When Opal arrived at the ambush point of Yeshi Town, the rebels had not yet arrived. A leaf whistle blew overhead, and they ran quickly along the branches. The female captain said: "It is expected that they will arrive here in an hour."

Opal Road: "Twilight you go to the refuge..."

Mu Jun said: "Give me a gun, I can fight with you."

Opal: "No!"

Mu Shu: "You hear clearly, Opal, we have cooperated together, except for the mechanical courses behind, my combat training is not less than you!"

Opal is no longer wrong. He is thinking about how to convince Mu Shu. If he can't, he will hypnotize him and let him go back. The female captain said, "Let him stay."

"This is our home." Mu Shu said: "I can also fight."

Opal said helplessly: "Well, you have to hide behind me when the war starts."

Mu Shu smiled ridiculously and raised a middle finger towards him. Opal opened the hyperopic lens. The dark piece of wood in the wood could see nothing. The rebel army should be wearing a stealth uniform to avoid the sentry.

"Op." Yintuo's voice rang in the communicator, saying, "Is there time, I want to talk to you."

Opal said: "You are guarding here, I will look up."

He entered the shelter of the tree trunk along another passageway. It was very quiet. Most people were asleep. Yin Tuo held an alloy stick. The stick rested on his shoulder and leaned beside the exit in a daze.

"How is it outside?" Yintuo said.

Opal said: "Everything is normal, where are you? Are there any suspicious people?"

Yin Nuo replied: "So far no communication has been found. The communication wave is shielded here. You see below."

Opal nodded his head and looked down at the railing. The trunk was like a primitive ancient round tower. The platform that was thousands of meters wide was spirally lowered one by one, leading to the lowest point.

This spiral dungeon is large enough to accommodate hundreds of millions of people, and it can't be seen at a glance. A faint green light is flashing deep in the center of the trunk.

"What's inside?" Opal asked.

"It is said that they are their altars." Yin Tuo said: "This is the last forbidden place of the female Luo family, come and sit for a while, I haven't had a chance to fall in love with you yet."

Opal laughed and said, "Every time I arrange for you to keep the goal, it is hard."

Yintuo smiled casually, and Opal sat down with him, looking for Yintuo's purpose.

"I still saw your weapon for the first time." Opal said.

Yin Tuo gave him an alloy stick and said, "My duty in the Moonlight Regiment is to support in the short and medium distance. The light stick can attack and retreat and defend, mainly protecting melee occupations."

Opal looked at it for a while and asked, "What are you doing with me?"

Yin Nuo leaned over his neck and put his lips close to his ear, and said in a very low voice: "I was thinking about a question: Where did Wendy's confidence come from. She believed that with the three of us, we can successfully solve this time Is it a crisis?"

Opal narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Otherwise? Do you think she still has a hand?"

Yin Nuo pondered for a moment, and then said: "They think the mother of the female Luo will rescue everyone when everyone is in trouble. I honestly don't believe it. And I just found that the remaining few members of the council are below..." He pointed at the feet of the two and said, "What do they want to do in a place where it shines, like an altar? Wendy may not think we will win, is it?"

Opal thought silently, Yin Yin was right, Wendy couldn't put all the bets on herself and Raymond. They lived here for a long time, and most of them had other reliance.

"I haven't thought that this tree can do anything." Opal looked up, in fact, they are now in the body of the mother of the dill.

"No." Yin Tuo said: "The power of nature is difficult to judge. Maybe a tree does a lot of things, but I think the problem is-will the mother of female dill protect everyone here."

Opal: "..."

Yin Tuan gazed at Opal's eyes.

Opal understood the meaning of Yintuo almost immediately: all humans are immigrants to female stars, what is the difference between locals and new immigrants?Wendy, Mushu think they are female stars, but the mother of female Luo may not necessarily admit it.

Perhaps in its eyes, this civil war is just two groups of foreigners fighting against it.

"But we are not this tree." Opal said: "You can't guess what a plant with the same life as the planet is thinking..."

Yin Nuo said: "So let's put this question down temporarily, assuming that the mother of the female Luo is willing to help the party where Wendy is based. According to our previous plan, will Wendy have a certainty early? The trap of the rebels? Even the spoiled things, they are known for a long time."

Opal shook his heart, and lamented Yin Yin as a C-class mercenary. He must have experienced many battles, and his accurate grasp of the battle situation was still above himself.

Opal finally understood where his unreliable heart came from.

"It might make sense then." Yin Yao continued: "This group of people doesn't look like people who are waiting to be killed. Wendy had a plan long before you came, using spies to release false news and seduce the rebellion. The army came over and attacked the village. At the same time, all the troops were sent to rescue the hostages. Your arrival only added a bargaining chip to her hand."

Opal nodded slowly and said, "I understand what you said, but what do you want me to do? Modify the plan?"

