Shocked compared to other gods!

At the moment, the most proud one is undoubtedly Champa.

"Hmph, how do you guys know how powerful this kid Su Bai is?!"

Champa's voice was very low, thinking that no one could hear it.

"Master Champa, did you just call Master Su Bai a kid?"


What's up?! Vados, have you betrayed too?!

Did you also stand with Su Bai?

"Oh ho ho, Master Champa, look, should I tell Master Su Bai about that?" Vados chuckled.


I admit defeat, I can't afford it.

Champa shrank his neck and signaled Vados that he was really careless.

Tell Vados not to tell Su Bai.

"Hoho." Vados chuckled twice.

Champa, I'm really afraid of Su Bai.

But she didn't know that Beerus not far away also shivered!!!

He is also afraid of being beaten!!!

"It seems that you can't speak ill of Su Bai in front of Vados in the future, and you will be reported.

Beerus quickly recorded it to save accidents!

In the arena.

"Wow...Wow..." Librian looked at Su Bai in horror!

She never expected that the human being in front of her would wave her hand casually!!!

My two sisters were all kicked out of the ring!!!

"Why haven't I been knocked out of the ring yet?!"

"Could it be that he is greedy for my beauty!?"

Ribrian's eyes lit up when he thought of this!

In an instant, she adjusted her body shape and managed her face well!

To prevent myself from revealing any ugly side.

"Ahem, you are my fan, right?" Librian eased his mood.

"You, they are all eliminated, just want to have a chance to be alone with me."

Su Bai: ????

Su Bai was taken aback, he didn't expect that Li Brian could think of so much!!!

This is really beyond his imagination!

Because, he just wanted to observe and make sure that the last player in the second universe was eliminated by himself.

In this way, Tuanli conquers the second universe.

"Don't be so shy, I understand." Li Brian looked at the silent Su Bai, and thought he had guessed Su Bai's heart correctly.

"Well, I'll give you a chance."

"I see that your strength is also good, you help me defeat all the enemies present."

"I can give you my autograph after the game!"

On the seat of the Gods of Destruction.

"Damn it, this woman actually used such treacherous tricks!" Champa was not happy to see it!

"She's pretty cute, and she's really qualified to use this trick." Beerus blushed beside her!

"I don't know if Su Bai will fall for that?"

"Damn it! Hope, Su Bai won't be seduced by beauty! Champa is gritting his teeth in secret!

I hope Su Bai will not be bewitched!!!

If Su Bai is all charmed, then there is no hope for their 6th Universe!!!

"Good job, Ribrian!" The Gods of Destruction of the Second Universe nodded secretly!

Make full use of your own advantages to beat your opponents!

very good!

very good!!!

In the ring, Su Bai's expression changed again and again.

"What? Am I not beautiful enough? Or does this condition not impress you?" Librian fiddled with his skirt.

"Okay, I'm so greedy, I'll give you a set of my selfies, and at the same time make you the leader of my fan club."

"So, it's all right?"

Having said that, Ribrian stretched his skirt again.

"Pu... Puxin people?" Su Bai tentatively asked this sentence.


Ribrian was taken aback, what does this mean?

What is Puxin?

"That...may be a bit harsh. But..." Su Bai looked at the fat girl in front of him.

"No one ever said, are you ugly?"

"What?!!! I'm ugly!!!" Ribrian's expression was slightly distorted!

As the number one beauty of the sixth universe, Ribrian obviously cannot accept such a blow!!!

After all, when was she called ugly when she was so famous?!!!

And the gods also looked at Su Bai incomprehensibly!

Obviously Li Brian is quite handsome?!

This human being, what is the matter with aesthetics!?!!

Have you ever seen a beauty?!!!

To say that such a beautiful Librian is an ugly girl?!!!!

On the ring, Li Brian hurriedly took out the mirror, and gestured to the mirror.

Finally, she put down the mirror!

"々. Is there something wrong with your aesthetics?" Ribrian was sure that there was nothing wrong with his appearance!

Still so beautiful!

It can also be seen from the reactions of the gods!

Then, this shows that the problem is the human beings in front of us!!!


After Li Brian finished speaking, he found that the man in front of him ignored him.

So, she moved her eyes away from the mirror and looked at the man in front of her.

Only to find that he was leaning against the wall, vomiting there.

Ribrian: ???(Dema Zhao) Ugh!!!

Su Bai vomited for a while, then looked at Li Brian.

"I'm sorry, I just can't bear to see a fat pig smug in front of me."

Su Bai bowed to Li Brian very gentlemanly, and expressed his apology.

Ribrian: ???



Ribrian is angry!!!

In the Second Universe, she has had a huge number of fans for a long time, when did she suffer such humiliation?!!

"I want you to die!!!"

Li Brian was furious and rushed directly to Su Bai.

"Ouch!!!" Su Bai couldn't hold back yet, and fell directly to the ground.

No way, really no way.

Looking at a mass of fat and stinky beauty is already very uncomfortable.

Not to mention, this clump of fat flew directly towards him!

This imagery made him very sick to his stomach!!!.

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