"Be careful!" Caulifla hugged Kale and was letting Kale receive treatment from Saonel!

Suddenly, she saw Broly rushing over again!!!

"Oops!" Saonel's face changed slightly!

He's treating Kale~, he hasn't confiscated it yet!


Broly grabs Saonel's head straight away!

With a whoosh, it disappeared immediately!

"This is too strong!" Caulifla bared her teeth.

It's hard for her to imagine that a Saiyan can be so strong!

Of course, these Saiyans do not include Su Bai!


When it was Broly again, Saonel was also thrown out of the ring!

As such, the sixth Universe has been eliminated by three.

Gods of Destruction seat.

"Hahaha, good fight!" Beerus was very excited!

"Come on, Broly!!!"

"In one go, throw all the sixth universe down!!!"

"Master Beerus, do you think... Su Bai will also be thrown down?" Whis asked curiously.


You guys are out of luck!!!

We are in the limelight now, and everyone is happy about that.

You mentioned Su Bai to me?

That guy Su Bai, I can't figure it out, can I count on Broly??

"When people are happy, they always fantasize about unrealistic things." Beerus glanced at Whis.

"Just take it as me to make me happy, don't mention Su Bai, it's bad luck."

"Okay, Lord Beerus." Whis smiled and didn't mention Su Bai again.

As for Frieza, she glanced at Beerus in surprise.

Who is that Su Bai?!

How do you feel, Master Beerus is a little scared of him?!

It seems that because of the growth of the Frieza empire in the future.

It is necessary to make friends with Su Bai.

"Damn it, why didn't Su Bai make a move!!!" Champa was about to die of anxiety!

"Obviously if Su Bai makes a move, none of us will be eliminated!!!"

"Damn it! Why!"

"Maybe, because Bai Shengsheng also has his own considerations." Vados said.


What is he thinking about?

Directly transform into a super race, let everyone on the field rub it down, won't it be over???

"Lord Champa, please wait in peace." Vados whispered.

"Okay." Looking at the excited Beerus, Champa was a little sullen.


Brat, you can take advantage of it now!

Wait for Su Bai to take action, there will be a time for you to cry!!!!

In the ring, Broly charged at Su Bai and the others after eliminating Saoneer!!!


Now Broly is like a red-eyed berserker!!!


At this time, in the distance, an air bomb directly hit Broly's body.

This attack puts Broly's actions to a halt!

Then, he looked in the direction of the attack suspiciously.

As if asking, who? Dare to attack me?!

"I am General Casellar of the Proud Team!" Caselar led a group of members of the Proud Team and walked over!

"We will sanction you!!!"

On the seat of the Gods of Destruction.


Vermut held his head helplessly.

He had a great time watching the show, but he never expected that people from his universe would also participate in it!

These idiots, haven't you seen how strong Broly is just now!?

You actually walked over looking for death?!

Sure enough, after a while, General Casellar and his companions appeared beside him.

All were eliminated!!!

"Alas!" Vermut sighed helplessly!

What is this called!

"It's okay, Master Vermut." Makarita said at this time.

"We still have Toppo and Jiren, who haven't been eliminated yet."

"Yeah." Vermut nodded.

Their universe trump card is not eliminated, there is still play! There is still hope!!!

"Jiren, come on! I believe in you!!!"

...asking for flowers...

Vermut took a deep breath.

It's just that this confidence is not very sufficient.

Whether it's Vegeta fighting Jiren.

Broly, who is still crazy now, makes Vermut

11 Universe, maybe it will end!

In the arena.


After throwing all the players of Team Proud off the ring!

Broly yelled up to the sky! The fighting spirit is even more fierce!

In the next second, he aimed at Su Bai and charged directly at Su Bai!!!

Looking at the oncoming Broly, Su Bai just dodged a few times at random, easily avoiding Broly's attack!

Afterwards, he stretched out a finger and teased Broly easily.

On the seat of Gods of Destruction.

"What?!!!!" Vermut was shocked!!!

He did hear Champa say that Su Bai is far better than him!


That's just hearsay, he still doesn't feel how powerful Su Bai is.

Now, seeing Su Bai play Broly so easily, he is in a bad mood!

Is Broly weak?

No, Vermut could see clearly that Broly rubbed Chaolan with one hand!

As for Chao Lan, he discovered it through his observation.

The super blue transformation is undoubtedly very powerful!

This shows that Broly is really strong! Unbelievably strong!

It can be said that he feels that this Broly should be similar to Jiren, right?!

But such a powerful man, facing Su Bai, was turned around?!

What are you kidding?!

Is it too fake?!

"This kid...is he really human?!" Vermut doubted life!

Makarita also has a dignified expression!

Because she can see it!

In Su Bai's movements, there is a shadow of freedom and extreme intention!

"Too proficient." Makarita couldn't help but sigh.

Su Bai's free spirit is so skillful!!!

Beerus is also covering his head in pain!

It's over, Su Bai comes out!! Yu!.

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