The Star Knight

Chapter 109

Opal buried his head in Rector’s chest for a long, long time. Rector touched his head and said, “I’m sorry, Opal.”

"No." Opal said: "Don't say that, teacher, I betrayed you."

Rector said: "Don't blame yourself, Opal."

Opal let him go. At this moment, his feelings in front of Rector are still complicated. He did not do what Rector gave him, and he did not even choose his own position clearly. His heart is still right. Caroline succumbed, even surrendered.He was ashamed of Rector and ashamed of himself, but when he saw Rector again, he still rushed to hug him with impulse and instinct.

However, after the two separated, he suddenly thought of many things-their relationship is very awkward.

Perhaps because of this, Rector didn't want to meet him.

"How come here?" Rector started the conversation like no one else. He walked to the table, poured some fruit wine for Opal, and poured himself a glass of thorn.

Opal briefly recovered from Raymond's identity and said, "Come and investigate one thing. Me and...I have become an adventurer."

Rector seemed to be unaware of his nervousness and smiled: "I think the adventurer is more suitable for you than the mercenary, Opal."

Opal said: "Oh no, the adventurer is too difficult and needs a lot of contacts. If you don't see you, I can't even enter this banquet."

Rector said: "The Big Astronautics Association likes to use the famous quote of Horius. Solving problems should use your brain instead of fighting. I believe that even without me, you can successfully mix in."

Opal said: "Is Horius strong? How about others? Is it cunning?"

Rector said: "He is short and as tall as you are now, but he is the star knight I admire most except Nolan. He is quite smart, thoughtful, and patient, making the last move for long preparations To win, slowly you will get used to this mode. Horius doesn’t like to fight alone, he rarely even starts saber-toothed tiger. Most of the time, he uses his mind to win the battle. From this point of view, Kolo Lin is a bit like him."

Opal suddenly thought of something, he said: "Teacher, you came because of him... did he have any assassinations?"

Rector held his arms and said, "No, not because of him, but because of another student of mine."

Opal found another thing, the silver bracelet on Rector's wrist was gone.

Rector noticed that Opal was looking at his hand, and stretched out his left hand, wearing the string of artificial stone beads Opal gave him a long time ago on his wrist-bought on the B11 star with 400 energy points. Bracelet.

Opal laughed: "You still bring it."

"Wear it all the time," Rector said. "It broke once in the middle, and Jasmine helped me put it on."

Opal said, "What about dragon rays?"

Rector said: "He is asleep in the Church of the Stars, do you want to see him?"

Opal said: "He...sleeps? Why don't you take it with me, I mean..."

Rector said: "Let's go over there, what would you like to eat?"

Opal followed Rector to leave the moonlight trail and walked in the direction of the green pine forest. Opal had too many questions to ask, and there were many troubles to solve. The most important thing was that Raymond was playing a clown in the luxury hall. What did Kurt know about the outcome?!

"I knew that Caroline wanted to use assassination to solve the problem." Rector said casually. "Who is his goal this time?"

Opal said: "I'm not sure, he did have this idea before, maybe the emperor..."

Opal was a little hesitant, but Rector said: "He has also done his duty as a teacher to you. There is no personal grudge between me and him. The duel is to use life to correct the mistakes that each other has made. I don’t Hate him, so you don’t have to be too burdened, Opal."

Opal sighed and said: "Really, I'm sorry, teacher, I tried my best. I sometimes think of what you taught me a long time ago. You said that there are some things that can't be done by faith. It is true, I There are many things that cannot be done. You punish me, I am willing to accept any punishment to express my apology to you, but there are many things, even if I come again, I will still do this, or I will choose so."

Rector stopped and looked at Opal and said seriously: "I didn't intend to punish you, Opal, I put the dragon rays in the hall of the stars, intending to live a normal life, because I failed, So I can only reflect on myself and accept the failure. Now only your friend Rector, not your teacher, is Rector who is a star knight."

Opal: "!!!"

Opal didn't know what to say at the moment, Rector signaled him to continue along the road.

Opal said: "Did you give up, teacher?"

Rector said beside him: "No, I didn't give up, Opal, I think a lot in these days. On the first day I met you, when you ran over to charge the dragon with the battery, I I vaguely understood why my faith could not overcome Caroline, and you awakened the fire of my faith. But I was too impatient, and I mistakenly thought that this was a chance given to me by fate, because you made me feel again The duty of teaching, thousands of years after Caroline left, I once again realized the feeling of cultivating a person, so I gathered this belief and wanted to fight against Caroline again, but I still failed."

Opal listened silently, Rector said: "After the second failure, I recalled our encounter. The fire of faith briefly reignited not because of the cultivation of you, but because of the recognition of a worthwhile I’m going to protect my friends. I even regretted that I shouldn’t allow you to develop on your own, but should take you to the Church of the Stars, we all live together as relatives of each other, teach you all I will, and feel together The beauty of being accompanied. Unfortunately I missed you."

"I'm really stubborn. With these few thousands of miles, I simply battled Collorin with my own cognition, but I didn't have any idea of ​​experiencing the feelings and life as a human being." Rector said: "So I I don’t know what my belief is. I have no relatives or friends for thousands of years after his betrayal. I don’t have a strong attachment. I don’t have the motivation to win. In the end, I even found that I even protect you. No, how to fight Caroline? So I figured it out, I plan to let go of fighting him first and live a normal life."

Opal nodded and said, "I understand, teacher."

Rector laughed: "Our failure is due to my lost self in these long years."

Opal said: "It's not too late to understand."

Rick nodded characteristically and said, "A person, as long as he understands what he really needs to do, then it is not too late at any time."

Opal said: "Oh, maybe what I need most is money now. I found that since I have been to King's Wharf, my belief is that the money is spinning around..."

