The Star Knight

Chapter 143

"Today is a good day to die!"

Photon 3700 flew out of the canyon, suspended under a dark sky, and the mercenary's spaceship flew out of the mirror of the aurora like an eagle spreading its wings from the nest.

"Follow me! Under my leadership!" Xun's declaration of battle resounded through the stars: "Recapture the glory of mercenaries! We live for the war and die for the war!"

"The victim will sleep under the hero's tombstone and become the patron saint of this land forever!"

"Swear it! May the battle be killed for your king! Thousands of years later, today's battle will become an immortal chapter of history!"

"May you die for the king." A low and familiar voice came from the communication channel.


All the mercenaries suddenly stunned, and another mech returned to his side.

"May you die for the king!" All mercenaries roared with blood and roared in unison.

"I will open the way for you!" Urka said: "It's time to recapture all this!"

Ulka, Begonia, Song of Time, Swift Photon 3700, True Fire Phoenix-Five Mechas led nearly 100 Photons 3700 across the sky, flying to the City of War Soul, all the spaceships poured out of the nest.

The City of War Souls opened its protective cover, the light cannon of the outer atmospheric space turret fell, and tens of thousands of photons 3700 flew out of the square, rushing towards the True Fire Phoenix.

Came just right!Opal is afraid that they will not come or stare at Xun's landline. Since the target is all himself, then it is easy to handle. The Phoenix releases a fiery circle of fire and blasts all the mechas away.

More and more battleships were launched into the sky, Karens sent a communication command, shouted: "The fifth team, the sixth team to respond, the A1-A16 own supplement Opal flame machine, the song of time and violet led the left and right wings outflank."

Tens of thousands of defensive planes flew out of the City of War Soul. Opal felt awkward, but they saw those defensive planes take off and flew out of the atmosphere.

"It's Rosen's army!" someone shouted, "I'm alone!"

"I wish you a long life." Rosen's voice said on the communication channel: "I will defend the outer perimeter of the planet for you."

The mercenaries were in full swing. The real fire phoenix blasted the defensive layer with the power of the sky. The whole city of war souls shook under the might of the ancient gods, and the sky and the earth broke down in the night. Shaking, the defense layer was broken, the lightning rod exploded and shot millions of dazzling electric awns, forming a net, shooting from all directions towards the battle group!

"Phoenix!" Opal said: "Turn on reverse elimination."

The red mech shook the six pairs of flame wings in the sky, and the electric energy of the whole star was ripped away at this instant. In the blazing electric light, Opal could not see what was happening outside. He stretched his limbs, just Like the moment when Caroline drove gluttonous march into the martial star a long time ago, he became the hub of the war situation and calmed the million-volt high-voltage all-star defense grid.

The electric current passed through the outer shell of Phoenix. Opal only felt that at this moment, his soul frequency seemed to be integrated with Phoenix. Every cell and every atom in the body rolled in the torrent of the electric sea and became almost Transparent.

At the same time, the power of his faith was exceptionally quiet, as if washed to be extremely clear. This situation lasted for less than a second and produced a violent shock.

The visible light screen spread over his head, above which an imperial cruise ship was approaching, firing light shock guns towards the ground, and the landing point was the height of Opal's War Soul Square.

The Bloody Army has fully captured the capital, the spacecraft fired at the ground, the Photon 3700 piloted by the Imperial faction fled, and countless manned spacecrafts flew from the city of the soul of war one after another, apparently getting the order to retreat.

"Warning." Phoenix said: "Your conviction is not strong enough to support reverse elimination, you must cancel the traction mode immediately, Opal!"

At the next moment, Opal's soul felt a pain in his heart, as if something was disintegrating his whole body.

"No way -" Opal shouted: "Stay a little longer!"

The shock wave is getting stronger and stronger, and the soul of Opal seems to be disintegrating in the repeated frequency conversion of the electric field, and it is shattered into fragments. His spirit is suffering greatly. However, at this time, two forces of faith From the front and the back rushed at the same time!

A force of faith is like roaring lava and fire rushing to Opal!

Another force of faith is like a vast sea, and turbulent waves rush into his body.

