The Star Knight

Chapter 134

The White River is the most famous scenery in the capital of Kings Wharf. Along the end of the rolling river water merged into the deep pit in the center of the capital, forming a huge spectacular waterfall.

Billions of years ago when the universe had no human traces, a comet hit King’s Wharf and knocked its surface out of a giant pit that was 10,000 meters deep. In the light era of 3007, human explorers arrived at King’s Wharf, Named this place the Destiny Abyss.

Later, the Da Aerospace Association was built not far from the Destiny Abyss. The entire capital took the Da Aerospace Association as the administrative center, and the vicinity of the Destiny Abyss became a prosperous business and living area.

Opal has been running for his livelihood since he arrived at King’s Wharf, and for the first time now he can put down the burden and enjoy life with Rector and Raymond.The three of them came under the Maple Leaf Bridge. Many drunken adventurers hugged the girl and lightly touched each other's bottles.

"Another era is coming to an end--" someone shouted loudly.

"It's getting worse every year," his partner echoed: "Damn humans, generation after generation is worse..."

On the corner of the street, a young monk and provincial singer played the lute, the sound echoed under the distant night and starlight.

Raymond chose a bistro that didn’t look too busy. The three of them walked up to the second floor. Opal said, "Teacher, are you okay?"

Rector was a little tired, but he was full of energy and said, "Finally, I didn't run for nothing. Let me talk about you first."

Raymond spoke to Rector once about what happened in the Kingdom of Light Arc. Opal noticed that he had skipped a lot of inside information, including Opal flying Phoenix out of the atmosphere to chase Ledgerson, while Raymond was still at that time. Staying on the ground to fight Kyle Ray, what they talked about, Raymond did not mention to Rector.

Opal glanced at Raymond, did not express much objection, and finally added: "The pope's whereabouts are unknown now, and I don't know when he will be found."

Rector said: "You can think of him as dead."

Raymond drank the female Luoguo wine and said, "He is indeed dead."

Rector said: "No, Raymond, I mean, he may have been yearning for death. In the end, although a bit of twists and turns, he finally got his wish."

Opal: "No, he didn't want..."

Rector said: "Isn't this what Ledgerson analyzed? I believe no one in this universe knows the pope better than Ledgerson. After all, he has always regarded Drummond as an imaginary enemy, born in the shepherd, and by Drummond. When raising himself personally, Ledgerson speculated to me more than once: Drummond was tired of an endless life, and wanted to pass on the position of the pope to the pastor. In short, I think this is the end. Maybe you can run into Drummond. Look at your luck."

Raymond murmured, and seemed to be thinking about a difficult decision. Rector also noticed his silence, which was almost abnormal.

"I brought two news." Rector said: "One about the star, the pirate king Sauron intervenes in the star's internal affairs, and intends to take the opportunity to support the mercenary revolution in the near future and overthrow the current mercenary king Inle. Kochakis's... tyranny? Seems to say so."

Opal's heart really started, and Rector said: "So we should go to the star, and now all forces are staring at the mercenary country, and its attribution will determine the entire interstellar change."

Raymond said: "Why? I don't quite understand that the strong star has such a big effect?"

Rector said: "Yes, because Carters made a private statement not long ago, he opened up two battlefields for Alex and Baroque. The Great Aerospace Association and the Kingdom of Mercenaries. The emperor hinted to Prime Minister Descartes To regard the glorious plan as the trial of two princes, whoever controls the two institutions first, and completes the glorious plan, and will bring the mercenary country and the big aerospace association under the empire, will be the heir of the lion galaxy."

Opal immediately said: "This is too unfair!"

Rector smiled.

Opal didn't know what to say at all, and it was difficult to channel: "The fight between the two princes will be slashed by the kingdom of mercenaries?!"

Rector said: "This is the norm between the stars, and history is always the same. The heir's trial cannot be placed in his own country. Of course, I do not approve of this solution, but the teacher cannot control the emperor's decision. You can only change the situation on the star as much as possible."

