The Start Is Perfect Ultra Instinct, I Beat Gods Of Destruction

Chapter 155 Backlash! The Gap Between Haz And Su Bai!

The super power output of 150% made him unable to bear the backlash, so he spit out a mouthful of blood!!!

"What's wrong?!" Kamin and Aulian were shocked!

Why did Haz vomit blood all of a sudden?!

Did you get hurt?

Su Bai also looked at Hazi suspiciously, why did he suddenly vomit blood?

He didn't do anything to Harz either!


Never been so over-burdened with superpowers.

Unexpectedly, I directly injured myself...

Haz was a little helpless, but he could only pretend that nothing happened.

"Ahem, maybe I'm a little unaccustomed to the environment, this is the first time I've used more than 30% of my abilities in this universe.

"I didn't expect that I was injured."



It's okay if the water and soil are not acclimatized.

Both Kamin and Aulian felt a little ridiculous!

How could anyone get hurt by this?

"How can there be such a restriction when crossing the universe?" Only Su Bai fell into deep thought.

It seems that this is something to keep in mind.

When you go to GT Universe in the future, pay more attention!

It should be that when you go to another universe, once your own ability explodes by more than 30%, you will be injured!

With this in mind, Su Bai asked.

"Haz, how much power did you just use?"

"Ah? Just now?" Haz wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"About 33%!"

Haz wouldn't say that he used 150% of it!

After all, he still pays more attention to his face.

If you let them know that with 150% of your energy bursting out, you won't be able to shake Su Bai.

It will definitely be looked down upon!

"Sure enough, 33%?" Su Bai nodded.

Once it exceeds 30%, it will be injured!

My guess was right.

"That's it." Su Bai looked at the seriously injured Haz.

"Use 100% of your power directly! It's too slow to stack up like this!"

"Besides, if you use 100% of your strength directly, you will only be injured once. Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain!"

"Come on! Use 100% of your strength and don't worry about getting hurt!"

Haz was silent, he knew what Su Bai meant.

Instead of increasing slowly, 10% at a time, and then getting injured one time at a time, it is better to go straight to 100%!


"Yes, Master Haz, just go all out!" Kamin and Aulian also persuaded from the side.

Harz:  …

Hazi wanted to cry, but he didn't cry, because he has already improved to 100%!

It is now 150%!

Too much improvement, he can't stand it!!!

"I....take it slowly." Haz said with a little shame.

"I'm afraid that if the control is not good, something unexpected will happen, so take it slowly and don't follow."

Su Bai nodded.

Orian and Carmin almost cried!

Look, this is Mrs. Harz! How kind and gentle!

Cry to death!

I would rather be injured again and again than let my companion be injured once!

Really cry to death!

"This time, I will directly increase it to 40%. You should be prepared." Haz reminded.

"Come on." Su Bai nodded.

Haz stretched out his hand again, concentrating the energy on his arm.


Instantly, gravity was applied to Su Bai's body again!



After raising it to 210%, Harz couldn't bear it, and vomited blood again!

"How, White?"

"I don't feel it." Su Bai shook his head.

"I am very strong, you should improve a bit, don't worry about hurting me.

Hartz: ---

I've raised it high!

"Well, since that's the case... Haz took a deep breath.

He has already decided to increase his ability and output to 500%!!!

In the face of this huge gravity, it is estimated that even Gods of Destruction will be crushed and vomit blood!


Instead of suppressing Gods of Destruction, it directly suppressed Gods of Destruction until he vomited blood!

"Come on! Su Bai "This is 80% of my strength! Get ready!" Haz directly exerted force!

"Oh!?" Su Bai's expression became slightly serious.

Because, directly increasing from 40% to 80%, this is doubled, don't be careless!

In an instant, countless gravitational forces appeared on Su Bai's body.


Su Bai wrinkled, but still didn't feel anything.

...asking for flowers......


At this moment, Haz's body was already faintly bleeding with cracks!

Yes! Cracks!

The energy that erupted in his body was too strong, his body couldn't bear it anymore!

The corners of his eyes, the corners of his mouth, even his ears!

It's starting to seep blood!

His body is facing collapse!

"I won't just fall down here!" Haz gritted his teeth!

He also decided to fight!

At the very least, let Su Bai feel a little bit of pressure!

If I can't make Su Bai feel the pressure even if I try my best, then I will be ashamed!

Now that things are up to now, he has to fight for everything!

"Ah!!!" Haz yelled!!!

The intimidated Carmin and Oren all backed away!

so strong!

Master Haz's current aura is really frightening!!!

"Su Bai!!! Can you resist my 100% strength?!"

Haz directly surpassed the limit and increased his energy output to 600%!!!

A circle of energy, rushing towards Su Bai!

"Oh!" Su Bai's eyes lit up suddenly!

felt it!

It was as if there was water rushing towards my back, suppressing myself!!!

Don't want to stand up!

If you really want to compare it, it's like taking a bath!

"I feel it!" Su Bai greeted.


Haz's tense nerves finally relaxed!

Ha ha!

Su Bai still feels it, my gravity attack, no problem!

Hazi seems to have fulfilled his dream, with a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth!

I did it!


Hazi immediately lost his sanity and fell to the ground!

He is exhausted!

The burst of overload caused him to lose consciousness directly!

"Lord Haz!!!" Before he fainted, he heard Ka and Lilian exclaim.

As for Su Bai, he took out the fairy beans and motioned for them to feed Hazi.

Then, he fell into deep thought.

The power of this Haz cannot be underestimated!

It was able to shake itself!

Although it's just like taking a bath, his normal state is close to Angel's!

Haz's power is stronger than he imagined!.

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