The belief in the first blaze seemed to perceive something and disappeared without a trace.

Opal: "!!!"

His pupils contracted violently, and then, with the support of this Rector's majestic faith, he gathered his whole body, his hands were golden and red swords, and he became one, pulling the thunder and the arc of the sky and swinging into the air!

The arc resembled a galloping dragon, which instantly penetrated the zenith cruise ship, causing it to explode into a fireball.

"What was that just now? Phoenix?" Opal said.

Phoenix didn't answer, Opal's thoughts moved, countless light screens spread around and rotate, each light screen is a battle scene, every moment there are people sacrificed, someone wins, blood and fire spread to every part of the entire City of War Soul In an inch of the corner, the building fell, and the glass shattered and exploded in the explosion.

Gradually, the current became weaker and weaker, and the bloody army controlled the entire capital. The imperial mercenaries could no longer resist, and it seemed that they had received the final retreat order and flew out of the atmosphere.

The Bloody Army captured the Soul Mansion and won the planetary defensive center. The current was completely removed. Opal suddenly shivered and fell suddenly, kneeling on one knee and unable to breathe.

Phoenix turned into fragments and returned to his ring finger as a ring.

The torrential rain started again, and Opal knelt on one knee, panting on the plagued square.

With the removal of the city's power system, the world fell into darkness, and the giant light screen in front of the War Soul Building lit up, and the golden iris flower logo appeared, glowing with bright light.

"we won!"

"we won--!"

The mercenaries shouted through the sky and merged into a torrent. Opal rose tiredly and slowly walked towards the War Soul Mansion. He climbed up the steps and the main door opened.

"The battle is not over yet." Xun said: "All the troops are in place, ready for the planetary defense!"

Opal ran up the stairs and entered the Soul Mansion. The situation was chaotic. There were traces of blood and explosions on the ground. A mercenary said: "Opal! Quickly let you go to the 500th floor!"

The electronic light screens all around showed that the faults were on, and a few floors were lighting up step by step. The clerks were clamoring and rushing to their respective floors under the protection of the mercenaries to take over the mercenary union.

Opal jumped on the suspension board, and a dozen or so mercenaries stood on it, almost overweight. The suspension board turned on a red light and flew towards the upper floor of the War Soul Tower. A mercenary leader introduced to Opal: "This is The former chairman of the mercenary union, Mr. Lawrence."

Opal nodded and took a short ride in the elevator to pay him a mercenary salute, and the heads saluted.

"I wish you a long life." Lawrence bowed slightly and said, "Is the red mech just yours?"

"My friend." Opal said.

The mercenary commanders all laughed, and Lawrence nodded and said, "Very heroic, you are all heroic."

Opal said: "But it also ruined the parent star."

One head said: "It will gradually get better."

Lawrence said in agreement: "There is nothing to be done, everything will be built on the ruins."

"Hard work! Lawrence!" said another head of the group: "Otherwise you will be abandoned!"

Everyone laughed for a while, Lawrence said: "I'm not afraid of you, even my clerk is unbalanced, and want to scrap me?"

At that moment everyone laughed upside down.

With a ding, the electronic female voice reminded: "The 227th floor is the cultural and political headquarters of the mercenary union."

Lawrence said: "I'm going first, and then the responsibility of our civil service, goodbye everyone."

Opal and the regiments bid farewell to him one after another. Lawrence trot along the corridor into the 227th floor, and the floating board continued to ascend.

"He is also an Empire?" asked a mercenary.

"Sphinx and Gray City are half-breeds." A regiment replied to him, saying: "He has a poor relationship with the empire, and he was aerialized several times during the reign of the king."

"I heard that he is a pro-Meteorite Legion." Another said.

"It's just a rumor." The other leader said: "Because he suggested that the star be merged into the Dark League, Azeroth does not like him very much, but Lawrence's handling ability is first-class, in the past three hundred years The martial arts union can prosper, and 70% of it is his credit."

Opal said: "I hope he can revive the union."

Ding sound, electronic female voice: "Five hundred floors, Azeroth office."

"It's tattered." The heads laughed. "Both generations of Azeroth."

