The Star Of Annihilation

Chapter 27 - Departure (1)

The Star of Annihilation

Chapter 27 – Departure (1)

Written by : eleven

* * *


Roy bolted awake as he felt pain encroaching him from all corners of his body.

“You’re finally awake.”

Roy turned his head slightly, shaking his head and coming to his senses.

In the corner of his bedroom, an old man with a gray beard and gray pointy hat sat in the corner.

It was Tubel, the 8-star Grand Wizard of the Empire.


Roy was still muddled with confusion and scratched his head as he remained silent.

“You still need some time to rest. On the other hand, I don’t mind answering some of the questions you may have.”

‘The Grand Wizard? Why is he here in my room?’

Roy’s head pounded with a searing pain, but it was slowly going away.

After blinking repeatedly, Roy looked at the covers of his bed and noticed the bandages on his arms and chest.

“What happened?”

“Good question.”


“Well, I think you know better than anyone in this small town exactly what you summoned.”

It was true. Roy started to recall the events that had unfolded before he fell unconscious.

The 5 Spirit Kings, Ifrit, the contract, and the battle with Argenta.

“The….the Dragon. What happened to it.”

“It’s dead.”

“Was it Ifrit?”

“Ifrit?…. Ah! That must be the name of that Spirit you summoned. Yes, it was him who slayed that beast.”


Roy berated himself as he carelessly revealed the name of the 5th and unknown Spirit King to the Grand Wizard of the Empire.

In all normal circumstances, Roy had to be extremely focused when dealing with the old man in front of him, but his mind was still muddled.

“Where is the corpse?”

“It’s with us in our camp. We are preparing to go bring our findings to the Capital once you woke up.”

“…. Why only after I woke up?”

“Because you’re coming with us.”

These words were not a question or a request. They were a statement. Roy knew at that moment he had seriously messed up.

His careful planning would likely be for naught. But then again, Roy knew about the effects of the butterfly effect. A butterfly in the south who could flap its wings once, could cause tornadoes in the North.

History was already starting to change from how he remembered it, and he knew that whether these changes were good or not, only time would tell and that the past he knew of could only be a rough guideline to it all.

“My mother and Nate? Where are they?”

“Resting. They will be coming with us as well.”

Roy thought briefly on his next question. He had many roundabout ways of going about the question, but as a fellow individual who tread the path of magical science he remained direct.

“… Are we going to be treated as prisoners or spies?”

“That depends on how the Sun of the Empire decides it to be fit, but until then, you are nothing short of a small hero right now.”

Tubel’s completely stoic and emotionless face cracked slightly into a grin.

Roy shuddered but started to feel like Tubel had many questions for him as well.

The most important of all, was to hold his cards right to his chest, for Roy had the information they wanted.

“….. So what now?”

“What happens now, indeed. That is a very good question.”

“….. What do you want from me?”

Roy asked outright.

“I do not know right now. I am still wary of you boy. The questions are endless truly. But the biggest thing I need to know is this : who are you really?”


Tubel roused his mana and cast the spell of truth.

Roy shuddered as he felt the powerful mana of the 8-star Grand Wizard permeate in the air, but he did not falter.

Argenta’s mana was much greater than this, and lately he had been surrounded by powerful individuals.

Not only that, Roy had already practiced in his head for when a situation would arise. He figured that one day, the Empire could possibly turn on him.

Luckily, the Empire was not a corrupt power just yet. And the man he knew of that was in front of him, was someone that although had not shown himself in the end of the battles to be played out, it was because he had fallen injured in a battle against the Great Three in his last life.

Tubel’s loyalty remained strong for the Empire, and towards magic. Roy had to remind himself of this before deciding to open his mouth.

“Roy Stone, 2-star mage, 8 years-old, and loyal citizen to the Empire.”

Nothing he spoke was a lie.

He was hiding many truths in that statement, but he figured that it was the best answer he could give.

Tubel’s eyes shook and suddenly….

A sigh escaped his mouth as Tubel’s expression changed greatly and a great look of relief emerged.

A genuine and caring smile emerged from his face and Roy suddenly felt the mana in the room dissipate.

“I’m glad.”


“That was the answer I was looking for. Anything more or less could have your head rolling on the floor right now.”

Roy trembled as the words escaped Tubel’s mouth, but in the end he calmed down as well.

“Well, for now you need more rest. Take as much as you need. I’ll gather your mother and friends before we leave so you can talk with them.”