Yin Tuo said: "No, I just want to tell you that according to the comprehensive information analysis, the enemy may not be as good as Raymond imagined. If you find Sean too strong, leave him alone, protect yourself, and withdraw from here, I will force Wendy out of her killer, that's it."

Opal looked at Yintuo. Yintuo smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

"I will be careful." Opal said moved, "Thank you."

Yin Nuo compared a thumb and said, "I wish you a long life."

Opal said: "You too, live for a hundred years."

He got up and ran out of the refuge and returned to the branch. At the same time, he thought that he still lacked combat experience with Raymond. Perhaps this is also the drawback of upgrading the level too fast. Yinyin is much more careful than them.He began vaguely worrying about Raymond again, maybe his mission target would also be guarded.

Now all that is left is for the two sides to fight for time. All the sneak attackers are facing the enemy.

"Not yet..." Opal glanced at his watch.

"Come!" said someone.

There was a soft sound in the dark night, I don’t know what was flying out of the woods, and the fireflies on the rotating rattan were extinguished, and the surroundings were gradually darkening. Night town.

The first alarm sounded in the dark.

"The enemy--ah--" the woman screamed.

With a wave of his hand, Opal jumped out of the branches with 51 comrades.

The loud bang, the explosion of the air overturned the wooden house, the fire ignited, the flare flew, until the first man's screams cut through the night, the rebels found nothing wrong.

"There is an ambush--!" the man's voice shouted: "Retreat!"

Opal wore infrared lenses, and there were moving red dots everywhere in the night, aiming at one of them and pulling the trigger, the serial electromagnetic light overturned the people.

"Overhead!" someone shouted.

The muzzles of all the rebels are facing high in the sky, and the death squads are like bats leaving the nest, flying around in a flash.

Fierce exchange of fire between the two sides, gunfire, artillery fire and bomb sounds one after another, Opal shouted: "It is too late!"

There were screams everywhere, more and more people, the incendiary bombs caused a raging fire, the flame burned up along the winding vines on the air roots, and after the Opal landed, it rolled and shouted: "Organize the defense line!"

There are wounded people rolling in the sea of ​​fire everywhere. The number of enemies is more than you think. A far-reaching electric light penetrates the night, throwing the opal into the sea of ​​fire, the electromagnetic gun is released, and the opal is behind the air. Big sword, backhanded.

With a bang, the black shadow flying into the flames collided with him!

Opal hasn't seen the face of the man clearly. A series of attacks have made a loud noise. The opponent's fists and feet collided in a row, which caused him a terrible pain. When they landed, the two rolled over at the same time. Opal caught fire and dragged his sword. To break out of the circle of fire, the man caught up.

Opal turned and waved his sword compulsively, and the big sword dragged a blood-red ray in the sea of ​​fire.

"Damn it!" Opal Zhu Jianfei kicked on the side, struck by force, and the two flew out in opposite directions at the same time, then took off their coats and slammed the flames.

Opal's coat and trousers were burnt to pieces, the flames were extinguished for a while, and a person came slowly to the open space.

The man was about the same height as Raymond, thin and gloomy, wearing a steel glove on his hand, a manipulator in his right hand, and rotated 360 degrees. The muzzle appeared, and Opal immediately stared at his movements, his hands clasped obliquely Holding the sword hilt and reversing the blade, he is ready to deal with his surprise attack at any time.

"Shaun?" Opal narrowed his eyes.

"Who are you?" Sean was a little surprised.

Opal Road: "Mercenary."

"Azeroth has too much control, he will regret it." Sean suddenly screamed: "Death--!"

The two moved at the same time, Sean fired a gun in his right hand, and then rushed towards Opal. Opal flashed quickly and swept, blocking with a big sword, when a loud loud ear drum hurt.

Even the feet are mechanical!Opal was kicked by that great force, and his chest was sore immediately, and he resisted the next big sword and shoved it twice. After pushing Sean, the other side had countless back strokes, his fists and feet were as dense as a shower, mixed The light and electric arc struck.

Opal is very difficult to deal with, the opponent's speed is not fast, but the impact is too strong!Every time he hit a large sword for defense, he was shocked to fight back.

There are fewer and fewer people around, the number of rebels is far greater than planned, and the enemies are all in all directions. Sean chased and fought, and more and more rebels came up.

"Kill—!" Yin's voice sounded.

A flash of light flashed over, and the visual stick of the photoelectric rod buzzed. Sean's movement stopped suddenly, raising his right arm. Yin Tuo jumped from the sky. The long stick hit the Sean mechanical arm and made a loud noise.

Sean turned and twirled, kicking into the air while Opal roared and threw it!

After Yintuo retreated, Opal rushed into it again, and then Opal withdrew to avoid. Yintuo swept the head with an arc!

