The Start Is Perfect Ultra Instinct, I Beat Gods Of Destruction

Chapter 260 Future Time And Space, Five Evil Gods! !

The moment Su Bai's figure appeared in the palace!

Caulifla, Gabe, etc., everyone has sensed Su Bai's aura!

"Master Su Bai?!"


In an instant, everyone flew to Su Bai!

Su Bai finally came back.

Ten days later.

On the planet Sharada, I spent ten pleasant days comfortably.

Su Bai this morning, he stretched in the sunshine.

Then he slipped out of the room quietly, he was afraid of waking No. 21 and them.

"It's too easy to sink in such a day." Su Bai sighed.

He is not that kind of person!!!!

"System, come and show me if there is anything to do recently."

‘Ding! Host, don’t forget, you promised to help the future universe eradicate all demons!”

"Oh, that's right." Su Bai seemed to have just realized it.

"Let's go, let's go to the future Universe to fight all the magic!!!"

With this in mind, Su Bai used the space-time ring to fly directly to the future universe!

Temple of Zeno.

"Why are people gone again?" Grand Priest was taken aback.

It's only been ten days since Su Bai disappeared from their universe!

"Forget it, don't care, just let him be happy, anyway, with his strength, no one can hurt him."

"Oh, right." Grand Priest slapped his head suddenly.

"Master Su Bai said, let me help place this seed at the core of the universe."

The Grand Priest stretches out his arms, the seed of the Universe!

"It seems to let it absorb energy or something. It's really troublesome."

Afterwards, the Grand Priest placed the universe seed at the core of the universe, allowing it to absorb energy.

future time and space.


Su Bai's figure appeared in the universe.

"Find out where the whole devil is." Su Bai rubbed his chin.

He reckoned that when he had completely defeated the magic, his universe seed would be fully recovered.

At that time, a new universe can be cultivated.

Then, implement his final plan.

Thinking of the grand scene of the final plan, Su Bai couldn't help being a little excited!!!

"Huh? The five evil gods are all on Earth!?" Su Bai was taken aback.

In his perception, the five evil gods all appeared on the earth!

"In the future universe, has Jeonnam already started to act?"

With this in mind, Su Bai flew directly to the earth!

On the earth at this moment, five evil gods are fighting crazy with Son Goku, Vegeta and others!!!

Only, Son Goku is Super Sailor, and Vegeta is Super Four Transformation!!!

It was the super four transformation left by Su Bai at the beginning, this seed was indeed planted by Su Bai!

And, it has sprouted!

Vegeta turned into Super Four!!!

Although both Son Goku and Vegeta showed off their strongest transformations!

Even in the future, Trunks will also transform into a mutant super blue!

But! This battle can be said to be a one-sided battle.

Because the divine power of Super Saiyan will be directly absorbed by the dark siphon!! Guang!.

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