Raymond pondered for a moment, then said: "Will they fight on the star?"

Rector said: "There is a great possibility, yes, and the Republic will not sit back and watch the Rotman family plan, because the newcomer Justin, who returned to the empire, represents the style, and the new pope has chosen the Baroque side, if The Baroque camp was completely defeated, so Alex’s next goal will surely take the Holy See and the Republic."

Opal said: "Do we have to leave now?"

Rector said: "There is another trouble on Jin Yaoxing. After my investigation, I found that Alex had imprisoned the president of the Big Astronautics Association."

Opal: "!!!"

Raymond frowned slightly, which partially coincided with the information they had just met in the association.

"So we got soldiers in two ways." Rector said: "All the way to the Martial Star, to help the mercenary king to guard his throne, and the other way to Jin Yaoxing to rescue Chairman Douglas."

Raymond asked: "Does the Big Astronautics Association know what the chairman is imprisoned for?"

Rector shook his head slowly, staring at Raymond's eyes, and Opal said: "How could you not know?"

Rector said: "He went to negotiate with Queen Inny and asked to retain the independent status of the Big Astronautics Association, but Inny put him under house arrest. Perhaps it is true in the information I got. I need an assistant. Let me go for a trip?"

Opal said: "I'll go to the star, Raymond, you will accompany the teacher to Jin Yaoxing."

Raymond nodded and said, "Can you cope with the situation of the star?"

Opal said: "It should be possible, teacher, look."

He took off the ring and placed it in front of Rector. Rector had noticed the ring for a long time, but he hadn’t asked it until now, and it was only picked up now. The ruby ​​flashed the light on the ceiling of the tavern, casting a dense layer of light. Halo, like an entity.

"Master Phoenix." Rector said: "The ancient god really is on our side. This time the teacher is sure to win. Opal, I think the best situation is that you follow me to the planet Jinyao. , Raymond went up to the star."

Opal frowned slightly and said, "But Raymond has no mech..."

Rector said: "You can temporarily not participate in the war, or ask Inleco for a photon 3700 action. The sooner we can resolve the matter, the sooner we can withdraw to support you. The situation in the imperial political field is far from It’s more complicated than you think, and I need the spiritual assistance of Opal."

Raymond thought for a while and said, "That's all right. Kyle Ray might appear on the Martial Star."

Rector said: "It will definitely appear on the star. He is the most important piece in this war. The former mercenary king wants to regain his kingdom."

Opal was a little worried about the current situation of the star, and feared that Raymond could not cope with Kyle Ray, but since Rector insisted, he had to be separated from Raymond temporarily according to his assignment.

"You go shopping." Rector said: "Tomorrow morning when the big aerospace association opens the door, we will formally leave after finishing the mission report."

Opal has many words to say to Rector, but since the two are going to act together, there is still a lot of time to come.That night, the three temporarily separated. Opal and Raymond went around and found some food. There was nothing to do, so they went back to the second floor of the pub together.

Rector leaned against the window, staring at the far-reaching destiny, with a small pot of Sphinx cappuccino in front of him, the fire of the candle jumping and reflecting on his face.

"I'm back again?" Rector said.

"There's no place to go," Raymond said, sitting in the deck with Opal, so the three of them were silent, and Opal turned over and washed a deck of playing cards. What topic did he want to start about Kyle? , Copy people and Raymond’s ideas.

After all, there was Rector, maybe he could give Raymond a few words.

"Teacher." Raymond said, "Do you have any wishes in your life?"

Rector said: "When I was a slave, I dreamed of having my own small planet, planting plants on it, preparing some food, and opening a rescue station for the homeless people in the universe. Listen to them from the interstellar Stories from everywhere."

Opal said: "Now?"

Rector said: "Now... there aren't too many ideas. Be an adventurer and live with you."

Raymond said: "Did Nolan save you from the slave planet?"

Rector nodded slowly and said, "I have always been very grateful to him, he opened the door to a new world for me."

Opal turned the playing cards loudly and said, "I found that the thinking of Phantom Stars and humans are very different."

