The start of science and technology

Chapter 111 Longwei Fleet!

"The quality of the space meter hammer is more than 30 times of the silver wing space cruise ship. It is impossible to have a speed of the silver wing." Tudaxyu said: "Space Meteor Hammer" The acceleration process is relatively slow, so you must have a certain space approach and time, so that the propeller continues to accelerate, increase its kinetic energy to achieve the expected effect. "

"So, we need to launch a space meteor hammer in advance, or even a year, set a accelerated track, collide with it when you arrive at the scheduled Juping track!"

"Du command, listen to you, I found that our enemies seem to be this method." A military expert said that "the gods are not accelerated by long distances, is it today's speed?"

"From this, the speed of the god star is not fast, and it can even be said very slow. This is not a explanation, our enemies do not have a comprehensive rolling for us in technology?"

"Yes, this is also my guess." Du Xingyu is very agreed with his thoughts, he said: "I said that we are not unable to force, this reason!"

"In addition, the way of use of space meter hammers makes me aware that this is what we have mentioned before." Du Xingyu continued to analyze.

"You think about it, the god star as a space kinegy weapon, must be someone started at a certain point."

"When the last foreigner is five-visual, it starts, according to the output power of its propeller, we conclude that the propeller installed on the gods will definitely not exceed the range of nuclear polyvalent devices."

"Re-use the flight speed and track reverse, the first launch site of the starry star, may be close to the location of the solar system in the solar system."

The astronomers are observed and calculated, and they are outside the solar system, and the sun is 50,000 to 100,000 astronomical units (a metrics), which is the average distance of the earth and the sun. The maximum radius of Olt Cloud is almost a year.

"What do you mean, our enemies are now within a light year?" A expert was suspended.

"It is very likely." Du Xingyu seriously said.

"Then why they didn't act directly, but using a dynamic weapon?" Someone sent it.

"Maybe this is the most effort to kill the way humans." A expert said, "You don't need any excess fire or resource consumption, transforming a small star can destroy the surface, destroy human civilization, too cost-effective!"

"It is also possible to try!" A strategic man in North America said, "We don't know the strength of the enemy, and the enemy may not know our strength."

"They use kinetic weapons in distant places to aim at us, if we can't solve the crisis, they can easily destroy human beings. If we can solve, they can also know some human scientific and technological levels. Make strategic adjustments. "

"The enemy's detectors have not found yet, but our predictive satellite has been killed five, can be sure, our strength has been exposed!" At this point they have already realized, but they have no way.

Because I am in the clear, the enemy is dark, even if it is only the enemy's test, they must go all out!

"Dear, maybe we can also get a message." Du Xingyu said, "Since the enemy already knows that our scientific strength is not as good as they. Then they will definitely make further action."

"But from the laser sigh of the gods, it has been in the past four years, and the enemy still does not appear, nor does it see their detector or fleet. It is possible that they have already put the detector, but we don't have Find."

"In short, their large teams have not appeared. There are many reasons, one of them is that their fleet is much more slower than the speed, from Olt Cloud to the earth, need to take some years."

"Yes! This reason is very big!" There is a mathematician immediately.

"We have some time, before the enemy's main force is not arrived." Du Xingyu said, "We need more to detect satellites, more far from the direction of the gods, strive to find the enemy movement in advance!" Outer space It is also necessary to establish a more strict protection network - the most important thing, or the construction of space meter and space fleet. "

In this year, they have made a space meter hammer, but also completed two planetary space cruise ships, named "Jinyi" and "ink wing", and there is a space Supple ship "Tianzang No.".

"This year, this year's planetary space battleship is." At the meeting, everyone was unanimously adopted this decision.

The space battleship will be the main fire output in the space fleet.

Whether it is kinetic or equipment or defense, it is stronger than cruise ship.

To this end, Du Xingyu except for it to design a laser weapon system, with a hydrogen elastic transmitter, it also designed a small aggressive kinetic weapon, "space dart" and "space spear".

Both of these are destructive kinetry weapons that can accurately crack down on the local warships, using special alloys, itself drives themselves.


Two years later, Mars base.

Today's Mars has built a small military city, the surface part is mainly a lift of spaceship, Mars Automation Factory, radar and other equipment, and the bottom part is where the staff live and life.

The general commander of the Space Arms Command, Du Xingyu and the Human Guardian Alliance of Mars Base is in an important space action.

