The Star Knight

Chapter 129

The footsteps of the Pope and Opal echoed in the empty hall. They passed through the hallway and finally stood in a hall. The ground in the hall is the cosmic star map glowing-the area that humans have discovered.

"This is called the Temple of Stars." Grebney said: "It's a place where bad children are confined. No one has been locked in for a long time."

Opal looked up and saw a light projected from the roof of the temple. There was a blue crystal-like projection device embedded in the ground in the center of the hall. Grebini put the knife on it, which was suspended in the air and turned into a hand. The sword-like shape, there are countless fiery red droplets around, and a real phoenix diffuses a spherical red light, which envelopes them.

"This is a repair device brought by the Illusion Man." Grebney said: "It can repair all devices outside our knowledge, and gave them to me when the ivory tower left."

Opal said: "Why is the Holy See different from the Ivory Tower?"

Grebini said: "This disagreement is because of personal preferences, I do not like them very much, because they say'philosophy is dead, philosophy can not keep up with science'."

Opal couldn’t help laughing, and Grebney said: “It’s already started. After the saber-toothed tiger died, Nolan tried it in the absence of dragon rays and saber-toothed tigers, and the result of the failed attempt was to pump all of its energy, and at the same time. The optical wheel also exploded unexpectedly, destroying all the planets around it."

Opal Road: "What is Nolan going to do?"

Grebney said: "Using the energy of the white night light wheel, the planets around it will jump to the far stars at the same time, leaving the star's influence area."

Opal said: "Why did he do this?"

Grebney said: "Before this, the White Night Light Wheel had an energy shock. Nolan thought that on these planets, there might be changes in the human race. This change will lead to the evolutionary branch of the entire race... Of course this It’s just my guess. My guess is often wrong. You can listen to it as a joke. You can’t discuss this issue after leaving the Star Temple. We are now standing in front of the ancient god, its influence covers the Star Temple. We Consciousness will not be detected by stars."

Opal said: "You mean stellar, reading our conversation all the time?"

"Not necessarily." Grebney said: "They don't care about small things most of the time, but it's always good to be careful. After all, most of the other universes are dead, and new universes are being born in a loop. Once everything goes well, its shell will wake up slowly for a while. You hold the heart of Nirvana and pay attention to the movements here at any time. My time is running out and I can only help you again."

Opal held ruby ​​and looked sideways at Grebney, who again smiled inexplicably.

"When it is resurrected, will I be able to control it." Opal said.

"Not necessarily." Grebenny said: "You still need to pass its test, but Colleen believes you can. Try it."

Grebney turned and left, and Opal stood in the astral hall, feeling that the real fire phoenix in the center was watching him.

"Can you hear me?" Opal tried to communicate with it.

However, Real Fire Phoenix did not answer, as if spying on his spiritual world and consciousness. Opal stood for a long time, not knowing how long it would take to wake up. He sat down and decided to wait here until the Phoenix woke up. .

Can he really control the Phoenix?

Opal feels unlikely. After all, he is too far away from Rector and Caroline. It is not a level at all. What is his strength?Opal has always lacked a clear understanding of his own strength. He cannot be the savior, not to mention the height of Horius and others.

[Is your soul free?] A slightly magnetic male voice sounded in his heart: [Do you exist for yourself, or are you born for some responsibility?

Opal: "!!!"

Opal recalled many things he had done, and the scenes in his memory were reproduced one by one in the spiritual world.

[When you have the power to dominate the world, what will you do?The voice asked again: [Dragon ray, saber-toothed tiger, gluttonous and star fox have all got the answers they want, how about you?

Opal replied: [I was born for myself, but Mr. Caroline wants me to follow behind him to build a new world. I think he is right. The universe cannot avoid war. I do not agree with some of his practices. I don't want this world to experience too many alternatives, and finally leave a ruin, and then rebuild hard.

[Mr. Rector’s belief is to protect everyone. I agree with his beliefs, but I still don’t agree with some of his practices, like the attitude towards replicating people, the enemy, and some wars.Because there is no way to protect all people perfectly, the differences between ideas and survival always exist.

[The intelligent life body will always pursue transcendence, stability is relative, and chaos is eternal. I want to use my own method... to unravel all the clues left by Nolan and maintain what I think is worthwhile.Only if I am strong enough can I avoid the dilemma.