Opal laughed: "It's good, at least the wrench has been missing the king, I'm gone."

He waved at the men and entered the mercenary king's office area. The rest of the head continued to take the elevator.

In the central flower bed, a pom nearly thirty centimeters drilled out and looked at Opal curiously.

Opal stopped and was attracted by it. I remembered that he and Raymond had put a very small pom here six years ago, and that pom was not as big as a slap and could squat in Europe. On the head of the moor.

Opal laughed: "You are so grown up!"

Pom jumped, seeming to be very happy. Five small fluffy poms were drilled out of the flower bed. Hiding behind the big pom, the black bean eyes grunted and looked at him together.

Opal knelt on one knee and smiled: "Are these your children?"

Big Pom made a whispering sound, not knowing what to mean. Opal touched its head with mittless hands, and then poked the little Poms one by one, and the little Poms desperately beneath the Big Pom. Shrink.

Opal got up with a smile, almost collided with Raymond behind him.

"Don't appear suddenly without a sound." Opal was frightened enough.

Raymond smiled, looking at the little Boms.

Opal said: "Remember? We put it here together before."

Raymond looked at Opal for a long time, and said nothing.

Opal: "?"

Raymond smiled: "Remember, all grown up, you also grew up, it also grew up."

Opal said: "Oh, I guess I'm almost the same as six years ago... Let's go, what is Xun doing?"

He took Raymond's hand, and the two went to the office. Raymond also wore fingerless gloves. The palms of their hands rubbed and interlocked between their fingers. There was no comfort that could not be said.

"He should be in a meeting with the union's civilian staff now." Raymond groaned slightly and said, "Wait a moment."

The door of the office opened, and several clerks came out, holding chips in their hands, nodded towards them, and ran to the elevator lift. Xun said inside, "Opal? Come in."

Opal flashed in. There were many people in it, such as Begonia, Urka, Aurora Falcon and a child."

"Come and drink." Opal could not hold it anymore. He hit his mind and found a place to sit down: "What about the wrench?"

"It's next door." Xun didn't look at Opal, and said to the projected deconstruction of the Fortress of the Virgin: "Karens took the spacecraft into the sky to meet Rosen. Your teacher has just been with Raymond... Raymond? That gentleman didn’t come with you?"

Raymond said: "He is beside Mrs. Anta."

Xun nodded, and several people each found a place to sit down. Xun said: "The second phase of the battle is about to start. Opal, I can't help you. I have to stay behind."

Opal took a sip of the water Raymon handed him and waved his hand: "Isn't it good to say it?"

Xun was silent for a few seconds, and then said: "Of course, but the wrench will go with you to the fortress. Don't let too many people know that when you come back after the task, I will find a way to wash his charges."

Opal nodded and Raymond said, "Azeroth, when will you make the declaration? Let me see the route you have set?"

"This is Mr. Rector's suggestion to me." Xun said: "For the time being, I will not send the succession announcement, holding the Empire ambassador and all the Empire officials on hand, sending a communication and negotiating with the person in charge of the fortress. I hold them back , There is still ten hours to go until negotiations break down."

Urka pointed to a tarmac outside the Virgin and said, "You can't have too many people, and you can't alarm the Imperial Army, so we have to mix in the warships and mechas withdrew by the other side, and find a way to hijack a warship and keep them in the fortress. Surface landing."

"Go along this road again." Xun said: "Rapid advance, go to the center of the fortress, blow up their main energy furnace array, and then evacuate the whole army immediately. The current problem is that there is a total of main energy furnaces. Thousands of forty, one of them is out of operation, the isolation board will fall down, locking the explosion area. And after the explosion, the guards of the fortress will inevitably shock all the main energy furnaces, it is quite difficult, I Guess if we blow up 30%, the super light shock cannon of the fortress will be underpowered, and there is a chance of a dead fight..."

Opal said: "So I need a wrench to let him destroy the defense system here."

"You look too high on the wrench." Begonia nudged his hair and said, "He has no time to tinker with his robots and programs in these years."

Opal said: "I believe he can do it, or ask himself? Raymond, what do you think?"

