The Star Knight

Chapter 113

Yintuo was absent-minded in the underground building, and took the initiative to help Opal go to the lounge with a large stack of cards. The place was very dimly arranged. Opal entered and looked curiously at the camel wool blanket on the ground-a large box with no seats in it. There was only a haze of light in the middle.

"What are we going to do." Opal asked Yinyin when he saw no one around.

Yin Tuo said: "This is the layout of the divination room that imitates the Sphinx Witch. Later, there will be a lot of guests coming in. We have to improvise and entertain them, but we can't entertain too much.

Opal said: "Do you need divination?"

Yin Tuo threw out the card in his hand. Twenty cards floated around and slowly rotated. He said to Opal: "Need, every time you draw a card, you will find the corresponding person. , Teasing Lezi, asking the guests what they want to do fortune-telling, if I can’t say enough, I’ll help you round the field."

"Here are your lyrics, well divided, we each take two sentences."

The guests entered, two clowns stood around the mist, the mysterious music of the desert country floated in the smell of incense, the females sat on the right, and the men sat on the left.

Everyone who came here today found that the two clowns were one size smaller than yesterday, and they began to talk, and some people said, "How about your favorite king?"

The women laughed at each other, and soon all the lights went out, leaving a central beam of light spinning, and some of the guests drank and looked at the clowns standing on the sides.

"How many times have I seen... splendid morning, spoiling the mountain with the eyes of the emperor." Yintuo's deep singing sounded, Opel was startled, and did not expect Yintuo to sing so beautifully!

Yin's singing stopped, and it was Opal's turn to sing.

Opal interfaces to: "Kiss the oily green meadow with Jin Chi's face, brighten the gray mountains and rivers with magical illusions"

When Opal opened the room, all the guests laughed. He sang so badly, and he even had the voice of a male duck when he was young, which made many people lean back and forth.

"Strange, what about the handsome man before?"

"Don't think about it, these people are waiters from outside..."

"I really like the story the man told..."

When Opal heard someone talk about Raymond, she just couldn’t cry or laugh. Yintuu used her eyes to signal that Opal was doing well. It was for this effect that the two of them finished singing, and the light was steaming, and they held a poker card from them. Yintuo Gao Voice: "Aha-let's see, who is this?"

"Square piece three." Opal handed the card to Yintuo. Yintuo passed through the group of guests sitting on the floor, bowed, and smiled mysteriously at a teenager.

The teenager was startled and said, "I haven't brought it out yet, how do you know?"

"You are in love with someone." Yintuo opened the door straight away.

All the guests around for four weeks at that time cheered, and the young man looked at Yintuo and said, "No, you guessed wrong."

"Send you two words of advice." Yin Tuo took back the card in his hand: "The arrow is on the string. It is best to let it fly when the momentum is ready. The longer you hold the bow, the more tired you will be. Once you lose your original intention, you will often miss the shot. Need advice, you can come to me at any time."

The young man was quiet next to him for a while, and then several young nobles whispered in a low voice, Yin Yin withdrew the card. The young man said: "No, this is not allowed, it's boring, I'm leaving."

Opal glanced at them sideways, and the boy left with one of his companions.

Yin Duo went back to open the mist. During the dinner, all the guests were absent and whispered. Barclay talked with people in the corner, and then laughed haughtily, attracting the attention of Opal, but everyone who knew him seemed to be accustomed to it.

"Six of Spades." Yin Tuo showed the card.

Opal ticked his finger and motioned Yin Yin to give him the card. Yin Yin did as he did. Opal didn't look at it. He walked up to a man who was wearing a bowler hat and looked a little strangely. Opal.

"It's a child." Another man said with a smile: "You are seen by them."

Two men.The one on the left is wearing a bowler hat, and his face is a bit vicissitudes, but the one on the right looks very tender, with silver-gray hair and blue eyes.

Yintuo frowned slightly, seeming to be surprised by Opal's observation ability. He could even use the expression to find out the guest who had hidden the card in the seat?

Opal did not use this method. The light in the hall was very dark. He couldn’t see who had the cards at all. However, he could feel the emotions of everyone in the hall when Yin Yin said his suit. It was only for a moment. He was sharply caught.

"You did something unsure a while ago." Opal whispered in his ear: "Now my heart is full of uneasiness."

The man was shocked and looked at Opal watchfully.

Opal read about his negative emotions, smiled weirdly, took the man’s card, and said to him, "I also give you a piece of advice. You need a pillow when you sleep, and you have to keep your hands when you work."

"Thank you for your advice." The man smiled.

