The Star Knight

Chapter 106

After getting off the spaceship, the first thing for Opal was to go to the auction house and take down the commemorative coin that Thangka lost to him. However, when he discovered that the gold coin Thangka lost to him was not a valuable item at all, it was just a very ordinary card. He suddenly had an urge to issue a wanted warrant to hunt down Thangka when he was bargaining for casinos in the Martyr area.

"I'm going crazy!" Opal complained sadly.

Raymond said: "The money will definitely be there. The money I entrust will be managed by you. What else?"

Raymond didn't seem to be too happy either, and Opal understood it almost at first thought.

Opal turned around and walked backwards in front of him, saying, "I don't think you are earning less."

Raymond said: "Read my heart again, you always bully me, you know what I think."

Opal said: "I haven't read your heart, I haven't read anyone's heart for a long time, I just know, just like you know when I'm in a bad mood."

Raymond understood, and said, "Is that true? But I always think you have been in a bad mood recently."

Opal said: "Perhaps, I always feel that there is something in my heart that makes me want to vent. I want to yell and want to beat you."

Raymond didn't quite understand Opal.

Opal’s fists and feet combined to push and arch Raymond, his fist against his arm, and he couldn’t kick him, saying, “That’s it. In this way, I wish I could kill you, hack to death, and get angry when I see you... "

Raymond laughed. He held Opal in his arms and said, "I know, you want to make love."

Opal: "!!!"

Raymond said: "Let me think of a"

Opal blushed and said: "But fantasy movements and dream machines can recognize age, what do you ask me to do?"

Raymond smiled: "Don't think about this, return the commission, and go."

The Big Astronautics Association is divided into five floors and covers an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers. This building is like a small city. The first floor under the circular vault is full of sunlight, and the robots shuttle around in the hall. The fluttering light screen allows adventurers to use these independent facilities to return commissions and missions.

"Area 16, the free galaxy commissioned entry point." the female voice prompted.

Raymond jumped off the flight board to return to the commission. Opal stood looking aside curiously. He kept worrying that he was too short. Although in theory, the reverse growth surgery is only a retrospective of his age, he is still 15 years old. , Just got Raymond's chest high?

Opal said: "You have to follow the prompts!"

Raymond entered several times and displayed errors, saying impatiently: "Don't mess up."

Opal opened Raymond's hand: "Hey will you, won't you change me!"

Raymond: "In the name of Horius..."

Opal: "It's useless to pray... and I can call Horius the uncle..."

Raymond: "Don't push me against your seniors, my dad has a relationship with him... No, not here!"

Opal: "I saw that they all operate this way..."

Opal pressed a key, and the word "formatting soon" flashed on the screen, and Raymond immediately said: "Don't touch anything! Don't touch anything! You can sit there!"

Opal was scolded again, and he was bored. He didn’t feel when he was with Raymond. After a long time, he began to find out that this guy is always like this-there is nothing particularly fierce. His love is not like fire. There is no special impulse.

But to say no, Raymond loves him again, and he still loves him very much, even Opal can feel it, but he has not shown a particularly domineering and crazy manner.Now they don't need to use life to protect each other anymore, because the adventurer's commission is all single-person, which makes him lack the sense of accomplishment of working with Raymond.

Opal thought for a while and said, "You got the money and came to the rest area to find me."

"Well." Raymond frowned at the information machine and said, "Are you upset again?"

Opal looked at Raymond and found that Raymond still cared about him, otherwise he would not always notice his mood.

"No." Opal said listlessly: "I love you."

Raymond said: "I love you too, it will be better after a while."

Opal yelled, and Raymond said again: "You can go to the charter and enter the preliminary assessment team. Little Q! Don't touch the water dispenser! You will short-circuit!"

Opal followed E7 and walked through the entrusted return area to the government office. In the transparent glass parlor sitting in twos and threes, many employers and adventurers were chatting about commissions. He went to the drinks vending machine to buy a bottle of sunshine coffee. The E7's camera is looking at a large machine.

