The Start Is Perfect Ultra Instinct, I Beat Gods Of Destruction

Chapter 233 Su Bai's Speed Is Too Fast! So You Can't See It! !

"I can't see it at all!" Vegeta couldn't catch Su Bai's movements!

How can it be?!

It's fine if you can't see Zhai Kou's speed, and it's fine if you can't see Kakarot's speed.

Now, I can't even see Su Bai's speed!!!

In just one day, three people who surpassed themselves appeared!

Are you already this trash now!?!!

"It's normal not to see." Trunks said casually.

"Uncle Goku in Dragon God form, already fast."

"Don't worry about it so much, Dad, why don't you discuss with me what to eat later."

Trunks didn't even look at the battlefield, subconsciously thinking that Vegeta couldn't see Son Goku's speed clearly.

After all, no matter how you think about it, it is impossible for your own father to clearly see Su Bai's super four transformation.

"Yeah, Uncle Vegeta, don't look at it, it's nothing to see." Son Gohan also yelled.

"Talk about what to eat and relax."

"You idiots!" Vegeta's veins popped out of anger!

"Look carefully, Su Bai's speed, can you see clearly! 々?"

Son Gohan: ...


Son Goten:  …

Supreme Kai Xin:...

Su Bai?

What's so great about Su Bai?

Did you see him being abused?

"Give me a good look!!!" Vegeta roared angrily!!!

In this way, everyone glanced at the battlefield unwillingly.

Just one glance!

As a result, they saw that Son Goku stood cautiously in the same place in the dragon god form, posing in a defensive posture!

That is a defensive posture that has never been taken in the face of the super race god Zhai Kou!!!


Su Bai's figure completely disappeared!!!

"Su Bai, what about others?" Supreme Kai scratched his head.

Why can't I see Su Bai?

Was it directly sent flying by Son Goku Son Goku?

"Should he be beaten out?" Son Gohan was also a little puzzled.

But after thinking about it, there is only one possibility.

That is, Su Bai was sent flying by Son Goku, otherwise, they couldn't see Su Bai!

He Son Gohan can also transform into Super Four, how can he not see the speed of Super Four?

"Idiot!" Vegeta couldn't help cursing angrily!

Also Super Four, Son Gohan didn't feel any sense of crisis!

He really didn't expect that Son Gohan would be so careless!!!

"Use your breath perception well!!!"

After Vegeta's scolding, Son Gohan and others also thought of it one after another, and began to use Qi to perceive Su Bai.

As a result, in their perception, Su Bai's aura is right in front of them!

And, still moving like crazy!

"々.What's going on?!" Son Gohan and others were stunned!

Why is there no one in front of me, but in the perception, there is a person moving at high speed!!!

"How could this be?" Trunks didn't understand.

"Could it be that there is something wrong with our perception?"


There must be something wrong with perception!!!

Otherwise, how to explain that they can't see Su Bai, but there is Su Bai in their perception (Zhao Dezhao)?

They knew that there was a chance that Su Bai was going too fast for them to see!

However, they are subconsciously unwilling to believe it!


Why Su Bai's super four can be so fast!?

But free!

At this time, Vegeta's ruthless voice sounded!

"It's not that your perception is wrong.

"It's because Su Bai's speed is too fast, you can't see it!"

Vegeta's affirmative voice shattered their illusions!!!.

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