The Start Is Perfect Ultra Instinct, I Beat Gods Of Destruction

Chapter 151 Haz, Don't Let Your Imagination Limit Su Bai's Power!


All three are superb!

Did it come from a corner of the universe?

So ignorant?!

so funny!

Or, these three people are simply professional comedians!?


It's so funny!

Haz's face turned black!

What are these three people laughing at?

Is it so funny to analyze the situation by yourself?

In response, Caulifla just patted Haz on the shoulder.

"Brother, your pattern is too small."

"Let go of your imagination, don't be bound by your own imagination."

"Maybe this fit person is not weak, but..."

"We have to compare with whom!"

"For example, compare it with me, I can feel that his breath is indeed not weak."

"If I don't turn into Chaolan, I think "Three Zero Zero" can't really beat him, he's quite strong.

"But... compare with our king.

"Hahaha." Having said that, the three couldn't help laughing again.

Comparing Kamin Olian with Su Bai, it is a person who loses Su Bai!

What a bargain!

Haz was taken aback.

Super blue, he knew what it was.

This information is included in the databases of Carmin and Olian.

It is a transformation of Saiyan.


It's unbelievable to him.

They think that Super Blue can defeat Kamin Olian?

Camiolian's terrifying strength is not as good as the three of them?

Then, Yin Bai can still crush the three of them?!

Is Su Bai also that strong?

real or fake?

After all, Hartz was limited by his imagination.

He really couldn't imagine how strong Su Bai's real power was.

At this moment, on the ring.

Cameo, who had just uttered the wild words, was taken aback!

Because, he heard the ridicule from the ring!

These three people actually laughed at themselves!

Laugh at yourself for overreaching!!!!

It's so disgusting!!!

This group of monkeys, after defeating Su Bai, will definitely punish them all severely!

He even said that he is not as good as them!!!

Really funny!

Who do you think you are?!

Bunch of stinky monkeys!!!

"Are you sure, let me make the first move?" Su Bai spoke at this time.

"Of course!" Camin Olian thought of the humiliation that Carmin had suffered before.


Let him shoot first, then stand still and take all his attacks!

Then, in his shocked eyes, he punched him down!

Let this group of Saiyans open their eyes!

"Forget it." Su Bai sighed.

With his identity and ability, it is too bullying to strike first.

But, since they all expect to make a move by themselves, let's bully the little one.

"I am coming."

In the end, Su Bai was still a little embarrassed, feeling that he was too bullying, so.

Before making the move, there was a thoughtful reminder.

"Huh! Come on!" Kamin Olian signaled Su Bai to go all out!

It's best to turn into a super blue or something.

When Kamin Olian imagined himself winning.



Su Bai disappeared in place!


Cameo was startled, he had only one thought in his mind!


He was directly kicked out!!!


He slammed into the wall behind him hard and spit out a mouthful of blood!

If Su Bai hadn't restrained a lot, he would have died straight away with this punch!

Such a quick thought, just as it came up, Kamin Olian was eliminated!

This made him doubt his life directly!

Even though he rushed to stand up in embarrassment, but...

Now, he is somewhat autistic.

Under the arena, Haz was stunned!

He must know how strong Cameolian is!

This is the container he used to grow the Universe Seed!

Never imagined...

He was knocked out with a punch by Su Bai!

This, is this really too strong?!

And, obviously, Su Bai is still the norm!

Harz knows that Saiyan can transform into Super Saiyan.

Their universe is a super four, and this universe is a super god!

How can you do this without transforming yourself!?


"Good fight! As expected of our king!" All three of Caulifla laughed...

Sure enough, their king is still so strong!


"The three of them are not surprised?!" Haz's heart twitched again!

Looking at their performance, it seems that Su Bai should be like this!

No surprises at all!

Is Saiyan from this universe so strong?

"How is it? Do you still have the confidence to stand up?" Su Bai looked down at Kamin Olian.


He's really a little autistic.

He didn't expect that after he fit together, he was directly punched down.

Is the gap between the two sides really that big?!

Didn’t it mean that Saiyan who doesn’t transform is all chickens?


Kamin Olian, who was beaten up one after another, didn't have the momentum he had at the beginning.

He shrank his neck, he was trembling and frightened now!

Because he knew that what he said before was a bit too cruel!

It seems that the picture is somewhat contemptuous of others.

The king of Saiyan won't hold grudges, right?!

"Are you afraid of me?" Su Bai smiled slightly, and stretched out his arms towards him, as if to let him hold hands and grab him.

"It's not necessary, I'm not that narrow-minded, get up.

"Oh..." He didn't think much about it, seeing Su Bai smiling like this, he thought Su Bai didn't hold grudges.

So, he grabbed Su Bai's hand.

1.8 Swish!!!

For a moment, he only felt a huge force coming from his arm, which directly threw him flying!

Su Bai stretched out his arm and aimed at Kamin Aulian in the air.

"Arrogance without strength will pay a price."

"This lesson, I want you to say.


Gathering up their abilities, they flew towards Kamin Aulian!

"Ah!" Kamin Aolian in the air screamed in a daze!

He never expected that Su Bai would be so vengeful!

Fortunately, he thought that Su Bai didn't hold grudges!

be cheated!



Su Bai's energy directly devoured Kamin Olian!

Caulifla, Gabe, and Kale didn't react at all to this.

At most, it is also emotional, the king is still the king, and the shot is clean and neat!

Without sloppy!.

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