[Robot polishing and waxing service will make your partner as new as ever.

"Do you want to be polished, E7?" Opal asked with coffee. "I think maybe you can wipe your camera lens."

E7: "Beep beep..."

Opal bought a five-minute cleaning service and threw the E7 into the big box like the washing machine, and there was a gurgle.

"The galaxy around the grip of the light has opened to the entire universe..."

After finishing the charter, Opal heard the sound from the side. Opal was attracted by the conversation between the employer and the adventurers. He narrowed his eyes and listened sideways. Some adventurers were very vigilant about secrets, and others Hold an indifferent attitude.

The man said: "Yes, so we would like to ask you to investigate the living conditions, social normality and political environment near Deshan. It includes informative local information, as well as materials, tax rates, funds, food and daily life, ethnic issues, etc... …Everything not mentioned in the immigration advertisement requires your investigation..."

The adventurer who approached this task was a middle-aged fat man. He thought about it and said, "Do you plan to emigrate?"

"There is this plan." The man glanced at his wife and said, "It is said that the scenery on the Deshan Star is very beautiful, and the energy price is generally ten percent lower than that of the Star Alliance, and the tax rate is not high. We do not want to bear the empire anymore. Tax, which makes life very stressful..."

The woman smiled at him.

Opal inserted a topic behind the sofa and said, "The government of the Meteorite Empire is a bit poor."

Several people laughed, the fat adventurer smiled and said: "Have you been?"

Opal nodded and said, "Their money has been used to build the aircraft carrier. It is estimated that they are clinking now. I heard that they want to open a business with the Republic..."

"Ah--" Several people knew at the same time.

"That's the case." The man said: "Korolin has an initiative to reopen the road of forgetting. The Imperial Chancellor of the Treasury and the Holy See are so noisy because of this... In short, please."

The middle-aged fat man put away the adventurer's manual and said, "Here we will go through the formalities."

The three of them left, and Opal sat down on the sofa. The E7 was polished, and the silver glittered on the sofa. The camera pointed at Opal.

Opal set it off, saying: "Forty-eight credits! You have fallen under the temptation of material, E7!"

"Can you fill out the form?" Raymond asked.

"Well." Opal moved a little to the side, Raymond sat on the sofa and hugged him. The two looked at the adventurer's charter in the information chip. Opal was 15 years old and could start leading the An informal form, which takes one year to prepare for formal entry, during which the association will hand over these newcomers some observation tasks to confirm whether the information they have collected is useful.

"You have to find some big work to do." Raymond said: "The speed of making money can't keep up with the spending."

Opal has read the charter many times, and he quickly turned it over and said, "Are you running out of money?"

The two had mixed up on the stars before, and after they came to the Big Astronautics Association, everything went back to zero. The advantage of being an adventurer is that you don’t have to encounter sudden events that can kill your life or be out of stock anytime, anywhere. The disadvantage is that the rate of money is slow.

Raymond said: "I don't know if there is any mission to assassinate the emperor, or the kidnapping of the finance minister's daughter for ransom..."

"Oh no." Opal tilted Erlang's legs and said, "This is not good. It should be'protecting the emperor from being assassinated', or'rescuing the kidnapped daughter of the Minister of Finance', etc..."

Raymond laughed and poured a glass of wine. After seeing E7 and Xiao Q exchange briefly, the two little robots ran together. In the past, when they saw the robot scrubbing machine, they were annoyed and said: "E7! You Can you tell your brother this?"

Raymond laughed, got up and turned on the machine to scrub the little Q. Opal filled out the form and said: "It is really necessary to find some gold-bearing work, it is too short of money."

When Opal and Raymond left the grip of the rotating light, they were almost indifferent. I don't know if it was Colleen's omission or deliberateness. Their private accounts were empty.

The pension, the old-time VI spaceship, and the money in the mercenary corps are all on the martial stars. They went to King’s Wharf like a penniless intergalactic wanderer. After arriving, they filled out a personal account declaration and received a poverty alleviation. Funding, but that's only Raymond's, because Opal is still underage.

