The Start Is Perfect Ultra Instinct, I Beat Gods Of Destruction

Chapter 284 Nano Armor! Bulma's Technology!

"Good guy, you even destroyed Planet Vegeta?" Su Bai asked.

"Of course! Any questions?" Bulma looked at Su Bai.

Su Bai:...

The big problem is, isn't that where your husband is?

Immediately, Su Bai also suddenly realized.

In other words, Bulma of this universe has never seen Vegeta at all!

And it directly destroyed Planet Vegeta.

"Forget it, let's not talk." Bulma shook his head suddenly.

"Get ready to fight, you are unlucky to meet me."

Su Bai:???

"Do you know who I am?" Su Bai looked at Bulma in disbelief.

"I know, the organizer of the conference." Bulma said calmly.

"Then you still say that you met me because I was unlucky? Shouldn't it be you?" Su Bai pondered.

"I think you won't last a second in my hands."

"Hmph." Bulma laughed suddenly.

"In terms of strength, I am indeed not as good as you, but

"Sorry, under my leadership, our universe has developed super technology!!!"

"My technology is completely incomprehensible to you!!!"


After saying these 31 words, Bulma flicked his helmet!

The helmet snaps off, making Bulma a complete Iron Man presence!

"Interesting, let me see then..."

"Your universe, under the leadership of your genius, what kind of high technology can it develop!"

Su Bai also had a trace of curiosity on his expression.

"You'll see." After Bulma said this, he pointed in front of himself again!

There, just like Iron Man, there is a sort of reactor.


In an instant, following her point, a bunch of nano-robots appeared in the reactor in front of her!

"Nanotechnology?" Su Bai raised an eyebrow.

It appears that under Bulma's leadership, their Universe has indeed grown in the long run!

At least, in their universe, including the universe or universe beyond Dragon Ball.

Nanotechnology is rarely seen.

"You actually know that this is nanotechnology? It seems that you have something." Bulma snorted coldly.

This is a compliment to Su Bai.

After all, even in their Universe, when she first invented nanotechnology.

Everyone, including the Galaxy King and Jacques, were all confused and didn't know what it was.

"I understand a little bit." Su Bai smiled.

Not to mention nanotechnology, even nano armor, he has seen it in movies!


How can people in the Dragon Ball world understand that?

Therefore, Su Bai just smiled and didn't say much.

"Hmph, have you understood a little bit?" Bulma's chuckle came from inside the armor.

"I want to tell you, my nanotechnology is different from ordinary people!"

As soon as the words fell, these nano-robots kept gathering behind her armor!


In an instant, a pair of mechanical wings formed!!!

"This..." Su Bai was slightly surprised.

"Could it be that you can burst out energy beams from the mechanical wings?"

"I didn't expect you to be so knowledgeable! That's right!!!" Bulma confirmed Su Bai's guess.

Su Bai:...

Isn't this the nano armor of Iron Man?

Even the explosion is the same?

Su Bai had an urge to complain.

"Look at the trick!!! The host of the conference!!!" Bulma's voice came!



The wings on her back began to gather energy continuously!

"Energy, burst!!!"


Fiery energy erupts from its wings!

Facing Su Bai, I rushed over!

In an instant, the entire arena was illuminated by this energy beam!

"Hmph." Su Bai just snorted coldly, and then stretched out his hand.


With a direct slap, the beam of light that exploded from Bulma was scattered!

"What you said, defeating me, can't it be this kind of trick?"

Su Bai looked at Bulma calmly.

In response, Bulma just took two steps back.

"With your ingenuity, you should also know that this kind of trick is useless to me, right?" Su Bai looked at Bulma playfully.

"You should have seen the strength I showed before."

"So, show your true skills!"

"Let me see, where did you defeat my self-confidence and fall to the ground?"

Speaking of which, Su Bai is furious!

The mighty power is shown in front of Bulma!

It seems to be saying, this is my power, you should take it out quickly, a power that rivals it.

"Ha, it seems that I really underestimated you." Bulma whispered.

"This move has solved countless enemies for me."

"Even the evil Planet Vegeta, including the Frieza Legion, was killed by this trick."

"Super powerful strike in a wide range, coupled with a powerful energy burst, the most important thing is that the launch cost is low!"

"Low consumption, high-intensity strike, I also call it a miscellaneous fish gun!"

"Miscellaneous fish cannon?" Su Bai was taken aback.

"That's right, ordinary miscellaneous fish, such as Frieza level, will be destroyed directly!" Bulma said 370 times.

"Being able to easily resist this blow means that you are far superior to ordinary fish!"

"Frieza in your universe is just a piece of trash." Su Bai looked sideways slightly.

He always felt that even if Bulma developed technology, it would not be too strong.

But now it seems that it is much stronger than he imagined.

Thinking of this, Su Bai looked at his palm, it was this hand just now, and he slapped away Bulma's energy crit.

"Indeed, if you sense it carefully, the power of this blow is actually quite strong."

"It even made my palms feel a little itchy!"

"It feels like being bitten by a mosquito."

Su Bai whispered, roughly judging that the eruption of this blow probably had the power of Super Two, or surpassed Super Two.

And a human being, relying on the level of science and technology, can unexpectedly explode this kind of power.

Indeed, it is not easy!

"Very well, Bulma, let me have a look." Su Bai looked at Bulma again, this time with a slightly more serious expression.

"You're way better than the trash cannon!"

"I won't show mercy," Bulma muttered.

Immediately, flames spewed out from under his feet and flew into the air!

"Are you coming?" Su Bai followed to look at Bulma in the air.


In an instant, Bulma in the air disappeared!

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