Rector hummed, took a sip of coffee, and gave Opal and Raymond a cup each, saying, "Nolan told me that he needs to choose a person who has suffered from darkness and pain since childhood and vowed to break everything. Although I don’t want to admit it, I have to say that Caroline is more qualified for his heirs."

"Why do you want to do this?" Raymond frowned and asked, "Can't ordinary people or nobles be the Star Knights?"

"The struggle of the last man and the mission of Superman." Rector said: "It's too complicated to say. When I chose Caroline and Opal, I didn't consciously follow the rules Nolan gave me. Huo Liusi is a special case in a critical situation. The Star Church has selected four people-me, Ledgerson, Caroline, Opal."

"On the four of us." Rector thought thoughtfully: "All have common characteristics."

"Have you ever been a slave?" Opal asked. "Legison has also been?"

Rector said: "Ledgerson... It can be said that he was not working hard, but he also experienced a period of questioning himself and hatred of the rules of civilization."

"So to say, the Phantom Stars come from another universe. They follow a principle, hoping to find original people born in pain and hatred, and break all universal morals and values. Selfishness, self-sufficiency, freedom. There is a man before the light age The philosopher said that when God dies, the transcendence will become the new master. Nolan is always looking for this transcendence."

Raymond said: "The last man... the last man refers to someone like us? I have heard this too."

Opal said blankly: "Who heard that?"

Raymond said: "Kyle Ray, he mentioned that he once thought... Colleen would be the one who established a new order of humans and humans."

"Fortunately he didn't." Rector said: "After knowing Opal, I realized Nolan's true belief. He wanted to find someone who would destroy everything and establish a new order."

Opal's ring vibrated slightly, and Phoenix's voice sounded, saying: "Rector, the thoughts and actions of Vaguera's living body may not be suitable for this universe."

"Your Excellency, over the years." Rector seemed unsurprised by Phoenix's remarks, saying: "We are all looking for an effective method. Opal may be able to open up a new situation."

Phoenix replied: "I hope so, Rector."

The two sides stopped talking, and Rector said, "Raymond, would you like to play a set of atomic billiards with me?"

Raymond readily said: "Of course, teacher."

Rector called the waiter and opened the miniature stadium on the table. A colorful simulation of atoms scattered, and the two put on monocles to start.

Opal looked at it for a while and was a little sleepy, so he slept on Raymond's thigh.

"In the face of the enemy's superb skills and endless backhand, you only need to do one thing." Rector said: "Follow the deepest guidance in your heart."

"No matter who the other party is?" Raymond said.

Rector nodded slowly, the number on the scoreboard kept turning up, he said in a deep voice: "No matter how many appearances confuse you in front of you, you must stick to your original starting point and decide when you start the first bumper. The fate of the entire game."

Raymond said: "But I can't guess what the enemy thinks, sometimes I don't even know..."

"It's normal to not see the overall situation in the field." Rector pulled the joystick and said, "Jump out at any time, don't let yourself be part of the game..."

It was already dawning when Opal woke up.

The King's Wharf in the early morning was shrouded in the glow of the rising sun, Opal yawned and stood up, and Raymond and Rector were still in the final pool game.

Rector: "So don't forget your original intention. Give yourself faith that you won't lose yourself."

"Thank you, teacher." Raymond closed the atomic pool machine and got up to check out.

Opal looked at Rector, suspecting he had guessed many things, but he didn't say it in front of Raymond.

They returned to the Big Astronautics Association. Rector had not slept all night, but he was very energetic. After breakfast, he consulted a lot of information and said: "There is a commission here, Raymond, you can take it. It is a historical advisor on the protection of martial stars.

"Mrs. Anta?" Opal revived and asked.

Raymond chose to pick up and said, "Protect Refina from the civil war. If possible, ask her to live with Jin Yaoxing for a while. The client is anonymous, and I'm next."

By the way, Raymond stored all the information about the star. Opal said: "Time VI is for you. When you arrive, remember to see if the smoke and sword mercenary group is still there."

