The Start Is Perfect Ultra Instinct, I Beat Gods Of Destruction

Chapter 191 Capture The Seed Of The Universe!

Haz thought hard.

for a long time.

"Are you really a god?" Haz made a dry voice in his throat.

The target of his inquiry is naturally Su Bai.

"Probably." Su Bai pondered.

"You... these gods..." Soon, Haz adjusted his mood.

"I understand, my resistance, my team, you have always seen it, right?!"

Su Bai is noncommittal, Ha "Eight Eighty Seven" has been under the surveillance of Grand Priest, in a way.

His plan has indeed been known to the gods all along.

"Very well, I understand!" Haz stepped back in an instant!

"You high gods, you have always regarded us as toys to watch!!!"

"Our plan, our resistance, you all just take it as a good show!"

"You must be thinking, see the end, when Harz is about to complete the plan."

"Suddenly find out that my partner is a god, how will he react! You must have kept me just to tease me and watch my reaction!"

"No wonder, you never lay hands on me!"

"It turns out that you have already planned!"

"You... hateful gods! In your eyes, are human beings just ornamental objects?!"

"Now, let me tell you! Thanks to you! My belief in saving all mankind has become stronger!"

"I will eradicate you all and save humanity from Zeno's domination!"


In an instant, Hazi retreated to the distance, not angry!

He wants to fight and beat Su Bai, Zeno's lackey!

As for what Su Bai said, whether Zeno is his subordinate or not, he doesn't care!

It doesn't matter!

Because, Su Bai and Zeno are together, without a doubt!

If so, damn it!

"Qi, you pretentious guy." Su Bai pouted unhappily.

With a backhand slap, Haz was knocked unconscious.

Son Goku:...


This is not a joke, is it?

With such a strong aura, Haz was actually slapped by Su Bai and fainted!?

Is Su Bai this strong now?!

The corners of their eyes twitched violently!

I haven't seen you for a few days, Su Bai improves every time!

This is too scary!

As for Su Bai, he just waved at the unconscious Hazi...


Haz's unconscious body came into his hands in an instant.

"Pretentious guy, who told you that humanity needs you to save it."

Looking at the comatose Hazi, Yin Bai's unhappy mouth.

"Always shouting to save mankind, save mankind, do you use fighting to save mankind?"

In the original book, Haz and the others destroyed many planets in devastation.

"You are the greatest enemy of mankind. Your battles have destroyed many homes of mankind."

"Do you really think you are the savior?"

"Besides, now that the Universe is under my leadership, when did you see Zeno erasing people casually?"

"My universe doesn't need to be saved by you outsiders, just cultivate the seeds of the universe for me honestly, and that's enough for 5.3."

Then, with a wave of his hand, Su Bai extracted the seed of universe.

Hazi's aura has dropped by as much as 80%!!

At this time, Vegeta came over.

"Su Bai, I wanted to ask before, with Hazi's strength, can he really resist pressure?"

"Isn't it, Gods of Destruction is not as good?"

Son Goku also nodded. .

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