His companion gave him a punch with a smile, and the man grabbed his fist, beckoning him to stop.

Opal returned to the center of the meeting, the man did not give any comment on his divination, Yin Yin then drew a card.

Then came Barcero, and Yin Tuan's advice to him was that late tillage is better than no tillage when planting land.

Bacroo laughed and refused to respond.One after another, the cards turned over, and some of them left the field, and there were no more people left until the end.

Finally, free time, the clown stood in the corner, Yin Yin whispered: "Do you know that person?"

Opal said: "What? Oh no, I just casually said, what's wrong with him? Who is he?"

He looked towards the banquet. The man did not get together with anyone, but sat alone and drank.

Yin Tuo said: "That was the most unloved eldest son of the Rotman family, Justin, who just returned from the Milky Way. He came to the Pastoral Festival alone."

Opal nodded slowly, the music outside the hall came, it was dark, the banquet was opening, and the guests went out one after another. Opal said: "This is the end? Need to say something to the guests?"

Yin Tuo said: "No, you go back and change your clothes, this is over, I have to wait here."

Opal was a bit strange, but without asking too much, he went up and changed his clown costume to wash his face. When he came down again, he saw a man walking into the divination room.

He vaguely recognized the man, who happened to be the guest corresponding to Yin's first card.It seems that the teenager really has any emotional problems, or maybe he is in love with Yintuo. Opal floats, and his mind is filled with countless strange thoughts.

The game is not over, but Opal is no longer worried about money. After all, Raymond won the game and the prize money is very generous-he is very confident in Rector, and even if he can't get the first prize, he will be stable in the top ten.And as long as the top ten, there are 200,000 credit points as compensation.

Should we continue to investigate?

Opal held a glass of wine and stood in the corner of the garden, trying to sort out the intricate relationship. In fact, the information they have collected now can already be sold at a high price. The follow-up will wait until the end of the Shepherd’s Day. The Big Aerospace Association has set the next stage of action goals.

Opal tried to use the power of meditation to detect the distribution of people in the entire manor. The Chancellor of the Treasury and the wife of the Prime Minister were talking on the second floor, and there were several nobles gathered around them.

The person who accompanied Barclay in the back garden to listen to the serenade was a duke. He should be the party supporting Barclay-Alex did not come. Barclay had talked to many people at the banquet. Some people were drawn into their camp.

Opal always felt that Barclay was not as stupid as he seemed, and maybe he was just pretending to be superficial.

Because just Yin Yin gave him advice, there was a moment when the look of Barclay changed, which shows that he is also thinking about something.

If you read the hearts of these people one by one, it will be very interesting.Opal’s wicked careful thoughts are about to move, he wants to know whether these people are really what they seem, but most of them are trivial chores. Even if you want to read the mind, you have to choose a good target first. Row.

After considering it for a long time, Opal decided to start with Barclay. He took the opportunity to walk to the garden and stood not far from Barclay and the Duke to release the power of faith.

The distance he stood was just right. After releasing the power of conviction, his observation became very keen, and he didn't even need to read the heart. The conversation between Barclay and the Duke made him clear.

"I need to know what he thinks." Bucklow said very quietly.

The old duke said: "Only one person in the universe can know what the enemy's heart is thinking, Buck, but even he cannot know the real intention of that person."

Opal immediately understood that Barkrow’s “he” refers to Pope Drummond and to obtain the Pope’s support, which is indeed crucial to the crown prince, and the other “he” that the old Duke said refers to the branch Lorraine.

Barkero said: "I have seriously considered your proposal in these days, but it is not convenient for me to send a messenger to find him."

Opal thought Barclay wanted to ask the Pope, but the old Duke said: "I am not convenient, after all, the interstellar political situation is very sensitive at present, but if he is a wise man, he will definitely come in the future in the future. Contact you."

So Opal woke up and said they were Caroline...

"My mother doesn't support me." Bucklow sighed and whispered: "She prefers Alex's kid..."

So Opal got another extremely useful news.

"Hello." The man politely took off his round cap and nodded slightly at him.

Opal instantly regained his vigilance and said, "Hello."

He was preoccupied, and his spirit was concentrated on Barklaw and the old prince. He didn’t even notice the person’s proximity, but when he took a photo, he immediately recognized it. It was just the black at the divination meeting. Peach Liu's man.

"Justin." The man said: "Justin Rotman."

Opal nodded and shook hands with him, Justin said: "I saw you with your eyes closed and stood here..."

Opal smiled and said, "I'm listening to music."

"Changkong Island Serenade." Justin said: "A piece of classical music that has been around for a long time."

