The Stars In Your Eyes
Chapter 125 - Wisdom Teeth
Jian Kang Lu noticed his kitten changes a lot after they got back together again in the past one month.
First, his kitten boldly shows his affection even in public. For example, when they do groceries shopping or when they watch movies together, his kitten holds his hands a lot. Many times, over and over again. Jian Kang Lu can't even be happier with that.
At first, he thought it won't last long, because he knew his kitten was not an extrovert like him. But until today, his kitten is still doing that, and even increasing the frequency. Is this Mu Xiaoya's magic again? He silently vows to give Mu Xiaoya a generous gift for this.
Another example is when his kitten gives him delightful surprises such as pick him up in the airport. He never imagined his kitten asked his flight schedule to pick him up. When he asked why his kitten picked him up, his kitten answered softly.
"I want to see you as soon as possible, gege. I missed you."
Second, his kitten boldly seduces him in bed. Okay, maybe boldly was not the best term to describe his kitten's movement. Even his kitten didn't do anything enough to ignite Jian Kang Lu's inner beast sometimes. Don't mention with this additional seductive and flirty moves from his kitten.
For example, bathe him. Since that day, his kitten often bathes together with him. There was one time when his kitten rubbed his lower member with the slippery bath gel, then brought his own sexy thing down there to join the movement. His kitten cupped both of their lower members and stroked it gently with the bath gel, then faster until both of them cum.
Jian Kang Lu felt really proud with himself to still hold his sanity intact and didn't fuck his kitten's supple butt right there at that moment. He felt like a saint to be able to deny his desire not to punish his deadly flirtatious kitten.
Third, his kitten often sends his selfie pictures and explains what he does, and where he goes. It was not Jian Kang Lu's intention to be a freak who wants to control his kitten. But he can't deny that he was happy to receive all those beautiful pictures and messages.
He felt safe, for he knows where his kitten was. He felt secure, for he knows his kitten prioritises him. He felt blissful, for he could see his kitten when he missed him so much. And he felt happy, because it shows how his kitten truly thinks about him all the time.
And last, his kitten didn't mind using his money. Like today, his kitten asked his permission to use his card to buy gifts for his friends. Liu Xiang, Yu Dong, and Tang Yuxuan finished their final project and also their thesis. They invite Bai Yutang and Jian Kang Lu for a celebration dinner. Unfortunately, Jian Kang Lu needs to attend the yearly nephrologist meeting and can't join them.
"You can use the cards, and buy something nice for them. Let's have dinner together another time. Ask them whether they're free next weekend. Or maybe after your final exam?"
His kitten nodded, "I plan to buy wallets for them. Is it okay if I spend 3000 yuan for their gift, gege?"
Jian Kang Lu just ruffled his kitten's hair who poured the coffee for him. "Just use the card. It's okay."
Who cares how much his kitten wants to spend. He could spend all Jian Kang Lu's salary if he wanted to.
"I'm sorry i can't accompany you to the shopping mall. Are you going alone?"
His kitten blew the hot porridge, and answered his question while doing that. "Nope, i'm going with Xiaoya. She also wants to buy the gifts for them."
"Then please have your lunch somewhere nice with her. Just use the card." Jian Kang Lu secretly hoped Mu Xiaoya would give more magical advice to his kitten.
Jian Kang Lu notices all the food they have for this morning breakfast is something that is easy to chew and soft. He also noticed his kitten eat his food slowly.
"Are you sick, TangTang?" He put his hand to his kitten's forehead and neck. It seems his kitten is a little bit warmer than usual.
Jian Kang Lu could see that his kitten was lying when he said nothing wrong. "My patients could give me a better lie compared to you, baby. What's wrong? Where do you feel sick?"
His kitten just lowered his head and answered slowly. "I'm having a headache and it seems to be coming from my teeth."
"Finish your breakfast first, and let me take a look." Jian Kang Lu is really worried. His kitten didn't get sick often except for his stomach problem and cold. But the problem is his kitten often lied about it.
After breakfast, Bai Yutang obediently opened his mouth and let his lover examine his mouth.
"Your gum is a little bit swollen. Why don't we go to the dentist? I think you need to take a panoramic to see your wisdom teeth position. I guess it was impacted." Jian Kang Lu truly worried about his kitten. He knows how painful for impacted wisdom teeth could be. He himself had all his wisdom teeth extracted when he was still in his second year. It was a nightmare.
"And drink some painkiller first. Let me get some for you." Jian Kang Lu rummaged their medicine cabinet to look for the strong painkiller. He remembered when he was having his wisdom teeth, the pain was like splitting his head and his jaw.