The two mercenaries cooperated, and Sean immediately fell off, unable to dodge and retreat, shouting: "Salvo!"

Light bombs flew over the sky, Yinyin turned the photoelectric stick into a silver plate to block the flying light bombs, Opal reversed the sword body defense, the two retreated at the same time, and ran to the Qigen channel.

"Go!" Yintuo closed his stick and pushed Opal to evacuate.

"There are too many fucking people!" Opal said: "Who said they only have five hundred! At least five or six thousand!"

Yin Tuo said: "I knew that! Hurry up! They are going to catch up!"

"Mushu is still below!" Opal remembered.

Yin Nuo: "Can't save people! I saw your friend! He was captured! There is no danger for the moment! Go back and talk!"

The two rushed all the way to the heights, the headquarters of the defense force dumped the burning agent into it, and the rebel army who had chased half of them immediately shouted in panic, and the chasing soldiers all withdrew.

Every Qigen exit is guarded by people. Yintuo and Opal rushed into the refuge area, and there was an unnoticeable commotion, and then they all quieted down.

The following fire gradually extinguished, and the death squads were completely defeated. The rebels fired flare bombs, and white light flew to the crown of the mother of the dill, sticking to the air roots and branches, and the night light was like the day.

The rebel soldiers cleared the battlefield and took the captives to the center of the open space.

Opal coughing violently while supporting the trunk, Yin Yin said: "I'm going to Wendy, don't act without permission, wait here."

"The people above pay attention." Sean's hoarse voice sounded: "Give you fifteen minutes to consider, surrender, lay down the weapon, and come out of the bunker. Otherwise, tear gas and incendiary bombs will be dropped."

The Opal probe glanced, and the person below immediately pulled the trigger, and an arc flashed to the tree trunk, tangled.

It was troublesome now, Opal clasped his ear buckle and said, "Raymond, did you hear me? Hear and answer me, the situation is out of control, more people than expected..."

Raymond's voice sounded over there: "I have successfully rescued, Opal, here is the guarding of emptiness, how is your situation there?"

There was a rustle in the communication, Opal said: "Raymond! Are you there?"

"Yes." The signal was not stable, and Raymond said, "What about you?"

Opal said about the situation once, Raymond said: "Wait, protect yourself."

At night, the town at night was full of rebels, the captives were pulled into the open ground, Opal ran into the refuge, and Yin Yin was arguing with Wendy.

"People outside are coming in soon!" Yin's voice came from the deepest part of the trunk.

Wendy said: "We are praying!"

Opal said: "Oh my god."

Raymond's voice sounded: "Op... drag...will..."

Opal just got out and said, "Raymond!"

Leaving the inside of the tree trunk, the voice became clear, and Raymond said, "Where is Wendy? I just talked to Ellie. We are only 20 kilometers away from you and are returning at full speed."

Opal: "You ask Ellie if her sister has hysteria. The rebels hit the door. She is praying! Praying!"

Raymond talked with people for a while, and said: "Let them delay time! If you can't delay, you will surrender. Ellie said that as long as the lawmakers are safe, the war will be reversed at the last minute."

Opal shouted frantically: "What the hell are you talking about! I won't be able to hold it right away!"

Raymond: "Let her delay or surrender! The hostages have been rescued! Wait for me to come back!"

Opal helplessly cut off the communication and ran down the deepest part of the trunk.

Underneath is a temple-like grand hall with countless rattan windings in the center and a green luminous body curled up. Six congressmen including Wendy kneeled in front of the luminous body and whispered in prayer.

Yinying and Opal looked at each other, and Opal said: "What the hell are you doing?!"

Wendy said quietly and quickly: "Mother, please save us... please, save us... everything we do is for the future of the mother star..."

Opal shouted in Wendy's ear: "Go out and drag time! Raymond has rescued the hostages."

Wendy said, "Everyone pray together, pray together!"

Yin Tuo said: "You are all crazy!"

Opal stepped forward and kicked the rattan cage and shouted, "It won't save you!"

"Stop him!" Wendy screamed.

People around rushed up and stopped Opal. When Opal kicked the vine, he suddenly felt something, and his eyes narrowed.

The green light has life fluctuations, and its emotions are very strong, exuding disgust and tiredness. This emotion is not directed at him, but toward its devout believers.

Opal almost thought he was wrong, but the next moment he couldn’t take care of that many, pushed away the people around him, pulled Wendy, stared at her eyes, and said, “Raymond returned with your sister, and it’s half an hour away. You can get here, should you do something?"

Wendy gasped for a moment, and Opal said: "You pray, then Sean rushes in with his army and no one can run away!"

Wendy pondered for a moment and shouted to the people around her: "You continue to pray, I will hold them back."

A young man said: "I go, Wendy, you must stay here!"

