The Star Of Annihilation

Chapter 22 - Argenta (4)

The Star of Annihilation

Chapter 22 – Argenta (4)

Written by : eleven

Proofread and Edited by : ch17175

* * *

Back in the war for survival, the Dragons rarely attacked in groups. They attacked individually due to their proud and arrogant natures.

Thanks to this, humanity had been able to slay a few of their kind.

But when they were able to do so, things became drastically worse. Dragons were selfish, but in all regards, when they saw something threaten their very existence, they spared no effort in completely demolishing humanity from that point on.

On the entirety of the Northern continent, there would have been many more heroes, apostles, swordmasters, archmages and much more if there had not been squabbles with the other kingdoms and tribes.

Regardless, it still took about Three Swordmasters and Four Archmages as well as a couple infantry corps to take down a single Dragon. That was how formidable they were.

Roy had seen a Dragon be killed at one point, and remembered just how fearsome the battle was back then.


That was the best way to describe what had happened.

The surroundings and destruction after the battle was something like the concept of hell.

* * *

A sharp and incredibly high pitched noise pierced Roy’s eardrums as his vision turned white.

‘Is this what the end of the world would look like?’

Roy wondered as he tried to squint his eyes and make out the aftermath of the 8-star combination spell.

Several barriers were erected by Ferneth for the children beforehand as he saw the large amounts of mana being prepared beforehand.

Slowly, the light started to dim.


The light eventually completely disappeared and what was left in front of the people present, shocked them.

“What in the….”

Dante muttered under his breath as he stared at the result in shock.


Argenta was completely fine.

No. He was not completely ‘fine’.

He was enraged.

<mere bugs…>

Argenta’s eyes started to change slightly from yellow to a red tint.

Tubel, who was unsure of the outcome, was prepared to a certain extent if the Dragon in front of him was able to survive. Well, he knew it would.

But what he didn’t know was the extent of the damage.

It was embarrassing, but Roy knew it beforehand.

There was a reason Dragons were known as the Apex of magical species.

It was then.

“Hup… huk”


The attack squad members suddenly gagged simultaneously as a large and intangible pressure pushed down on them.

Roy had experienced it before.

Dragon Fear.

Argenta was getting serious finally, but what Roy was supposed to be feeling, did not come.


For some reason, everyone around him was feeling affected by this pressure, and Roy could feel it to an extent.

Yet, it felt oddly warm to him; comforting even.

Roy almost habitually knew what was next though since it was already happening. The feeling would definitely be warm, but nothing close to comfortable.

[Use your barrier spells NOW!]

It was the first time Roy heard Ferneth shout in his time that he knew him.

Even Elizabeth’s shoulders shook as she was in surprise at Ferneth’s shout.

Ferneth had also seen what was to come next thanks to the memory orb he found while looking for ways to live longer on the central continent.


Small little balls of light, colored in a bright violet, started to move in the air towards a single point in front of Argenta’s mouth.

[Elemental Barrier]

[Steel Wall]

[Ashen Territory]

Spells unfolded one after the other to cast barriers or erect pillars out of the Earth to block whatever was to come next.

Some of the spells failed though and one of the Archmages ended up coughing up blood due to the effects of the Dragon Fear instilled into his mind.


Argenta spoke as if giving out a command.

The small balls of light combined together into a small orb in front of Argenta’s mouth. After he spoke, he ate the ball of light and closed his eyes.

When they opened…


His mouth opened wide and a ray of violet pierced the sky.


Dragon Fear was almost always followed by their strongest innate weapon within their body : their Breath.

Argenta’s breath spewed out a single condensed beam of light that shot right through the sky as the sound barrier was shattered and the barriers were melted down one-by-one.


Tubel cursed in his mind as his mana was rapidly being circulated and his internal circuitry was beginning to churn.

He was not the only one, in fact, the others most likely had it worse right now when it came to the mages in the party.

In terms of firepower, mages were supposed to be the ones responsible for the position.

But what if they faced an opponent whose firepower was unrivaled and their physical strength was unaffected by their spells?

‘I’ll have to take this a lot more seriously.’

It’s not that Tubel wasn’t taking this seriously beforehand, but every being that walked the path of magical science agreed that one should never reveal their cards. And in a battle against others, one should always have more cards hidden than the opponent.