Xun said: "Wait, he is still in the compartment."

Raymond touched his nose thoughtfully and said, "The power systems of these light shock guns are all related to each other, but I feel that after entering the power energy furnace array, the soldiers will not move first. When the area is bombarded by a star, the power furnace that powers it is directly blown up, so that the explosion will spread along the energy pipeline"

Raymond's finger hit the fort, and the fort lit red, blinking.

"It's too risky." Opal said: "In case we make a mistake, the Light Shock Cannon will start first, even if it is blown up after it's started, it's enough to blow up the City of War Souls."

"Um." Raymond nodded slowly.

Ulka said: "This is a good way."

The Aurora Falcon kept looking at Raymond and seemed to find something.

Opal warned the Aurora Falcon with his eyes, and he finally found the similarity between Raymond and Caroline.But this is definitely not a good time to say it.

The eyes of the Aurora Falcon were very complicated. Raymond only glanced at him, and the Aurora Falcon dared not meet his sight.

Opal said: "Let's act according to the original method and call the wrench out."

Raymond said to Opal: "If the situation is not as smooth as imagined, you can try this route at the last minute."

Opal nodded and said quickly, "Raymond, are you going too?"

"I won't go." Raymond put one hand on the back of the chair, resting on Opal's shoulder, tilting Erlang's legs, and said easily: "Oper is enough to cope with it. I stay on the ground to assist you."

He took a sip of the cup that Opal had drank, gave Opal a glance, and smiled.

Opal whispered: "You also have to be careful, that guy is not so annoying."

Lei Meng hummed and said, "There is a teacher, don't worry."

Xundao: "Bring the wrench out, Opal, Urka and Begonia, and her brother will follow you in battle, everyone must come back safely."

Opal said: "Try your best."

Xun burst into hair instantly and said, "What is your name!"

Opal shouted at him and shouted, "I don't know if I can come back alive!"

Xun said: "At least you have to say a few words about the scene! This is called morale to understand!"

Opal said: "You still take care of yourself first... What about Sid and Yinnu?"

Xun said: "The boys and men are not eligible to enter here."

The wrench was brought over, and his appearance interrupted the conversation between Opal and Xun. Not long after they were separated in the Holy See, when they met again, Opal was surprised to find that the soul of the wrench seemed to be back.

His eyes were red, followed by Lily and a child, and said quickly: "The joy of heaven is over, Your Majesty."

Wrench said: "Actually, I would rather you execute me, Your Majesty Azeroth."

Lily said: "Don't do that, wrench."

Xun pressed his hands on the desk and gestured towards Opal. Opal said: "Wrench, can you invade the defense system of the fortress energy furnace array?"

Wrench said: "If I said no, what would you do?"

Opal shrugged: "I can't just say that I have another plan. I just came up with Raymond's idea and left. Good luck."

"Wait!" Lily said, "What's your name? I want to talk to you."

Opal turned around and Lily chased out of the office with a familiar look in her eyes.

"You can call me Little Ou." Opal smiled.

Lily said, "Well, I don't know why, they all believe you..."

Opal said: "How about you?"

Lily stayed quiet for a long time and said, "I believe in you too. Please bring the wrench back. Whether it is alive or dead, don't leave his body in the enemy's fortress."

The wrench knelt on one knee and hugged the child and said, "Nair, Dad is going to fight. You stay here and listen to your mother."

He hugged his son and brushed his forehead with his forehead. Nair said, "Dad, come on."

The wrench smiled bitterly, touched Nair's face, got up and left the office, and said to Opal: "I'm waiting for you at the back door."

Opal glanced at him and ignored him, said to Lily, "Yes."

Lily nodded and hugged Opal. Opal patted her on the back and said, "Raymond, don't you come and send me out?"

Raymond drank his coffee, glanced at the probe, and got out of the hallway. Opal always felt that Raymond was a little abnormal today, and hammered his shoulder in doubt.

Raymond put Opal on the shoulder and said: "Send you down, you can come back smoothly, I have confidence in you."

Opal said: "Well, I also have confidence in myself. The teacher said that if the power of faith is strong enough, it can destroy a universe."