Raymond said: "Yes, don't worry."

Opal was a little uneasy, and told him: "Don't rush to heroes, investigate the situation first, and wait for me and the teacher to be busy before we go together and act."

"Got it." Raymond laughed. "Long word."

He got into the spaceship and turned around: "Opal, I love you."

Opal said: "I love you too, good luck."

Raymond closed the rear cabin, Time VI took off, and left Kings Wharf.

Opal stood for a while, E7 was spinning next to him, it seemed a little unwilling to be left behind, Raymond took Xiao Q, Opal took E7 action, gave E7 a little foot on the way back, E7 like A gyro spins around.

"Don't you want to be with me? E7." Opal asked.

E7 Didi lights up to indicate that this is not the case, and follows behind Opal in a clever manner.

Rector also checked the information in the Big Astronautics Association, and Opal rallied and said in the past: "Teacher, I have something to tell you about Raymond."

Rector raised his hand to tell him not to speak first, clicked on the light screen, and lines of text jumped on the screen.

Opal leaned over and looked at him with Lekter's shoulders, more like two brothers than an apprentice, and the content stopped in one paragraph.

[Lava Star: Abandoned in the 2000s of the Light Age, once became the core of the Empire's high-temperature energy industry.

Opal: "Does Douglas know the queen? Won't the queen under house arrest plead for him?"

Rector said: "What do you think?"

Opal said: "Uh... I think Inny may want to protect the chairman, so he is not allowed to participate in this matter?"

Rector said: "It's a lie to you, Douglas is very good, not under house arrest."

Opal: "?????"

Rector copied the information into the E7's storage and said, "I concealed this from Raymond. Actually, I was not going to save Douglas and Opal. Are you angry?"

Opal frowned, then said: "Of course not, but what is the real commission?"

Rector said: "Go to the spacecraft, do you take the dragon rays or the phoenix?"

Opal got excited again in an instant, forgot something else, and said, "Phoenix!"

Rector smiled. Opal stood in the remote place of the apron, stretched his left hand flat, the red ring on the ring finger instantly decomposed, and the ruby ​​rubbed in the air and became larger, becoming a shiny center, and the fragments were like red storms. , Swept around the body in an instant, and then joined together, inlaid into a dark red space shuttle.

The space shuttle showed a fiery streamline from the bow to the tail. The wings were warped, like the wings spreading arrogantly in the sun. The tail slowly lowered to the elevator platform. Rector smiled: "I didn't expect a few thousand years later. Can also take Phoenix again."

"Welcome to you, Rector." Phoenix said in a low voice: "I still remember the look you saw when you first met Nolan and met me."

Opal laughed, Rector smiled helplessly and got on the spaceship.

Phoenix folded its wings, raised it flat, turned around, and left King's Wharf.

The control crystal flashed a dark red light. Phoenix left the lion galaxy and sailed in the vast galaxy. At the porthole was the bar that Opal asked Phoenix to transform into, and in front of it was the vast starry sky.

Opal has not been very embarrassed to let Phoenix do this for himself, no matter what the requirements are, with a tone of consultation. After all, he always feels that he is different from Rector, Caroline and others. Phoenix was once Nolan. The mount is the leader of the ancient gods, and he does not have the qualifications like Rector. Fearing that more requests will make Phoenix feel annoyed by him, dumping his half-hanging star knight and looking for an heir again.

So Opal has not dared to do anything in Phoenix's body, usually and Raymond live in Time VI most of the time.

"Very good." Rector looked around admiringly.

Opal is relaxed, Rector always has the ability to see through Opal's mind, saying: "It's good to be in awe. But don't forget, Phoenix will be your partner for life, as long as he chooses you , Will always be loyal to you. Whether you intend to drive it to save the world or destroy the universe, the ancient gods will assist you without reservation. They believe in your beliefs more than you."

Phoenix's voice sounded inside the ship, saying: "Rector, I still like him quite a bit, but don't teach your apprentices."

