"Qi! Let this kid take the lead!!!"

Vegeta curled his lips in displeasure in the stands.

He wanted to go first, but lost to Son Goku in rock-paper-scissors.

This made him very unhappy!

"Haha, what are you in a hurry for?" Hitt came over and smiled.

"When Son Goku loses, we will go up again."

"For a group arena, a person's physical strength is not unlimited."

"Yes." Vegeta nodded.

With limited physical strength, it is impossible to defeat the Angel and Gods of Destruction in groups.

"Oh, right." Su Bai reminded at this time.

"As long as you win a game 31, your stamina will recover by 80%!"

"Although not all of them can be recovered, but..."

"It can also avoid the result of you refusing to go all out in order to save energy."

Su Bai knew that if the conditions for recovering physical strength were not increased.

Fighters like Son Goku and Vegeta will try their best to save energy and want to fight more people!

What he wants to see is an unlimited fight between the two sides!

Therefore, he directly set up a recovery of physical strength after the battle.

This kind of battle will be more exciting!!!

And at this moment, Son Goku on the ring heard it, and his eyes really lit up!!!

"Hahaha, if this is the case, I will be able to shoot with all my strength!!!"

As for Angel from 13 Universe, he glanced at Son Goku unhappily.


Do you really think I can't beat you without the power of God?!

So confident!?

Will make you cry!!

"Ah!!!" Angel from 13 Universe broke out directly!!!

As soon as he comes up, he will go all out!!!!


Powerful power burst out from him!!!

The power is so strong that the entire different space arena trembles!!!

"How could it be so strong?!" Vegeta, Jiren and others all changed their faces!

This intensity is stronger than the Gods of Destruction they know!

Son Goku also changed color slightly, this power, what's going on?!

Su Bai just smiled, the intensity was about the same as he expected.

After all, even as a trainee Angel, Myers is stronger than Gods of Destruction without using the power of Angel.

Angel, who has lost the power of God, is still very strong normally.

And Angel from 13 Universe was also taken aback, looking at his hands in disbelief!

It seems to be saying, why am I so strong?!

The Goddess spoke at this time.

"It seems that although this arena has imprisoned our Angel's divine power..."

"But let our own "the most primitive law of strength be released!"

"That's right!" The other Angels and Gods of Destruction nodded!

At this moment, 13 Universe's Angel looked up to the sky and laughed!

"Hahaha, come on!!!" Angel from 13 Universe was very happy!

Although he is imprisoned with the power of Angel, he can unleash all his power without restraint! 543 loses all the restraints of the rules, and he feels freedom like never before!!!

It just made him tremble with excitement!!!


13 Universe's Angel broke out again! Carrying the momentum of thunder, he rushed to Son Goku!!

"Not good!" Son Goku didn't dare to be careless, his expression changed, and Ultra Instinct was activated instantly!



Angel rushed in front of Son Goku in a second at an extremely fast speed!

So fast that even Ultra Instinct's Son Goku couldn't react!!

"Pfft!" Son Goku spat out a mouthful of blood!

one strike!

He was seriously injured by Angel blow!!!.

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