"Nothing here, the detector shows that the high platform should be just ordinary rocks." Su Peng is looking for a few times, but there is still no discovery.

"Is it taken away?" A player wondered.

"It is possible, after all, it is an alien civilization." Yao Feng touched the chin, thinking.

"High-dimensional information is here." Science and Technology simulator said to Du Xingyu, "I am also a high-dimensional creation of parallel time and space civilization. I have a certain perceive ability from high dimensional information."

"So, not it is not seen, but as a three-dimensional biological us, I can't see it at all." Du Xingyu's heart moved.

The big universe is multi-dimensional, simple, can imagine zero latitude into a point without length, width, and height.

One dimension is a line with no height and width.

Two-dimensional is no highly planar.

3D is a space with long, wide, high. The four-dimensional is the world of "time axis" in three-dimensional ... There are five dimensional, six-dimensional, etc.

Humans are only three-dimensional biodies, because there is no high-dimensional perspective, naturally do not see high-dimensional information and creation.

For example, there is a two-dimensional biological, it is a paper man living in the cartoon. There is only one line segment in his perspective, see "we" in the 3D world.

Similarly, as three-dimensional bobs, it is not clear that it is clearly placed on the high-dimensional creature. Because it is placed there, it is the high-dimensional space of the coordinate, not the three-dimensional space seen by human beings.

"Almost this means." Said the technology simulator.

"Do you have a way?" In this, Du Xingyu is not a way. A high-dimensional creation is placed there, but as a three-dimensional bob, they can't see it.

"No." The technology simulator is very straightforward.

"The bottle in the murals, as if the bottle of Clay is like." At this time, Xia Qiu is still studying murals.

Klein bottle is a geometric object proposed by mathematician Klein.

That is, there is a hole at the bottom of a bottle, extending the neck of the bottle and twisted into the bottle inside, and then connects to the bottom hole. Such a bottle does not have the difference between the interior and the outside, it is not a spherical, but a point is moving in any direction along its surface, and it will not encounter the end.

The bottle neck and bottle of Klein bottle look like intersecting. Some places seem to be broken, but it does not interact with themselves - in short, only in the three-dimensional view, will only appear This contradictory feeling, but if you look at the four-dimensional perspective, the image of the Clay is actually a continuous curve.

"Hey, really!" Other people found this.

Xu Pity Qiu followed the place in the murals, and her hand stretched out and said: "The meant in the murals, maybe in this position, the spacecraft owner puts its things all in a space. Inside. Just we can't find this space. "

Everyone is thinking, can have a team member who is qualified to Mars, everyone is a leader on the earth, thinking is active, a little information, and can think of many possibilities.

The scene has been in a short silence until the excuse of Xia Qiuqiu wokes everyone.

"My hand is not seen?" She got a white jade palm, but they disappeared!

"What is going on?" Everyone was shocked. How did a person's palm disappear, and from their perspective, Xu Qiu's hands are like sudden stealth, light is no longer refraught in people. Retina.

"I can feel my palm!" Xu Yifiu did not move, her expression was very weird: "I feel that it is still, but I can't see."

Du Xingyu said: "Maybe your palm has entered a space, collect it back!"

For unknown things, everyone has a problem with brain.

"My mom, today is really a worldview!" Su Peng said.

"I tried!" Xu Qiqiu tried to recover his palm, everyone saw, her palm of her hand appeared.

"Is there any feeling?" Du Xingyu asked.

Xu Pity Autumn Activity Hands, "Nothing is."

"No, my hand has a pattern?" She looked at her hand, and there was a "Clein bottle" pattern, which was the bottle in the mural.

"What is going on? My brain is not enough!" Jiang Mengyun grabbed the hair.

Don't say it is her, Du Xingyu is also confused at this time. He knows nothing about high-dimensional civilization.

Xu pity autumn, but this pattern is not what oil, can't get it, take a closer look, not similar to tattoo, tattoo, because it is distributed in Xu Qiu's hand, will not pull the skin Stretch or change. Or, the pattern exists in a two-dimensional plane in her hand!

"I can detect that the information of high latitude civilization is left behind. It seems to be in that space, this creation has changed the form, turned two-dimensional, very strange." Science and technology simulator explained to Du Xingyu, "I I don't know what this is. "

"It seems that I am afraid that I am afraid that I am afraid that I can understand this thing." Du Xingyu helpless sigh.

"What is this?" Everyone is still studying Xi Pity Qiu's hand.