Rector laughed, took a plate, gave Opal Sheng food, and said: "I think there are a lot of enjoyment for free. In the universe, it is often more free than charged."

Opal said: "Is it like these?"

Rector said: "No, of course not, these are money in nature. The Empire always likes to eat gluttonous food. This is one of the seven deadly sins, which is very bad."

Opal said: "But if you want to live like an ordinary person, it is also necessary to live such a life, I think compared to the liquid food of the Republic...uh..."

Rector said: "The same is true for their gluttony in the virtual network. It is good to satisfy desires properly. Anything that is excessive is terrible. Come with me."

He took the food with Opal to the lawn. The pine forest was noisy and lively. Opal chose a secluded place with few people and sat on the lawn with Rector to eat.

"Maybe one day you will... for..." Opal holds a fork and wonders suddenly: "Beating old for food... sorry, I still can't change my mouth."

Rector really had no way to take Opal. Opal said: "It's better to call him Black Teacher, how about calling you White Teacher."

Rector: "..."

Opal laughed: "Just kidding."

Rector said: "Look at the sky."

Opal looked up, and Rector said: "Opah, I remember your favorite thing when you were a child was to look at the starry sky. Have you lost this interest for a long time?"

"No." Opal murmured: "I still like to watch it now."

"It's good." Rector said: "The air is free, the starry sky is free, the sun is free, and the rain is free. They are all gifts from the creator. The Star Holy See believes that stars are the creators of this universe. They emit light and heat. , So everything can grow, the water on the surface of the dead planet, and the air can circulate. Love, friendship, and affection are also free, because they are priceless, so they can only be free."

Opal said: "No, teacher, some love is also charged... Only a small number of people do not charge for love."

Rector frowned: "Are you going to hit the teacher?"

Opal looked at him with a smile, at this moment he felt that Rector was no longer the one he knew before. Although he was still very small, he noticed one thing-Rector regarded him as an adult. Too.

"Teacher." Opal said suddenly: "Raymond is resurrected, can you accept him? I beg you to accept him for me, or try to understand him."

Rector quietly asked: "Opal, if the teacher does not accept Raymond, what will you do?"

Opal said: "I will protect him from being hurt by you. When necessary, I can only fight with you, but I still love you the same, teacher."

Rector stared at Opal's eyes and said, "As long as you think so, the teacher can't do anything with you, Opal."

Opal: "No no..."

Rector said: "Your belief in this is more pure than mine, so if we fight, the teacher will not be your opponent."

Opal Road: "But you have dragon rays."

Rector said: "This is essentially no difference. It will force you to the end. The strength of your faith may crush the dragon rays."

Opal frowned: "Really?"

Rector couldn't help crying: "Do you still want to try?"

Opal said: "I don't want... I don't want to fight you, teacher, I really don't want to, but I can't lose Raymond."

Rector said: "Then I will try hard. In fact, because of the matter of Ledgerson, I have often reflected on myself over the years. Moreover, you have done your best to avoid the deterioration of the situation. When you have to face a dilemma When making a decision, I think it might still need to be reconciled."

Opal finally put a big rock in his heart, this is his most feared thing, since Rector did not express a clear opposition, it is already God's greatest gift to him.

Rector doesn't seem to want to discuss this topic more, and Opal also knows that he will not be able to reverse his previous impression at one and a half times. The existence of replicators has violated Rector's bottom line, not to mention a Colleen replicator?

"He didn't let us do anything bad." Opal still couldn't help saying.

"I said it, Opal." Rector said: "I don't hate him, I just have to correct the mistakes we each made. It is dangerous to copy people..."

Opal said: "But he didn't have the consciousness of being a copy person. From the beginning to the end he felt that he was a human being. He didn't want to avenge the copy person, nor did he want to build a copy army."

Rector said: "Then you can pretend that I am just an ordinary person, the consultant of the Galaxy Atomic Pool Club, rather than a star knight."

Opal nodded his head and really let his mind down.

"By the way, when it comes to this," Opal said: "Teacher, what kind of club do you participate in? Do you take off a dress when the other side wins the game?"

Rector: "..."

"Why do you think so?" Rector said angrily: "What kind of games do you usually play?!"

Opal immediately made a surrender gesture, inadvertently exposing his behavior of playing erotic/love games. He thought about it and immediately diverted the topic, saying, "Why do you know that Buck, Barner..."

"Baroque." Rector said: "Imperial Prince, he is my student."

Opal immediately noticed something wrong and said, "Are you accepting students again?"

Rector said: "The Empire has an embassy in the galaxy. The ambassador knew me and loved to play atomic billiards. So he introduced me to Baroque. He has learned my billiard skills for a year and now invites me to dinner ."

"Oh." Opal said a little sourly: "When I asked you what the atomic billiards were, let me think about how you answered..."

Rector smiled, he lay down on the lawn, and Opal learned how to lie down, and said, "I'm so bad."

Rector said: "If you want to learn, I can teach you in a few days, but you have to assure me that I don't need to teach you the billiard skills to bully people, or take off other people's clothes."

Opal rolled on the lawn with a smile and said, "No problem."

The sound of the music in the distance is getting smaller, another wave of meteor showers across the zenith, the never-stop gorgeous night sky is filled with countless silvery lights, and the opal is dazzled, and he and Rector are no longer talking, and the wind is blowing. He feels really comfortable like this, everything is so quiet and beautiful.

Until the footsteps sounded beside them.

Opal heard Rector's voice in his dream.

"He fell asleep."

A man sat down on his left, and Opal immediately sober, but he did not open his eyes, knowing that Raymond found them.

Rector lies on his left, and Raymond sits on his right.

"What should I call you?" Raymond said.

Rector replied: "Random."

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