The Start Is Perfect Ultra Instinct, I Beat Gods Of Destruction

Chapter 163 The Seed Of The Universe Reached The Limit! Start The Next Step!

Su Bai also tilted his ears slightly, he is also very interested in this universe.

"Negative Universe is negative Universe." Kamba said of course.

"People in our universe call it the negative universe."

Su Bai:...

Harz:  …

Come on, ask for nothing.

It's like a human living in the universe and making friends with aliens.

Then where did the aliens come from, he said Earth.

Aliens don't live on the earth, how do they know what the earth is?

Haz scratched his head aside, how should he ask him that?

Su Bai's eyes lit up, and he left the mouth.

"Is there anything special in the negative universe? Tell me about it."

"The most special thing is that there is a lot of evil spirit." Kampa pondered for a while.

"Compared to this Universe, our Universe is full of evil."

"Then there is also the environment. There are not so many flowers and plants in our universe, which is rather harsh."

Su Bai:...

It's just nonsense to say this.

"That's it." Su Bai thought of something again.

"What level are you in your Universe?"

This question should be able to judge the strength of the universe where Kanba is located.

"At my level..." Kamba scratched his head.

"In our Universe, it's average."


Haz and the others gasped!

Kampa is so strong, but in their Universe, it's just average?

Su Bai didn't react at all, and he expected it.

Every universe has the top combat power, and even if the top combat power is not as good as Angel, it will not be much worse.

As for Kampa, it is obviously far from Angel.

"Well, I see." Su Bai nodded.

"Okay, my question is over, if you want to ask anything, just ask.

Next, Haz discussed whether or not Kamba should act together with them.

Kanba thought about it for a while, and felt that he had nowhere to go, so we might as well go together.

After that, everyone started the journey of collecting the energy of the universe.

Thanks to the addition of Su Bai, the master of the universe, their plan to collect the energy of the universe went very smoothly.

Even if Angel or Gods of Destruction found them, they would turn a blind eye and ignore them completely.

Soon, they collected most of the universe.

The current Seed of Universe has also grown to the size of the original book.

"There's a problem." Harz said to the crowd.

"The current seed of the universe is no longer able to satisfy and absorb the energy of the universe.

"To continue to grow, we must fight!"

"The seed of the universe also needs to absorb the fighting power of local fighters."

Having said that, Haz still glanced at Su Bai.

Their team is like this, although he is the captain in name.

However, all important decisions in the team must be approved by Su Bai!

There is no way, because Bai's strength is too strong.

"Then let's fight." Su Bai nodded.

This is not surprising to him, because Haz in the original book is like this.

After silently absorbing a few universes, they then fought with great fanfare.

Attracted the attention of many people.

"Will it attract the attention of the gods if we fight?" Zamasu was still a little worried.

"For example, Gods of Destruction, these existences..."

"If we are noticed, will something happen?"

"Don't worry." Haz smiled confidently.

"The me now is not the same as before."

After absorbing several universes, he has the confidence to suppress the so-called Gods of Destruction!

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's start to act?" Olian clapped his hands excitedly!

It's time to announce to the whole universe that our team exists!

Now, he can be said to be full of energy!

"Well, it's time to announce to all humans in the universe that they don't have to fear Zeno anymore." Haz also stood up.

He took a pleasant breath.

The glorious mission of saving all mankind can now be announced to the public!

"So, the first Universe we attacked..." Haz began to choose.

"Why don't you go to the sixth universe first." Su Bai suggested.

"Anyway, it's not bad that you can absorb energy just to fight, right?"

"I let the Saiyans fight with you at will, and it should be solved.

"Yes!" Haz clapped his hands excitedly.

They almost forgot!

Su Bai is still the king of Saiyan!

With Su Bai's prestige, ordering those Saiyans to fight and play with them is completely fine.

"Then I will trouble you, Mr. Su Bai!" Haz was very polite.

"々‥It's okay, it's okay, we're all friends." Su Bai smiled.

What's so polite about that?

Anyway, when the time comes, the seed of the universe will still be mine.

To cultivate things for myself, can I do more?

Looking at the current Seed of Universe, Bai is very satisfied!

The Seed of Universe is getting bigger and bigger, and he can feel that the energy of the Seed of Universe is getting more and more!

very nice!

"Then let's go now!" Haz snapped his fingers!

He can't wait!

Can't wait to absorb the energy of the sixth universe.

"Let's go." Su Bai nodded.


In an instant, under the leadership of Harz, everyone went to the sixth universe, Sharada!

Sixth Universe, due to planets.

"Hey, when will Su Bai come back?" No. 21 was in a daze on the bed bored.

"I really miss Su Bai, I haven't seen (Zhao Zhao) for a few days.

She can restrain everything, but facing Su Bai, there is no way!

Because she has the power of Su Bai in her body.

"Me too." Number 18 was also somewhat nostalgic.

I really miss the theory and theology that Su Bai talked about.


Vados came over at this time.

"Since we miss him, why don't we see where he is?"

Speaking of which, she did not take out the Angel scepter.

"Huh? It's not good to peek at Su Bai, right?"

"Yeah, this is equivalent to an invasion of privacy, I don't think it's very good."

Although they said so, the two had already climbed to Angel's scepter.

Can't wait to see what Su Bai is up to now.


These two girls, really.

Talking without looking at the mouth, the body is quite honest.

"Okay, I'll search for Su Bai for you now." Vados tapped the Angel scepter. .

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