The Start Is Perfect Ultra Instinct, I Beat Gods Of Destruction

Chapter 63 Beat Toppo! Overwhelm Jiren! Team Pride Is Wiped Out! ! !


The moment Jiren appeared, he yelled loudly!

At the same time, the huge deterrent force was transmitted together with the scolding!

Toppo, Hitt, and Dyspo who are fighting each other will have a meal!

"It's so strong." When Hit saw Jiren, he immediately retreated and opened the distance!

His intuition told him that if he continued to attack, it would be very dangerous!

"Jiren!" Toppo hurriedly stood up and looked at Jiren excitedly.

"You are here, be careful, that evil guy opposite is very difficult to deal with!"

"See." Jiren gestured for Toppo and Dyspo to stand behind him.

Then look at Su Bai and Hitt.

"You guys, what are you doing here?"

"If you're here to mess around, we don't welcome you!"

Hitt glanced at Su Bai, and then stood behind Su Bai.

Without Su Bai's intention, he will not act rashly.

"It's nothing, we came here to challenge you." Su Bai smiled.

"It's just that your Brother Toppo seemed to have a problem with us, so he moved directly.

"Since he said we are evil, let's show you the evil, that's all."

"Nonsense!" Dyspo couldn't help it.

"What do you mean we acted first? It's clearly you, as soon as you come, let go of the air bombs! Attack our base!"

"I just want to lure Jiren out." Su Bai waved his hand, signaling Dyspo to shut up.

"I admit that the method may be a little radical, but as soon as you come out, you are full of justice and say that we are evil, isn't it more excessive?"

"Our proud team is righteous!" Toppo clenched his fists!

He is angry!

He decides to use his trump card, transform into Gods of Destruction, and let these two fall under his iron fist of justice!

These people have been violating justice!

Seeming to see what Toppo was going to do, Jiren stopped Toppo.

"Leave it to me." Jiren took a step forward.

Anyway, Toppo and Jiren are also good friends, he must protect Toppo unconditionally.

"Please leave, if you won't leave..."


Jiren's breath soared, and he directly hit Su Bai and Hitt. 860

"I'll ask you to leave!"

The oncoming breath made Hitt take a few steps back.

As for Su Bai, it's a wave!


The impact of Jiren's breath was all scattered!


How could he shatter Jiren's aura with just one blow?!

Toppo and Dyspo are shocked!

This guy in front of me seems to be stronger than Hitt!?

Even Jiren's expression became serious, and he looked at Ping with interest.

"Don't talk nonsense with me, you can see the truth under your hand." Su Bai said lightly.

"Then let's fight." Jiren didn't hesitate.

Su Bai is trying to raise his breath!

"Master Su Bai, can you let me try?" Hit couldn't help but speak at this time.

"The fight against Son Goku made me feel my own shortcomings.

"I want to go beyond the limit. In every battle, I..."

"I want to fight!"

"With Jiren?" Su Bai nodded.

"Okay, you go and try it first."

"Thank you Master Su Bai!" Hitt took a deep breath and walked in front of Jiren.

"I won't show mercy."

"Oh?" Jiren's words were few and far between.


Hit rushed to Jiren in an instant, and at the same time did not forget to use the flash power!!!

Flash time power 0.1 second!!!!


In the next second, Jiren punched Hitt and sent him flying!!!

"What!? Time can't stop?!" Hitt was shocked!

This situation, he only met with Monaka!

The energy gap between the two is too big, it is impossible to stop in time!

How is it possible?! This Jiren is so strong?!

bang bang bang bang!!!

Hitt fell to the ground in embarrassment, with some blood in the corner of his mouth.

Just a punch.....

Hitt was a little skeptical about life.

"Qi, the guy who doesn't know how to live or die, actually wants to challenge Jiren." Dyspo couldn't help but sneered.

"Justice cannot be defeated!" Toppo also nodded.