“…Thank you.”

“We will be departing for the capital in a few days, but that doesn’t mean I also wish to talk more to you in the meantime.”

Roy looked at Tubel with a blank expression.

Seeing this, Tubel burst into laughter until tears rolled from his eyes.

Rubbing his eyes, Tubel smiled as he spoke.

“Of course, not as an individual of the Empire, but rather as one who treads the path of magic much like yourself. I have a good feeling that you may be very good for me to talk to as I haven’t met a kid like you in quite some time.”

Roy pondered on the words and realized just how much of an oddball he and Nate were in comparison to most kids his age.

Especially to the noble children that Tubel most likely had to deal with, Roy and Nate were probably mature adults with outrageous talents and mysteries that would prove enjoyable for an old man like Tubel.

Not all noble children acted noble after all, and Roy definitely knew of those cocky brats. Of course there were a great many that were also very diligent and mindful of their manners, but they numbered few. Even fewer of the well-mannered ones had the talent to back it up as well.

Roy smiled lightly and Tubel noticed this.

‘He truly is still a kid.’

Tubel thought to himself as he raised his body up from the seat.

“I’ll give you your time to yourself now. Your mother should be here in the morning.”

Roy, hearing this, looked out the window and realized it was nighttime.

Reaching his hand out to stop Tubel, Roy suddenly spoke.

“Wait… just how long was I out for?”

“Two weeks.”

Tubel spoke as his figure disappeared with a blink spell.

Only then, did realization hit Roy as his eyes widened in disbelief and he looked down as his own two hands.

‘I did it…’

He had stopped the massacre of Kerto Village.

* * *

[Elizabeth, have you packed everything?]

“Yes Master Ferneth.”


“Will we really be going to the Capital? Didn’t they say the average age of the other Imperial Academy students is much older than Nate, Roy and I?”

[Fret not. They’ve promised to take good care of us and have already made the preparations necessary for our stay.]

“….Okay Master.”

Elizabeth spoke to Ferneth in a gloomy tone of voice.

Even Ferneth was still somewhat skeptical, but he was confident in his magical abilities and knew this was for the better.

Although the Holy Church would definitely be present in the Capital, Ferneth was assured protection by the Emperor, himself, as well as the Grand Wizard, Tubel.

Not only that, but they were in discussion of perhaps Ferneth becoming a vice-master of one of the Magic Towers.

He, a 7-star Arch-Lich, becoming a vice-master of a Magic Tower was almost unheard of. Yet, there was possibility and protection that made it so.

‘They’re already on the move.’

Ferneth thought back to when Argenta had suddenly appeared 2 weeks prior.

The Dragons were already moving towards this continent, and Ferneth knew that they had no chance as they were now.

At least when thinking of the Empire alone that was.

The Emperor was made aware that something had transpired during the envoy’s stay and was greatly worried and even doubtful that a…dragon had appeared.

‘He knows something.’

Ferneth thought of Roy.

That boy he was becoming fond of, definitely knew of something related to these beasts which made absolute zero sense when Ferneth thought of his mother Mathilde, and Nate.

Nate was already interesting enough, but it seemed he was just Roy’s friend.

In the end, answers would only come once more was to be revealed.

‘But can I really do it?’

Facing Argenta in person, Ferneth had never felt so powerless.

Even when Tubel unleashed that 8-star spell, he felt powerless.

Yet, Tubel when they conversed, said Ferneth was very close to reaching 8-stars.

He felt it himself, but was skeptical.

It was necessary to grow stronger; much stronger than he already was in order to fight the wars that would surely ensue.

Uniting the tribes and species on this continent was a must, Ferneth thought, but he wasn’t sure just how to go about it or even mention that there was likely to be many more of those devastating creatures left.

Pondering these thoughts, Ferneth put the hood of his cloak over his skull and continued to pack his belongings.

* * *



The sound of spear and sword collided in the night of the forest.

Dante and Lucius retreated and then continued to clash with their sparring.

Nate, observing from the sidelines, watched in awe as he observed Dante, the Imperial Spearmaster’s movements.

There were movements he hadn’t even thought of that were mixed in with ones he felt were perfect.

Everything he saw from Dante was something that Nate found interest in.

“How do I get there? How much stronger do I need to be?”

Nate muttered under his breath.

– Patience child. Your time will come.
Nate heard Varpulis in the back of his head as he watched the fight with widened eyes, not daring to miss a single movement.

Chapter 27 – Fin

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