"I'm okay, gege. If tomorrow I still have this tooth ache then I'll go to the dentist."
Jian Kang Lu's worries proved to be real. At night, his kitten awoken with his eyes layered in mist. He finally admitted that the pain was increased and throbbing hard. Jian Kang Lu sighed, then fetched warm water and a painkiller with some sedative to help his kitten sleep.
"Drink this first, and let's go to the dentist tomorrow morning. Let's eat breakfast outside tomorrow. No need to cook."
Jian Kang Lu held his kitten tight that whole night, while changing the cold compress several times to his kitten's jaw to help alleviate the pain. He stroked his kitten's hair, and kissed his kitten's forehead several times. It must be really painful, until his kitten admitted that he needed to take medicine.
In the morning his kitten wants to wake up early. But Jian Kang Lu put him back to sleep.
"Just sleep more, baby. This is Sunday. I'll wake you up at 7."
Jian Kang Lu made some peppermint tea for his kitten, and asked his friend which dental clinic opened on Sunday morning. Too bad there are no decent dental clinics open on Sunday morning, but he secured the appointment at 4 pm in the dental clinic recommended by Huang Yin.
Jian Kang Lu also called his parents and told them that today he can't join the Sunday lunch. He wants to accompany his kitten to the dentist.
"Gege, I can go alone. No need to cancel your Sunday lunch for me." His kitten softly told him when he heard that Jian Kang Lu didn't go to his parent's house.
"But i want to accompany you. I want to see how cute your wisdom tooth is to cause you pain like this."
His kitten didn't say anything, but it was satisfying for Jian Kang Lu when he saw his kitten's ear tip turn red.
In the dentist, Jian Kang Lu saw his kitten a little bit pale. "Baby, you're not afraid of the dentist, right?"
His kitten just pouted his mouth, "I'm not a 7 year old toddler. I used to visit my dentist regularly for scaling."
How Jian Kang Lu wished they're at home so he could kiss that cute cheek pouting at him. When the nurse calls Bai Yutang inside, Jian Kang Lu stays still in his chair. He was startled when Bai Yutang held his hand and dragged him inside the dentist's room.
"Why did you sit there? I thought gege said that you want to see my cute wisdom tooth?"
Jian Kang Lu noted that this is another major change from his kitten. Cuteness overload. He truly can't handle this.
The dentist took the panoramic picture, and his initial guess was right. His kitten's wisdom teeth were impacted in the lower right and the upper left. The dentist gave the option to remove four of them with minor surgery, or just took the problematic one right now. The lower right tooth.
"What do you think, gege?"
"In my case, I removed four of them in one single surgery. I didn't want to get that painful experience again later on when they decide to popped up one by one and torture me slowly. But up to you, TangTang."
His kitten finally decided to follow his step. Removed the four of them. The dentist told them she could do the surgery today, but on the last appointment. They agreed and just waited for the dental clinic to call them later on.
"Let's just wait in the car, or you want to go to the shopping mall while waiting?" Jian Kang Lu asked his kitten, since the clinic was quite far from their apartment.
"Let's just play games in the car, gege. I already went to the shopping mall for hours yesterday with Xiaoya. I can't handle another tour there."
After the surgery, his kitten's face looks pale and Jian Kang Lu's heart ache to see it. He knows how painful it is. He worriedly stroked his kitten's swollen cheek. "Why don't you stay at home tomorrow? Or maybe I'll take my leave too."
His kitten's eyes squinted with a warning look. "No need gege, this is nothing. I also need to see my counselor tomorrow regarding my final project's proposal."
Jian Kang Lu knows that when his kitten gives him that look, it was wiser to keep his mouth shut. "Okay, but let's order food for the next three days until you get better. Please?"
And that was their routine for the next five days until Bai Yutang's swollen cheek returned to normal. Jian Kang Lu will assure his kitten everyday that he still looks handsome even though his cheek bulges like a squirrel holding the nuts inside their cheek. Jian Kang Lu also put cold compress to his kitten's cheek and jaw several times a day while massaging his head. Their morning tea changed into cold peppermint tea. And the food ordered was always clear soup and porridge.
"Gege, I'm sorry.."
Jian Kang Lu turned his head and looked at his kitten who was rolling his body towards him, hugged his waist while he read his resident's case for tomorrow's presentation. He stroked his kitten's soft hair.
"Why do you say sorry again?"
His kitten's voice muffled when he said, "I troubled you with my tooth ache for the past few days."
Jian Kang Lu put his tablet on the table beside their bed. He holds his kitten and kisses his kitten softly.
"It's good to have a doctor as your boyfriend, right?"
Bai Yutang smiled and laughed a little to hear his lover saying those shameless words.