"Jiren, for our justice, beat them all back!"

Jiren also looked at Su Bai.

"Are you still fighting?"

(dbdh) "Why not?" Su Bai took a step forward, motioning for Hitt to leave the stage and come by himself.

"Hahaha, this guy doesn't know how to live or die!" Dyspo went crazy with joy!

"That guy before, didn't know Jiren's strength, and tried to challenge Jiren in vain!"

"Now, this guy knows Jiren's strength, and wants to challenge Jiren!"

"I've seen stupid ones, but I've never seen them like this!!!"

"Does he really think he can beat Jiren?"


"Jiren, beat him up hard and defend our justice!" Toppo also clenched his fists.

"Noisy." Su Bai glanced at Dyspo, and directly waved his fist.


Huge airflow, rushing directly to Dyspo!


Dyspo vomited blood and fell directly to the ground!

"You!!!" Dyspo glared at Su Bai while clutching his wounded place.

"You must have the consciousness of a miscellaneous fish, and stop talking nonsense." Su Bai said flatly.

"Asshole!" Dyspo wanted to say something more, but Jiren motioned him to stop.

"Since you want to fight against the strong, come and fight with me." Jiren looked at Su Bai.

"Stop shooting at them."

"I don't want to attack them either, but they are too rude." Su Bai smiled.


Dyspo's eyes were red with anger, but because of his injury, he didn't dare to act rashly.

He knew that the gap between himself and Su Bai was too great!

Jiren give him a hard time!!!

Now, he can only pin his hopes on Jiren.

Toppo also clenched his fists, these two guys who have repeatedly violated justice are too hateful!

Jiren, beat him up for us!

If even Jiren is defeated, then we can only use the siege of justice!

Jiren took a deep breath, then opened his eyes suddenly, staring at Su Bai!

Instantly, the wind blows!!!

Su Bai felt a pressure, directly to himself!

"It's better not to use this little trick."

Su Bai stood there firmly, completely unaffected!

"You are really strong." Looking at the unaffected Su Bai, Jiren became even more wary!

The person in front of me is very likely to be the strongest opponent I have encountered in these years!

"What? Don't dare to attack?" Su Bai chuckled.

"The rumored gray Jiren, is this level?"

"You!!!" Dyspo gasped!

"Still talking nonsense?" Su Bai turned his head and looked at Dyspo.

At the same time, he imitated Jiren and gave Dyspo a glare!

A huge aura descended in an instant, suppressing Dyspo and spitting out another mouthful of noodles!

"Interesting, this trick is very useful for dealing with miscellaneous fish." Su Bai nodded in satisfaction.

"Bastard!!!" Dyspo spat blood and wiped the corner of his mouth.

"How dare you call me a bastard!!!"


This time, calendar!!!!

Dyspo endured the pain and rushed directly to Subo!!!


When Dyspo rushed in front of Su Bai, Su Bai slapped him!

Slapped him straight out!!!


Like a cannonball, it elicits bursts of sound explosions!!!

"Bastard!!! How dare you attack Dyspo!!!" Toppo burst out and rushed towards Su Bai!

"You trash fish, none of you are sensible."

Seeing the rushing Toppo, Su Bai made a move!!!


bang bang bang bang!!!!

In Toppo's eyes, he only saw Su Bai disappear, and then four thumps!

He was directly kicked out!!!

As for how Su Bai made the move, he didn't see clearly at all!

"Okay, this time, finally there are only two of us left." Su Bai landed and looked at Jiren.

The proud team has been wiped out!!!!

Jiren clenched his fists and kept accumulating strength.

The person in front of him is indeed the strongest person he has ever seen!

Judging from his instant killing of Toppo just now, he may be stronger than Gods of Destruction!

"Just use your full strength. I'm afraid you won't have a chance if you don't use your full strength." Su Bai said.

"Hmph!" Jiren just snorted coldly, and increased his breath by a few percent!