Opal nodded and said, "Is there anything I need to do for you?"

Justin seems a bit strange, laughing: "You don't look like the apparent age, I mean..."

Opal Road: "Compared to young and old?"

Both laughed, Justin said: "A friend of mine just listened to your divination, thought you were very interesting, would you like to go out for a walk?"

Opal was a little reluctant. He wanted to eavesdrop on Barclay again, but Justin might have something worth communicating here, so he put down the cup and smiled, "Please."

"It doesn't have to be this formal." Justin and Opal left the Moonlight Trail and walked all the way to the main hall, saying, "I'm just an eldest son who is not liked by my dad."

Opal laughed: "I'm just a downturned adventurer who hasn't formally grown up yet. Wait a minute, I'll visit my friend and come back in a few minutes."

Justin nodded, and Opal went back to the dressing room on the second floor to find Yintuo. He wanted to at least give an explanation or ask if the remuneration could be received now. However, there was no one in the dressing room, only the clothes changed by Opal.

He went downstairs again to the divination room, where things were thrown around in a mess, but he hadn’t collected it yet. He knocked over a glass of wine on the table, the liquid dripped down the small table, and the silver table was thrown down by the central table Clown costume.

Opal: "..."

"Yintuo, are you here?" Opal said.

No one answered. Opal was a little strange. What did Yin Yin change clothes here?Or hang out with the teenager?Would you like to make/love here? Really a casual guy. Forget it. Remuneration will be resolved by Raymond himself.

Opal walked out of the hall, Justin was like a polite gentleman, waiting patiently outside the door.

Opal noticed that the guests did not take the initiative to speak with Justin, and the people spoke lightly. This reminded him of his past when he and Carolyn attended the Tiergart banquet, and he gave a little good impression to Justin.

Justin: "How about your friend? If you don't mind, let him come together."

Opal: "He's not here, come back and contact him."

They left Baihua Manor, and Opal said, "Is there anything interesting on the star of the Falcon?"

Justin groaned a little, then said: "I haven't returned to the empire for nearly a hundred years, I don't know."

Opal nodded and said, "Where are you going to live now?"

Justin said: "It's the wind star just one hundred and seventeen astronomical units away from here, my mother's mother's house."

"Hi! Uncle!" a young man smiled heartily.

"Hello, my name is Opal." Opal recognized Justin's companion when he was divination, and smiled at him kindly.

Justin arrives: "This is Opal. Let me introduce it. His name is Pastor."

Upon hearing the name, Opal immediately remembered something, staring at the young man in front of him.

He is a little taller than Opal. He is only 18 or 9 years old. He is not too handsome, but he does not have the temperament of aristocratic children. It is a kind of approachable, courteous and courteous temperament, not an arrogant upstart.

"Shepherd..." Opal nodded. "Hello."

Justin said: "You know this fame?"

Opal remembered it, and he simply opened the door and said: "Your teacher is... uh... a big man, am I guessing right?"

The pastor's expression was a little nervous at the moment, and Justin whispered: "Don't say it here, let's change place."

The pastor wondered: "How do you know?"

Opal said: "I heard your name."

The pastor said: "But apart from the teacher and several archbishops, few people know my name."

Opal realized that he shouldn’t have said it. He always thought that the pastor was the real name of the young man in front of him. He asked, "Do you have another name?"

The herdsman bowed politely and said, "The name I use more frequently outside is called Tocheng V. Grebenny."

Opal couldn't remember this long list of names at all. He said, "I still call you a shepherd, do you mind?"

The herdsman said, "Of course not. Not many people know my name." He squeezed his eyes at Opal.

Justin has been walking behind them, from time to time will pay attention to the surrounding movements, Opal gradually understood that Justin is only here to introduce him, really want to see him is the young man called the pastor.

"What are you doing?" The pastor asked, "Are you an Empire?"

Opal handed his own adventurer manual, and the herdsman realized it with only one glance and said, "Your news is so well informed, do you even have this kind of news?"

Opal thought about it and said, "It just happened to be heard."

"Who listens to it?" The shepherd still seemed to inquire a little unwillingly.

Opal did not dare to confess to the person in front of him, but said with a helpless smile: "Forget, what are you doing here?"

The herdsman said, "Come and play with Uncle. How many times have we met in the Milky Way before, Uncle?"

"Well?" Justin was still thinking.

Opal noticed that the herdsman was very smooth, avoiding his questions without answering them too positively, and tried to use other methods to elicit the topic, saying: "That... Uncle said you have something to do with me."

