Everyone has fallen into a contemplation, and there is more than one hundred warships that are long-term embassy of Wondo, and the number of overall fleets of the Longwei fleet is much more, unless the fire fleet and the Songpeng fleet passed.

But then, the risk of human beings is too big!

"It will definitely not do it directly like this." Zhu Zhenxing proposes, "Is it better to come to a snail?"

"What do you want?" Du Xingyu looked at him.

"Here!" Zhu Zhen opened the sun's star map and pointed at a blue planet.

"Neptune." Everyone certainly knows this planet, the eight major planets of the sun is too far away. Neptune's rail range is almost the battle of Longwei Battle Trail and Valentine's Civilization.

Zhu Xixing continued: "Our recent reconnaissance information shows that the marine civilization is sending a battleship and spacecraft to Neptune. I am inference, they should want to explore the resources of Neptune. I will be ready to leave Pluto."

"This is good, the third problem I want to say is over with the second one." Wang Yu said.

The third challenge in front of human beings is the super battleship, a giant whale mother. Humans now no battles can fight against it!

"The size of Pluto is one-third of the moon, but the quality is only one-third of the moon." Du Xingyu said, "I want to provide them with the fleet of the resource of Pluto, must be in short supply, plus those asteroids and The meteorite is also awkward, especially if they still have to be able to make super weapons. "

"Neptune quality is 17.1 times the earth, a gaseous planet, the atmosphere is mainly composed of hydrogen, helium, has a large number of nuclear fusion energy. They want to exploit the Neptune." "

Zhu Zhen received his words and said: "So my thoughts are, we are attacking Hai Wang Xing, putting out the imagins that they will cause the sea of ​​Neptune. Wait until they transfer the fleet to defense, our main force will attack Pluto!"

"This process is fast, playing the effect of the lightning battle. After you have it, immediately retreat! Fortune people can't do it!"

Wang Wei thought for a while, said: "This tactics is not complicated. We can think that the enemy can naturally analyze. We must let the enemy believe that we are really attacked Hai Wangxing, and there is no ability to attack the Pluto base."

"Distinguished, I have an opinion, I don't know if I can't say it." Everyone put the line of sight to a young officer of the meeting.

Wei Xuan, before the capture of the capture of the captain, because the battle was promoted to a space battleship, and it was also allowed to participate in the military conference.

"Despite it." Du Xingyu said.

Wei Xuan is somewhat excited, he is still ahead of this important military conference, and his idol Du Xingyu is also there.

He strive to stabilize his mind and say: "I think that the Longwei fleet will be sent to Neptune!"

"This, this enemy will definitely think that we will make a lot of battleship to stop."

"And we secretly mobilize the Equity Fleet of the Earth and Mars, the elite cruise ship and the battleship in the firefall fleet, take the fastest speed to Pluto. If the enemy's defensive power is empty, we drive straight, destroy the Pluto base, then quickly escape! "

"Wei Xuan, all said that you are big, you are also too big!" Zhu Zhenxing was shocked, "I want to achieve the effect of you, the elite battleship in the Firefall Fleet must be removed!" In this way, our big camp is completely empty! "

"If it is attacked by the enemy, the consequences are unimaginable!"

"But if the results, we completely disrupted the enemy's deployment!" Wei Xuan said, "The enemy is charged to the super arms, they are more than the bigger party, so they don't need to take risks to attack our big camp!"

"The chief, the rich insurance is demanding!"

"This plan ..." Wang Yu also took a deep breath, "It can indeed doing it, but the risk is too big!"

"Maybe we should want to think about other programs." Garcia, who came from Europe, said that Sid Garcia thought somewhat improper.

"High-risk, high return, worth considering." The military expert of Qian Bingguo Arisca said.

"This is a crazy plan, we can't take this way!" Northern member Francis said.

Du Xingyu is also thinking, everyone is not the same, Wei Xuan's plan is indeed crazy, but it is also very effective.

Even if it is the internal part of the human alliance, it is also considered that it is too risky. The enemy is estimated to think so, so they are hard to think.

He thought for a long time, Zhu Zhenxing asked: "Du command, how do you see?"

Du Xingyu is the highest commander, and his decision will determine the trend of things.

"Dear." Du Xingyu's eyes swept everyone, and their face with dignified, thoughtful or worried expression.

"Before publishing my opinion, I will talk about one thing."

"When I study, there is a competitive game on the earth, we call Moba (multi-person online competitive) game."

"The beginning of the game, the two sides need to choose a lineup, then start using resources on the map. Finally, a battle, pushing off the enemy's base camp to win."

