The Start Is Perfect Ultra Instinct, I Beat Gods Of Destruction

Chapter 157 Grand Priest: What? Su Bai Is Playing Lurking?

So, after Su Bai settled everything on the Sharada planet.

Then, together with Haz and his party, they embarked on the road to find their companions.

It is worth mentioning that Hartz has access to the entire universe of Instant Transmission.

Therefore, they don't need to drive a universe ship or something.

Temple of Zeno.

The Grand Priest is busy with all kinds of business.

"Huh?" Suddenly, he looked at his Angel scepter.


Grand Priest connects with Vados.

"What's the matter? Is there something wrong? If you don't take care of the Lord of the Universe, you still have time to contact me?"

"It's okay, I'm just idle and bored." Vados yawned.

Grand Priest:...

You have nothing to do, why don't you come to the Temple of Zeno and help me?

Don't you know, am I getting dizzy from being so busy every day? 31 Tangtang is an Angel-level combat power, and if he doesn't work hard, he is yawning here?

"Ah, right." Vados seemed to have thought of something.

"Convey Su Bai's order, he's playing lurking recently, don't worry about it."

Grand Priest:...

Are you just thinking about something right now?

Really are...

"Okay, I got it." Grand Priest signaled that he got it.

"Goodbye." Vados snapped and hung up the call.

Grand Priest:...

So direct.

"Ahem." Grand Priest took out his scepter and pointed at the people in Su Po.

He wanted to see who Su Bai was hanging out with.

After some confirmation, the Grand Priest affirmed that Su Bai was indeed mixed with outsiders!

Grand Priest felt helpless!

The majestic master of the universe, instead of dealing with the intruders, ran over to fool around with them.


I don't know how these people would react if they knew that the people around them were the masters of the universe.

"Forget it, forget it, I don't need to worry about this matter." Grand Priest waved his hand.

It's good that Su Bai can help him deal with some people. Recently, there are too many invaders, and it's a bit overwhelming.

Of course he wouldn't be worried that Su Bai would do bad things to this universe.

After all, Yin Bai is the master of this universe.

Even if his Grand Priest rebelled, Su Bai would not rebel.

So, Grand Priest kept busy.

On the other side, Haz led the crowd and just appeared on a certain planet.

Su Bai looked up and glanced at the sky.

He just sensed that the Grand Priest was watching him.

The Grand Priest watched for about a second.

"What's wrong?" Haz looked at Su Bai suspiciously.

He knows that Su Bai is very strong, so he is more concerned about Su Bai's sudden reaction.

"Nothing." Su Bai smiled and looked at Haz.

"Lead the way, take us there."

"Yes!" The three immediately responded!

Although this team is nominally led by Harz.

But at this moment, all three of them looked at Su Bai cautiously, showing their fear of Su Bai!

It seems that they are afraid that Su Bai will lose control and beat them up!

"Ahem." Haz coughed a few times to ease the atmosphere.

"According to my induction, it should be over there."

"Let's go then." Su Bai nodded.

Seeing that Su Bai had no objection, the other three also nodded.

Then, the four of them flew towards the direction Haz pointed at.

After flying for a while, everyone came to a big mountain.

"What a big mountain." Kamin and Olian were surprised.

In their database, they have basically never seen such a big mountain!

"Isn't this considered a mountain?" Haz also felt a little emotional.

"Is it a mountain range?"

Su Bai pondered for a moment.

This mountain is indeed huge, similar to Mount Everest in his previous life.

Stretched for more than a thousand miles!

"Where is the companion you are looking for?" Su Bai looked at Haz and joked.

"Don't tell me, this mountain is what you call the Glass Race.

"Haha, Su Bai, you're joking." Haz chuckled lightly.

"According to my induction, the other party is in the mountain!"

In the mountains?

Kamin and Aulian were surprised, could they survive in the mountains?

"It should be something illicit." Su Bai whispered.

"Maybe there are caves or something."

"Ah, Mr. Su Bai is right." Kamin said at this time.

"According to my information, the glass family generally lives in places with crystals."

"In such a huge mountain, there may be some ancient caves, hiding a lot of crystals and the like.

"Mr. Su Bai knows so much!" At this time, Nan Lian gave Su Bai a thumbs up.

Su Bai:...

He knew that this was two people flattering.

Because the two of them had offended themselves before, whenever they had the opportunity, they always wanted to get close.

It's just that this flattery is too bad!

"Mr. Su Bai really knows a lot more than me." Haz also agreed.

Su Bai:...

Why did you become licking 087?

The high-cold Hazna you said?

Neither can Haz.

If he is stronger than Su Bai, he will naturally be able to make it go.


Su Bai is so much better than him, he doesn't know how to get along with Su Bai except for praising Su Bai.

After all, he didn't want to offend Su Bai.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense." Su Bai sighed slightly.

"Hurry up and find the glass clansman, let's proceed to the next step."

Haz will act only when everyone is gathered together.

And only if Haz acts, Su Bai can take the Seed of Universe.

He, arguably, cared more about the Seed of the Universe than Haz did.

"Yes!" The three answered in unison!

Orian and Carmin rolled their eyes at Haz!

Master Haz, why are you so humble in front of Su Bai?

Haz can only sigh alone, whoever replaces it will be humble!

No way, the 600% frequency output can't even shake the opponent!

Facing such a character, who is not afraid?

Anyway, Haz was very afraid and did not dare to offend Su Po easily.


At this moment, Su Bai directly hit the mountain peak!!!


In an instant, a cave was blasted out of the mountain!!

"Sure enough, there is a hole in the sky here, let's go." Su Bai directed a little. .

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