The start of science and technology

Chapter 141 I intend to clone Wang Long (rewarding more 5)

"Who are I?" Du Xingyu brain is confusing, the technology simulator passes a message to his brain, and he digested for a while, this is clear.

The world and his "last life" is very similar, history, culture is roughly similar, only a few different places.

In this world, he is Du Xingyu, 24 years old this year. Parents were killed by a car accident when he was a child, so he basically didn't have any loved ones.

Du Xingyu has excellent results from a small score, and once admitted to the top school of Huaxia, Peking University with the first college entrance examination results in the city. At the study of the biotechnology, it is currently the first grade of graduate students.

He has a weakness from a small body, recently because of the project tight, continuous research and working for a while. After writing the papers last night, I stood up in the morning, but fortunately I found the roommate of the bedroom and sent it to the school hospital.

Now the few people next to the bed is his roommate, the teacher of the brothers, and the little girl crying "Pear Tape Rain" is the granddaughter of Du Xingyu Tutor, Su Ziyun.

Du Xingyu's mentor, the famous Biology of Peking University Su Yutang, because there is no time to bring a granddaughter, often throw Soviet Yun to several students. Su Ziyun is the most close to Du Xingyu, so this scene will appear.

"This is what you said, I will not grab the food next time." Du Xingyu suddenly came, the little girl looked up, a pair of tears, the big eyes stared at him for a few seconds, this talent, laugh, Said: "Great, you are fine!"

She hesitated for two seconds, but also added: "Your snacks, I only eat half next time!"

"Du Xingyu, you finally woke up!" A man who was old, said, he is a brother of Du Xingyu, and is one of the doctoral students in Su Yutang.

"Are you okay?" Du Xingyu's Gongshi Brothers and Room Friends Asked.

"OK, it is over." Du Xingyu sat up, sorry: "Let everyone worry."

"You are fine, I almost scared me!" A student of a gray dress took a chest, loose tone. She is a graduate student at Du Xingyu, Yang Mu.

"I have to send a message to the instructor first. The instructor also said to see you." Pang Yu immediately sent a message to the instructor, telling him that Du Xingyu has awakened.


Du Xingyu has made a simple check. The doctor confirmed that he was just overwork, and there was no big problem. He was released.

"Do you take a few more days." Pang Yan said, "Waiting for a rest, then select the topic."

"Xingyu brother, you must rest. You said the next time I have holiday, you have to take me to eat roast chicken!" Su Ziyun was seriously reminded.

"Know, snacks!" Du Xingyu took her small head and laughed.

"That's the case. Du Xingyu, we don't bother you, if there is something uncomfortable, go to the hospital early." Yang Mu said.

Everyone bid farewell, Du Xingyu and roommates returned to their two-room graduate dormitory. Baixian is also a graduate student of biotechnology, but there are some differences in the research direction of Du Xingyu.

Du Xingyu's research direction is mainly genetic engineering, while Baixian's research direction is biochemistry and molecular biology.

"Brother, don't toss yourself. You can study one, what is eager?" Baoxian opened the computer, saying: "Our mentor Su Yutang is a top biology professor, with him a few years, guarantees the future! "

"Haha." Du Xingyu didn't say anything, said: "I am more thanks to you, please dinner at night."

"Do you have money?" Bao Xian Tao.

"It's enough." Du Xingyu said, when he was examined college, high school schools gave him 200,000, and during the university, it was also a variety of scholarships. Now live in school, your eating and drink is not awkward.

"OK, then I will go out first, see it at night." Baoxian went out, there were only Du Xingyu in the dormitory.

Du Xingyu took the mirror and looked at his young face and a slightly thin body, can't help but be embarrassed.

In another world, he is the highest commander of the Human Guardian Alliance, directs the highest power of human being, space fleet.

Here, he re-made a poor and two-white students, such as the world, this feeling!

Du Xingyu stayed in this world a few days, which is generally familiar with the situation.

He did not forget his own purpose, and Du Xingyu opened a second science and technology civilization test on the technology simulator.

"This technology era, I named" Biotechnology Age "."

"This time, it is to make human biotechnology big outbreaks, breaking the limits of human life!"

Science and Technology Simulator: "The Science and Technology Simulation, Test Site, Temporal Time and Space of the Test Site, No. 2 Earth, Main Development Technology."

Under the technology simulator, new technology branches have appeared.

For example, molecular biotechnology, genetic engineering, cell engineering, biochemical engineering, microbial engineering, etc.

