The Start Is Perfect Ultra Instinct, I Beat Gods Of Destruction

Chapter 209 Vegeta: What? You Can Also Become Super Four? !

"Practice well.


Vegeta, who transformed into Super Four, disappeared in place and ran towards Su Bai at a very fast speed!

He's going to end this farce!

Since I can teach, Su Bai will!

Then he can only show the strongest transformation and give Su Bai a goal!

Let Su Bai run towards this goal!


Vegeta punched Su Bai hard!!!!


Vegeta was shocked, the punch he transformed into Super Four was actually blocked?!

Vegeta looked at Su Bai in shock, and found that the skin around him also turned into a red iridescent color!!!

He even turned into a Super Four!!!

"You can also transform into Super Four?!" Vegeta doubted that 800 people would be born.

How is this possible, on other planets, without so many battles on Earth, how can Saiyan become Super Four?!

Su Bai didn't speak, but after the punch, he pushed sideways and hit Vegeta with his shoulder.

Directly knocked Vegeta out again!!!

Just normal could stand against Vegeta's Super Four if he wanted to.

It's just that he still doesn't want to be too high-profile.

With super four vs. super four, it will not affect anything in the first place.

"Qi, it seems that I really underestimated you." Vegeta flew out from the wall again.

(dbeh) "That's right, your Super Saiyan status is as good as mine."

"Then, your normality must be strong, plus you have a tail."

"As long as you transform into a giant ape once, you will be able to comprehend Super Four.

"I take back my contempt for you before, now..."

Vegeta is back in a fighting stance!!!

"Let's have a good fight!!!"

"Come on." Su Bai didn't say much, but just signaled Vegeta to attack.


In an instant, both of them disappeared without a trace in the training room!!!

bang bang bang bang bang!!!!

Boom boom boom boom!!!!!

After a while, the powerful impact smashed the walls of the training room into pieces!!!

capsule company.

Son Gohan, Son Goten, and Xiaofang came to the house and were about to discuss with Trunks how to summon Shenron.

Boom boom boom boom!!!

At this moment, the sound of explosions in the backyard can be heard endlessly!!!

"What's the situation!? Has someone invaded?!"

Son Gohan panicked them!

A Zhai Kou has just been sealed, and a new enemy has appeared?!??

"No, it seems to be my father's anger." Trunks frowned.

What is your dad doing?

Why are you bombarding yourself in your own backyard!

"Fighting Uncle Vegeta..." Son Gohan frowned, this breath is so familiar.

But, only strange.

"It seems to be Su Bai!" Son Goten scratched his head.

"Go, go and have a look!" Son Gohan suggested.


The three Saiyans didn't hesitate and flew over directly!

"Hey, wait for me!" Xiaofang was furious, and flew over the paper.

"And me!" Bra also flew over.

At the moment, hell. .

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