The Start Is Perfect Ultra Instinct, I Beat Gods Of Destruction

Chapter 86 Goku Vegeta Has Completed Training! Want To Fight!

However, according to Zeno, the Grand Priest of the future universe has disappeared for a long time?

Su Bai ignored the sticking Zeno, rubbing his chin alone.

In fact, come to think of it, maybe it's because the Grand Priest isn't there.

Only Black Goku can be so arrogant, killing the gods of the future time and space all over again.

As long as the Grand Priest is here, it is impossible for Black Goku to do such a thing.

Afterwards, Su Bai lowered his head and looked at the chattering Zeno, feeling a little headache.

As for the two guards, they also stood respectfully at a distance, not daring to move.

got it!

Originally, I wanted to see Zeno's reaction to himself, the master of the universe, in the future.

Now it seems, just think of him as a Grand Priest.

"I don't know how Grand Priest will react when he sees me."

Su Bai felt a bit of a headache. This test was like no test.

Zeno is such a simple guy, there is no point in testing at all!

To see the result, we still need to see the reaction of Grand Priest.

"Okay, let's play."

Su Bai sighed, he decided to return to the past universe.

"Hey!!! Grand Priest, where are you going at 31? Where are you going, I will go with you too!!!"

Zeno hugged Su Bai excitedly.

Su Bai:...


Su Bai was too lazy to entangle with this kid, and with an idea, he returned to modern times by using the space-time ring.

That is, orthodox, Son Goku, Vegeta, the time and space beyond the Dragon Ball.

"Damn it..." Su Bai whispered.

"However, this also shows from the side, as long as I don't use the system's capabilities."

"People like Zeno don't see anything special about me either.

"When the Tournament of Power is held, I just don't need to use the power of the system."

After thinking about it, Su Bai planned to return to Earth to pick up numbers 18 and 21.

That's when.

"Grand Priest, where is this?" Zeno's voice came from beside Su Bai.

Su Bai: ????

Su Bai lowered his head.

He found that Zeno was holding on to his pant leg.


The brat!

Su Bai took the lead and lifted Zeno who was on the lips.

"You boy, how did you come here?"

"I don't know, I just grabbed the Grand Priest and came over." Zeno said seriously.

"Okay." Su Bai slapped his head and hesitated.

"Let me tell you a fun place."

"Eh? Okay!!!" Zeno waved excitedly.

"It's been a long time since the Grand Priest left, and I haven't seen anything interesting!"

"It's all about playing, Grand Priest, what you taught me before, such as riding a big horse.

Su Bai:...

Feelings, this horse riding was taught by Grand Priest.

"Ahem." Su Bai coughed twice, then pointed in a certain direction in the universe.

"Just in this direction, you fly.

"It should be called... let me think about it.

"Oh, I remembered, it's called the Gods of Destruction world! You just fly in this direction, and you can meet interesting things."

"Is that so?" Zeno nodded.

"Okay, I know."

"Well, let's go, my lord." Among Su Bai, Zeno showed a smiling face.

"Bye bye! Grand Priest!" Zeno waved his hand and flew towards Su Bai's direction.

Seeing Zeno fly away, Su Bai was relieved.

He really didn't want to deal with this brat.

"Okay, let's go to the earth to see." With a thought, Su Bai locked onto the earth.

"It's been a long time."

Not counting the time spent in the future time and space, when he came back this time, he deliberately chose a few months later.

Therefore, for people in this time and space, he has not appeared for several months.


An Instant Transmission, Su Bai appeared on Earth.

Capsule company, on the 18th and 21st, two people sat together and studied a certain small toy.

"Wow, I didn't expect that on the 21st, your scientific research level is so strong?!"

"You understand this nanoscale thing."

"In my database, there are a lot of things like scientific research." No. 21 smiled at No. 18.

That's the time!


Su Bai appeared in the capsule company.

"I'm back." Su Bai looked at the two of them.

"Ah! Welcome Su Bai back." The two walked over immediately.

"Okay, tidy up your things, I'm going to take you back to the sixth universe." Su Bai smiled.

"Okay, wait a minute." Number 18 responded.

Number 21 didn't say anything, after all...she didn't have anything to take.

When packing up on the 18th, two uninvited guests rushed over!

"Hey!!! Su Bai!!!"

Come, it is Son Goku and Vegeta.

Come to think of it, after several months of training, they also came back from the sixth universe.

"Ah, what's the matter?" Su Bai turned to look at the two of them.

"I heard that you went to help Trunks in the future while we were away?" Son Goku spoke first.

"Well, I've helped Trunks solve it." Su Bai nodded.

"Hmph!" Vegeta snorted softly.

As the father of Trunks, he felt that this was not his end.

Instead, relying on others makes him feel a little uncomfortable!!!

"Hey, it's a pity." Son Goku rubbed his hands together.

"Listen to Bulma, that enemy is my own..."

"I came back from training, but I haven't had a chance to fight yet."

It's a pity that Son Goku didn't fight Black Goku.

"Hmph, I want to beat you up too." Vegeta curled his lips in displeasure.

For Trunks' matter, it's fine if I can't help.

He even missed the incident of beating black Goku violently!!!

"Oh? Both of you, have you finished training?" Su Bai's eyes lit up.

If they really finished their training, they might be able to teach them well and play a game.

"Of course." Son Goku looked at Su Bai, with a flash of fighting spirit in his eyes!

Obviously, he wants to have a touch with Su Bai now!!!

"Why don't we have a fight?" Su Bai looked at the two of them, both of them were ready to move!

Just finished fighting with Zuo Zuo, his fighting spirit hasn't faded yet!!!

And, he doesn't underestimate Son Goku and Vegeta.

Because, he knows, these two people can fit together!!!

When these two are combined, they will become super strong Vegito or Gogeta.

As long as these two are getting stronger and stronger!

Well....he has no shortage of opponents!!!!.

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