That day, Phoenix said nothing to Opal.

Opal was a little confused, he wanted to tell Rector Phoenix is ​​about to wake up, but how should he explain to Rector?He began to understand why Nolan did not choose Rector as his successor, because Rector was not the person he wanted, and Colleen should not be, but Colleen was more inclined to Nolan's beliefs some.

He also knows why Caroline has never explained the matter of the White Night Light Wheel to Rector-Rector cannot accept Nolan's approach and the result of the White Night Light Wheel explosion.Before that, Rector trusted Nolan wholeheartedly and regarded him as a mentor. Once he knew all this, Nolan’s first belief as Rector would collapse, and his belief would be questioned. This is more serious than being betrayed by Korolin.

Opal slept in the Star Temple, and when he woke up, he found himself hugged to the wall and leaned in Raymond's arms.

"Andis said you are here." Raymond said.

"Huh." Opal rubbed his eyes and yawned, as if afraid of waking the sleeping Phoenix, he whispered to Raymond: "I don't know when it will recover."

"This is the Phoenix?" Raymond looked at the red machine in the center, and now it was bigger and stretched out countless thorn-like devices, as if slowly soothing himself during the repair process.

Opal nodded and asked, "Do you say it knows dragon rays?"

Ramon raised his wrist and said, "Try it, they should know each other." He shook his wrist, the dragon rays were awakened, and the silver fragments that turned into flashes flew to the open space, and then rotated to form a silver giant, one knee Kneel down, watching the fiery machinery in the light.

Its eyes glowed blue, as if they were having some kind of inaudible communication with Phoenix.

"The teacher said that Alex did not know what plan was going on." Raymond said: "The empire will have a big operation in the near future."

Opal was a little more energetic and asked, "What else did you say?"

Raymond said: "He asked us to protect the pope. The empire has a series of military movements. I'm afraid it is to deal with the Star Holy See.

Opal grimaced, and then said: "No, don't you have such a courage?"

Raymond said: "He learned that there was a private Rotman territory deep in the lion galaxy, near the black hole, like a proving ground, so he is now going to that private proving ground. And Justin has left and went to the army. Served. After the wrench returned to the star, everything was normal, the rebels did not go back, Xun and Sid both left."

Opal didn't know why, and always thought it was the tranquility before the storm, but now he must stay in the Stellar Holy See, a bit of a sense of shackles.

Raymond left the dragon rays in the palace of the star map, and left with Opal. Another day later, Opal entered the pope's study alone.

Today Andis did not come to deliver the medicine, and Xiao Q was assembled again.Is turning around in the study.

"Phoenix has some time to wake up," Opal said voluntarily.

Grebney nodded and was making a jigsaw puzzle.

Opal wondered: "What is this?"

Grebney said: "I'm creating an artificial universe. Today let's hear your understanding of the third question, Opal."

Opal poured a cup of coffee, poured water into the pot, and it glowed under the refraction of the sun, saying: "The third question, I think it is like this... Why are these rules so that the world is exactly like this? Why Is it us and not other races? Why do electrons go around atoms... These are... well, the origin of the formation of this world, including why it was born, there must be something that dominates it, it is probably... It's... the thing you said yesterday."

Opal glared at Grebney.

"Including the Big Bang and the birth of the world." Grebney pointed to the boiling water in the transparent glass jug. It was slowly boiling and forming blisters. He said: "Our world is like these blisters. It started to be ' "None", when the temperature is heated, it is generated from "None", and expands rapidly and rises."

Opal looked sideways into the pot, Grebenny said: "This process, the people of the Ivory Tower call it "quantum fluctuation", just like the tide, it will suddenly occur in a vacuum, and if it reaches a certain limit, it will continue Inflate and eventually become our universe."

Opal nodded, and Grebney said again: "Let you see this little game I made."

He put a chip into the projector on top of Xiao Q, and there were many black and white grids on the unfolded light screen.

"This is a chess board for chess." Grebney said: "A two-dimensional world of planes. Of course, I put ten times ten board together, so that their activity space will become larger and larger. We put The four suits of spades, hearts, plums and squares are placed in the central four grids. They are divided into black and red camps."