"Yes it is. Please don't charge me for this treatment, Doctor Jian."
First, his kitten boldly shows his affection even in public. For example, when they do groceries shopping or when they watch movies together, his kitten holds his hands a lot. Many times, over and over again. Jian Kang Lu can't even be happier with that.
At first, he thought it won't last long, because he knew his kitten was not an extrovert like him. But until today, his kitten is still doing that, and even increasing the frequency. Is this Mu Xiaoya's magic again? He silently vows to give Mu Xiaoya a generous gift for this.
Another example is when his kitten gives him delightful surprises such as pick him up in the airport. He never imagined his kitten asked his flight schedule to pick him up. When he asked why his kitten picked him up, his kitten answered softly.
"I want to see you as soon as possible, gege. I missed you."
Second, his kitten boldly seduces him in bed. Okay, maybe boldly was not the best term to describe his kitten's movement. Even his kitten didn't do anything enough to ignite Jian Kang Lu's inner beast sometimes. Don't mention with this additional seductive and flirty moves from his kitten.
For example, bathe him. Since that day, his kitten often bathes together with him. There was one time when his kitten rubbed his lower member with the slippery bath gel, then brought his own sexy thing down there to join the movement. His kitten cupped both of their lower members and stroked it gently with the bath gel, then faster until both of them cum.
Jian Kang Lu felt really proud with himself to still hold his sanity intact and didn't fuck his kitten's supple butt right there at that moment. He felt like a saint to be able to deny his desire not to punish his deadly flirtatious kitten.
Third, his kitten often sends his selfie pictures and explains what he does, and where he goes. It was not Jian Kang Lu's intention to be a freak who wants to control his kitten. But he can't deny that he was happy to receive all those beautiful pictures and messages.
He felt safe, for he knows where his kitten was. He felt secure, for he knows his kitten prioritises him. He felt blissful, for he could see his kitten when he missed him so much. And he felt happy, because it shows how his kitten truly thinks about him all the time.
And last, his kitten didn't mind using his money. Like today, his kitten asked his permission to use his card to buy gifts for his friends. Liu Xiang, Yu Dong, and Tang Yuxuan finished their final project and also their thesis. They invite Bai Yutang and Jian Kang Lu for a celebration dinner. Unfortunately, Jian Kang Lu needs to attend the yearly nephrologist meeting and can't join them.
"You can use the cards, and buy something nice for them. Let's have dinner together another time. Ask them whether they're free next weekend. Or maybe after your final exam?"
His kitten nodded, "I plan to buy wallets for them. Is it okay if I spend 3000 yuan for their gift, gege?"
Jian Kang Lu just ruffled his kitten's hair who poured the coffee for him. "Just use the card. It's okay."
Who cares how much his kitten wants to spend. He could spend all Jian Kang Lu's salary if he wanted to.
"I'm sorry i can't accompany you to the shopping mall. Are you going alone?"
His kitten blew the hot porridge, and answered his question while doing that. "Nope, i'm going with Xiaoya. She also wants to buy the gifts for them."
"Then please have your lunch somewhere nice with her. Just use the card." Jian Kang Lu secretly hoped Mu Xiaoya would give more magical advice to his kitten.
Jian Kang Lu notices all the food they have for this morning breakfast is something that is easy to chew and soft. He also noticed his kitten eat his food slowly.
"Are you sick, TangTang?" He put his hand to his kitten's forehead and neck. It seems his kitten is a little bit warmer than usual.
Jian Kang Lu could see that his kitten was lying when he said nothing wrong. "My patients could give me a better lie compared to you, baby. What's wrong? Where do you feel sick?"
His kitten just lowered his head and answered slowly. "I'm having a headache and it seems to be coming from my teeth."
"Finish your breakfast first, and let me take a look." Jian Kang Lu is really worried. His kitten didn't get sick often except for his stomach problem and cold. But the problem is his kitten often lied about it.
After breakfast, Bai Yutang obediently opened his mouth and let his lover examine his mouth.
"Your gum is a little bit swollen. Why don't we go to the dentist? I think you need to take a panoramic to see your wisdom teeth position. I guess it was impacted." Jian Kang Lu truly worried about his kitten. He knows how painful for impacted wisdom teeth could be. He himself had all his wisdom teeth extracted when he was still in his second year. It was a nightmare.
"And drink some painkiller first. Let me get some for you." Jian Kang Lu rummaged their medicine cabinet to look for the strong painkiller. He remembered when he was having his wisdom teeth, the pain was like splitting his head and his jaw.
"I'm okay, gege. If tomorrow I still have this tooth ache then I'll go to the dentist."
