Ash was choked and speechless.

Is a hundred million a lot??

You tell me!!

Ordinary people can’t make that much money in their lifetime!

No, no, no!!

It is ten lifetimes may not be able to earn so much money!!


“It’s really you!!”

Just when the atmosphere was a little awkward, someone shouted gray, a man full of tide cards walked over, followed by several staff members, some holding cameras, some holding lampstands, and some carrying reflectors, look at this posture man should be an artist and the like.

“Brother Long…”

“What a coincidence!”

Gray Ash greeted, this man is called Wang Zilong, is a very well-known big anchor on the big fish platform, the best thing is shouting Mai, there are many fans.

“I’ll go, Brother Long!”

“Capture the wild god alive!”

“Did you meet Brother Long?”

“This is really immortal fate!”

“That’s right, Gray Ash in Brother Long’s live broadcast room also appeared!”

“Gray Ash, hurry up and let Brother Long come to a song!”

“Brother Long is an absolute veteran!”

“666, call Brother Long~!”

The unexpected appearance of Wang Zilong immediately caused a big commotion in the live broadcast room, and the number of barrages surged.

“Ash, are you live broadcasting?”

Wang Zilong glanced at Chen Yu and asked.


“The neighborhood…” replied Gray faintly.

“What’s the theme?”

“Visit me too.” Wang Zilong said with a smile that he wanted to have an interaction with Ash and bring popularity to the live broadcast room of both sides.

In addition, Wang Zilong also found an opportunity to communicate with Ash, in fact, he had asked Ash several times in private, but the other party refused.

In the live broadcast room, gray and gray characters are “color gray”, “face value dog” and “big yellow gray”.

However, the private gray is very conservative, keeping a safe distance from male anchors or male fans.

“Okay, then let’s also visit Brother Long.”

The ash in front of the live camera is very professional, and she knows that fans want to see her interact with Wang Zilong, so she just responded.

“Brother Long, if there is a hundred million, what is the first thing you want to do??”

Ash throws the same problem.

After listening to Gray’s question, Wang Zilong did not rush to respond, but asked instead: “Ash, what about you?” I would like to hear your answer first. ”


Ash thought for a while and said, “Let’s buy a big house for your family…”

Receiving Gray’s answer, Wang Zilong smiled gently: “My answer is there, if I have a hundred million, I will first buy a big house for Gray’s family…”

“I’m going!!”

“That’s too provocative!”

“This dog food caught off guard!”

“Ash has been provoked!”

“Brother Long, awesome!!”

“Together! Together!! ”

“I agree to this marriage!”

“Haha, Brother Long’s answer is really amazing!”

As soon as Wang Zilong’s answer came out, the barrage exploded instantly.

However, the gray face is quite embarrassing, because she does not have a good impression of Wang Zilong at all, and even has some disgust, in the anchor circle, and she is a contracted anchor of big fish, and she has also heard some things about Wang Zilong, such as dating fans, sleeping little anchors or something…

“Although Brother Long’s response is very provocative, it is not as arrogant as the little brother just now!”

“But no, that little brother’s answer is really full of pressure…”

There are many similar sounds in the live broadcast room.

After Wang Zilong responded to Gray’s question, he casually glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room, and saw that someone said that his answer was not as good as the little brother just now, so he asked curiously: “How did he respond just now??” ”

“He said he had a hundred million!”

“The little brother said that if there was only 100 million left in the bank card, he would cry in front of the ATM…”

Netizens shot a barrage.


“There is a hundred million?”

“And say that there is only 100 million left in the bank card and will cry in front of the ATM??”

“Is this forcing the king to possess him??”

Seeing the response of netizens, Wang Zilong pouted disdainfully, turned his head to find Chen Yu to verify the situation.

However, at this time, Chen Yu had disappeared, in fact, just when Ash and Wang Zilong greeted, Chen Yu left, because he was not interested in the Internet celebrity live broadcast or something, and Gray Ash’s so-called neighborhood he also cooperated.

“What about the guy??”

“Wasn’t it still there just now…” Wang Zilong looked around with a puzzled look.

At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room also flew up…

“Run after loading the beep, this operation is OK!”

“666, it is worthy of forcing the king to possess the body!”

“Hahaha, it’s experienced at a glance.”

“Pretending to be the king of the beep realm is not a joke!”

“He went to the left… You should be able to catch up! ”

“Yes, yes, it’s to the left!!”

Seeing the tips from netizens, Wang Zilong immediately waved at his follow-up team: “Follow me to find that guy!” ”

“Ash, come with me, I want to meet the big guy who is worth more than 100 million…”

Saying that, Wang Zilong and his team chased in the direction where Chen Yu disappeared.

Ash hesitated and followed, she didn’t like to join in the fun, mainly because the fans in the live broadcast room were shouting to see the follow-up…

Chen Yu took the elevator down to the first floor, because the car was driven away by the driver to send Yang Chenxi, he was ready to go out and take a taxi back to the hotel to rest…

“Brother, wait a minute.”

“Old Tie, please stay…”

Not long after Chen Yu got out of the elevator, a man’s urgent shout came from behind him.

In fact, Chen Yu didn’t know who this was shouting, but people, there is always curiosity, so he glanced back.

At this time, Wang Zilong and his team had chased Chen Yu.

Seeing that it was this group of people, Chen Yu couldn’t help frowning.

“Brother, you’re walking too fast, you’ve been calling you in the back for a long time…” Wang Zilong complained while panting.


Obviously disturbing himself, the other party also complained, Chen Yu was naturally not very happy, and asked impatiently.

Seeing that Chen Yu’s tone was not very friendly, Wang Zilong immediately pouted and snorted coldly: “I heard that you have a hundred million??” ”

Hearing this, Chen Yu gave Wang Zilong a blank look: “Do we know each other?” ”

“I don’t know.” Wang Zilong shook his head.

“Then how much money do I have to do with you yarn!!”

After speaking, Chen Yu turned his head and left, no longer paying attention to the other party.

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