"Death Star is excellent in defense or attacks." Du Xingyu continued to analyze dead stars, "it has a large quality, and the outer layer of the entire planetary fortress has a 10-storey armor. Including strong force material armor, electromagnetic shield Armor, anti-resonance resonance, anti-weak weapon armor, etc. "

"Plus its energy shield, as well as a full-scale automatic defense system, even if the Star Warriol is also difficult to attack it!"

"What about the gravity bomb?" Yang Shaolin asked, "There is also a heavy armor."

Du Xingyu shook his head and said: "First of all these weapons is difficult to close, after the quality of the dead star body is very large, and is the rule of sphere, the gravity bomb has a small impact on it."

"The most troublesome is through the gravitational field manufactured by Dead Stars, can achieve the effect of gravitational cage, lock the enemy warship directly in the original!"

The gravitational cage refers to the gravitational field when the gravitational strength is sufficient to be bundled. Natural gravitational cage is a big quality celestial body, such as stars, or stars, neutrons, or even black holes!

"Once we fight with Death, the gravitational cage of dead stars can lock a fleet, then conduct super annihilation rays level gravity cannon attack! There may be other attack methods."

Du Xingyu said, the more silence, the more silence, because they can't think of any way to deal with this battlefield killing.

"The problem of death stars is put on one side first, I will call the military academy for research." Du Xingyu said.

"Now we have to re-deploy defense, ready to attack the Skywl Civilization."

"I suggest that the five spaces are separated, and they are stationed to different planets." Chen Hong said, "There is also the human beings to be diverted, so as not to be hit by the enemy!"

"Well." Du Xingyu agreed that this enemy is the strongest in human civilization.

No one can guarantee that the enemy will not take out any new weapon.

"The seven stars of the South Gate, the Southern Star Department, the Sun Department, Wolf 359 Star Department, the 2nd Star Department, Whale Block YZ Stellar System, Tianfiri Star Department, River Drum Second Hang Star Department all enters the war State. "Lu Xixing said.

"The main battlefield should be near the river drums, nor to eliminate the enemy to attack our rear."

"The possibility of the enemy is smaller." Mo Caiwei analyzes the road, "They don't know how much our quality shadow projector is in the end."

"So it is easy to make a large-scale super space transition, so that there is much more difficult to attack behind."

"Replacement, if we are the Tianying civilization, when the attack is better than the weak civilization than yourself, the most direct, simply simple way is all the way."

"So our defense focuses on river drums and Twins, which are relatively close to the scope of Tianying Civilization and Tianfiri Star."

Everyone re-deployed the defense system, distributed the main force in the Southern Genuatic Star Department, the Sirius Star Department and the three stars of the river drum two.

Each star has two thousand star field battleships, all major space shipping, and it is also to build a new battleship to supplement the fleet.

Such troops are still too weak, so humans need to think other ways, use tactics or new weapons to make up for the shortage of troops.

The Alliance is first studied, which is the "super-optical speed" technology obtained from the flipball civilization.

In the Academy of Sciences, a group of experts from Feiqiu Civilization is explaining their ultra-light speed technology to humans.

"The basis of ultra-emission technology is in a microscopic particle - fast child." Scientists in the flying ball civilization, the gray ball is lecturing the class.

"The fast child is a speed that exceeds the light speed, and its existence does not violate your so-called narrow relativity."

"Our Flying Civilization believes that there is a fast universe in the space of the universe. It is also a fast-soy universe consisting of 'fastbat', in this universe space consisting of" fast kids ", one energy is zero The particles are moving in an infinite speed, and if they receive the energy, the slower the speed of motion, until the speed is slow, the speed slows down to the light speed. "

"This is just in contrast to our universe: in our universe, a still material energy is the smallest, when it gets energy, start sports, and get energy, the speed of exercise, until you get infinite After the energy, the object speed has also reached the limit, that is, the speed of light. "

"If you have to observe the fasting phenomenon?" Asked the gray ball.

"Of course." Badler, the particle physicist said. "We found that the speed of neutron is much faster than the speed of light."

"Medium is just a kind of fast child." The gray ball emphasized, "In addition to Mediummon, there are some other kinds of jumbs. As you have further conducted on the observation of the universe, the ion is further carried out Will observe it quickly. "

"And our ultra-photographed technology is control and use these comments."