Jian Kang Lu's worries proved to be real. At night, his kitten awoken with his eyes layered in mist. He finally admitted that the pain was increased and throbbing hard. Jian Kang Lu sighed, then fetched warm water and a painkiller with some sedative to help his kitten sleep.
"Drink this first, and let's go to the dentist tomorrow morning. Let's eat breakfast outside tomorrow. No need to cook."
Jian Kang Lu held his kitten tight that whole night, while changing the cold compress several times to his kitten's jaw to help alleviate the pain. He stroked his kitten's hair, and kissed his kitten's forehead several times. It must be really painful, until his kitten admitted that he needed to take medicine.
In the morning his kitten wants to wake up early. But Jian Kang Lu put him back to sleep.
"Just sleep more, baby. This is Sunday. I'll wake you up at 7."
Jian Kang Lu made some peppermint tea for his kitten, and asked his friend which dental clinic opened on Sunday morning. Too bad there are no decent dental clinics open on Sunday morning, but he secured the appointment at 4 pm in the dental clinic recommended by Huang Yin.
Jian Kang Lu also called his parents and told them that today he can't join the Sunday lunch. He wants to accompany his kitten to the dentist.
"Gege, I can go alone. No need to cancel your Sunday lunch for me." His kitten softly told him when he heard that Jian Kang Lu didn't go to his parent's house.
"But i want to accompany you. I want to see how cute your wisdom tooth is to cause you pain like this."
His kitten didn't say anything, but it was satisfying for Jian Kang Lu when he saw his kitten's ear tip turn red.
In the dentist, Jian Kang Lu saw his kitten a little bit pale. "Baby, you're not afraid of the dentist, right?"
His kitten just pouted his mouth, "I'm not a 7 year old toddler. I used to visit my dentist regularly for scaling."
How Jian Kang Lu wished they're at home so he could kiss that cute cheek pouting at him. When the nurse calls Bai Yutang inside, Jian Kang Lu stays still in his chair. He was startled when Bai Yutang held his hand and dragged him inside the dentist's room.
"Why did you sit there? I thought gege said that you want to see my cute wisdom tooth?"
Jian Kang Lu noted that this is another major change from his kitten. Cuteness overload. He truly can't handle this.
The dentist took the panoramic picture, and his initial guess was right. His kitten's wisdom teeth were impacted in the lower right and the upper left. The dentist gave the option to remove four of them with minor surgery, or just took the problematic one right now. The lower right tooth.
"What do you think, gege?"
"In my case, I removed four of them in one single surgery. I didn't want to get that painful experience again later on when they decide to popped up one by one and torture me slowly. But up to you, TangTang."
His kitten finally decided to follow his step. Removed the four of them. The dentist told them she could do the surgery today, but on the last appointment. They agreed and just waited for the dental clinic to call them later on.
"Let's just wait in the car, or you want to go to the shopping mall while waiting?" Jian Kang Lu asked his kitten, since the clinic was quite far from their apartment.
"Let's just play games in the car, gege. I already went to the shopping mall for hours yesterday with Xiaoya. I can't handle another tour there."
After the surgery, his kitten's face looks pale and Jian Kang Lu's heart ache to see it. He knows how painful it is. He worriedly stroked his kitten's swollen cheek. "Why don't you stay at home tomorrow? Or maybe I'll take my leave too."
His kitten's eyes squinted with a warning look. "No need gege, this is nothing. I also need to see my counselor tomorrow regarding my final project's proposal."
Jian Kang Lu knows that when his kitten gives him that look, it was wiser to keep his mouth shut. "Okay, but let's order food for the next three days until you get better. Please?"
And that was their routine for the next five days until Bai Yutang's swollen cheek returned to normal. Jian Kang Lu will assure his kitten everyday that he still looks handsome even though his cheek bulges like a squirrel holding the nuts inside their cheek. Jian Kang Lu also put cold compress to his kitten's cheek and jaw several times a day while massaging his head. Their morning tea changed into cold peppermint tea. And the food ordered was always clear soup and porridge.
"Gege, I'm sorry.."
Jian Kang Lu turned his head and looked at his kitten who was rolling his body towards him, hugged his waist while he read his resident's case for tomorrow's presentation. He stroked his kitten's soft hair.
"Why do you say sorry again?"
His kitten's voice muffled when he said, "I troubled you with my tooth ache for the past few days."
Jian Kang Lu put his tablet on the table beside their bed. He holds his kitten and kisses his kitten softly.
"It's good to have a doctor as your boyfriend, right?"
Bai Yutang smiled and laughed a little to hear his lover saying those shameless words.
"Yes it is. Please don't charge me for this treatment, Doctor Jian."
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