The start of science and technology

Chapter 144 Laboratory The most important task - incubate egg!

Du Xingyu cultivated the embryo's baby, every day, their states were concerned by all laboratory members.

Not only that, the Northern University of Biology has cultivated the dinosaur embryo.

At the Peking University's campus forum, some people post, wrote: "I heard that some people have cultivated dinosaur embryos, is it true?"

1st floor: "The landlord is fishing? How is this kind of thing?"

On the second floor: "It's true! I heard that the graduate student with Professor Su Yutang! My boyfriend is in their laboratory, and now the whole laboratory will take this as a key project!"

Third Floor: "??? Are you really coming to fun? Dinosaur is almost a million years, there is no complete dinosaur genetic map in the world, what to cultivate?"

Fourth floor: "Rumor is in the wise man."

5th floor: "It's really not a rumor, I also heard that the graduate topics of that candidate are how to clone dinosaurs, have been in half a year ... As for the dinosaur embryo, should it be possible?"

Later, there is another "insider" standing up, indicating that there is something.

"I am this laboratory. He is our school. Our tutor now pushed other things, fully follow this research project!"

Let me learn from the spirit of learning, and they have to demonstrate the truth. In the forum, the Tiger Tiger, the dragon, not only from all over the country, and those well-known professors, scholars sometimes appear here.

A doctor called Guan Jun's biote system issued a long branch on the forum. He wrote: "I just study the ancient biology. I can pack the ticket, no one can clon the dinosaur in the world. First of all, its genetic information has been Lost, and we can't find any objects that can refer to, getting its DNA sequence, it is impossible to do it! "

"Take 10,000 steps, even if he acquires the genetic information of the dinosaur through various means, how do he express these genetic information? How to cultivate dinosaur cells, and even turn it into a stem cell that can develop into embryo?"

"The biological graduate student you said, as long as you can complete any of the above, even if he did not cultivate a dinosaur, he could become a leader of the current biological science! Do you think possible?"

"Is Jun Jun?" Soon some people replied below, "Ah, Junjun is a well-known scholar in the ancient biological community. He said that it is really a rumor. Or is a blog!"

"We don't have a way in the forum, we should find this person, go to demonstrate it. I decided to find it tomorrow, ask this person's contact information!"

"I have got!"


Du Xingyu did not expect that things that he cultivated dinosaur embryos were suddenly concerned by people in the school, not only from Peking University, but also learned about it next to Qinghua students.

"Director, he is the second year of the Northern News Department, also reported by the Peking University News." Du Xingyu came out from the laboratory, was stopped, it was a girl with a tall, good, and her girl. There is a male classmate holding an image pickup equipment.

"Do you have anything?" Du Xingyu watched her two eyes and asked.

"This is the case." Si Ya explained, "We heard that you are doing the study of cloning dinosaurs, and have got a tyrant's embryo. Our school students are very interested, so I want to interview you ... Will not It's too long. "

Du Xingyu hesitated for a while and said: "Only ten minutes."

"Ya!" Sida was ready, she asked: "Dear, can you shoot? If you don't want to look, we will put on mosaic."

"Take it." Du Xingyu said simply, the lens is aligned with him.

"Thank you. Then I first question is that the senior do you really study the cloning dinner?" Si Jian asked the interview with the microphone.

"Yes." Du Xingyu's answer is very short.

Si Ya was surprised: "Wow, it is true. Why do you want to clone dinosaur?" Do you think this? "

"The purpose of cloning dinosaurs is to learn and study genetic editing and stem cell culture technology. It is convenient for future application in other fields." Du Xingyu said, "As for it, it can be said that it has been successful. Because I have already cultivated some Overlord's embryo, etc., it is possible to hatch the Dragon. "

I heard his answer, Sai Ya and the boy who were responsible for felt a little unhappy. The purpose of the previous research is still normal, but he actually tells the dinosaur embryo? Maybe Ibahow Wanglong?

This is going against the sky!

"It sounds very confident." Si Ya is not believed, but the mouth is still saying: "Now there are many dinosaurs in the school forum. Many people are suspected of being true dinosaur embryo. What about this? "

Du Xingyu said directly: "The cultivation of dinosaur embryos must be strict conditions, and each is very precious, now I can't take it out to study. But after more than a month, when the embryo is developed, when the eggs are egg, when the incubation is successful, I will announce this news again. "

"Okay, thank you for your teamwork." Size said, "We will report it."

Soon, there is more than 100 years of history Peking University School newspaper reported this, and reports it is just a fair. The above wrote that Du Xingyu is indeed studying the cloned tyrant and has obtained a certain result. But the dinosaur embryo is still caused by everyone.

"This is definitely a demo!"

"I also believe in what he cloned, and the clone dinosaurs really can't believe it!"

"This is blowing oepside, wait for more than a month, as long as he said that the cloning dinosaur embryo is all dead, we have no way to prove."

"It is estimated that it is a dinosaur embryo."


