is happening to him. In these days, you can think about it with anticipation, when Raymond is going to sleep After waking up in the middle, what was the first sentence he said to him, um...what expression would he find when you became smaller? It must be interesting."

"Aren't you saying you don't want to either?" Colleen lowered his head and whispered in Opal: "I finally give you the right to choose, see, here."

Caroline pointed to the button on the console and said: "You can choose not to, but not now. After 72 hours, when his body is finished, I will turn it on and he will see you."

"If you don't want to, then you can press the button, the sea of ​​time will perform a decomposition action, look at the nutrition compartment, and slowly destroy him."

Opal finally said: "What do you want me to do in exchange? Say, I admit that I am not your opponent. As long as you don't let me kill my teacher, I can promise, if you want to kill Rector, I would rather die with Raymond."

Caroline returned to the sky garden and stood by the fountain, saying: "There is no exchange, you are tossed by Rector a bit nervous, and I always suspect that I am hurting you. Do you think it is so easy to die? Even if you are If I committed suicide, I would also make Raymond, and then show him your body... Opal, you are still too small to look at me. If the teacher really wants to punish you ruthlessly, there are ways."

Opal: "..."

"There is one more thing, I think I must explain to you clearly: Regarding Raymond’s chip, the entire robot uses the incomplete specimen you brought back. I have not made any changes, but just connected a few cerk metals. Bracket. You don’t have to doubt my private arrangement or arrangement anymore, let alone dismantle its head to check, you know, it’s not easy to get technology from Pope Drummond, and making such a thing It’s very laborious. I didn’t close my eyes for a week before I made him.”

Opal didn't believe such a good thing at all, frowned: "Are you really willing to let us go?"

Colleen looked at his eyes and said, "Of course, if you feel guilty for me, you may as well do your best in these few days to repay me."

Opal's mood is very complicated, and what has happened in front of him has exceeded the limit of his thinking.

Opal said: "Why do you do this, without giving me a reason, I will never be at ease."

Caroline said lightly: "Why do you think there are so many people in this galaxy who are willing to follow me and give their lives for me? God gave every believer who believed in him what he really wanted, and he would feel very happy , Like you are now."

Opal said: "Desire will expand. You are a devil. You satisfy people's desires and make them want more..."

Colleen said: "Those guys who are just greedy, I give only one condition, and the only thing that really makes them perish is never themselves, or, apprentices, how do we change it? When you see all this, do you still Will you be attached to those illusory morals, laws and axioms, Opal?"

Colleen turned around, looked at Opal, poked his chest with his finger, and said, "Press here, come, try."

He took Opal’s hand, and his big hand was warm, but Opal retracted like an electric shock, but Colleen clenched tightly and said, “Release your faith, look at my heart, except for them in Raymond’s In my memory, also in my heart."

Opal pressed his hand on Colleen’s chest, his heart beating fast and powerful, as if it were the strongest and most stable thing in the world.

Then he saw a light.

"You read Raymond's memory." Opal finally understood.

"Yes." Caroline said in a deep voice: "Now, Raymond and I have the same soul, but you can rest assured that I have no time to fall in love with you, nor will I follow or interfere with your actions. I will give something to the replica, and I would like to help, let him decide for myself, and not force it."

"Besides that, I also have my own ideals to accomplish. Since you choose him, then I think maybe in this life, you will never return to the teacher."

The light was in Colleen's memory of Raymond. It was hot and overbearing. It shone into Opal's soul in an instant, dispelling the shadow and darkness he left behind after his death, just like the creation of the universe. At that time, the earth-shattering light, carrying the majestic and irresistible energy, was not the high temperature that destroyed everything, but the boundless warmth.

Caroline stared at Opal’s slightly loose pupils and whispered, "Do you know what this is?"

The light was so warm, it shone on Opal’s heart, and the consciousness enchantment set up by Ledgerson disintegrated and collapsed under its light, and all self-deceiving thoughts collapsed, just like the thin layer of ice under the hot sun. Melt slowly in front.

All the memories about Raymond rushed to his outer memory world, everything was tumbling together again, Opal closed his eyes, and finally recovered himself.

——In the mercenary hall of Sunshine City, exchange your own diary with Raymond with a smile.

Caroline said: "I think you know what this is better than anyone else. I lifted your memory barrier and took back the fire of faith that ignited for you, pardoning the crime of deception you committed against me, your heart, freedom Now."

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