The Start Is Perfect Ultra Instinct, I Beat Gods Of Destruction

Chapter 43 Monaka Should Be As Powerful As Su Bai! (89)

"Huh? People?!"

Seeing Caulifla suddenly disappear in front of him, Son Goku was startled.

"On top of you!!!"

In the next second, Caulifla has already rushed to Son Goku's head! ! !

About to hit him in the head! ! !

but! ! !

In the next second, Son Goku's figure also disappeared directly!

"Eh? Where?" Caulifla looked around.

"I'm lying to you, I guessed it a long time ago, you will attack from above me." Son Goku's figure appeared in the distance.

"The phantom you hit just now is my move, Afterimage Fist."

"Ha, you are so naive." Caulifla snorted.

"He even took the initiative to tell his enemy the moves he used."

Son Goku smiled.

"I hope you can have a wonderful contest with me."

Other than that, Son Goku didn't say much more.

"Hmph, don't be ashamed, if it's you, don't be easily defeated by me." Caulifla wiped her nose.


The two disappeared instantly! ! !

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

A loud noise came!

It was when the two were fighting each other in the air that there was a loud voice! ! !

boom! ! ! !

Another bang! ! !

The two grabbed each other's hands in the air and wrestled with each other! ! !

"You are really strong." Son Goku couldn't help but praise.

"Are you still a child? When I was your age, I was far less powerful than you."

"I really don't know how you train. Vegeta and I worked hard for a long time to reach this point."

"Uncle, you are too long-winded!!!" Caulifla spat angrily.

"Really? Haha, I just want to say, I'm so excited to fight against someone as strong as you." Son Goku turned around sharply!

With a whip kick, he was about to kick towards Caulifla.

"Qi!" Caulifla raised her hand!

boom! ! !

The huge collision sound resounded through the audience again! ! !

"Caulifla!!! Let's fight together and break through the limit!!!"

"Qi, uncle, you are really long-winded, you know, I have no limit!!"

Bang bang bang! ! !

The battle between the two became more and more intense! ! !


In the player's seat of the seventh Universe, Vegeta crossed his arms and couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"Qi, this guy Kakarot, what did you say beyond the limit."

"Bastard, do you want to get rid of me again?"

"This bastard boy, he won't really break through the limit in the game, right?"

"This is the difference between you and Lao Sun." Piccolo came over at this time.

"It is because of Lao Sun's mentality that he can surpass the limit time and time again."


"Qi." Vegeta turned his head angrily.

Seeing that Vegeta was not interested in listening to his lecture, Piccolo could only give up and didn't say anything.

On the ring, the battle between the two is getting more and more intense! ! !

It can even be said that the strength of the two is constantly rising! As if there is really no limit! ! !

Son Goku suddenly appeared behind Caulifla, and then kicked out!

The moment Caulifla was kicked! She also had a backhand, grabbing Son Goku's ankle directly! !

Swish! !

Caulifla threw Son Goku straight to the ground! ! ! !

boom! ! !

Son Goku fell heavily to the ground, and Caulifla didn't have time to be proud!

Son Goku clamped his legs directly and clamped Caulifla's arm! A throw away! ! !

Throw Caulifla directly to the bottom of the ring! ! !

"You want to use this method to eliminate me?! It's not that easy!!!" Caulifla roared! ! !

Instantly use the Flying Technique to control the body, and rushed to Son Goku again! ! !

"I never thought that I could beat you so easily!" Son Goku kicked a carp from the ring!

Standing up straight, he looked at the oncoming Caulifla.

"I want to beat you head-on!!!"

boom! ! ! !

Son Goku punched Caulifla again with a punch in the face! ! !


Sixth Universe's bench.

"It was a wonderful duel." Gabe couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"These two people are really not bad." Champa gnawed at the bones while praising.

"However, they should all be able to transform into Chaolan, right?"

"Why don't you just transform into Chaolan and deal with the opponent?"

"Because after the super blue transformation, the energy will drop significantly." Su Bai explained.

"After the energy drops sharply, the subsequent battles will be more difficult."

"These two people are fighting freaks. They want to save as much energy as possible and save them for the next battle."

"Qi, I really don't understand you Saiyan, what's the point of fighting." Champa glanced at the ring.

"It's not as good as food."

"Speaking of which, if the Seventh Universe is eliminated again." Gabe looked in the direction of the Seventh Universe.

"They have only the last player left, and they don't know how strong they will be."

"I don't feel angry, it should be very strong." Frost, who had been silent all this time, came over.

"It looks harmless to humans and animals on the outside, it seems to be the type to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger." Gabe also agrees.

He looked solemnly at the last player in the seventh universe, Monaka.

"In the face of such a wonderful game, he can remain indifferent, which is enough to show his strength." Frost praised.

"It makes sense, maybe the super-red battle is not worth mentioning in his opinion." Gabe also echoed.

"It's probably the same as Master Su Bai, with incredible strength."

Su Bai:...



On the ring, the two fought crazily for another moment! ! !

Bang! ! ! The two distanced themselves! ! !

"Ha, uncle, I didn't expect you to be very good at fighting." Caulifla looked at Son Goku provocatively.

"It seems that it's just this transformation, I can't beat you." Son Goku also scratched his head helplessly.

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