The Star Of Annihilation

Chapter 1 - Roy (1)

The Star of Annihilation

Chapter 1 – Roy (1)

Written by : eleven

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Slowly opening his eyes, Roy could feel a blinding light enter his cornea.



He was confused and looked around at his surroundings. It was the farm. That was impossible though! He couldn’t make heads or tails of what was going on.

‘This can’t be… they destroyed everything! How could the farm be here?’

He also immediately noticed that his eyesight… felt like it was at a smaller height than expected. Almost as if he were a child. Was he in a dream?

Confused, he made his way over to the horses that were playing and running around in the stall.

Outstretching his hands he pet the head of the horse that was closest to him. He definitely felt all of his senses. The next thing he did was try to feel the mana in his nebula, or core.

‘What the hell?’

His nebula or mana core, as it was commonly referred to, had no stars within it and barely an ounce of mana.

‘Have I…? No… if I have… then mom!’

Realizing that if he had truly gone back in time, or if this was all some sick dream, Roy needed to see if his mother was still alive.

Rushing over to the wooden cabin, he saw the chimney letting out small clouds of smoke. Someone was definitely there. Unknowingly, a smile became etched across Roy’s face along with slight tears rolling from the corners of his eyes.

“Huff.. Huff…”

‘God, since when have I been so out of shape?’

He shoved away the thoughts as he ran to the door and swung it wide open.

And there she was.

Standing in a brown and white apron, blonde hair down to her waist, green emerald eyes that would shine brighter than jewels. His mother, Mathilde Stone.

He couldn’t even formulate any words. It felt all too real, yet he wasn’t sure if it was real. It couldn’t be right?

His mother turned around and looked at him with a curious look, and then it turned to one of worry.

“Roy… Are you alright honey?”

Tears were rolling down his cheeks and he had just belatedly realized it. Not wanting to ruin anything, Roy walked right on up to his mother and hugged her.

“Mom, I’m so sorry.”

“What are you talking about dear?”

“… It’s nothing.”

His mother was seemingly confused but he couldn’t forget get the sensation of her touch, even after embracing her for the first time in over thirteen years. His black bangs swayed as he buried them in her chest and his emerald eyes gleamed as brightly as hers as his turned watery.

He had lost his mother when he was nine.

‘Wait… what’s the year? Is it really not a dream?’

Roy wondered to himself. If this was real, he needed to know how old he was. What the hell had happened?

“Hey mom, what’s the date today?”

“Hm… let me check honey.”

Roy’s mother responded in a sweet tone, reminding him of just how much he loved her. She then proceeded to go to the kitchen, where she flipped through her paperback journal she had always kept on her person. Flipping to the most recent bookmark, she responded.

“It’s the 33rd day in the First Cycle of 178. Why do you ask?”

“.. Was just curious is all.”

He tried to come up with a better excuse in his head to explain or justify his weird behavior to his mom before she could say anything further, but nothing came to mind.

“Are you sure you’re alright dear?”

“Yea, I promise mom. I was just playing out in the field with the horses.”

It wasn’t necessarily a lie, nor a truth. Roy had no clue what was going on up until right now. Well no, he had died to be exact. In the final war for all mankind in the face of extinction, trying desperately just to survive, he had perished.

But, there was no way humanity would have survived anyways.

‘I’m… 6 years old right now according to the date.’

There were a lot of things spinning through his mind right now. What had happened? What was that voice he had heard when he died? Why was he here right now?

Running these thoughts through his brain, Roy knew he wouldn’t get any answers by moping around. He realized his mother had the only paper in the house as she used it for her journal. Being a commoner family, meant that there was a rather small income, and his family would find it hard to get basic things like paper easily. Roy needed to write things down and remember them before his memories became hazy with time.

“Mom, by any chance… do you think I can have a piece of paper?”

Roy’s mom was literate, which was rather surprising for a commoner, as rarely anybody that wasn’t a noble, could learn to read and write the Empirical Language, let alone runes and magic.

However, his mother had been teaching him from a young age about the little knowledge she had on runes and the Empirical language.

“Sure, what do you need it for?”, she asked, suspicion present in her voice.

“I need to practice with runes mom!”

Roy gave her an excuse, as she was truly his only teacher of magic from back then and even now. As long as things seemed to be what he thought, then he was definitely back.