Although Wang Wei is nearly sixty, but the body is burly, the merits are tired, relying on excellent talent and commanding capabilities have become the general commander of the space defense department.

In his military life, experienced a life and death, even more than the test of life and death, but today, what is the decision of him to get to make him nerve, not slack!

"Meteor combating the unit, reporting the situation!" Wang Hao shouted in the communication device.

The meteor combating the troops is the team responsible for the asteroid impact, they are at the moment.

The signal is round-trip to the moon and Mars. After ten minutes, the speaker sounds their reply: "Report Command, the general command, the meteor is ready, ten space meter hammers wait!"

Du Xingyu and Wang Wei look at the eyes, and the two nodded.

It is time to launch a small striker! Dynamic weapons should be accelerated for one year, and hit the stars after a year!

Wang Yu ordered: "The meteor combats the army to launch a space meteor hammer on time on time in accordance with the established orbit."

"Meteor received!" On the moon, ten large space meteors were lying on the launch site.

Time passed by one second, soon arrived at the calculated launch time.

"Transmit!" Computer at the same time to the ten space meteor hammers.

The giant propeller at the tail of the space meter is started, and the projector is propelled to the meteor hammer.

This ten homonomers rose empty in the dark moon, occupying ten different tracks, flying towards Jupiter!

"Laun!" Although I launched, Wang Yu felt more mood.

After a year, the meteor hammer will collide with the gods, which will be the first context of them and the unpaked enemies!


Ten months later, the Earth Space Port, with a large number of space warships, and the first space fleet of human beings, the Longwei Fleet, finally set up!

Longwei fleet, a total of ten space warships.

A space carrier, dragon point. It is a large diameter of 820 meters and a flying saucer space battleship. It has a variety of maintenance, research equipment, weak combat power, but the scientific research capacity is very strong.

Two space replenish ship, Tiancang No. 1 and Tianzhong No. 2. With a five hundred meters, a wide range of 80 meters, the ability to detect, the combat capacity is weak, but the highest speed can reach a thousand three hundred kilometers per second, mainly for the supply of space warships.

Two space frigate, dragon scale one and dragon scale number 2. It is a length of 700 meters in length, a width of one hundred meters, a maximum speed of one thousand kilometers per second. It is equipped with a variety of defense, attacks, and detection equipment, mainly used to protect the mother carrier and other battleships, and in combat power.

Three space cruise ships, silver wings, gold wings and ink wings. The arrow space warship in length is 788 meters, the maximum width of 345 meters, the maximum speed is 1000 kilometers per second. Strong combat power.

The last two space battles, keel and dragon corners. The length is 1073 meters, the maximum width is 385 meters, the maximum speed is more than one hundred hundred kilometers per second, is a middle fat, two-headed Barracted space warship. It is also the strongest warner of the intersection of the whole fleet, assembling the most advanced space weapon.

Among them, the dragon bones will act as the commanders of the Longwei soldiers, which is the flagship; the dragon angle is a deputy ship. Once the keel is destroyed, the dragon angle will assume the role of the flagship, and so on.

"Report! The keel has entered the port and requests instructions!" The captain of the keel is the general commander of the Longwei ship, and Hou Zhengxin reports to the Alliance Command.

In the headquarters, Du Xingyu, Wang Wei, and important people from all over the continents are waiting here.

"You can start." Du Xingyu said to everyone, slowly said, "After twenty days, we will start hitting and capturing the stars, need the fleet to help, Wang Command, please order it!"

Wang Yu nodded, ordered: "Longwei fleet listens, Yinyi, Dragon Scales and Dragon Nes, immediately, head to Juping Track, assist the meteor force to complete the impact and fishing task of the stars."

"Tian Cang No. 1, Dragon Glossomance and Gold Wings to Mars Space Port to stand."

"Tian Cang No. 2, Dragon Scales II, keel, ink wings in the Earth to carry out guard, cruise mission."

"Longwei fleet received, starting to execute the order!" Hou Zhengxin began to schedule each ship.

Du Xingyu reminded the communication equipment: "Dear captain, I will say more. Now we have to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative, it is likely to face the anti-enemy's counter-means!"

"So starting from this moment, whether it is going to Jupiter, or a battleship to the earth and Mars, you must maintain the highest alert state! You are the strongest space defense power in humanity! Do you understand?"

"Understand!" Ten captain shouted together, they naturally know that the importance of this task.

This is the first "foreign" task of the Longwei ship, and it is a importance of self-rescue for twelve years.

Step by step, it is not worthy!

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