Rector smiled, and Opal poured him a glass of wine, saying: "I will work hard, teacher. Where are you going now, and Phoenix take us to jump?"

Rector thought for a while and said, "Not busy. I didn't tell Raymond the truth. This time I got information related to Douglas, but he was not under house arrest."

Opal nodded, and Rector said: "I suspect Kyle has created a Replica Legion."

Opal: "..."

The news is as good as a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

Rector looked dignified and said, "So instead of letting Raymond and I act together, I chose you, Opal."

Opal said: "God... Are you sure, teacher?"

Rector said: "I'm not sure, but the possibility is very high. Through observation of Alex, I noticed that a series of actions are taking place at the top of the empire, but there are few people involved in this plan. To be sure, the queen Yinni is one of the insiders who has concealed the emperor Carters."

Opal said: "The Replica Legion, what will be in it? Who will Kyle use to copy?"

Rector looked at Opal's eyes, his expression clear.

Opal only felt cold for a while, and he said, "Will it be Raymond? There are a lot of Raymond's legions..."

Rector answered Opal in silence.

"Where is that legion?" Opal said.

"Unclear." Rector said: "The clue was broken when the lava star was traced, so now the teacher needs your help."

Opal said: "Do you want to destroy it?"

"Sure." Rector said: "Using Caroline's genes, battle memory and an army of instincts, I'm afraid that even Caroline can't cope with this situation."

Opal said: "Does he know about it?"

Rector shook his head, sipped his wine, and looked out the porthole thoughtfully.

The news broke the Opal’s psychological defense like an avalanche. He couldn’t even bother to ask Rector about the inside story, thinking of a replica of Raymond... No, an army of replicators of Caroline , I felt creepy.Does each of them have such thinking habits and personality as Raymond?What to do with so many copy people?

Rector asked in a soliciting tone: "Opel, do you think you should tell Colleen?"

Opal immediately said: "Can't tell him."

Rector said: "Why?"

Opal couldn't tell why, and replied: "He will... I'm afraid he will make abnormal behavior."

Rector was lost in contemplation, and Opal said again: "It is indeed necessary to destroy this legion, I hope they have not turned on."

Rector said again: "If it is turned on? Can you get started?"

Opal shivered, he thought for a long time, and finally said: "I will try my best."

Rector exhaled for a long time, as if he had made a decision, and finally said: "Phoenix, jump destination, planet Jinyao."

The space shuttle is still in the universe, and Rector smiled and said, "I am confused, Opal, please give me instructions."

Opal Road: "Ah?"

Does Phoenix listen to Rector?Opal understood vaguely, he laughed: "Phoenix, please jump, destination, lion star system, planet Jinyao."

The control crystal lights up red, and the sound sounds: "Jump destination, planet Jinyao..."

With a buzzing sound, the real fire phoenix broke through the space and appeared outside the lion star galaxy.

Opal realized one thing-Phoenix's jump did not even count down!

what does this mean?In the decisive battle of the ancient gods, the Phoenix can be easily taken, and it does not need any buffer time to appear directly beside the enemy, which is enough to make him always invincible.

The tail of the phoenix emits an accelerated red light and enters the area of ​​the lion galaxy.

"There are twenty-seven hours to enter the atmosphere of the planet Jinyao." Opal said.

"I need to go to bed, Opal." Rector said: "The teacher is too tired, I will explain this action to you in detail after waking up, we have to exert all the abilities of the Star Knight, all moral standards, Persevere in your actions. At this time, you can only stand by the side. I hope you can understand."

Opal said: "Of course, teacher."

Rick nodded characteristically and got up to look around. Opal said, "Phoenix, bed."

A bed turned into a corner, Rector lay down, and Opal sat down in front of the bar again, imagining a scene full of Raymond in an army.

At that time, the Replica Legion, did each of their members have their own independent will?Opal couldn't help but doubt that since intelligent life has evolved, it should become a new race with a variety of subtle differences.