But if he was, he needed to know what he would do, and for that he needed to make plans.

If there was one thing Roy was sure of, it was that he would not let his mother die again. He would have to be prepared. He had to get an ‘education’ and he needed to become stronger. Much stronger. Because even if he was able to save his mom from the tragedy that struck their village as the prelude to the great war that happened years later, nothing would change if humanity perished helplessly as it did before.

Roy’s mother stared at him blankly and examined his expression.

Roy tried to not appear nervous, but he couldn’t help but feel nervous in front of the mother he had lost so long ago. She was the only true person that ever made him feel loved and had genuinely cared for him.

Nodding slowly, she darted her eyes between him and her journal as she flipped to an empty page and ripped it neatly out of the leather binding for him.

Handing it to Roy, he thanked her quickly and darted to where he remembered where his room was located.

As he reached the door to his room, he could embrace the memories he had, when he opened the mahogany door knob and looked at the rather comfortable and cozy-looking room.

Roy had a simple bunk bed with white linen and several toys along with some papers filled to the brim with magical runes, as well as a small toy wand he had made when he was younger.

The wand wasn’t actually even a wand, as wands were expensive, even for the upper class. Wands or staffs were typically inheritances strictly between magicians and their descendants.

Even so, his childish nature back then wouldn’t not allow himself to at least believe right?


Looking around, Roy got on his knees and searched for a small feather pen, hoping it would be somewhere between the clutter of clothes he had thrown around everywhere.

Finally finding the feather pen, Roy grabbed some ink from his desk and quickly hopped his small bosom on top of the chair.

‘There’s a lot of things that don’t make sense. I should probably start with what’s going on and what this regression of sorts, could be.’

The last thing Roy remembered was dying quite simply.

‘I literally got squashed by a giant rock…. The end.’

No… that wasn’t completely true. He was trying to make light of it by joking with himself in his head, since he still felt suspicious about the whole thing itself. In fact, he felt nervous and scared even right now.

Roy looked at his hand that was holding the feather pen, and he could see it trembling still.

Grabbing his right hand with his left, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

“Wait- the green light!”

Exclaiming to himself, he suddenly realized. He remembered a green light flashing before his eyes, right before the meteor had fallen on his body and mangled it into the ground.

Wasn’t he looking at his pendant at that moment?

‘This doesn’t make sense.’

Looking down at his white tunic, he couldn’t see the pendant his mother had given him before she had died in his previous life.

He also didn’t remember seeing it on her neck earlier. However, Roy felt like the pendant wasn’t something he should focus on right now, since it was still only a part of the large mystery as to what was going on.

‘My descendant? My fate? What?’

It seemed like the voice he had heard prior to his death was related to it. But the word ‘descendant’ could be vague. If so, Roy didn’t have anyone blood-related to him that was some kind of being that could flow time and memories backwards. That itself, was something not even the most supreme beings could do.

When one talked about ‘them’, their presence was something none of the races on the face of the planet had expected to emerge.

What happened when they first appeared was nothing short of disbelief. And due to no races having a clue as to why their race attacked humanity so brutally, humanity for the first time in history, had united.

Demons, Elves, Dwarves, Humans, Demi-Humans, Giants, Undead even. It was hard to say there was no tension between the unification, but it was something all the races knew had to happen if there was any chance to survive.

But, humanity had completely disregarded the chances of winning the war. At least Roy did. They were that powerful.

Roy remembered his eyes that used to burn in fury when looking at those very beings that had brought humanity to destruction. They were the cause of his mother’s death. But, at his death he realized just how small he truly was. That didn’t mean his rage and fury was gone.

If he truly had another chance with his life, he needed to attack first. Every single being of their kind would need to be slaughtered by his hand.

Those beings were fabled to be wise, kind and gentle even. At least in the fairytales they were.

But, they were nothing like that.

Brutish, warmongers, psychopaths, blood-thirsty murderers.

Billions of individuals had perished from in the wake of the war due to them. Kingdoms fell, the Empire was in shambles, and the heroes were even somewhat afraid, Roy thought.

History could not repeat itself.

‘I’ll change history from repeating itself. I have to.’

They were the absolute magical species, the apex upon all races.

The Dragons.
Chapter 1 – Fin

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