The barriers were melting down quickly and Tubel quickly moved his hands and prepared his mental power.

Ferneth noticed what Tubel was about to do and was reaching the same conclusion.

The other Archmages weren’t able to pull this off yet as not all Archmages were the same level.

[Domain Establishment]

[Domain Establishment]

Tubel and Ferneth’s domains immediately were brought up as the space started to fluctuate violently.

The darkness and gray mana that emanated from their bodies clashed and merged together as it faced the violet light that was encroaching them.

The two of them looked as if they were the last bastion against the fall of the world.

“The element of your mana is death, but are you able to construct it towards a different element with your domain or not?”

Tubel asked quickly as he faced Ferneth.

He was already shocked that another mage there would be able to use Domain Establishment, but even if one knew how to establish a domain, it didn’t mean they were able to manipulate all the laws that a Domain could use.

It varied on one’s own mental power and their comprehension of space along with mana.

[That’s easy enough.]

“Good. I’ll be in your care then.”


Ferneth didn’t have any time or luxury to be sassy at this moment as he quickly flicked his fingers and concentrated his mana within the space around him.


The space started to distort behind the barriers that were being torn apart one by one by the Breath.

Creating a suction of space behind the breath, the violet beam of light clashed directly with the beam and clashed brilliantly


The light started to refract and clash directly against the space, trying to force the laws of the domain to bend to its will.

But the combined mental power of the 8-star Grand Wizard and 7-star Arch-Lich was not just for show.

The beam of light separated into shards and scorched the Earth violently.

The ground shook as Tubel stared at Argenta with a worried expression.

He had lots of spells still yet to be cast, but the frightening thing about the being in front of him, was the massive reserves of mana it had that hadn’t even been tapped into.

Blue and white light suddenly flashed through the surroundings and shot directly at Argenta.


Dante grunted as he twisted his body mid-air, creating a piercing strike with his spear.

Imperial Spearmanship 4th Series : Spear of the Gale

The spear in his hands started to rotate as the aura that was coating it started to spin and take the form of wind.

Imperial Swordsmanship 4th Series : Blade Infinitum

The sword in Lucius’s hands shot forth, the aura starting to disperse from it and re-emerge as several blue swords around him as the clouds started to part from the night sky and looked as if the stars were falling from the sky.


Argenta was caught off guard, but spoke a single word.

At the word, it was as if time stopped itself.

For the first time during the fight, Tubel felt the mana in the air start to vibrate. Argenta used the first spell in his arsenal and it was something that denied all common sense in magical science that Tubel knew of.

His eyes widened.


Tubel couldn’t move as he felt the laws of space freeze him in place.

His Domain was absolutely useless in front of this being.

* * *

Roy looked around at the battle with confused eyes.

He knew of this spell.

He had encountered it many times in the past.

[Ferneth! Cancel your Domain NOW!]

Roy knew the dangerous aspect of this spell.

It was like a reverse engineered Domain Establishment.


Ferneth sent a mental message back to Roy confusedly, but immediately did so.

As he did, something shocking happened.

Ferneth did not have hands-on experience when facing Dragons. It was his first time. However, Roy did.

The co-established Domain that Tubel and Ferneth were maintaining and that everyone was under, was cancelled and their movements were freed up once more.

Everyone was shocked, especially Tubel who looked at Ferneth like he couldn’t possibly understand the true identity of the Arch-Lich was fighting next to, but there was one other that was even more shocked than any other.


Argenta could not believe it.

How could beings that were facing against the Dragon’s magic for the first time, know how their spells worked?

They could likely understand some of the concepts behind it, but to be able to counter immediately like they just did, and give up their defenses like that, was not only against the very nature of humans when fighting the Draconic Species, but any other for that matter, as nobody would ever go defenseless against such a mighty being.

But Argenta did not have much time to talk.


The Blue swords made of aura and the spear from Dante, immediately resumed attack and crashed against the defenseless Argenta.

Argenta’s body was flung backwards, as he had no time to prepare for his first spell being countered like it was throwing paper at a fire.

His body crashing against the several miles of dirt, Argenta’s scales held up against the rough onslaught of aura colliding against his body.

Though it wasn’t without a cost.

Chapter 22 – Fin

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