Technology Simulator: "Please establish a new research project as soon as possible to get the energy point."

When coming to this world, the energy point of the technology simulator has been completed, and Du Chexian has started again.

To now, Du Xingyu is a bit clearly understood the maximum use of this "energy point". When he is spreading some kind of technology, his behavior will affect the entire era!

Just like in the upper interstellar era, several decades, many people have become space soldiers, scientists, open space business, can say that he affects an era and promotes the formation of Starhood!


While digesting, Du Xingyu is also digested to learn biotechnology knowledge. With the accumulation of the previous era, he quickly mastered most of the biological technology knowledge.

After a few days, he received a notice of Pang Zhen and went to the laboratory group.

The key biological laboratory of Su Yutang leaders is generally a meeting, and Su Yutang will participate in the space, and he will hoster his students when it is not available.

Mainly, some research processes, literature, and make reports.

Du Xingyu went to the laboratory, and saw that several students were moving at their own way, seeing is a fossil specimen, or debris.

"What is this fossil?" Du Xingyu asked curiously.

"Dinosaur fossil." Yang Mu said, "said accurately, it is the skull of the tyrant."

"Where is this?" Du Xingyu is so proudly.

"Others sent." Yang Mu said, "This is the fossil found in North America, especially for the fossil found in North America. Its skull fragments have detected the residue of intact cartilage cells. It is possible to contain detailed Dunlong's DNA information. This is Stanford The university gives us a gift from Peking University, we can take the residual DNA information. "

"It turned out to be like this." Du Xingyu nodded, "it is quite precious."

The dinosaur era has passed six millions of years, so long, DNA information has long lost. Even in fossils, only the zero-framed DNA fragment can be found, or even the dinosaurs can be determined.

And this tyrannical dragon's bone actually has a complete cartilage cell residue, which is likely to find a complete overlord DNA information, so this tyrant faucet is worth a thousand gold!

See this tyrant faucet, Du Xingyu's heart. If you can collect the DNA information of the Dynasty Dragon, and get the completed Overlinary genome, then you will have the opportunity to copy the dinosaur embryo, which involves the development of genetic editing, cloning technology, etc., the development of biological science is significant.

The laboratory group will start quickly, more than 30 people, Du Xingyu as the smallest student, sitting in the end.

Pang Yu said on it: "I will talk about our last week's learning situation ..."

Pang Wei said that there was no passion, and the language was more serious. He told for half an hour, and the members of the group were a little fainted.

Pang Yuxi does not think about it, insist on finishing.

Several students with Du Xingyu, ignored a look, all loosened, finally finished.

"Okay, there is another thing." Pang Yu said, "the smallest number of teachers, teachers let me notify you, you can start choosing your own postgraduate topics."

"Finally, you can choose the topic!" The students in the same period have long been looking forward to for a long time, and I can complete the topic earlier, write graduate papers.

This is one of the most important links in their graduate career.

Pang Yu continued: "I think you should all want to choose what topic? I suggest that you choose to have mature topics in our laboratory, so you can study."

Choosing mature topics will take less detours, and there are also tutors and brothers and sisters to guide, which is also the choice of most students.

"I chose gene editors." Yang Mu immediately said, "about artificial modified nucleases."

Su Yutang's laboratory leads in genetic technology.

"I am also the direction of genes." Another female graduate student said, "it is a modification of plant genes."

Several students have chosen the direction of the topic, only Du Xingyu did not say.

Pang Yu said: "Du Xingyu, is you thinking about what topic?"

"Brother, I want to ask. Is there a new material for the laboratory, can the Overlord faucet?" Du Xingyu first asked.

"That one." Pang Yu thought about it, "The teacher told us to find the time to measure the above DNA information, of course, it can be studied."

"That is," Du Xingyu said, "I want to study the overlord faucet, as for my topic, it should be 'cloning Wanglong'."

"Hey? Do you say?" Pang Yuyi, let's asked: "Du Xingyu, do you want to clone Wanglong?"

"This is too much ..." Yang Mu Tong Road.

"The tutor is not here, otherwise, you must give you a meal!" Bao Xian said.

"Teacher, you choose one." A teacher said, "Clona Wanglong also slanted, you said that the study of how to clone is still in the spectrum!"

"I want to choose this, cloning Wanglong!" Du Xingyu said firmly, it is because of the difficulty he chose, he is not coming to graduate, but to change this world!

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