If there is such an army, what do they think when fighting?Will it really take orders from Kyle?Opal feels that it is not necessary. With Raymond's character, even in the army, it is unlikely to become an unthinkable combat machine. No, he will not join the army at all, unless for his opal.

But even if you know Raymond again, Opal can't treat the Replica Legion as many Raymonds and convince them one by can only be destroyed, only destroyed, hoping they won't be turned on.

No matter how to convince himself, Opal walked into a dead end.

At this moment, his conviction was shaken strongly again. This was the fourth time in his life. He remembered that Caroline pressed him and told him that if he didn’t, let him personally destroy Raymond... his The fire of faith is like a roar of tens of thousands of magma, and sometimes the world is cold and endless in the thinking world.

"Op." Rector said.

Opal turned back and saw Rector close his eyes when he turned his head, so he got up and took a blanket and covered him.

"Are you sleepy? Take a break. There will be many things to do after the landing." Rector said.

Opal was also a little tired. He slept very little last night, but he suddenly felt a little embarrassed when he thought of sleeping with Rector.

"What's embarrassing?" Rector said: "You are also a teacher's student."

Opal laughed and lay down beside Rector. Rector stretched out his arms and made him lean on his pillow. When he felt Rector's arm on the Opal pillow, he felt a warm feeling in his heart, just like the arms of his father.

He has grown up, and it is almost the same as when he was a star.

Rector said: "You used to get along with Xiaoke before too?"

"Well." Opal's face was slightly red, saying: "But at that time I was very young... Eleven years old."

Rector closed his eyes and said, "It's the teacher's greatest regret not to teach you when you were a kid."

Opal said: "It's the same, you see I got the Phoenix now, it still depends on you, teacher."

The two were lying side by side. After a long silence, Rector said: "The teacher hopes you have your own judgment, no matter who is the enemy, at least not against your own intentions."

"Well." Opal answered comfortably and vaguely. He said, "I know."

He pillowed on Rector's arm and the two covered a blanket and went to sleep.

"Opal?" Colleen's voice sounded in his mind.

Opal opened his eyes and found himself back in the sky garden of the Grip of Light. Caroline stood at the railing to feed Pom and looked up at him.

"Where have you been?" Opal said: "Why didn't you contact me?"

Colleen said casually: "If you get a phoenix, your courage will increase? Dare to hit the teacher? Come here, and I will ask you something."

Opal laughed, walked into the sky garden, and found that every time he took a step, his body became a little smaller, knowing that this was Caroline's dream rule again, and he ignored it, as he gradually approached Caroline, His body slowly became smaller, until he walked up the stairs and came back to Caroline, then returned to the age of eleven.

"I'm with Mr. Rector." Opal's voice was much softer and asked, "Have you returned to Iszul?"

Colleen bowed and picked him up, let him sit on the railing, and sat side by side with the group of poms.

"What are you doing?" Colleen frowned. "I feel that the Phoenix is ​​reborn. It was the shepherd's bastard who made you interfere in the situation of Jin Yaoxing? I don't believe the teacher would be so stupid. He shouldn't be in the empire." It is very unwise to intervene and directly support a prince. This makes it easy for you to be exposed to the bright side and attract the artillery of the Rotman family."

Opal paused for a moment, then said: "No, we are not supporting the prince, yes, I have something to ask for a long time, teacher, where has the pope gone? Have you seen him?"

Carolyn looked at Opal’s eyes and said, “Dramon has left, and may never come back again. From the very beginning, he regarded the shepherd as the heir, and I think the heir is you. The teacher has been fighting me for so many years, and finally tacitly agreed to my proposal."

"This universe is now for you and the shepherds. As long as you are willing to join hands, you can solve all problems. Teacher Rector is still not willing to give you the responsibility?"

Opal said: "No, not what you think, we..."

Caroline said: "About Kyle?"

Opal said: "Yes... right." He looked up at Caroline a little anxiously. Caroline continued to feed Pom with a fallen leaf. He said casually: "In the dream, I know everything you want, don't read it directly. Your consciousness is because I want to talk more with you."

