The Start Is Perfect Ultra Instinct, I Beat Gods Of Destruction

Chapter 282 Full Dimension! Hyperspace! Big Melee!

"Hello." The man looked at Su Bai with a serious expression.

Because he can feel that this guy in front of him is unfathomable!

Grand Priest?

It’s nothing, he can be crushed to death~!!!


The man who suddenly appeared in front of me is really scary!!!

I'm afraid, when they fight, their outcome is uncertain!

"Let me introduce myself first, I'm Su Bai." Su Bai smiled at the man in front of him.



Your name is also Su Bai?

The man was taken aback and said.

"My name is also Su Bai.

Su Bai:---

Grand Priest:...


Is this a little too coincidental?

"Forget it, let's call you Su Bai No. 2 for now." Su Bai yawned.

The name is just a code name, he doesn't care much about it.

Su Bai No. 2:....

Why am I number two?

Forget it, whatever.

it's the same.

In this way, Su Bai No. 1 and Su Bai No. 2 chatted.

Probably, Su Bai No. 1 created the world of the Seed of Universe.

Then speed up the time, so that Subo 2 will grow up within a hundred years.

Su Bai No. 2, who has grown up completely, broke through the boundary of the universe and came to this universe.

"It seems that my system deliberately found someone with the same name as me." The corners of Su Bai's mouth twitched slightly.

This system is a system he made with the seed of universe.

It is not the same thing as his conqueror system.

"It turns out that you are the one playing tricks." Su Bai No. 2 pouted.

"How can you say that about me? We are all time travelers, so we should be brothers, right?" Su Bai smiled.

"Okay." Su Bai No. 2 didn't say much, just shrugged.

"Tell me, what is the purpose of helping me become the master of the universe?"

Su Bai No. 2 feels that since the other party has helped him so much, there must be a purpose for him to rise from the humble beginnings!

Otherwise, it would be impossible to help him so much!

"Hey, I want to ask you something." Su Bai laughed.

Su Bai told Su Bai No. 2 about his purpose.

It turns out that Su Bai wants to join forces with Su Bai No. 2, and the two of them use the power of Shenron together to wish to gather together in all time and space!

"You actually know that I have the power of Shenron?!" Su Bai No. 2 was stunned.

"Nonsense." Su Bai glanced at Su Bai number two.

"I made your system for you, how can I not know?!"

"The power of the dragon god, as your strongest transformation, is still your hole card."

Su Bai No. 2:...

Well, you are right.

"Why gather all time and space together?" Su Bai No. 2 frowned, expressing that he didn't quite understand.

"Ah, that's right." Su Bai told Su Bai No. 2 about his universe.

"Although my Shenron is invincible, the power of my Shenron is also invincible."

"But, after all, it's the ability to span the entire universe, and I can't do it alone."

"So, I need you to help me."

"Gather all the people from all time and space together, and I will defeat them all alone!"

"This way, no one will continue to invade our Universe!"

Su Bai No. 2:....

How dare you say so!

Not humble at all! Opening your mouth and shutting your mouth means that you are invincible...

On the other hand, Grand Priest, who had been listening all the time, was almost moved to tears!

Woohoo, it turns out that you, the Master of the Universe, are not the shopkeeper!

I always thought, you leave the matter of the universe invasion to me, because you want to exhaust me to death!

Unexpectedly, you are also using your own methods to save this universe!

"Haha, do you think I don't want to protect my universe?" Su Bai patted Grand Priest on the shoulder.

"Don't worry! As long as this matter is successful, our Universe will not be invaded!"

"Okay! I see!" Grand Priest nodded repeatedly!

At this time, he felt that it was not unacceptable for Su Bai to cheat and take away his daughters!

At the very least, Su Bai solved the crisis of the entire Universe!

"Okay, I'll help you." Su Bai No. 2 didn't hesitate too much.

"However, we, Universe, are not involved, and I still have things to do.

"Huh? What are you going to do?" Su Bai looked at Su Bai No. 2.

"Go back and let Makarita and Kesi be my Angels." Su Bai No. 2 pondered.

"There are also things like the Time Realm King..."


Grand Priest:...

Hello you brat!

It's a bit too much! You want to fuck my daughter?!

"Okay, let's start quickly." Su Bai No. 2 didn't say much, and directly used the power of the Dragon God.

"Okay!" Su Bai also used his Supreme Shenron!!

In this way, the powers of the two dragon gods are combined, and the super powerful power of the dragon god spreads throughout the time and space of the multiverse universe!

"Make a wish!" Su Bai whispered.

"My wish is to bring together the powerhouses of all the multiverses!"

"Don't take us Universe!" Su Bai No. 2 hastily interjected.


Well, without you universe.

So, wishes come true!

In an instant, the entire multiverse and time and space are completely fused!

"Okay, I'm leaving." Su Bai No. 2 waved his hand.

"Let's meet again when we have a chance, I'm still busy going back to find Makarita and the others."

After saying this, Su Bai No. 2 issued an Instant Transmission and disappeared in place.

He went back.

Su Bai:...

This guy is pretty cool...

"Stick to my own Universe Grand Priest, I feel a little emotional.

... ‥ Asking for flowers ... 0

"It's actually not that bad to comfortably be the king in your own universe."

"Well, that kind of life is indeed very old." Su Bai just smiled.

If it weren't for the invasion of other universes, he would also like to retire in Sharada with Vados and the others.

However, there is no calendar.

"Okay, I'm going to deal with those universes." Su Bai made an Instant Transmission and left.

Grand Priest breathed a sigh of relief.


After this wish came true, he could finally rest for a few days!

You don’t need to worry about invading the universe every day, figure it out!

"Take a break." Grand Priest rubbed his dark circles.

Meanwhile, another place.

A very huge, seemingly endless, different-dimensional space.

In this space, a group of Su Bai's familiar people suddenly gathered.

For example, Cell, Buu, Vegeta, and even Bulma.

Even though they look the same, their outfits are different!

Even the strength of qi is different.

This shows that these people are from different time and space!!!

"Very good, that's what I want." Su Bai smiled slightly, and waved his hand in the chaotic crowd.


In an instant, a powerful coercion descended!!!

Suppress all human beings in the multiverse with one's own power!

"Everyone, I have something to say!" Su Bai coughed lightly.


What are you doing?

You speak when you speak, why suppress us?!

At this moment, these people were shocked!

Who is this?!

You can suppress us at will!?


This is what is on everyone's mind!

"Some of you people know my universe, and some don't." Su Bai said.

"But these don't matter, in order to prevent being invaded by you, so...

"Once and for all, I decided to defeat you all here!!!"


This guy is scary!

"However, in order to let us have more fun, I decided to hold a super-dimensional martial arts tournament!"

The corner of Su Bai raised his mouth, his goal is this!

"Why should we listen to you?!" At this moment, Nappa in a universe spoke!

"As the king of the Saiyan clan, I never bow down to anyone!!!"

Speaking of which, Nappa exploded directly!

A lifetime of blue arrogance surrounds him!

Although he has no hair, he undoubtedly transformed into Chaolan!! Only!.

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