The Start Is Perfect Ultra Instinct, I Beat Gods Of Destruction

Chapter 263 Su Bai: I Thought Of A Fun One!


Su Bai, an Instant Transmission, appeared in this sacred place!

His main purpose of coming here is to select a few Angels, and then create a Grand Priest!

Zeno's location was never done, but...

"It doesn't matter if you have Zeno or not, you must have Grand Priest."

Su Bai muttered, and began to look for a deceitful and responsible Angel!

On the other side, all the Angels and Gods of Destruction of the universe were taken aback for a moment, they discovered that they had actually been resurrected!!!

"what happened?"

All the Angels gathered together and discussed why!

Suddenly, Wei Lun pondered.

"Before the father, the Grand Priest, disappeared, he spoke a concept."

This sentence stunned the other Angels.

"Is it the Lord of the Universe?" Vados answered the question!

They still remembered what their father had told them before leaving the Universe.

If the plan goes well, the Lord of the Universe will appear within the next hundred years!!!

Now it appears that the Lord of the Universe has indeed appeared!

Just when all the Angels were discussing 823 in full swing!


The Angels all disappeared, and if they reappeared, it would be the Temple of Zeno!

On the throne of the temple of Zeno, they saw a stranger!

"Welcome, Angels." Su Bai stood up.

"You should be able to feel that I am the master of this universe!"

The 12 Angels nodded one after another, indicating that they could feel it.

"Similarly, as you all know, this Universe is out of balance!"

"Zeno and Grand Priest are gone!"

"To bring the universe back together!"

"I'm bringing you a new Grand Priest!"

Speaking of which, Su Bai waved his hand and brought out the new Grand Priest!

"Although his strength is not as good as the old Grand Priest, but with my divine power blessing, he is enough to deal with many things!"

"I believe that with his help, your Universe will develop rapidly!"

All the Angels were listening attentively, and no one interrupted Su Bai.

"It's just the first thing, and then the second!"

Su Bai greeted and brought out three more Angels!

"These three Angels will replace Vados, Marcarita and Kesi!"

"Then, Vados, you three, come with me!"


Vados, Marcarita, and Kesi were all taken aback!

what's the situation?

Are we deposed?

"Okay, let's play." Su Bai waved his hand!

Without waiting for everyone's reaction, Su Bai took Vados and the others away!

The corners of Whis and others' mouths twitched slightly!

What do you mean let's play?


However, everyone is also very happy!

Because, a new Grand Priest appears, and their universe will re-enter the balance!

"Ahem, Lord Su Bai said, although our universe is not very strong." The new Grand Priest coughed a few times.

" long as our universe develops in a low-key manner and doesn't go to fight with other universes."

"Our Universe can also develop very well!"

"So, work hard everyone in the future, and work hard!"

"Should, should!"

All the Angels praised each other a few words, and then they all dispersed.

At this moment, Su Bai brought Vados and others directly from the future time and space to the superdimensional planet Sharada.

"Ah!!! Who are you?!" The three Vados from the time-lapse were taken aback!

what did they see?!

The other three themselves?!

"Ah!? Are you again?" The three of Ba (dbcd) Doss from the future time and space were also taken aback!

ah this...

"You can be good sisters." Su Bai smiled.

What kind of sisters can compare to me in another time and space.

"Of course, the sisters I'm talking about are pure sisters, and there is no special relationship." Su Bai looked at the three people in the future time and space again.

"I don't force you to do anything unless you want to."

"Okay, you guys can go play poker, I'll go to the Heavenly Priest.

"Are you going to leave again if you don't go to the bedroom to take a rest?" The three of Vados looked at Su Bai sadly.

"Haha, when I come back, I'll go to the bedroom." Su Bai smiled and left directly.

In the future, the trio of Vados stood aside in a daze, not daring to speak loudly!

After all, they are not familiar with everything in this universe!

"Hey, good sisters, you don't need to be so nervous!" The three of Vados passed by!

After all, they are themselves in another time and space, and the six of them quickly became good friends!

After all, no one knows yourself better than yourself.

Temple of Zeno.

Grand Priest glanced at the crystal ball, watching the mouth twitch!

He sensed that Su Bai had returned to the universe, so he took a special look at Su Bai.

Unexpectedly, he saw this kind of thing at once.

Really, I don't know what to say!

He can only say one thing, young man, you play really well!!!

"Hi, Yinshenyi." Su Ri appeared beside Grand Priest.

"Is there something?" Grand Priest covered his face lightly, not knowing what to say.

"Nothing, just asking, how is the development of the universe seed?"

"Ah, speaking of this." Grand Priest finally became serious.

"I put the seed of universe in the gap between our two time and space!"

"It is the future time and space, and our time and space. After all, you are the universe of these two time and space.

"Yeah." Su Bai nodded.

Placed between these two time and space, it can indeed be absorbed better.

"With the help of the two space-times, the seed of the universe grows rapidly." Grand Priest smiled.

"Now, the seed of that Universe has given birth to a new Universe!"


Grand Priest uses a crystal ball to reflect the picture!

That universe has begun to evolve Zeno, Grand Priest and other gods.

As for the Saiyan race, it hasn't appeared yet.

"Looks like it's a new Dragon Ball time and space!" Su Bai sighed, and suddenly thought of a fun one. .

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