The start of science and technology

Chapter 104 Space Dynamic Weapons (Subscribe!)

"How to do it?"

"This is the kinetic weapon of aliens! Even if it is a super hydrogen bomb, it will not be a little way!"

"The asteroid impact device is built, and only slightly change the track of the gods, and wants to capture it, it is almost impossible!" Said the experts.

"It is still possible." Du Xingyu is serious, "the asteroid impactor is still built, strictly, the asteroid impactor belongs to space kinetic weapons, and the gods are the same."

"However, we can't make a big kinetic weapon such as the Shenxing, so we need to build multiple asteroid impactors to force the stars to slow down and change the direction of movement."

"It is possible to control nuclear fusion technology, it is possible. Just, how can we capture the stars?" Someone asked.

"This is where it is necessary to modify." Du Xingyu will simulate hundreds of times ahead of the technology simulator, and a feasible solution is obtained.

"Our original plan is to use asteroid impact in the Mars track to force the star to change the direction of movement. Now we have to extend the defense line, to Juping Track!"

"Use Jupiter to control the god star?" Soon there was an astronomer guess his ideas.

Jupiter is the largest, and the fastest gaseous meter of the solar system, the fifth-long planet is occupied by the sun, occupying 70% of the quality of the solar planet!

Moreover, the gravity of Jupiter is 2.5 times the earth, and many asteroids will be pulled by Jupiter before flying to the earth, then swallowed! During the formation of the Earth, Jupiter has blocked the meteorite, comet and asteroids for the earth multiple times.

"Yes." Du Xingyu said, "" Also rely on our technology, you want to capture the stars, but we can change the track of the gods through the asteroids, let it fly within the ribs of Juping When the gravitation of Jupiter will capture it and become a satellite of Jupitar. "

"This way, our spaceship or space warship can go to the Shen Shenxing research, and can also solve the god star crisis."

"All the premise is that this kinetic weapon is indeed sleeping. And the alien civilization will not interfere with our actions." Some people said.

"This is also our temptation." Du Xingyu also thought of this problem, "If our solution can be smooth, it means that our enemies are still unwilling or have no ability to projection more powerful armed forces to the earth."

"Even if you can't get the god star, we can also use the asteroid impact to hit the gods to Jupiter! Directly destroy it! This can minimize the risk of hitting the earth!"

"I agree!"

"I also support it!"

"At present, it seems to be better than before. If we go well, we can learn more potential enemies - just, Jupiter is 780 million kilometers from the annexa of the Earth, which is said that our asteroid impact It is necessary to launch 780 million kilometers away, accurately impact! "

"Not only is the kinetic energy to meet, but the time is more than four and a half years in advance. Are you coming?" Someone worried.

"If all parties are fully fitted, there is still a chance." Du Xingyu has computed it, he said: "In the ideal state, we have eight years to complete the manufacturing of the space warship and the asteroid impact."

After the meeting, the Human Guardian Alliance retreated the crisis response plan. For the outside world, they did not publish news of the product of alien civilization in the Shenshen.

The parties agree that since all mankind has been united, it has just achieved some results, there is no need to make panic now.

Because of this, the cooperation between the parties is more close.


Du Xingyu has to do more, space defense and the plan of the solar satellite network are further promoted, and the new detection satellite fly to the solar system, looking for the traces of the enemy.

And he himself is the main designer of the space warship and the asteroid impactor.

"The asteroid impactor belongs to space kinetic weapons, the structure is not complicated, mainly difficult to get the high-power nuclear fusion propeller." Du Xingyu thoughtfully, " The planetary impactor can be manufactured. "

"As a kinetic weapon, its quality must be large. The ideal state is made of massive metal creation. Prepare the outer casing first."

Du Xingyu first arranges the project of the asteroid impact, and he plans to use space elevators and spacecraft to transport supplies in moon.

Produce the "subject" of the asteroid impactor in the new space weapon factory in the moon, a giant, solid bulk metal.

The propeller, Du Xingyu intends to study with the propeller of the space warship.

Since it is a space warship, its kinetic energy must be much stronger than existing spaceship, so it is also necessary to design a new nuclear fusion propeller.

On the technology simulator, Du Xingyu opened a new science and technology branch - space warship.

"I have consumed a tens of millions of energy points to open the branch." The technology simulator prompts.

