
Huge power burst out!!!

Powerful aura, sweeping towards Son Goku!

"Wow, you really can change form!" Son Goku's ~ eyes lit up!

He has heard that when Trunks defeated King Cold, King Cold had no chance to transform!!!


Just like Frieza's final form, King Cold also changed into a similar form-!!!

"I will kill you, then go to your universe, and kill everyone in your universe!" King Cold said coldly.

"Especially, what is that called Trunks!!!"

As the number one in the universe, he has his own pride!

He couldn't accept that he would be killed by the offspring of the trash monkey!!

Even if, that self is another universe, another self.

Even so, he would not allow it!!!

"Ah, you want to beat me?" Son Goku laughed indifferently.

"I'm looking forward to that too, so, come on...."

Looking at the complete King Cold in front of him, Son Goku directly transformed into a super subhuman!

"bring it on!"

"Beat you? No!!! I'm going to kill you!!!" King Cold burst out instantly!

"Innocent trash monkey, I'm going to smash you to pieces!!! Ahh!!!"

King Cold stretched out his arms, bursting out a series of death beams in an instant!

whoosh whoosh!!!

However, these attacks naturally all hit Son Goku's side!!

All, avoided by Son Goku!

None hit!

After all, this Son Goku will still be Ultra Instinct, just in the form of a super game, which is also extraordinary.

"What? Your movements?!??" King Cold's pupils dilated slightly!!!

"What? Do you recognize it?" Son Goku looked at King Cold.

"Quick!" said King Cold.

Son Goku:...

So fast?

I thought you knew about Ultra Instinct?

Is it just a feeling so fast? Is it too superficial?

So speechless!

"Why can a Saiyan move at such a high speed!!!" King Cold looked at Son Goku in disbelief.

"Also, what is your blonde-haired transformation?"

"Saiyan, can't you just turn into a monkey?!!"

"Huh? You don't even know Super Saiyan?" Son Goku scratched his head in confusion.

King Cold:???

Super Saiyan?

Could it be that it is the legend of the Saiyan clan?!??

A monster that only comes once every thousand years???

" are the legendary Super Saiyan?!!!" King Cold looked at Son Goku tremblingly.

"Ah, no, I'm Super Saiyan, but not the legendary one." Son Goku scratched his head.

King Cold:....

is there any difference

And also specially corrected me...

"The difference is, the legendary Super Saiyan, is Broly, very powerful, he..." Son Goku began to explain.

"Shut up!!!" King Cold broke out directly!

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm going to kill you directly!!!"

"go to hell!!!"


The golden energy descends, and the golden King Cold is born in an instant!!!!

"I will kill you with my own hands, and I will go to your Universe to find out later!!"

"Ah, the golden transformation." Seeing this scene, Son Goku was not surprised, but scratched his head.

"Your son will, too."

"Son? What son?" King Cold said coldly.

"As the overlord of the entire universe, how could I have a son!"

"Son, just Cooler and Frieza." Son Goku was a little confused.

Aren't these two guys the sons of King Cold?

"It seems that the divergence between your universe and mine is here." King Cold had a cold face.

"I followed Master Beerus a long time ago."

"In order to become the overlord of the universe, the alternate Gods of Destruction has been working hard to cultivate."

"How can there be such a thing as a baby!!!"

"Oh, that's a shame, Gold Frieza is very strong." Son Goku scratched his head.

"Qi!!" King Cold just clicked his tongue.

"I'll let you know that I'm strong too!!!"

...asking for flowers...

"Die to death!!!"

When the Golden King Cold is approaching Son Goku!!!


Instantly, Son Goku turned into Ultra Blue!!!

"What kind of transformation is this again!?" King Cold only had time to marvel!


Chaolan Son Goku erupted instantly, and when King Cold was about to approach him, a whip came after him!!!


I didn't notice for a while, the golden King Cold was directly sent to the doctor!!!


Super blue Goku took advantage of the victory and pursued, directly aimed a Kamehameha, aiming at the flying King Cold!!!

"Stop getting carried away!!!" Golden King Cold quickly adjusted his state!


Then, after turning around in the air, a cannon shot directly at Son Goku's Kamehameha!!!


In an instant, two forces collided!!! Great smoke was produced!!!


Gold King Cold rushed out of the smoke and flew towards Son Goku!!!

"go to hell!!!"

Raised his fist and aimed straight at Son Goku's head!!!

"You are amazing, the same golden transformation, my Kamehameha is useless to you!!!"

Son Goku was secretly startled, his guess was really good!

This King Cold's golden transformation is much stronger than their Universe's golden Frieza.

You know, after he comprehended Ultra Instinct, he transformed into Ultra Blue, but he can easily defeat Golden Frieza!

Unexpectedly, even in the case of a sneak attack, the gold King Cold has not yet been won!

That's right, a sneak attack!

Taking advantage of King Cold's carelessness, Son Goku directly transformed into Chaolan, bursting out with god-level power!~

Hit King Cold by surprise!!!

But King Cold has also experienced many battles, he immediately adjusted and gave a counterattack!!!


When King Cold's fist was about to hit him, Son Goku directly made an Instant Transmission, appearing behind King Cold!


At this time, King Cold also mercilessly flicked his tail and entwined towards Son Goku!! Factory!.

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