"There is now the two teams, the blue side team, the strength is stronger, grow more, and can buy more powerful equipment, only need to give them a period of development; and the red square, weak strength, grow up The strength is also lower than the enemy, the same development time, the combat power obtained is lower ... In this case, the red side is to choose to continue to develop with the other party, or find the opportunity, fight for death? "

"Of course, it is a fight!" Wei Xuan immediately said, "It has been fully lagging the enemy, then continue to stalemate, it is chronic death!"

Wang Yu understood what he meant, he said: "The red party represents humanity, and the blue side represents the maritime civilization. Now we are a weak party, and the other's warships are more, the super arms can be completed, our Disadvantages will get bigger and bigger! "

"Look for opportunities, I am unsatisfactory, attract it!" There is a possibility of winning! "Zhu Zhenxing said.

"Du command is very right, it is already in a disadvantage, I still don't want to take the initiative, that is, I will die!" Ferranz changed attitude, "I support this tact!"

"I also support it!" Garcia stated.

"Haha, I asked the frontline commander, I have to dispatched with the army!" Arisca said.

Almost all members have a statement, Du Xingyu cautiously: "Since everyone has no opinion, then we use this tactics. I set it as" Pluto Steering Plan ", and the plan must be absolutely confidential!"

"Anyone, no matter what position is, violates the ban, die on the spot!"



The "Pluto Steering Plan" began, stationed in the Earth and Mars, the Equorous War of Fire Phoenix Fleet, began to turn off the original place.

It turned out that the truncated battleship, replaced the position of these battleships and patrol the defense task.

And in the front line of Kings, the Human Longwei Fleet began to gather, and sailed toward the Neptune.


"Human intended to stop our mining Neptune?" The nation civilization naturally missed this trend.

"Hahahaha, it seems that they have realized that the human battleship is not our opponent." La Moger laughed, "all the human fleet will be destroyed!"

"Your Majesty, the warship to Neptune is probably not enough to defense, we have to set up more power to the past." The Golden clamp said.

"Defense? Directly destroy their so-called Longwei fleet!" La Mog said, "The giant whale is not in what effective energy supplements in Pluto, only Neptune can be charged for our super weapons."

"This time, there is a giant whale, as long as the Longwei fleet dares to come over, it will inevitably cover!"

"Your might!" The gold quad is compliment, and then she reminded: "Your Majesty, human beings should know this matter, they do this, there may be a conspiracy. If they sneak attack Pluto, will also destroy our energy supply And the battleship factory. "

"You also make sense." La Mue did not arrogant to think that the sun is invincible, or he will not order , as well as staying in Keyber's supplementation energy.

"Don't pay attention to the Dragon Fleet of the Dragon Fleet, once they change the direction of travel, adjust it immediately."

"In addition, the departure whale shark stayed in the sky of the Pluto, retains at least seventy battleships. Plus the defense forces on Pluto, even if humans put all the Longwei fleets all over, they can't destroy our Pluto Base!"

The whale shark is the deputy ship, performance and combat power of the Valentine's Civilization Fleet. It is also a battleship that belongs to the "Saxi Ship" level, plus a number of battleship guards, the defensive power of the marine civilization is still strong!


"Whale shark?" Du Xingyu is also studying this Francisco.

At present, they have been reconnaissance of many marine civilized battleships, most battleships, human warships can respond.

And this whale shark is a battleship of the Francisco level, how to deal with and destroy it, is the key to the battle of Plutton!

Du Xingyu has made people tried over, but they also know very little about the whale shark. Just know that its maximum speed can reach 5% of the speed of light, equipped with laser weapons, electromagnetic weapons and kinetic weapons.

"I heard that the whale shark and the ship material and other battleships of the giant whale are different. They are almost invincible. The laser and electromagnetic weapons of other battleships are almost invalid!" This is the Valentine's Captive Panda The original words.

"Is the laser and electromagnetic?" Du Xingyu is dark, "it is estimated that there is a means of preventing electromagnetic waves, this is a bit trouble."

Now, they are only the only Frank Run Dragon, which is used is a laser weapon and an electromagnetic pulse. If the whale shark can defend these, it must have a new weapon to destroy the whale shark!

"Dynastal Weapon?" Du Xingyu first rejected this, although human beings can produce some kinetic weapons, but want to speed up enough, material intensity is enough to destroy a savage ship's kinetic weapon, or is too difficult.

"In the space missile weapon, you should be able to further develop ... There are not much time, you must make this new space missile that is enough to destroy the Francisco." Du Xingyu's attention is placed in the technology simulator. A "space missile" weapon.

The title of the project is - Proton Fish Ray!

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