Opal remembered the most important thing, as long as Caroline wanted to know that in the dream of the two, he could never hide him.

"Don't read my heart, really." Opal said: "Trust me, you won't want to know."

Collorin frowned sharply.

"How about Raymond?" he asked, looking up.

Opal said: "I went to the star to guard Kyle. Where are you? He has appeared in the Kingdom of Light Arc."

Colleen said: "I was looking for his trace. Not long ago I found the wreckage of an abandoned modified industrial ship near the V76 black hole in Lyra. He seems to be continuing his experiment, but I don't know what the experiment has changed this time. That guy always doesn't give up..."

Talking about this, Colleen avoided Opal's gaze.

Opal said: "We are going to go to the planet Jinyao, check one thing, this thing... I don't want to tell you, can I say it later?"

He put his hand on Colleen's shoulder. Collolin said: "Of course. Say something else. Does Phoenix listen to you?"

Opal laughed: "It's okay, it's very majestic."

Caroline nodded slowly and said, "I haven't seen it in thousands of years. Ask me for it. Raymond sent back all the data you compiled, and the content is still too little."

Opal said: "I guess Kyle will go to the star."

"Well." Caroline finished feeding Pom, turned and leaned on the railing, holding his arms, thoughtfully: "He will definitely go, because the star is his goal."

Opal said: "So you will go to guard him?"

Colleen said: "With Raymond present, he can represent me. When will you and the teacher finish the matter? After that, I will come to you. We will set up a bureau together, grab Kelly, and force him to ask the time. The whereabouts of the wheel, I believe he must have your father’s sailing diary, and through this sailing diary, find a new parallel universe."

Opal said: "You can't use the lives of mercenaries to set traps, teacher, I can't accept this."

Caroline said: "Then use your own plan, use your adventurer's brain, and give me a satisfactory answer, Opal, go back to the teacher's side and guard him, he is too old, It’s no longer the age of fighting desperately, go, grow faster, there are too many responsibilities to entrust to you. Look for Horus’ mausoleum, where there are dead saber-toothed tigers, Phoenix will wake you up for it if it does. If it can be done."

The dream dissipated, but this time Opal did not wake up. He subconsciously touched his body and touched Rector's warm chest. He turned sideways and rested his head on his shoulder to continue to sleep.

"I'm here on the commission of the Big Aerospace Association to find President Douglas..."

When Rector's voice sounded, Opal woke up.

"Here is our adventurer's manual." Rector was still lying down, playing a knife that was transformed into a dragon ray between his fingers, saying: "The Star Knight Adventure Brigade, contact: Opal."

A red crystal flashed in the center, and a communication from Jin Yaoxing Space Defense Warfare came. The other party's voice was very polite, saying: "Please wait a moment, we will transfer you to Mr. Douglas."

Rector said: "Get up and wake up, Opal."

"What is this commission? You picked it up temporarily?" Opal's hair was messy and he was still a little unclear, and he stood up.

Rector replied: "Without this commission, I reported your name. According to the high-level meeting that you and Raymond attended in the Big Astronautics Association, if there is no accident, Douglas will know who you are and know You have something important to find him."

"Yes." Opal now finds that Rector is also very good.

He went to wash his face and came back to sit with Rector.

The communication replied: "Chairman Douglas invites you to stay temporarily in Griffon City, and leave a communication number, then someone will contact you. Welcome to the imperial capital Jin Yaoxing, please be careful."

The True Fire Phoenix crossed the clouds of Jin Yaoxing and landed slowly, heading to the Jin Yaoxing apron, where the land is sparsely populated, 70% of the planet’s surface is the ocean, and the ocean is rich in rainbow sand, which is a type of rare earth in the universe. They are layered under the alluvium of rivers and tides, showing colorful colors and refracting the glow of lion stars.

The whole planet is like a magnificent dream.

Phoenix opened the rear cabin, and the silver-rayed dragon rays emerged from the hull. Rector and Opal put on their sunglasses and walked out of the apron to the golden city's administrative center, the Gulf City Griffon City.

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