Not only is a school newspaper, this message is also reproduced by a network media, sent to the network.

"Beida graduate students claimed to clon the dinosaur embryo, expected to hatch the Wang Dragon!"

This news has attracted the attention of the majority of netizens. Like Peking University students, they are also unbaudible, mainstream views on the Internet, or considered unlikely.

The majority of the netizens of the Universities found Du Xingyu's star account and found his video log.

Orange: "@ Suo, found, the account of the student studying the clone Wanglong!"

A hammer is a thousand: "It is to clone Wanglong? Are you really a student of Peking University? Is it going to be a fake?"

Mu Bai: "I wanted to spray it, but I saw the video you in front, I suddenly feel a little truth, what should I do?"

Wings flying: "Can the author looked at the dinosaur embryo?"

After the rain, the fresh: "If you really can clone the king dragon, then you will pay attention to the boss. Let's take a look at it again!"


For the dispute between the outside world, Du Xingyu didn't care. It is now the most important time, because there is no suitable surrogate parent, and the risk of cultivating embryos is extremely high.

Du Xingyu uses the twenty-four Dragon embryo embryos cultivated by stem cells, and it has already died halfway.

Half of the remaining, slowly develop as a molded dinosaur egg, from anatomy of death embryos. The laboratory team members also found that this is indeed an ancient creature embryo!

This findings let them surprises, the entire study group has become a helper of Du Xingyu, analyzing various data every day, helping to create an analog maternal environment suitable for embryonic development.

After ten days, after the seven samples were sacrificed, Du Xingyu finally got five overlord dragon eggs!

These overlord dragon eggs are between 20 cm to 30 cm, as a large carnivore, the eggs of the tyrants are not big.

Because excessive volume, the ovar shell can not be broken.

"Next, the hatching egg is." Du Xingyu prepares the light hatching equipment, incubation it with an incubator like hatching eggs.

"I finally have to hatch the egg!" Pang Yu and others are nervous, although this is Du Xingyu's research topic, but their current whole body is in these overlord dragon eggs.

"The environment of the Overlord Life is different." Baoxian said, "air ingredient, bacteria, temperature, humidity ..."

"Maybe it is born, because soil is uncomfortable, we must make a biological culture cabin that simulates the Late Dragon Life Environment!"

"The specific environment at that time should not be sure." Zhu Lianbo said, "We need to do more to control the cultures of control variables, increase the fault tolerant rate."

Don't say they, even Du Xingyu's mentor, Su Yutang. A well-known professor of the Peking University Biotechnology, academicians of Academy of Sciences, also running in the laboratory every day, cares about these five dinosaur eggs.

The hatching process is not smooth, and there are three dinosaur eggs died because of various reasons.

In the end, only two of the most healthy Overlord dragon eggs are still developing.

Through the illumination lamp, they can see the small dinosaur in the dinosaur eggs in gradually developing.

"For more than three days, within three days, they should be able to break out!" The whole laboratory is excited and stares at these dinosaur eggs.

The time to hatch, including the laboratory team members, including all people in Su Yutang, are tight in the incubator.

That is like, just like the father who is waiting for your child.

Only Du Xingyu is still calm. After he gets Su Yutang's permission, use the mobile phone to shoot the hatched picture, live broadcast on his account.

Because of the previous news effect, more than 100,000 people paying attention to Du Xingyu, many of which are students from Peking University, Qinghua and other universities.

"Hello, I am Du Xingyu." Du Xingyu said in the live broadcast, "Today is the day of the dinosaur eggs will be successful, now I open live, waiting for the small dinosaurs to break out."

"When is it, I can't be sure, but it should be within five hours."

"Announcement, you are coming?" There will be a viewer.

"Lying in the trough, live broadcast of Wang Long? Really fake?"

"Such a big egg, will not be an ostrich egg?"

"Not an ostrich egg, I have seen ostrich eggs, ostrich eggs are not so big? What is this egg?"

"This is to be able to hatch the tyrants, I live broadcast X five-speed fan!"

"I think it is a model!"

"No, will n't it? Will n't really think this is a dinosaur egg?"

More and more viewers watching live broadcast have been quarreled on the barrage.

In the School Forum in Peking University, there are also posts: "That is to clon the dinosaur, Du Xingyu, in the live broadcast of dinosaur eggs, this is the address% ## ...... It is true, you can go see!"

1st floor: "Do he dare to broadcast? I will go see!"

On the second floor: "I am saying how he has no sound recently, brothers, I will first hit a wave!"

On the third floor: "I came out and had it? I haven't been over!"


These students all rushed into the live broadcast of Du Xingyu and watch the incubation process.

But after an hour, the two dinosaur eggs did not move.

"The anchor will not take a model to fool us?"

"Report, this is lie to the fool!"

When the audience is unknown, suddenly, a subtle ovulatory sound, a dinosaur egg, there is a crack, it seems to have something to come out!

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