Jiang Kai: “…”

This is not in a hurry, just tell him directly, quickly transfer the money!

“Master, I will immediately arrange for someone to transfer the money to you…”

Chen Yu waved his hand: “No hurry…”

“Master, since you have all worshiped the master, did you teach me a move and a half style first?”

Jiang Kai asked with a longing look.


Chen Yu rubbed his hands, flirting with his sister or something, he was really not good at it, in fact, it was the sister who took the initiative to paste it, so he didn’t have much experience.

However, since you have accepted an apprentice, you always have to teach people something.

“In fact, I have also seen your problem, you are very good in terms of your own conditions, but you have a fatal flaw, that is, you lick too much, so for you, the first step to success is to start by not licking the dog!”

“From now on, stop licking dogs!”

“Communicating with any woman, calming down and putting you in the same position is your first step to success…”

Chen Yuyu said seriously.

When he was in the VIP lounge, he and Jiang Kai also had a brief exchange, and this guy told him about the mental journey of kneeling and licking Xu Feier, such as sending good morning and good night every day…

In fact, when pursuing a girl, this kneeling licking mode is really undesirable, the process of pursuing a girl is actually the process of attracting each other, and girls are often interested in men who are stronger than her, so when you lower your figure, you have actually lost, even if you use this kneeling licking mode to chase people to the hand, it is just an additional “ancestor” for there.

She takes everything you do, she takes for granted, and once one day you stop kneeling and licking, your relationship will come to an end.

This mode of getting along is itself deformed, or not!

Therefore, refusing to lick the dog is a very important thing!!

“Yes Master.”

“I know, I’ll never lick a dog again!!”

Jiang Kai nodded as if he understood something.

“Chen Yu, I decided…”

At this time, Xu Feier, who had calmed her mind, walked back.

“President Xu… Meet again, you sit, I have already helped you cover the heat on the stool … You walk carefully… Pay attention to your feet…”

After visiting the teacher, Jiang Kai sat in Xu Feier’s place, and seeing that the original owner had returned, he quickly stood up and said with a flattering face.

Seeing this, Chen Yu was directly speechless.

Last second, he swore that he would never lick the dog again, and as a result…


Chen Yu coughed lightly twice, and then glared at Jiang Kai fiercely.


Jiang Kai looked at Chen Yu, and he was also aware of his behavior, and immediately closed his mouth and stopped speaking.

Xu Feier had no impression of Jiang Kai at all, coupled with the other party’s dog-licking posture, she naturally wouldn’t put him in her eyes, and immediately just nodded her head gently, which was considered a response.

“Chen Yu, I decided…”

Xu Feier’s gaze fell on Chen Yu, and the whole person’s state was different, her beautiful eyes were smiling, and her expression was radiant.

Seeing this, Jiang Kai was directly speechless, turned his head to look at Chen Yu, and couldn’t help but sigh again.

Master is Master, he can’t get Xu Feier’s smile after kneeling and licking for most of the year, but now Xu Feier has left his best state and the most beautiful smile to Chen Yu.

However, hearing Xu Feier’s words, Chen Yu was a little panicked, she was really afraid that Xu Feier would come up with a sentence, I decided to be your girlfriend or something…

In that case, the atmosphere will be awkward…


“President Xu, we have something to say, we must be cautious in everything, especially lifelong events or something…”

Chen Yu gave the other party’s hint.

“Where do you want to go!”

Xu Feier glanced at Chen Yu with a shy face: “That matter, people haven’t thought about it yet~!” ”

Although Xu Feier didn’t think about it well, her state and feeling obviously had the answer.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Kai on the side was stunned, he had paid attention to Xu Feier for more than three years, she had never had such a state for a man.

It’s really worthy of Master!


Jiang Kai sighed again in his heart.

At this time, I heard Xu Feier continue: “I decided, the matter of cooperation between our two countries, I agreed, and I will use the plan proposed by President Su in the afternoon!” ”

In the past two days, Xu Feier has been negotiating with Su Yunbing for the joint development of the land in the 22nd block of Hexi, but the progress of the negotiation is not smooth, because Su Yunbing, who holds the initiative, does not give in, even if the two sides jointly develop, Hengda Real Estate is only responsible for part of the design and construction of the project, and in the naming of the project, it must be Hengdahua, which fully reflects the brand of Hongyang Real Estate.

In addition, in the distribution of profits, there is very little left for Hengda Real Estate.

It can be said that the cooperation method proposed by Su Yunbing is to promote real estate to eat meat, and Hengda Real Estate can only drink a few mouthfuls of soup.

This kind of cooperation method is naturally difficult for Hengda Real Estate to accept, because they can be regarded as helping people make wedding clothes, providing all-round backup support, helping Hongyang Real Estate develop such a big project, and in the end just take a little hard money.

And once this project is successful, it is also Hongyang Real Estate that is famous, and it is also Hongyang Real Estate that is flourishing, and Hengda Real Estate will raise tigers and have an additional strong enemy.

Therefore, in the face of such a cooperation model, Xu Feier naturally refused.

However, now Xu Feier has changed her mind, because, in her opinion, she and Chen Yu will be a family after all.

Since you are a family, what else to divide each other, when it is time to help, you must help!

What’s more, Chen Yu had already made so much sacrifice for himself tonight.

Xu Feier believes that the two must not be unilateral together, and now that Chen Yu has expressed her sincerity, then she must also show her sincerity.

Therefore, Xu Feier decided to accept the “unequal treaty” proposed by Su Yunbing, she wanted to help Chen Yu in her career and help promote real estate to take off!

Of course, in Xu Feier’s view, the better Chen Yu’s company does, the more beneficial it will be to the future of the two.

This is not a loss, but an investment in the future…

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