"Big talk, you may be a tough opponent, but..."

"If you don't want me to have a chance to make a move, you are still far behind!!!"

"It's rare that you can talk so much." Su Bai just smiled.

"Then let's fight, let you see if what I said is because of words.


Jiren is naturally a person who doesn't talk too much, so he just disappeared in place and rushed towards Su Bai!!!


Jiren punched and was stopped directly by Su Bai!

"The movement is good and fast," Su Bai praised.

"And the strength is not bad, I almost couldn't catch it."

"Qi." Hearing Su Bai's comment, Jiren was very upset!

Because only the strong can judge the weak!

Su Bai, clearly sees himself as weak!!!

"Okay!!! Let you see, my strength!!!!" Jiren one!!


Huge power soars into the sky!!!

A faint iridescent arrogance appeared around Jiren's body!

"Are you in full strength?" Su Bai nodded.

This should be the best Jiren can show so far!

On the Tournament of Power, Jiren's state of bursting clothes beyond the limit was only broken through after recalling the trauma of his heart.

Now that there is no trauma for him to recall, it should not change immediately.

"Come here, let me see." Su Bai signaled Jiren to attack.


At full strength, Jiren didn't talk nonsense, and rushed directly to Su Po.

whoosh whoosh!!!

However, Jiren's consecutive punches were all easily avoided by Su Bai!!!

"Very good, strength, speed, all met my expectations."

Su Bai avoided while evaluating.

"Are you playing tricks on me?!" At this moment, Jiren realized that the person in front of him seemed to be playing tricks all the time!!!

He didn't fight seriously at all!

It's just a cat playing with a mouse mentality!!

Jiren stopped and took a few steps back.

"If you don't do it, I won't do it either."

He also has his own pride! If the other party keeps teasing him like this, then he will just let it go.

"Interesting." Su Bai smiled.

"Well, I'll be a little more serious and play with you."

What else does Jiren want to say

But he found that Su Bai disappeared directly!!!

Only then did he realize that the battle had already begun!!!

"Here!!!" Jiren sensed it, and he directly hit the side with one hand!!!


As a result, there is nothing!

"What?! Am I wrong?" Jiren was startled.


At this time, Su Bai appeared in front of Jiren and punched him in the abdomen.

"You're not mistaken, I just slowed down when I was passing by."

Su Bai punched and bent Jiren, he lifted Jiren up with his other hand.

"You are strong, but you are not shrinking enough in front of me."


Just throwing it away, Jiren was thrown out by Su Bai!

"However, you have the possibility to continue to become stronger." Su Bai looked down at Jiren.

"Follow me, and I can take you to a higher realm."

"I...I won't, give up easily." Jiren stood up slowly.

"I swore on my master's grave that I would never lose to anyone again."

"I, will never lose!!!"


Jiren is directly on top of her full strength, bursting out with even stronger power!!!!

"Oh? It turned out to be Jiren." Su Bai nodded.

Unexpectedly, under his own offensive, Jiren could still break through.

Jiren in this state has even suppressed Son Goku who is free and unrestrained, which is pretty good.

"However, I don't want to waste too much time here."

Su Bai shook his head.

"After all, there are still four universes waiting for me to conquer."

"Here, it's not worth wasting too much time."

Su Bai clenched his fists and slowly gathered his strength.

He decides to transform directly into Super Saiyan, and the winner is determined!


A flash of lightning struck Su You and transformed him into Super Saiyan!

"You can still transform?!" Jiren was shocked!

He is so strong, can he still transform?!!!

"It's just a small transformation, not worth mentioning." Su Bai shook his head.

"It's only fifty times the norm."

Jiren: ...


Jiren felt that Su Bai was filling the cup, but he didn't know that Su Bai was telling the truth.

Super Saiyan is indeed a small transformation, only fifty times!

On it, there are super two, super three, super blue and so on. .

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