The Start Is Perfect Ultra Instinct, I Beat Gods Of Destruction

Chapter 245 Su Bai Is Angry! Want To Destroy The Dragon King God Realm! ! ! !

Golden Shenron really doesn't understand, what about Shenron who is so proud and high-spirited?

This is the result?

One by one, they are sticking to others!!!


Actually, all because, the Golden Shenron isn't really ~a Shenron.

If he is, he can sense the potential of Bai Terror!!!

His body is very suitable for Shenron. After becoming a dragon god, Shenron with his Fusion can also become stronger rapidly!!!

This is the only way to attract the approval of all Shenron!

Even, he was not very polite.

But, in the face of absolute strength, everything is indifferent!

Just when Su Bai was furious, all the Shenrons around him were circling around him.

Seems to be waiting, waiting for Su Bai's choice!


Sudden mutation!!!

A Shenron actually charged directly at him!!!

Extremely fast, with a terrifying impact!!!

It seems that it is going to penetrate Su Bai in general!

"Huh?" Su Bai frowned.

At a glance, he found this Shenron!!!


Just slap in the face!!!

Flip this oncoming Shenron over!!!

"What do you mean?" Su Bai turned his head and looked at the golden Shenron who was watching from the side.

Golden Shenron:....

ah this...


Golden Shenron didn't have time to explain that, Su Bai's expression changed!

"I can feel this guy's murderous intent towards me." Su Bai stretched out his arms, forming a mass of energy.

"I think I'm being too polite to you."

"So, do you guys feel bullied?"

"Give me a reason!"

"Otherwise, I will blow up your Dragon King God Realm!!!"

Powerful energy, gathered in the hands of Su Bai!!!

Facing this kind of person who wants to kill him, he will never show mercy!!!

Golden Shenron's complexion changed slightly, he could feel that Su Bai's energy ball contained terrifying energy!!!

This level of energy explosion, not to mention destroying the Dragon King God Realm, he must be dead!!!!

"Ahem, don't get excited." The golden Shenron hurriedly comforted Su Bai.

"These Shenron, since they were created, have only one purpose."

"That is to assist humans, choose a suitable human to fuse with him."

...asking for flowers......

"After Fusion, help humans become dragon gods!"

"Afterwards, become that human's exclusive Shenron!"

"Human beings are strong, so he will become stronger too! One prospers and one loses all! Humans are the main ones!"

" the long wait, there's always some Shenron, and he's going to blacken."

"Feeling that human beings are not worthy to be his master, he will want to snatch human bodies, not Fusion!"

"These dragons are just special cases, our dragon god clan is still very friendly!"

Hearing the golden Shenron's explanation, Su Bai's face turned slightly better.

"If any more dragons come to offend me." Su Bai cast a cold glance at the golden Shenron.

"I will be unceremonious and destroy everything here."

"Don't worry, don't worry, it won't happen anymore." Golden Shenron apologized again and again.

At the same time, I muttered in my heart.

Unexpectedly, this guy seems to be quite easy to talk to.

To act so ruthlessly!

One dissatisfaction will destroy our Dragon King God Realm.

That is when the golden Shenron muttered.


In the depths of the hall, there was a crisp dragon chant!!!

With this dragon chant, the whole hall shook!!! Soil!.

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