The Start Is Perfect Ultra Instinct, I Beat Gods Of Destruction

Chapter 70 In The Future Time And Space, Call Super Shenron Again! ! !

This guy is the devil!!!!

Seeing the frightened Hetizha, Su Bai sneered.

That's why, he wants the two to reunite.

Because Black Goku has a life limit, if he wants to be permanently exiled, he can only reunite them.


Su Bai put his hand on He He Zha's body.


The two disappeared on Earth.

Somewhere, nowhere.

"Block!" Su Bai whispered.

He Ti Zha wanted to say something else, but found that his five senses were directly blocked!

I want to say something, but I can't say it!

I want to move my hands, but I can't!

The whole person is like falling into the endless darkness of "417"!

Powerless to struggle!

"Thank you for being an inspiration."

Su Bai whispered, although he knew that He Ti Zha couldn't hear him.


Then, Su Bai directly exiled it to the world of nowhere!

With his divine power, he completely blocked the energy of Futiza, no matter who it was.

Even if Angel comes over and wants to scan, the energy cannot be scanned!!!!

There is only one possibility to be rescued by others, and that is to see the body with naked eyes!


The realm of nothingness is so wide that no one will wander around.

Besides, Su Bai has used his divine power, if it is cracked, he will feel it!

Therefore, if there is no accident, the fit bar will forever fall into the darkness of the boundless world.

Even if there is an accident, Su Bai will seal it again.

"Okay, Zamasu's matter is settled." Su Bai clapped his hands.

"It's time for me to go about my own business."

With this in mind, Yin Bai looked at the space-time ring in his hand.


In a certain universe space, Su Bai looked at the seven super Dragon Balls in front of him.

"Appear, Super Shenron!"


Super Shenron descends.

"My wish is to make all universes and ordinary creatures surrender to me."

This wish, in Su Bai's main universe, has already been fulfilled once.

But, now is the future universe, and everything has to start all over again.

"Your wish has come true." Shenron let out a low growl, and dispersed.

Su Bai pondered for a moment, then used Instant Transmission to go to the first universe!

His plan to conquer all future universes has begun!

'Ding! Congratulations to the host! Conquer the No. 1 Universe in the future!'

‘Ding! Congratulations to the host! Conquering the 2nd Universe of future time and space!


Since there are no gods in the future time and space, plus Su Bai has the wish of Instant Transmission and Super Shenron.

In less than five days, Su Bai has conquered all 11 universes in the future time and space!

Now, only the seventh universe is left!

"It's time to find Trunks." Su Bai sent an Instant Transmission to Earth!

The strongest person in the seventh universe should be Trunks without a doubt.

As long as Trunks is defeated, he can become the master of the universe.

On Earth, Trunks is still soothing the wanderers.

"Brother, brother." At this moment, a little girl ran up to Trunks.

"Where did you get all this food?"

"It's really delicious, can you tell me where I got it? I'm hungry and I want to get some more food myself!"

"Haha, I didn't get this." Trunks rubbed the little girl's head.

"This is an uncle to me. You should be grateful to him. It has nothing to do with me."

"Uncle?" The little girl tilted her head and looked at Trunks in confusion.


At this moment, Su Bai's Instant Transmission appeared beside Trunks.

"Are you hungry?" As soon as Su Bai came over, he saw the little girl in front of him.

Dirty, sunken cheeks, looks like he hasn't eaten in a long time.

"Here are some snacks for you..." Su Bai took out several bags of snacks and handed them to the little girl

"Ah!!" The little girl took the snack and looked at Su Bai gratefully.

"Thank you...thank you! Thank you brother!!!"

The little girl took the snacks and bowed deeply.

Su Bai just smiled, it seems that this feeling is not bad.

Only Trunks scratched his head.

He really wanted to say, what a difference in seniority!

Don't look at the young man in front of you, but he is my uncle!

You should also call him uncle, what kind of brother do you call him?

Watching the girl walk away, Su Bai looked at Trunks again.

"Trunkes, I have something to ask you, come out for a while.

Su Bai signaled Trunks to put aside the reconstruction work at hand.

"Yes." Trunks nodded, motioned for others to help, and went out with Su Bai.

After the two went out, Su Bai looked at Trunks.

"Come on, Trunks, and fight me."


Trunks was taken aback, is this to test his own strength?

"I don't want to fight with you." Trunks hesitated.

"You are the great benefactor of our future time and space, my sword should not be pointed at you!"

"It's okay, just discussing casually." Su Bai smiled, signaling Trunks not to feel pressured.

"Yes! Then I know." Trunks nodded respectfully at 1.7, and then slowly assumed a fighting posture!

"Come on!" Su Bai signaled Trunks to attack.


Trunks raised his sword and rushed towards Su Bai!


Su Bai a hand knife

Looking at the fainted Trunks, Su Bai fell into deep thought.

Because the system did not make a beep!

"System, if I beat Trunks, doesn't that count as conquering him?"

Su Bai asked the system.

‘Ding! In fact, when the host took the initiative to help the future time and space, Trunks had already surrendered to the host!

‘Ding! Conquest does not necessarily mean conquering by force, it is the same with charisma.

"????" Su Bai was taken aback, then this is strange!

Could it be that Trunks is not the strongest in the seventh universe?!!.

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