“Brother Yu and Chenxi are here…”

“Wow, another Rolls-Royce Phantom…”

“What kind of fairy luck is this, Chenxi, to find such a boyfriend!”

The Rolls-Royce Phantom was too eye-catching, and as soon as it stopped at the door of the hotel, it attracted the attention of all the guests who came to participate in the wedding, and Wang Juan, Huang Jingtian and others couldn’t help but sigh with envy.

“Brother Yu, Chenxi, the seats are all reserved for you…”

Huang Jingtian once again played his specialty of licking dogs, and got up to greet him with a sincere face.

“Thank you…”

Chen Yu replied politely and sat down with Yang Chenxi.

At this time, the guests had almost arrived, twenty-five or six tables were filled, and a couple was changing their makeup in the dressing room behind the stage, making final preparations before the ceremony.

“Brother Yu, did you rest well last night?”

Huang Jingtian asked with a smile.

“Hmm.” Chen Yu replied lightly.

“The thing is still good, hehe, it’s a professional model brought back from the island country by a friend…”

Huang Jingtian said in a low voice.


Chen Yu frowned suspiciously, his understanding of this thing was really not as good as Huang Jingtian, and he had never heard of the professional version.

“Hehe, it’s the kind that the actors use in island movies…” Huang Jingtian added with a lewd look.

Chen Yu shrugged, did not answer, and did not want to continue the topic.

“Stepping on the horse, the magic capital is really blocked, it seems that Lao Tzu’s big G will have to press his wings in the future!”

At this time, a rough voice suddenly came from the other end of the T-shaped stage, and the man’s voice was very loud, for fear that others would not know that he had opened a big G.

Chen Yu glanced at the voice, it was a fat man with a puffy body and a bold dress, and a large gold chain the thickness of his little finger was hung around his neck.

“Ah, Brother Qiang is here!”

“Brother Qiang, I’m tired of driving!”

“Brother Qiang, sit down quickly…”

Seeing this man, everyone sitting at the table quickly got up to say hello, obviously this fat man was worth a lot.

“Tang Daqiang, why is it still like this!” Huang Jingtian underestimated in a low voice, his tone was still somewhat sour, the other party was Liu Tingting’s high school classmate, and Huang Jingtian and Liu Tingting were in the same school and different classes when they were in high school.

But Huang Jingtian knows Tang Daqiang, who can pretend to be a thief when he was in school, and the latter claims that the “second middle forcing king” wants to overwhelm Huang Sedum in the world of pretending to be a beep, so Huang Jingtian is naturally very unhappy with him.

And Chen Yu just glanced at the other party, and then stopped paying attention, there are too many such people and it is not worth paying attention to.

However, that Tang Daqiang’s voice was quite loud, so I heard him pull his hoarse voice and say: “Tingting is true, if you follow me, how can you hold a banquet in such a broken hotel, the five-star hotel in the magic capital is not picked casually…”

“By the way, I heard that Tingting married a poor boy??”

“Mother a chicken, I really don’t know what Tingting thinks, with such a poor boy has a chicken feather future!!”

“Alas, everyone has their own aspirations…”

“It is estimated that Tingting will definitely regret it…”

“But no, love is worth a few cents…”

“If Tingting had followed Brother Qiang, she would have eaten fragrant and drank spicy!”

Listening to Tang Daqiang’s words, the boys at the same table quickly echoed, with a dog-licking posture.

Tang Daqiang was licked very comfortably, with a smile on his fat face, squinted, swept around the hall, and snorted with disdain while watching.

“Just a few broken hotels, if it weren’t for Tingting’s wedding, Lao Tzu wouldn’t have come to death…”

“Hey, Huang Jingtian’s goods are also here…”

In the process of looking around the hall environment, Tang Daqiang found Huang Jingtian, and when the two went to school, they competed with each other and didn’t look at each other.

Therefore, although Tang Daqiang didn’t plan to greet him when he saw Huang Jingtian, his gaze was sideways, but it fell on Yang Chenxi, who was separated from Huang Jingtian by Chen Yu, and those little eyes suddenly lit up!


And what about this beauty!!

Tang Daqiang licked his lips, immediately got up and walked towards Chen Yu’s table.

“Lao Huang, don’t come unharmed, where have you been getting rich recently?” Tang Daqiang pulled up a chair and forced Gaser to sit next to Huang Jingtian.

“It’s not about getting rich, do some small business!” Huang Jingtian is actually unwilling to take Tang Daqiang, but he does not dare to offend the other party, Tang Daqiang’s family is engaged in civil construction, and his father is a contract foreman, and it is said that he has also hooked up with Hengda Real Estate in the past two years, and he makes a lot of money every year.

“Haha, if you have difficulties, you will squeak, if you can’t do it, you will mix with Brother Qiang, and as soon as Brother Qiang opens a mouthful of meat to eat, you will have a mouthful of soup to drink…”

Tang Daqiang flaunted up his shirt sleeves, revealing a Rolex’s big gold watch: “It’s hard to say more, you follow Brother Qiang, there are still 1.8 million a year.” ”

“Make sure you can drive a big G like a brother in two or three years!!”

“Huh, this table is full of your college classmates?”

After showing off his worth, Tang Daqiang cut to the point, swept his gaze, and directly fell on Yang Chenxi.

“Well, it’s all college classmates of me and Tingting…” Huang Jingtian replied lightly.

Hearing this, Tang Daqiang smiled, took out a box of gilded business cards from his pocket, and introduced himself while handing it out to everyone: “Despise Tang Daqiang, the general manager of Powerful Construction, Tingting and I are high school classmates, you are also Tingting’s classmates, then we are all classmates, if there is anything in the future, call Brother Qiang, if you can do it, you will definitely do it!” ”

Tang Daqiang said with a smile on his face, but the reaction of everyone present was a little unexpected, he is such a powerful character, shouldn’t this group of people put on a kneeling and licking posture? ?

However, this group of people was unexpectedly calm, even a little disdainful, as if he, the general manager of the big G, was not very valuable in their eyes…

Stepping on the horse, this group of earth turtles don’t know what Big G is, is Lao Tzu’s skill in opening Big G with one hand just awesome??

“Beauty, my name is Tang Daqiang…”

The business card was sent to Yang Chenxi, and Tang Daqiang’s face was immediately full of smiles, and he patted his chest and introduced himself: “My family is a construction company, and the assets are only a few hundred million, I am the general manager, the only heir…”

“Hehe, how about a beauty, add a WeChat to ???”

Tang Daqiang directly quoted his worth, of course, several hundred million assets are bragging, while speaking, he directly opened his WeChat, and was ready to add WeChat.

Because in his opinion, the other party has no reason to refuse such a big tyrant as him!

However, just when Tang Daqiang was full of expectations, he heard Yang Chenxi say lightly: “I’m sorry, my boyfriend won’t let me add strangers’ WeChat!” ”

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