Some people will continue to explore the place where you have disappeared, but this strange phenomenon did not appear.

Du Xingyu is serious, saying: "There is no doubt that this is caused by some kind of technology we can't understand. It may be the information left by senior civilization. Everyone happens here today, everyone will not disclose!"

"Is this the ban on the top commander of the League, listen to it?"

Everyone saw him so cautious, immediately seriously: "understand!"

Since the remains are blocked, some people will continue to explore, but the most important information has been taken away by Xu Qiu.

Back to Mars Base, Du Xingyu made people a full test, almost did not detect anything.

Only a little strange, the cell test results found that the cell activity of Xia Qiuqiu was enhanced, that is, her life status became very active, and some of the secrets in the body have also disappeared.

This state, also makes medical experts amazed, and Best is not allowed.

But Du Xingyu has nothing to do with this. Because now Xia Qiu's physical condition, it is very similar to him.

After he got the technology simulator, his body also had some change in unknowing, so his thinking speed, capabilities, and health status were better than ordinary people.

According to this, he can easily live to a hundred years old, but it is not possible to break the restriction of human life.

"Her status is different from you." Said the technology simulator, "Maybe she can break through the restrictions between human life."

"I am more and more confused. What is the information of the high-dimensional civilization?" Du Xingyu could not find the answer. So far, the pattern did not have any effect on Xu Qiu in other respects.

"These problems are not you can understand now." The technology simulator said, "Maybe you should be more worried about yourself, there are many things you have to do."

"Yes." Du Xingyu took the thoughts back, and the stars were still flying towards the earth. He didn't have so much time to find the answer, and he only had this thing.

Before leaving, the café in the Mars base.

A pair of men and women sitting, the man is watching the "hands".

Du Xingyu held a pity autumn, and his eyes were staring at her palm, and the Clayb bottle.

"Congratulations, you have to be the first of the new world's top ten unsolved mystery!" Du Xingyu said.

"Then I am willing to be improper, and I have to study every day." Xu Yiu Qiu Tao, "Now I have become a national treasure in the base, sleep every day, diet, even dream, I have a dream."

"Is this not a good thing, everyone cares about you." Du Xingyu smiled.

"Unfortunately, you will be a bad person." Xu pity autumn coallyals, just look at him quietly.

"The situation is compelled!" Du Xingyu smiled.

"Remember the scene when we came to Mars for the first time? We have just met the sudden dust storm, which is almost ten years." Xu Yifu autumn faintly said, "How many decades can life?"

Du Xingyu also felt something suddenly, it has been embodied with two people to avoid dust storms, and it has been in the past ten years!

The friends around me have already married and have children, but he has never ignored time. Once friends, you can always be accompanied, and there is nothing left.

When you look at Xu Qiuqiu, Du Xingyu suddenly felt in his heart, ten years, they are all keep working, but even haven't seen you for a long time, there will be a familiar feeling.

Maybe there is no such thing as a thing in the drama, but the feeling of mind is more important than anything.

He stood up and said to Xu Qiu: "For three years, if three years later, human beings can deal with the crisis, we are together."

"Ah?" Xu Qiuqiu did not expect that he suddenly said this sentence, showing a glimpse, and the color of the cover that could not cover up, and even the neck and ear are also dyed.

"Well!" She waited for too long, so that there was no reason to do, I quickly agreed, led to Du Xingyu.

"Du command, the silver wing is here!" Some people interrupted their rare intimate moments.

"Okay, I will come right away." Du Xingyu turned his head to Xu Qiuqiu, said: "There is any news, I will tell me the first time."

"I'm leaving!"

"I am waiting for you." Xu pity autumn light bite the teeth, staying at the figure he left.


The child's child is destined to not Du Xingyu's expertise, soon, he returns to the earth and put it into the work again.

In the military factory on the moon, it has begun to build a "space meter hammer".

Physics experts, materials experts, and military arms experts from all over the world are planning for asteroid impact.

The gravity of the moon is relatively small, and the asteroid impact after the successful construction is more easily used in space.

From the ground, a large number of metals entering space through the ladder, as the head of the meter hammer.

One year of time, the first asteroid impactor, the space meter hammer No. 1 was completed in the moon military factory.

Its maximum cross section has a diameter of one hundred meters, quality in one million tons!

If this quality is on the earth, it is a bit difficult to send it to the space with the propeller.

However, the gravity of the moon is smaller, and there is no air resistance, and it is easy to drive.

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