Opal nodded and said, "Oh."

Grebney said: "Now let's set a simple rule for it. When there is a red pattern next to the black pattern, it will move one grid to the left and copy a corresponding red pattern. For the same reason, The red camp also abides by this rule."

Opal was a little confused, and roughly understood, Grebney was designing a pattern.

"When there are more than two vacancies around, all the patterns will change to the opposite color. When there are more than three patterns around, they will copy themselves in the diagonal grid and cover other patterns in turn... When all around When it is a pattern, it will automatically disappear... Then push all the rules in reverse once, when a color point touches the border of the board, all the rules will become anti-rules."

When this rule is added, Opal doesn't understand it.

"So what?" Opal said.

Grebney murmured: "You can pay no attention to the process, just pay attention to the result, all the rules are designed, now, start."

He opened the reckoning key, and the four squares in the center began to change, copying new patterns layer by layer, expanding layer by layer according to a certain order, the four suits jumped in countless square grids, copied themselves and more and more, see They were dazzled by opals. They changed every second in seconds and gradually covered the entire chess board. When the giant chess board was filled, it stopped briefly and then reversed the calculation. All the suits disappeared layer by layer and the territory was moving towards the territory again. The center gathers, and finally turns into four separate suits, returning to the center of the board.

At the next moment, they were designed in accordance with the rules of Grebney, and they were once again transfigured.

Opal said: "I seem to understand something."

Grebney said: "Very well, this is our universe. The elementary particles are formed under the influence of four forces and operate according to the rules. It is larger than the chess board where we are, and the rules are more complicated."

"So, everything is inevitable." Grebney said: "Just need to work out the law, carbon will be produced in a certain period after the Big Bang, and combined with other elements, become organic matter, the birth source of life Self-random, but according to the evolution of laws, everything is inevitable."

Opal said: "So how does this rule appear?"

Grebney said: "There must be a situation where satisfying these laws emerges from nothing, but we humans can't spy on it... Only when we leave the control of the world consciousness and create a space that belongs to us and is not subject to the world. The influence of consciousness and evolution in this undisturbed space, beyond, from the independent world in accordance with the remaining rules, open the barriers of dimensions layer by layer, reach the highest point, and finally know the secrets of each dimension above five dimensions. "

Little Q didn’t know what was going on, the clattering sound sounded, a fish tank suspended in the air fell down and shattered, Opal quickly released the power of faith, picked up the goldfish surging on the ground and put it into another Inside the goldfish tank.

Opal said: "Is this Nolan's belief?"

Grebney said: "This is his purpose. The universe where the Phantom Stars used to live has developed faster than ours. They also made predictions for the multi-dimensional world beyond four dimensions, but when they developed the transition technology and used it After putting it into practice, I found that the five-dimensional space was not what was predicted, just like these goldfish tanks..."

Opal looked up at the goldfish tank referred to by Grebney. Grebney said: "Each goldfish's perception of the outside world is distorted because they are confined to curved tanks, but if they have intelligence , You can also infer the laws of the world outside the goldfish tank based on the trajectory, sound and image of the movement of external objects. Just like us..."

Opal Road: "Goldfish tank universe."

Grebney nodded: "Yes, our goldfish tank universe. Your father has left the goldfish tank. We are all looking forward to what he can bring back, but according to the current situation, he may have disappeared. This All I have to teach you, I wish you all the best."

Opal said: "Wait, I have another question I want to ask. It's about a guy named Kelly and my father."

He elaborated on the last time he entered the ivory tower with Caroline to Grebini. Grebini said: "You will soon find the wheel of time, because you were born in a five-dimensional space , The four-dimensional world consciousness cannot work on you, and now I have one more sentence to say, come on, Opal."

His voice was very low. Opal passed by and said, "How can we create an independent space of our own?"

"Hush..." Grebney whispered: "They have finally found it, and are looking at us now, to find the wheel of time, and use it to find a new parallel universe. After it exists, the stars must condense, the world Before the projection of consciousness is formed...and then it is separated from the five-dimensional axis...and the shepherd entrusts it..."

"What?" Opal said: "I can't hear clearly, Your Majesty."

Grebney leaned his head on Opal's shoulder and didn't say a word for a long time.

he died.

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