The technique of manipulating comics is extremely complicated because many of its properties are opposite to the "chrome" known in humans.

The academicians of the Academy of Sciences resumed students and began to learn this new particle and studied it.

Du Xingyu is also learning about super-optical speed technology, supplementing its own information library.

"The ultra-light speed weapon of flipball civilization is mainly divided into supercurrent fasting, and two kinds of faster."

On the technology simulator, Du Xingyu parsed these two weapons.

The super-light speed is torrent, that is, launches a wave of fasting, which will pass through the object at a speed of super-light speed!

Unlike the laser, the penetration of the coming is very strong! From the middle of the sun, you can pass the sun and the earth! They do not receive a magnetic field effect because of no charge.

The energy shield formed by plasma can't stop them, and neurans will not be absorbed and reflected by other substances.

But the fast child has the ability to absorb energy to slow down to the speed of the speed. If the number of comics is too large, it will absorb a large amount of energy in a short period of time, and the stable energy field has an effect.

If it is hitting the enemy's battleship, the core of the key weapon can make the stable structure directly collapse, reaching the effect of destroying the enemy.

In addition, the faster beam will collide with the substance, or "punch" substance, such as the late stage of stellar evolution. The powerful neutron beam will produce enough pressure on the outer casing of the iron-rich atom core to blow the outer casing to form a violent supernova. The blown housing forms a nebulated supernova remains, and the core of neutron is left to form a neutron star.

Fasting is a more effective way of attacking more effective than laser. With this weapon, the enemy has no time to defense because it exceeds the speed of light!

The fast-sized shield is the rapid bonus bundle, constantly generates collision reaction with the other party's weapons, intercepting enemy weapons.

Laser weapons, electromagnetic weapons, kinetic weapons, anti-material weapons, etc.

Flying civilizations can not beatented in the situation of Skywl civilization, it can still support for decades, and this is the ultra-light speed weapon.

Du Xingyu analyzed the ultra-emitting weapon and immediately started an simulation of ultra-light speed weapons.

Before he simulated, humans have copied several ultra-light speed weapons, making it, and then upgraded to the battleship.


While mankinding time, Tianying Civilization has begun to launch a large number of detectors in human territory.

They have been suffocated last time, the fifth main fleet disappeared directly in the super space. So this time the Skywl civilization is much more secure, first explore the situation, then attack.

Humans also also launch various detectors and anti-reconnaissance unobshaw ship, armed satellite, etc., and intelligence war has begun!

"How can death stars can destroy?" Du Xingyu used the information provided by the flock civilization, and built the incomplete model of death stars on the technology simulator.

"First use a main fleet to attack." On the simulator, three thousand star field warships surrounded dead stars and began to launch various weapons.

"The annihilation line, gravizilgil, proton fish thunder, space spear, gravity field ..." in the simulator, the siege of thousands of warships, can destroy one hundred planets in an instant!

But in front of Death Star, these attacks are like itch.

Dead star's gravitation is opened, proton fish thunder, space spear and anti-substance missiles are basically abolished.

Plasma plus cannons do not wear the strong force of the dead stars, the annihilation rays will be intercepted by the other party's defense system, and because it is too large, even if there is an annihilation ray, it will not cause too large damage to the dead stars.

"Ultra-light speed weapon!" Du Xingyu joined the super-radometer in the simulation, the faster passed through the gravity field, the oscillating of the armor material, indeed produced some disturbances of Death Star, but the dead star itself is so fast. This effect, it still stands!

"Gravity lock!" Death Star began to attack, the scope of gravitational cage quickly expanded, and put the whole fleet into it, all the battleships immediately became snails, not movable.

And because the gravitation is too strong, some battleships must have all the energy to support the counter-action field, otherwise it will be drained immediately!


"Heavy gun!"

"Gravitational oscillator!" The dead star has a device that can transmit powerful gravitation waves, which will cause gravitational shock.

Under this oscillation, the Star Wattleship will be disintegrated by itself, and the range attack is destroyed!

One gravitational shock, the simulated warship is less than one thousand! Although this gravitation is much more energy, it is more energy, and the time is long, but in front of the absolute defense of dead stars, humans cannot interfere with their use of gravitational oscillators.

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