The Star Of Annihilation

Chapter 51 - Titanius (3)

The Star of Annihilation

Chapter 51 – Titanius (3)

Written by : Eleven

* * *

[Ice Arrow]

Several magic circles floated up into the sky as Roy’s mana circuit churned in the opposite direction of most magicians’.

His casting speed was much faster due to the reverse mana flow in his body, and his ice arrows that started to emerge from these magic circles, were larger and faster than any other version of the spell.


The ice arrows shot out towards their target.

The target, Nate, started to conjure up lightning around his spear as he jumped up and twirled in the air.

Lightning God’s Swordsmanship 6th Series : Electro-shock Impact

Electricity made from Nate’s mana and Varpulis’ borrowed holy powers crackled at the tip of Nate’s spearhead.

The largest ice spear summoned out from Roy’s magic circles, collided head on as Nate turned his wrist and thrust his spear forward.


The ground shook slightly from the impact of the two powerful boys’ spearmanship and magic colliding head-on.

Landing on the ground, Nate turned his waist immediately as Roy came in and slashed diagonally with his saber.


Nate grunted as he was forced to parry the slash.

It was incredibly simplistic, brute, and to the point.

Roy’s swordsmanship style took on a form of swordsmanship that was no way inferior to Nate’s spearmanship.

The only difference between Roy and Nate in the past was practical experience, but Nate had officially gotten used to sparring with a superhuman known as the Empire’s sole Spearmaster.

Annihilation Swordsmanship 5th Series : Blade of Predation

Roy had struggled to come up with a name for his swordsmanship until Lucius had given him some inspiration when he described what it felt like to be the one facing Roy’s swordsmanship.


Roy liked the word itself.

He felt an odd sense of deja vu; goosebumps even, when he named the swordsmanship.

It was something so basic and fundamentally in line with his feelings, emotions and goals.

“You’re gonna have to do better than that!”

Roy shouted as his face was filled with glee and excitement.

Sometimes the easiest way for people to re-familiarize themselves with one another, was with a spar.

Such was the case for Roy and Nate.


Sucking in a large breath of oxygen, Nate strained his forearms as he plunged his body at a forty-five degree angle and rotated the spear along his back, dodging the incoming flurry of blows.

[Wind Gale]

A burst of wind started to surround Nate’s body as his weight started to feel lighter by the second.

That was an understatement, however.

Compared to the time when Nate and Roy had been fighting against the monsters of the Forest, prior to meeting Ferneth, the Wind Gale spell was leagues above what it used to be.

A fierce storm started to brew inside the small sparring arena located just in the backyard of Roy and Nate’s residence.


Suddenly, a yell rang out from another person outside the arena.

Roy and Nate whipped their heads around as they had not remembered seeing anybody come outside with them.

Mathilde, Roy’s mother, was seen screaming with an angry and bewildered look across her face.

“Are you two idiots trying to break down the house you’ve barely even lived inside?! I’ll have you know I’ve grown quite attached to this house!”

Mathilde came down to the sparring arena with a set of angry stomps.



Roy and Nate exclaimed with painful groans as Mathilde came up and jerked them both by their ears.

“W-We get it mom!”


The boys both stuttered as they didn’t understand how such a frail-looking woman was able to be so strong!

“Enough out of you two! Get inside and get dressed, you have the entrance ceremony today and I will not have you both looking like fools before you even get your uniforms on!”

Bringing the boys back inside the house, Mathilde left them to the maids and ordered the maids to make sure they looked presentable because it was their first day of school.

* * *

Later that day…
Roy and Nate had finished taking their baths and were formally dressed in their new school uniforms.

Titanius’ school uniforms were pretty versatile and Roy examined the enchantments on the uniforms with a sense of respect.

“Pretty high-level stuff, isn’t it?”

Roy spoke as he tapped the school emblem of the Lion on his black vest.

Nate adorned a simplistic, white collared up shirt, with a white cardigan to match and a silver tie.

Nate looked at his attire uncomfortably as he spoke.

“Yeah, but I wish I didn’t have to look so tacky.”

“If we’re going to school with the heirs of most Noble and Magician Families, we have to play the part.”

“You sure?”

“Trust me, nothing good will come of trying to stand out in a negative light.”

Roy was utterly convinced of this.

Amelia Portaz, was the daughter of a conservative low-level Baroness, and although she was different from other nobles Roy had met, she was not the kind of nobility they would be going to school with.

From the ranks of Viscount, Earl, Count and Duke, were the general population of the families they would attend with.

Roy and Nate looked up from the carriage they were inside of, and Nate turned to Elizabeth, who was sitting in the carriage with them as he asked her a question.

“Elizabeth, I get your master is the Tower Master of the new Purple Tower, but didn’t Mister Ferneth just keep you privately educated? I’m sure he had his thoughts on you going to the Academy.”

“You’re right… He did want me to stay with him and just train to be the next Tower Master, but what’s the fun in that if my only two friends are going to school as well?”