Raymond began to take the challenge to upgrade, and it took nearly four years to be promoted to the Heart of Six. This is the lowest level of the official adventurer team. It is no longer easy to upgrade from the sixth level, and it needs a lot of promotion points to accumulate. Previous suit.

In the adventurer commission, the survey category accounted for 60%, and the survey required considerable experience, luck, and connections. No connection is difficult in this universe. It took Raymond a long time to figure out the commission routine, and the commission sometimes succeeded. Sometimes it fails, and the details of the investigation of the return are sometimes not approved by the association, which makes them very difficult to survive. They often have to wander in the universe for many days, and the reward has only just offset the fuel money of the spacecraft.

Opal sometimes feels that I didn’t know it before. Now, in comparison, the welfare of Liexing is really good!One ton of standard aviation fuel only requires 280 credit points, and on King’s Wharf, local energy is not produced. All energy is purchased from the empire. One ton of standard aviation fuel requires 3,300 credit points, with additional extras Taxes, environmental pollution taxes, form taxes, and spacecraft energy consumption taxes are countless items. Each time they go out for a commission, they need more than 4,000 credit points for energy consumption.

Fortunately, he is finally fifteen, and he can also commission with Raymond, which can at least save the energy costs of Time VI.

"What are you going to do now?" Raymond said: "You are beautiful, little Q kid."

Little Q went crazy on the floor, Opal filled out the form, glanced at it, and said: "You actually gave it a luxury service... E7 only wiped for five minutes... Go, apply Reserve."

Raymond took Opal's shoulders, and the two went to the second floor. When passing a vending machine, Xiao Q and E7 ran over to see anti-gravity flight accessories. That thing required 25,000 credit points.

Opal almost wanted to kneel down these two robots, he shouted: "Little Q! I will shut you down when I buy something!"

Raymond whistled, and the two robots came, and Raymond smiled: "Dad has no money, be nice."

Opal couldn't help crying, and the robot Colleen gave him was a money beast!If you don’t do anything seriously, you can’t help driving the spaceship, and you also bring the E7 to a break. You want to buy things and accessories as soon as you come out.

Raymond explained to Opal: "This should be an autonomous evolution system he set up, so that the small robot itself has its own program."

Opal burst into tears: "It will evolve very well, but I have no money--"

Raymond said: "The money will definitely be there. Rest assured, after you become a member of the reserve, we will find the commission of several nearby galaxies, and we will get two rewards each time we return."

"Hope." Opal said helplessly, he still missed the working environment of Lixing, but in fact he told him that Lixing is not a place suitable for long-term development. Although there are many commissioned remunerations, it is directly linked to life.

This is especially true of the commissions he and Raymond have experienced before.The reaper in the underground cave, the mother ship of the pirates, the war of the female star, etc... Every time I risk my life to complete the mission, now I think of it as a big life, if there is any difference, it is estimated that it will never happen again. Can't come back.

"Which appraiser is you looking for?" Opal looked around at the reception desk on the second floor and glanced at Raymond inquiringly.

Each of the sixteen bubble rooms has an appraiser in the single room. These appraisers are responsible for resolving the complaints of adventurers concerning the level, system and strength, and will also give the newcomers a proper evaluation.

Raymond thought for a while and whispered, "I didn't pay much attention when we came here more than three years ago."

Opal said: "Did you find the woman last time?"

Lei Meng snorted and narrowed his eyes, said: "Not busy, I now think that a good appraiser can play a big role, maybe you can let you skip the preparatory period directly."

Opal said: "I think so too, let's take a look... Xiao Q! I'm sick of you! Don't touch that thing!"

E7 brought Xiao Q back. After the two robots were improved by Collolin, they looked carefree every day, and their curiosity exploded.Opal is still scorching for money, but Xiao Q ran to the corner of the hall to remove the groove for storing floor cleaner.