The young man ran up the spiral platform and out of the trunk area. Yintuo and Opal walked over the trunk again. Underneath, there were two thousand people guarding the periphery, forming a circle.

The flames were extinguished, and the bright white light could not open the eyes. Sean kneeled in front of a row of prisoners of war.

Mushu knelt in the middle, and Opal took a deep breath and said, "I have to find a way to save people."

"Talk about it, Sean." The young man said: "What do you want?"

Sean said: "Everyone, coming out of the tree hole, the mother of the female Luo will not protect you. She is tired of the war on this planet. Every minute I kill someone, fifty-nine..."

The young man said: "We are persuading Wendy, she is praying, there are 140,000 people in it, you can't kill everyone!"

Sean said: "Then persuade her before they die."

A minute later, Sean fired a shot at the head of the first prisoner of war. Her head exploded with blood, and her entire head shattered into erupting flesh, her body falling down.

Sean said: "Hand over the two mercenaries who launched the ambush."

Opal had an idea and whispered: "Yintuo, you put on their clothes and pretend to push me down."

Yintuo hesitated, and Sean counted below: "Forty-five, forty-four..."

The young man said: "Don't shoot! I let Wendy come out and go now! Don't shoot anymore!"

Sean sneered. Opal grabbed Yintuo and said, "Have you heard?"

Yin Tuo said: "No, it's too dangerous."

Opal said: "Run after saving people..."

Yin Tuo: "Time is delayed, you see. Don't be busy with it first."

Sean put away the small pistol on the mechanical arm and stood around the group of captives, waiting for him. He walked behind the prisoner of war twice and shook his hand to reveal the mechanical cannon against the back of Mushu's head.

"I thought it was all female soldiers, are you a man?" Sean said.

The communication rang when Opal was about to speak.

"Opal, I'm back," Raymond said. "I was ambushing behind them. I also rescued 130 soldiers of the Guard. Thirty were behind. Now I have a hundred."

Opal said: "The man he is going to kill is Mu Shu. I draw his attention. You are going to save people."

Raymond: "No, the raid behind me drew his attention, you are responsible for saving people."

Sean said: "How do men get in? Shouldn't the women's defense team be all women?"

Mu Shu shivered all over, his lips trembling slightly, and raised his head. Within the same second, there was turmoil behind the circle, and someone issued a temporary scream.

First second:

A black arc oscillated, flesh and blood flew in a short moment, Raymond's body was as fast as a cheetah in the night, the first move Axe light cut off the blocking rebel army body, the second move waved, five people in the inner circle At the same time, there is a strange head.

Second second:

Raymond landed and lifted his tomahawk backhand, saying that sooner or later, Sean turned, raised his mechanical arm, and collided violently with Raymond's tomahawk, making a loud noise.

Raymond used his strength to roll in mid-air and backed away.

Third second:

Sean pulled out his waist pistol with his left hand and pressed it against the back of Mushu's back. The electromagnetic cannon popped out on his right arm, aiming at Leimong's body in midair.

Infrared sight was moving back and forth on Raymond, fixed on his forehead.

Sean pulled the trigger with both hands.

However, at the next moment, his pupils were slightly loose, as if he had forgotten what he was about to do at that moment, and then Opal pressed left with his left hand, and fell from the top of Sean's head.

Sean's head twirled into the air and blood spewed from the neck fracture.

Suddenly the crowd exploded, and someone shouted, "Kill them!"

Opal and Raymond each rolled over to the ground, and dense bullets flew in the distance.

"Don't let them run away!"


"There is an ambush!"

Raymond rushed towards Opal, and the two staggered to cover each other. Raymond set up a light cannon and spilled an arc of a light bomb. A shocking explosion occurred at the landing. Opal said: "Shoot down the burning lamp !"

Raymond said: "You cover!"

The light flicked up and down, and Raymond didn't look at it with four guns. The burning lamp suspended in the air burst and burst, and the open space fell into darkness again. Then the members of the defense team appeared from a distance and killed again. The situation was again. The scene changed, and the scene was chaotic.

Opal did not forget to shout: "Mu Shu!"

Yin's voice shouted: "Here I am! Everyone retreats!"

The melee became more and more fierce until someone shouted, "Retreat! Can't fight anymore!"

The two sides separated like a tide, and the rebels fled into the distance under the night, stepped on the small aircraft when they came, and Opal almost tripped over and found E7 running around in the dead.

Fortunately Raymond caught him and shouted in the dark: "Don't chase it! You can't recognize yourself!"

"Stop the fire! Everyone cease the fire! Avoid accidental injuries!" Opal shouted.

Raymond's hand always grasped Opal's wrist. Someone fired incendiary bombs, dying on the ground, rebels and prisoners of war, death squads, and the corpses of the defense team.

The remaining members of the rebel army ran westward and were temporarily safe. Opal breathed out and was so nervous that he couldn't even speak.

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