The suspension board slowly descended, and after passing through the huge transparent window, Raymond stared at the outside scene and said, "A new world can be created."

Opal smiled and said, "You must be careful of Kyle."

Raymond said: "Relax, he is not my opponent."

Opal grabbed Raymond's collar and wanted to say goodbye to him, all surrounded by mercenaries. Raymond was a little uncomfortable and said, "Or come back and kiss again?"

Opal: "..."

Opal kind of wanted to punch his handsome face, think about it, and said: "Then I'm gone."

"Don't take it lightly." Raymond sent him outside the back door and said, "But don't be too nervous, think about what the Big Astronautics Association taught you." He pointed to his head and said, "Like an adventurer, Use your mind to solve problems, not strength."

Opal yelled and seemed to find the direction. Outside the back door, a photon 3700 was waiting in the small apron. The wrench was carrying the tool and the small robot, standing in the middle of the rain.

Violet and Steel Feather Division stand on both sides, and Urka and Begonia are overhauling their mechas.

Opal glanced at the clock, nine hours and 47 minutes before the thunderstorm day passed.

"Ulka, Begonia." Opal said: "All you need to do is send me and the wrench into the fortress."

Urka touched his head and said, "Are you sure?"

Opal said: "The fewer people, the less likely it is to expose the target. Your mech is too big, unlike mine, you can gather it at any time..."

Opal stretched out his left hand, the ring spread out and became a fiery mech.

"My God." The wrench murmured: "Opal, where did you get this stuff from?"

Opal smiled and said, "You can easily alarm the Empire guards."

"I see." Begonia said: "Good luck to both of you."

The wrench climbed a photon 3700, and Urka whispered to Opal: "Boy, bring the wrench back safely, please."

Opal nodded silently, entered the Photon 3700, closed the hatch, the red light was lit in the cabin, and a wrench appeared very crowded.

Opal checks the energy, brake system, communication equipment one by one, everything is intact.

"Opal!" Xun ran out the back door: "Down!"

Opal opened the display and saw Xun holding something, it was his fiery red robe. Not long ago, Opal just casually said something beautiful.

Opal jumped out of the mech, and quickly put him on the robe, saying, "You are also a mercenary king, you play on my behalf. The two of us, together, fight well, come back alive, come on!"

Opal said: "I will win, you also cheer."

Xun: "Opal, I wish you a long life."

At that moment, Opal's heart filled with complex emotions, countless passions, dreams, friendships and impulses in the past, all turned into a simple greeting in the mercenary.

"I wish you a long life, my king." Opal said.

The two bowed to each other and then met with fists.

The final battle is about to begin, this battle will determine the fate of the star.

Seven hundred floors of War Soul Tower:

Quickly take a deep breath and enter the conference hall to sit down.

Hundreds of mercenary regiments sat at the conference table. On the other side of the long table were the imperial ambassadors handcuffed magnetically.

"Let us send a message to the Pilgrim Fortress." Xun said: "Let's start the negotiation."

On the steps in front of War Soul Square:

Rector looked up at the sky, and the three mechas set off from the ground, through the clouds, and out of the atmosphere.

At the sound of footsteps, Raymond appeared behind Rector and said, "Teacher, our commander Opal let me stay on the ground to help you catch Kyle."

Rector didn't answer.

Outer atmosphere:

A black space shuttle approached three photons 3700.

"Is the enemy?" Begonia said on the communication channel.

"Don't fire!" Opal said.

A communication was sent from the space shuttle, and the man's voice said on the communication channel: "Opal?"

"Raymond?" the wrench frowned.

Opal held his breath and said: "You... teacher?"

"It's me, Opal." Raymond said.

Opal is a little ignorant. This is Raymond. Who was that one on the star?

Raymond did not mention that name in front of the mercenaries, saying: "He gave me the gluttony, let me wait for you here and fight with you."

Opal: "When?"

Raymond: "After the Soul Mansion succeeds, I will be here to wait for you, what's wrong?"

War Soul Square:

Rector turned around under the dark sky and said in a deep voice: "Long absence."

Caroline smiled and replied: "Long time, teacher."

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