Raymond and Opal bypassed the bubble room, and a woman said, "A newcomer? Come here."

Opal waved his hand and Raymond said: "What is she thinking?"

Opal said: "I don't like reading mind anymore, do you want to know?"

Raymond said: "Just curious, I guess these clerks have commissions."

"Your curiosity is as strong as Xiao Q." Opal sneered, Raymond poked Opal's head, and suddenly found something, said: "Wife, look over there."

Opal followed Raymond's expectations, and there was a green bubble in the most remote corner of the room, where things were placed in a mess, moldy chrysanthemum fruits, a layer of asphalt in the sink, and sticky floor glue, There was a wooden table in the middle, a thick sticky thing shrunk behind the table, two eyes on the tentacles entangled together, head down, motionless.

"A green Mercury?" Opal said confusedly. "There are green Mercury here too?"

Raymond said: "Find him."

Opal said: "No, his office is so disgusting..."

Raymond hugged Opal sideways into the bubbles of the Green Mercury.

It woke up immediately.

The Green Mercury was refreshed, opened his eyes on the tentacles, and could not hold his hands, rubbing: "Hello, friend."

Opal noticed that there was a light-screen stamp on his desk with "Beng Bian" printed on it.

Raymond hugged Opal sideways, and under the boots were all the mud made by the green Mercury. He politely said: "Hello, Mr. Beng Beng, we are here to conduct a newcomer assessment. Do you have a place to sit here?" ?"

"Ah--" The Green Mercury people made a move and said, "Please sit anywhere, I mean... I'm sorry, no one has been here for a long time, I'm neglected, you know, they like to find it Other assessors, it will take a long, long time for someone to come to me... This is not fair to me. Obviously the Green Mercury is the smartest race in this universe. We only need to look at your eyes to know what you are suitable for, What is not suitable..."

Opal twitched and said: "I think we should just talk like that."

Raymond held Opal and let him sit on the table and hugged him from behind. The Green Mercury did not know if it was too long without business or the nature of it.

"I've been here for almost two thousand years..." Beng Beng said: "Nature has spirit, everything in the world has spirit, we can see the material of the spirit... So President Murray gave me a life The location, one person is full, the whole family is not hungry, but they all squeeze me out, jealous of my ability..."

Opal said: "Uh, I believe it." Then he looked at Raymond again, and his look was clear. Is it really necessary to evaluate here?

Even Raymond himself was a little uncertain. He interrupted the long discourse and said, "Is it possible to evaluate him now."

Beng Beng opened the drawer and said, "Green Mercury no longer needs me... I have made many contributions to the clan, but they expelled me, and Bin Bin drove me out directly, but I believe I came to me today. Is the most correct choice in your life."

Raymond asked: "You were on Green Mercury..."

Beng Bang said: "I am an elder, elder elder... let me look at your little lover, come here."

It looked at Raymond with one eye and pointed to Opal with the other eye. Raymond was a little uncomfortable by it, and politely grabbed its tentacles and turned a small angle toward Opal, saying: "He needs to be evaluated."

Bang Bang said: "Ah, big man, you don't seem to be human."

Opal and Raymond were shocked at the same time.

Fortunately, after finishing this sentence, Beng Beng no longer paid attention to Raymond. With two eyes facing Opal, he asked, "What's your name? Child."

"His name is Opal." Raymond said.

Bengbong brushed a few lines of text on a flexible piece of paper, and six hands simultaneously wrote six different lines of text. Raymond looked at this text suspiciously, and Bengbeng turned around with two eyes, as if Completely sober, said: "This is ancient green Mercury, on behalf of my evaluation and opinion of you, do you want to be an adventurer?"

Opal said: "Well, so come to you for a reserve assessment."

Beng Bang said: "Ah, a beautiful khakiwana stone is gradually shining under the sculpting of your lover. What kind of reserve mission do you need? Or, in your heart, what is the most eager to get ? Please don’t lie, just answer me."

Raymond and Opal share the same voice:


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