"Nothing special." The pastor said: "Just looking at you is very interesting, I came to you to chat and play, do you have other things? Did you come with your friends?"

Opal said: "Yes, my partner went to participate in the atomic pool game, but it should not be over yet. The teacher said that the game has a total of ten hours... Do you like divination?"

The pastor said: "Well, I actually have a question for you to help me divination, because your advice to the uncle is quite accurate, I think..."

At this time, Justin opened his mouth and said, "Shepherd, they know much more than you think. If you want to get helpful help, you can't use this kind of communication."

The shepherd was a little embarrassed, but Opal laughed helplessly. The shepherd said: "Don't care about Uncle, he always likes to teach me, go, I will take you to a good place."

They entered the city by car. During the chat between the herdsman and Opal, they always revolved around the history, humanities and customs of the Star of the Falcon. Until they reached the square, this place has entered the flashy night of the city's carnival. Opal saw The giant light screen on the square shows the points of the atomic pool game, in which Rector and Raymond have entered the top ten.

The 200,000 bonus is here!Opal ecstasy.

But the pastor stopped here and looked at the bulletin board for a long time, and said to Justin: "He might get the first place."

Justin said: "I said, he probably just came to play a game."

Opal's heart thumped, were they talking about Rector?

"The teacher gave me two tasks, one of which was to let me investigate a person and see what he wanted to do on the Star of the Falcon." The pastor noticed the strangeness of Opal and he explained to him no longer disguised. Road.

Opal said: "Who? I might have information about him."

"Find a place to exchange information." The pastor said.

He took Opal to a remote cafe, where there were only a few robot waiters. The owner seemed to be hanging out too. Opal ordered a cup of coffee, and the herder took a sip and said, "The Sphinx is here Milk coffee is very good."

The amount of information obtained by Opal is too much and too messy. He tried his best to calm down and said: "The person you want to investigate is an atom billiard?"

"You know him too?" The shepherd narrowed his eyes.

Opal Road: "It's a tall man, looking in his twenties..."

"No, no," the shepherd said. "It's a short old man with a long beard and wearing pajamas... At least the last time I saw his picture, I wore pajamas and a bow on my white beard..."

It's about Rector's identity. Opal didn't dare to believe the pastor casually. He directly exuded the power of faith to read the heart of the pastor. His willpower seems to be strong. There is a barrier in the spiritual world. Opal does his best. , Read only to an image.

It is indeed the person described by the shepherd.

"Are you all right?" the shepherd asked inexplicably.

Opal waved his hands, licked his lips, and the shepherd leaned on the back of the chair, a loose look, saying: "So let me say, my teacher wants me to stay somewhere else for a few years, I don’t want to leave very much Light Arc City is also a little afraid of another person, so now... it is difficult to decide. I originally wanted to ask for divination and get a piece of advice, but now it seems that I am skewed...Do you know a lot of things?"

Opal said: "The Pope asked you to go to Colleen's site to be his student?"

"Hush..." The look of the pastor and Justin was very panic. The pastor quickly covered Opal's mouth, his eyes filled with surprise, and said, "You know this even?! God, this universe is coming to King's Wharf. Are there any secrets?"

Opal said: "No, no more than ten people in this universe know this secret."

The shepherd gasped in surprise, Opal said: "You don't have to worry about this matter being known by too many people, I ask you, when did you hear this news?"

The shepherd said: "Recently. Lord Ramos said that when I got back to this matter, I had to send me to the grip of the light."

Opal wondered if Caroline had recruited new apprentices?This is a bit difficult.

The attitude of the herdsman has changed a lot from the beginning, saying, "Do you think I am going or not?"

Opal said: "If the Pope makes you have to go, are you going to run away from home?"

The shepherd shrugged and said, "I heard that Korolin's disciple is younger than me, only twelve or three years old..."

Opal laughed: "How old are you?"

The pastor said: "Nineteen."

Opal thought that the herdsmen were also very young. Compared with hundreds of people nowadays, their lives are as young as babies.

"Go." Opal said: "Korolin is a good person, and he can learn a lot of things with him."

The pastor sighed and said, "Do you know him?"

Opal said: "It's a good idea, by the way, what are you doing with the old man?"

Opal thought of what the pastor said under the square-"he" might get the first place. Doesn't it mean that Rector will be defeated by him?Is this guy even better than Rector?

The herdsman said: "He knows the whereabouts of a person, and now many people are looking for that guy. My teacher suspects that the old man is involved in a big conspiracy, let me remind him properly a few words, do not mix too What a hassle."

Opal said: "Who's whereabouts, what trouble?"

The herdsman shook his head helplessly.

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