The Start Is Perfect Ultra Instinct, I Beat Gods Of Destruction

Chapter 7 Transformation Of Super Saiyan! Beat The Gods Of Destruction!

Even Vados was slightly moved!

A human, to tie Gods of Destruction is an exaggeration.

He even has a hole card! ?



When Gods of Destruction and Angel hesitated.

"Look, my super race transformation!"

Su Bai and Champa are still fighting together, that's this time!

From the place where the two fisted, a golden flame slowly ignited!

Golden flames ignited from the fist! Soon, Su Bai's whole body was wrapped!



Golden flames soared up, even illuminating the dark universe space!

"So strong..." Vados couldn't help taking a few steps back.

This guy, you're not kidding!

He really has cards! ! !


On the planet Sharada, Gabe supported the injured Kale.

"Damn it, he actually ran into the universe space!" Kale waved his hand angrily!

Although she is Chuanchao, she still can't survive in the universe space.

Therefore, there is nothing she can do to watch Champa fly out of the planet Sharada.

"It's okay, little sister, you've done a good job!" Caulifla walked over.

"Me and Gabe are no opponents, at least you can fight him a few tricks!"

"Let him also know that we Saiyan are not easy to mess with!"

"But I can't beat it either." Kale suddenly became frustrated.

"If I can reach the second level of Chuanchao, maybe I can defeat him."

"Oh, so are we, it's so useless." Caulifla also sighed.

"The enemy invaded our planet Sharada, and we failed to defeat each other."

"It's really embarrassing to the master!"

Gabe was also a little silent. Although the opponent is the powerful Gods of Destruction, they haven't fought, just haven't fought!

Even the intruders can't be driven away, so how dare you say that you are the captain of the Sharada planetary defense team? !

All three blamed themselves a little.

"It seems that we need to work harder!" Caulifla cheered up first!

"Gabe and I have to work hard to break through the Super Sailan! Kaier, you also have to work hard to break through to the second-order pass!"

"That's right, we need to become stronger!" Kale agreed.

"When we become stronger, whatever Gods of Destruction, God of Destruction, come and let us destroy one!"

"Yes! You must work harder!"

The battle with Champa completely inspired the fighting spirit of the three!

Just when the three of them were thinking and preparing to work harder!

boom! ! !

Huge energy fluctuations came from the universe space, shaking the entire planet Sharada!

"This... this is?!" The three raised their heads in horror, feeling the powerful aura in the Universe!

"This breath?!!!!" Caulifla and Kale turned from shock to worship!

"It's the master! It's the breath of the master transforming into Super Saiyan! The master has made a move!!!"

"Is there any enemy in this universe that needs the master to transform?! Could it be..."

The two looked at each other, and the result was self-evident!

Gods of Destruction, Champa!

"Can the master beat it?" Gabe looked at the sky sadly.

He has limited vision and cannot see the Universe.

"I'm sure I can beat it!!!" Caulifla didn't care.

"Master is just transforming into the first stage of Super Saiyan. For Master, this can only be regarded as a warm-up."

"Hmm..." Hearing this, Gabe felt much relieved.

Indeed, the first level of Super Saiyan is only the most basic.

Su Bai didn't even change the Super Saiyan, which means he hasn't taken it seriously yet.

"I hope the master can win." All three were on the planet Sharada, praying for Su Bai.


In Universe space.

"You... what transformation are you!?" Looking at the glittering Su Bai, Champa panicked.

At this moment, no matter how angry Champa was, he calmed down after sensing Su Bai's huge aura!

This guy is already strong enough to surpass Gods of Destruction!

"Our Saiyan's basic transformation, Super Saiyan." Su Bai said lightly.

Hearing Su Bai's words, Champa and Vados were a little surprised.

Basic transformation! ?

Does it mean that there are higher level transformations? !

The two looked at each other.

impossible! Absolutely impossible!

One transformation will crush Gods of Destruction, another one, wouldn't it be...

"Lord Champa, we have to settle our accounts carefully."

After transforming into Super Saiyan, Su Bai looked at Champa coldly.


Feeling Su Bai's gaze, Champa couldn't help but take a few steps back.

This look is really scary.

"Boy, I..." Champa just opened his mouth.


Su Bai has disappeared in place.

"Who's that?!" Champa was startled, and was about to say something.

"Ah! Pfft!" A mouthful of blood was spit out!

Champa, hurt!

It was Su Bai who had appeared in front of Champa and punched him in the stomach.

"I don't want to hear your apology, let alone your explanation." Su Bai pumped out his fist.

"Ahem..." As Su Bai's fist was pulled out, Champa coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood again in pain!

"As you said, whoever has the biggest fist is right." Su Bai glanced at the embarrassed Champa lightly.

"Since I'm better than you, then you have to settle the matter that you offended me today."

After saying this, Su Bai immediately turned around and kicked Champa's head with a whip leg!


With a scream, Champa was kicked out immediately!

Whoosh! ! !

Su Bai did not intend to let the opponent go, seeing Champa flying out, he directly bullied him!

Bang bang bang! ! !

Su Bai, who is moving at a high speed, chases Champa in a row! ! !

But for a moment, Champa was beaten and hurt all over!

"Alas..." Vados, who had been watching the battle, sighed helplessly.

She was going to make a move, after all, if it continued, Champa might be killed.

As Champa's Angel, if Champa dies, she will also lose her mobility.

Although you can't fight people, it's okay to protect Champa.

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