The Start Is Perfect Ultra Instinct, I Beat Gods Of Destruction

Chapter 229 Zhai Kou: Destroy You Together With This Planet! !

Blonde hair, looks the same as Super Saiyan!

But... the body has turned into something similar to Super Four!

It's just that Super Four's fur is iridescent, Super Five's is white, and Dragon God's is golden!!!

Blonde hair and hair!

Saiyan, Dragon God Form!!!!

"I've been waiting for a long time, this is my dragon god transformation!" Son Goku wiped his nose and looked at Zhai Kou.

"Qi, play tricks!" Zhai Kou tried his best not to show so much fear.

"I am the god of Saiyan..."

"How could the god of the fighting nation be defeated by a dragon god like you!"

In response, Son Goku just stretched out his arm and hooked his fingers at Zhai Kou.

As if to say, come here!

"Pretentious!!!" Zhai Kou was furious!

853 Whoosh!!!

Zhai Kou rushed to Son Goku in an instant!!!

He's going to beat Son Goku hard once again!

Just like defeating Super Five before, beat him hard!!!


The moment Zhai Kou rushed towards Son Goku, he disappeared!

"Huh?" Son Goku closed his eyes.


The next moment, Zhai Kou appeared behind Son Goku!!!


Zhai Kou kicked Son Goku on the head with all his strength!


A heavy blow, but Son Goku stretched out his arm and blocked it with one hand!!!!

(dbfi) "What?!" Zhai Kou was shocked!!!

I rushed to Son Goku's back with rapidity, such a fast attack.

Son Goku blocked it without looking back!!!

Is Saiyan in the form of a dragon god so exaggerated?!

Just when Zhai Kou was shocked, Son Goku grabbed Zhai Kou's ankle with his backhand.


As soon as he exerted his strength, he directly threw Zhai Kou out!!!

"By the way, Zhai Kou." Son Goku looked at Zhai Kou who was thrown out, and whispered.

"I can feel it, your breath!"

As a dragon god, he felt the breath of a super Saiyan!

Because, God, senses God!!!!

Zhai Kou bared his teeth.

The gap between him and Son Goku has become insurmountable again!

This guy is just like cheating! He's getting stronger all the time!

It's outrageous!

"If you apologize..." Son Goku wanted to say a few more words.

"It is impossible for me to lose to you!!!" Zhai Kou burst into a rage!

Gather the energy of the whole body directly in the body!!!

"My mother said, I am the number one in the universe!!! I am the real king!!!"

"Gather the energy of the whole body, and destroy this planet together!!!!"

"Goodbye, my dear father!!!"


Zhai Kou put his hands in front of his body, a huge energy gathered!!!

"Goodbye, stupid humans!!!!!"


Huge energy, straight to Son Goku and Earth!!!

Zhai Kou, really want to destroy the earth too!!!

"You obsessed guy!" Son Goku put his hands on his waist instantly!!!


"ten times!!!!!"


Son Goku hit this Kamehameha!

Although it is only ten times, although this is the ultimate move of Super Four, but...

This time Kamehameha, it's golden!!!

The power of this blow Kamehameha is infinitely stronger than Kamehameha ten times of Super Four!!


Zhai Kou's energy cannon collided with Son Goku's Kamehameha!

"Go to hell!!!" Zhai Kou exploded!

The power of the energy cannon has increased several times!!!.

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