Nate fell speechless, while Roy just smiled.

The woman known as the Blood Witch of the future, was calling him and his new childhood friend, her comrades.

Elizabeth was someone that put even necromancy to shame as in the future, she had even summoned a Blood Dragon before being murdered.

This little girl at the age of twelve, was bound to be one of the most reliable comrades on the battlefield for Roy, and if anything he was looking forward to enrolling at the Academy despite the discrimination he might face.

‘The name of Tiberius.’

Roy’s plans at going to the Dungeon in the Demon territory went awry due to unforeseeable circumstances, but Roy knew he couldn’t keep to himself and face off against the Dragons like a lone wolf.

He had to gather talented and formidable comrades to stand up to the possibility of the Dragons causing planetary extinction.

One of these comrades would be in the Academy of Tiberius this year.

‘He was adorned as a true hero, unlike those other pretentious idiots who held that title. But he was murdered in cold blood before he could even shine.’

Now that Roy had realized that the Dragons were much more underhanded and resourceful than he would have ever imagined, it might have not been a coincidence that all the true heroes of his time had been murdered.

If Roy did not want to mess up his plans, he needed to get the man known as Hallen Tiberius to his side.

Guoooooung! Guoooooung! Guoooooung!

Roy looked up at the large academy walls that were in front of the carriage as a large bell in the middle spire of the Academy rang out.

Behind and in front of his carriage, Roy could see several carriages bearing the crests of several Imperial Nobility and Magician Households.

Titanius Academy was incredibly large compared to most buildings in the entire continent.

In fact, it was several times larger than the Imperial Palace.

The previous Emperor had demanded that the Empire should never forget its roots but also never forget to raise its youth.

For that reason alone, the Empire had invested tax money and a large expenditure from the Royal Treasury to expand Titanius into the Academy it was today.

The large marble walls were decorated with blue and white banners, which fluttered in the wind next to the two flags that proudly stood atop the highest spire.

These two flags represented the Empire, and the Academy’s crests respectively.

Clack- Clop- Clack- Clop-

Roy felt goosebumps as the hooves of the horses pulling the carriage got closer to the entrance.

With Roy’s incredible sensitivity to mana, he felt the strong waves of mana being emitted alongside waves of ki from beyond the entrance.

‘The Imperial Academy, Titanius, may have some of the most stuck-up mages and swordsmen come out from their graduates, but they certainly do live up to the reputation.’

“Woah… you feel that?”


Nate asked both Roy and Elizabeth about the strong waves of mana, as he wasn’t sure if the others had picked it up yet, but Elizabeth responded excitedly as Roy nodded calmly.

“You think we’ll actually be able to distinguish ourselves? People there seem strong.”

Nate was a bit nervous, but if anything… he was excited as he spoke.

Roy looked at him cooly before replying,

“Trust me, despite being probably the youngest ones to reach 4-stars in this continent, that doesn’t mean there aren’t older people and stronger people at this academy. I’m pretty sure that I heard something along the lines of there being 4-star magicians and even a 5-star wizard in the graduating senior class.”


“Let’s get ready. We’ll be at the gates soon anyways.”


“Sounds good.”

Roy explained the things he had heard from Lucius and Tubel when he had asked them in private whether going to the Academy was worth it.

In short, they convinced him that his time would be well-spent, and if he didn’t like it, he could always train on his own and leave classes.

Most students wouldn’t be allowed such treatment, but since Tubel was one of the two Headmasters of the Academy in his free time, he allowed Roy to act how he liked.

Tubel wasn’t there most of the time because he had duties as the Tower Master of the White Tower, and as one of the two Grand Wizards in the Empire; only being joined by Ferneth recently.

But, Tubel’s words and actions held weight within the Academy. So, if he was to say Roy could or couldn’t do something, his word was the law.

After a few minutes of waiting, the carriage pulling Roy, Nate and Elizabeth came to a stop.

“We’re here.”


Roy spoke to the others while Nate nodded and stood up.

Elizabeth followed suit as she stood up, donning her white skirt and red blouse. Her blonde hair was not tied up and was flowing nicely as she stepped out first, followed by Nate and then Roy.

“Hey! Which carriage is that one?”

“How should I know Walter?…It doesn’t look like there’s a crest….”

“No way. I heard rumors from others that some commoners would be attending, that can’t be true right?”

Immediately as Roy stepped out of the carriage, his heightened senses picked up on the conversations that were quietly being discussed from a distance.

‘Tsk. So much for staying low.’

Roy thought this as he heard the conversations die down while several gazes were headed towards him and the rest of his party.

Amongst these gazes, a couple were particularly disdainful, and one could even be seen coming towards their party.


An excessively loud, boisterous and belligerent voice rang out as soon as Roy and the party stepped out onto the grounds near the entrance.

Chapter 51 – Fin

Mass release chapter (2/10)

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