“How much ???”

“Did I hear you wrong??”

“Three hundred million… Thirty million…”

“Groove!! This is crazy right!! ”

“I can’t believe my ears…”

“I’m Nima, this man is the devil?!!

“It’s really fake, it’s not nonsense!!”


After Chen Yu quoted a price of 330 million, the scene completely exploded, even if the people at the scene were all the rich class, but directly took 330 million to buy an oil painting for charity, few people can do it!

Or rather, no one does it at all!

The capitalists’ money is not blown by the wind!

330 million!!

You know, a large company’s net profit in a year does not necessarily have so much!

So, as soon as this price came out, it directly shocked the audience.

As a competitor, Chang Yunfeng was even more stupid, opening his mouth and staring, looking at Chen Yu, completely unable to believe his ears.

Xu Feier on the side was also shocked by the beauty and discoloration, when Chen Yu shouted 100 million, she felt that the price was too exaggerated, now it’s good, this word directly shouted out a super sky-high price of 330 million! ! !

To be honest, Xu Feier felt a little sorry for Chen Yu.

That’s 330 million, not 333, 3,300!!

Alas, in order to please me, he also laid down the blood bank~!!

Look at his breezy appearance…

But it was in such a way to express his heart.

From 110 million to 330 million, he didn’t want to give Chang Yunfeng any chance!

It is also expressing his determination to “win”!!


330 million!

What a big!!

This price is also outrageous…

Xu Feier turned his head and looked at Chen Yu, who still looked indifferent, but at this moment, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, revealing a victor’s smile…

To tell the truth, his side face is really handsome…

It looks good when you laugh…

Xu Feier looked at Chen Yu’s perfect side face, and actually committed a fool’s errand.

On stage.

Zhang Han was also stunned, and it took a long time to come back to his senses.

“Mr. Chen, how much do you bid?”

“Can you say it again??”

Zhang Han really thought that he had heard wrong, the problem was that there was no such a price increase, and it directly soared from 110 million to 330 million.

No matter what the auction, it is not so playful!

This is the scene of the Sabah charity dinner, not a simulation game for the big rich, just talk about numbers.

Since the price is offered, it is to pay real money!!

“Three hundred and thirty million…”

Chen Yu repeated with a calm face, the reason why he directly increased the price by three times was because the “tool man” Chang Yunfeng seemed to be unable to bear it, Chen Yu did not dare to wait any longer, if he bid 120 million, this guy no longer increased the price, then, the final transaction price is 120 million.

The triple reward is only 360 million.

Chen Yu made a net profit of 240 million.

And now the situation is completely different, Chen Yu bid 330 million, and the triple reward is 990 million!!

Net profit 660 million!!

Compared to the transaction price of 120 million, it is necessary to earn 420 million more!!!

More than four hundred million!

Buy ribs, it’s not fragrant…


It seems that 400 million ribs can’t be eaten in a lifetime~!

“Three hundred and thirty million!!”

“Chen’s total bid is 330 million !!!”

Zhang Han shouted the price quoted by Chen Yu, and then, his gaze fell on Chang Yunfeng: “President Chang, do you still want to increase the price?” ”

Hearing Zhang Han call his name, Chang Yunfeng came back from his shock, but his face already showed despair.

Entertainment companies already have large market cap bubbles with limited cash flow.

And he mobilized more than 100 million to “do charity”, it is estimated that he will be scolded by his father when he goes back, more than 300 million, that is not to think about it.

Therefore, when Chen Yu quoted this price, he was desperate, he really wanted to continue to follow, but his strength did not allow it! ! !

Starlight Entertainment is not his decision, so he can’t be willful enough to take more than 300 million out for charity and pretend to be forced!

Chang Yunfeng lowered his head and avoided Zhang Han’s gaze.

He really can’t keep up…

Seeing this, Zhang Han immediately understood what Chang Yunfeng meant, in fact, he also felt that it was impossible for the other party to increase the price.

Three hundred and thirty million!

This price is so outrageous, too shocking!!

“Three hundred and thirty million once!”

Zhang Han began the countdown.

“Three hundred and thirty million twice!!”

Zhang Han’s gaze swept over Chang Yunfeng for the last time, and the other party still lowered his head and said nothing.

“Three hundred and thirty million… Three times!!! ”

“Congratulations to Mr. Chen for successfully shooting the second lot tonight!!!”

“I would also like to thank Mr. Chen for his outstanding contributions to charity!”

“Fangcai staff has already told me that the price of 330 million not only created a historical record for the auction of the Sabah Charity Dinner, but also created the highest record for charity auction in China!!”

“Please give applause to President Chen, to this philanthropist who spares no expense in supporting philanthropy…”

Zhang Han’s words were sincere.

Under his leadership, the scene also broke into applause.

Chen Yu got up and bowed slightly.

“Next, please invite the donator of the oil painting, Mr. Xu, and the winner of the oil painting, Mr. Chen, to take the stage to complete the handover ceremony…”

In the applause, Zhang Han announced the next link.

In fact, when the first lot was sold, Chen Yu should have done a handover ceremony with the donor, but the donor of the vinyl record was not on the scene, so he had to give up.

However, this time is different, the donor Xu Feier is on the scene, and the turnover has set a record for a domestic charity auction, of course, there is a handover ceremony.

With applause, Chen Yu and Xu Feier got up and left the table, and since the seats of the two were already next to each other, they naturally walked to the stage together.

And what made the other men crazy was that as the two walked to the stage, Xu Feier held Chen Yu’s arm quietly…

Although this move can have a very official explanation, after all, Xu Feier is wearing an evening dress, walking is relatively inconvenient, and if you hold Chen Yu, the other party can play the role of a crutch and make her safer.

But it was too natural, too intimate…

It seems that Xu Feier seems to enjoy this state…

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