Under the branch, Du Xingyu can see many images, all kinds of space warships, are also divided into various levels.

Planar: Have a space warship that combats with flight capabilities in a single star system.

Heitacad: Have a space warship with a flying capabilities in one and a plurality of stars.

Star River: Have a space warship that combats with flight capabilities in a river.


Each level of space warship is divided into many kinds.

The interpretation of the technology simulator is: "The space warship does not have a real standard level division, can only be generally estimated. Now you can develop the nuclear battleship battleship, belong to the planetary warship. Even if the same planet warship, because of the power , The different scientific and technological equipment such as weapons is very large. "

Du Xingyu dotted the star warship and continued to see.

The warship here has countless branches, such as the planetary cruise ship, the planetary battleship, the planetary feedstock, the planetary destroyer, the planet carrier, the planetary replenishment ship, the planet landing ship ... and The top existence of the planetary battleship - planetary stars!

The so-called Fame Ship is the combat power of a warship, you can destroy a planet!

Of course, this super battleship, human beings have no capacity manufacturing.

Du Xingyu is full of embarrassment, only such space fleet, human beings have embarked on the first step in star civilization!

The previous rockets, spacecraft, space stations and space elevators are small, and they are in the end of the root, or play near the earth.

"The first R & D goal is selected as the first generation of planetary cruise ship!" Du Xingyu quickly established the goal.

The planetary cruise ship, the power is sufficient, will have the ability to enter the atmosphere, which is very suitable for the construction of the earth.

Second, it has no battleship, but the speed is faster, it is more suitable to go to the solar system deeper, to find the earth, deal with the stars.

The capacity of the cruise ship is also excellent enough.

It is also a space warship that is the most standardized combat power in the planetary space warship. Du Xingyu is a more powerful battleship, but why human beings have no industrial level and technology strength, and can only begin with the standard battleship.

Technology Simulator: "Do you consume 10 million energy points to open the simulation of the planetary cruise ship?"

Du Xingyu: "Determine!"

Technology Simulator: "The planetary cruise simulation has been opened!"

In Du Xingyu's perspective, there have been various planetary cruise models and custom model groups.

Among them, there are three main models recommended by the technology simulator.

The first is the cruise ship of the torpedo shape, which is closer to the rocket, its propeller at the end. This is more convenient to manufacture, and it is easier to enter and exit atmosphere.

The second is flat, the upper surface area is close to the waist triangle cruise ship, which looks like a sharp arrow, and the overall design is more technological.

The third type is the shape of the UFA, just like the UFO that appears in the sci-fi movie.

The three shapes have their own advantageous and disadvantages, and Du Xingyu can also choose another simulation direction.

In view of this, it is the first research and development, not only him, but also the manufacturing experience of human beings is also limited. Du Xingyu chooses the model of the simulator. Second, arrow space warship.

"It is expected that the warship length, 788 meters. Maximum sill width, 345 meters. The total quality is more than 30,000 tons ..." Du Xingyu began planning the overall model.

From the perspective, the volume of the first generation of planetary cruise ship is three times more than the current largest franchiseer carrier in Mi State, but the total quality is much smaller.

In order to consider atmospheric flight problems, the planetary cruise ship should be fully adopted with new carbon fiber and nanomaterials, and the quality of the ship is reduced, so that the propeller can introduce it to the atmosphere and detach from the planetary force.

"There are many problems with the ferry design, it is more difficult to the nuclear fusion propeller of the space warship, and the design of space weapons ..." Du Xingyu found that even if you use a technology simulator, you can get a lot of information help, this is not him It can be developed several months.

The most suitable way, or work with top experts around the world, let them make a proposal, use the technology simulator to overcome difficulties and exclude discomfort.

The world's top military arms experts, engineers, and the most powerful air carrier designers in several big countries have been convened to Hua Guo, open a new project - "Silver Wings" planetary space cruise ship.

"Materials and structures are the problems that the team should consider." At the core member meeting of the project team, Du Xingyu said, "As for space weapons and nuclear fusion propellars, I personally participate! I hope everyone can do everything in the shortest time. Take a plan! "

"Well!" Everyone is very cautious, they know that this project will determine the fate of human beings, it is a star interstellar civilization, or is destroyed by the enemy in the earth, the space warship determines everything!

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